State AG Ends Campaign Against Pro-Life Centers After Being Told It Was Illegal

State AG Ends Campaign Against Pro-Life Centers After Being Told It Was Illegal

 2022 March for Life (video screenshot)

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

Had been demanding details about ‘internal communications and records’

The top law enforcement agent in Washington state, the attorney general, has called a halt to his own extremist campaign against two faith-based, pro-life nonprofits after being told his “investigation” was illegal.

Officials with ADF explain that AG Bob Ferguson had been demanding privileged records and international documents from Obria Group and Obria Medical Clinics.

He had singled them out for targeting because he disagreed with their “life-affirming views,” the organization explained.

“No one should be investigated by the government simply because they hold views the government doesn’t like. We’re pleased Washington’s attorney general has ceased his unlawful investigation into our clients, and that Obria Group and Obria Medical Clinics PNW will be free to continue their life-saving work in the community,” explained Lincoln Wilson, a lawyer with ADF.

“We look forward to a ruling from the court confirming that the attorney general unlawfully targeted and harassed these clinics because of their pro-life stance. The Constitution protects Obria medical clinics, and all other pro-life organizations, to freely speak their beliefs, exercise their faith, and continue compassionately serving women and couples facing difficult pregnancy circumstances,” he said.

ADF had brought a lawsuit against Ferguson, prompting him to shut down his review.

Ferguson previously had claimed that he wasn’t harming the clinics.

However, the ADF report revealed, “one of the clinics showed that Ferguson’s investigation caused it to lose insurance coverage and to pay seven times more for replacement coverage.”

That prompted Ferguson to formally close his investigation.

His demands had included that the organizations provide documentation, “for a time period exceeding 13 years,” as well as answers to various questions for Ferguson’s investigation into “possible” consumer protection violations.

The broadside against the organizations was just part of what appears to be a nationwide move to bludgeon pro-life centers.

Attorneys general from New Jersey and California also have created controversy because of their lawsuits against pro-lifers.

They claim that the centers are “misleading” women about abortion.

Earlier, the ADF’s Gabriella McIntyre told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “We’re seeing this as part of a larger trend of hostility towards pro-life organizations and particularly towards pro-life pregnancy centers across the nation.

“These attorneys general are targeting and harassing pregnancy centers, because of their religious and pro-life views. They are using their consumer protection authority to accomplish their purpose, which is clearly to divert and impede the mission of these organizations to serve women and families, and instead shift their focus to complying with these unfounded and unjustified demands.”

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

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Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection

Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection


Researchers at Oxford University evaluated over one million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15 for incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in relation to the COVID-19 infection and the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the preprint, myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.

“Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote.

The Epoch Times reports:

The study analyzed data from the National Health Service (NHS) England’s OpenSAFELY-TPP database, which covers 40 percent of English primary care practices.

Vaccinated adolescents and children were matched to unvaccinated cohorts and followed for 20 weeks to compare positive COVID-19 tests, hospitalizations, COVID-19 critical care, adverse events, and non-COVID hospitalizations.

England’s data showed that myocarditis and pericarditis were only documented in the vaccinated. These results contradict data from other studies that showed a higher incidence of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection.


Except for three pericarditis cases, all other cases occurred after the first vaccine dose. More than half of the adolescents with pericarditis and myocarditis were hospitalized or went to the emergency room. It is unknown how many adolescents needed critical care, though the maximum length of stay for myocarditis treatment was one day.

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who was not involved in the study, told The Epoch Times that the study is one of many demonstrating that COVID-19 vaccination is not medically necessary for children, given the less than 1 percent rate of infection, and that excessive testing for COVID-19 is a waste of resources.

PFIZER KNEW about myocarditis & pericarditis but they didn’t even know how it was caused while maintaining it was “safe & effective.”

Watch them squirm as they fail to explain the mechanism of the damaging biochemical pathway to the heart.

— Kat Kanada (@KatKanada_TM) May 26, 2024

Well, most of the population was vaccinated.
Myocarditis and pericarditis are rare: I had only seen one case in 22 years until vaccination, and then I saw 5 serious cases very quickly.
It is not statistically unexpected that none of the heart problems occurred in the…

— Dr Julian Fidge BPharm, MBBS, FRACGP, MMed (Pain (@JulianFidge) June 2, 2024

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Hypocrite: Democrat Rep Hakeem Jeffries Defends Bogus Charges against President Trump While Claiming Joe Biden’s Public Comments of Hunter’s Trial was “as a Loving Father” (VIDEO)

Hypocrite: Democrat Rep Hakeem Jeffries Defends Bogus Charges against President Trump While Claiming Joe Biden’s Public Comments of Hunter’s Trial was “as a Loving Father” (VIDEO)


Democrat Minority Leader Rep Hakeem Jeffries was on NBC’s “Meet the Press” with cohost Peter Alexander on Sunday to discuss a few topics, including President Trump and Hunter Biden.

“This crime was more than 8 years old. There are questions about the validity of the legal theory, untested, legal theory that was used to prosecute it. Would this case have been brought against anyone other than former President Trump?” Peter Alexander asked.

“Yes, of course. This verdict in the case of People v. Trump was a validation of the American judicial system,” Jeffries responded.


NBC: “There are questions about the validity of the untested legal theory that was used to prosecute it. Would this case have been brought against anyone other than former President Trump?”

HAKEEM JEFFRIES: “Yes of course.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 2, 2024

He hypocritically defended the bogus charges against Trump while defending crooked Joe Biden’s public comments regarding Hunter’s upcoming trial as those of “a loving father.”

“Why was it appropriate for President Biden to publicly comment on his son’s case?” Peter Alexander asked.

“President Biden commented as a loving father as I would hope any loving father would do,” Jeffries replied.


Hakeem Jeffries claims it’s completely appropriate for Crooked Joe Biden to weigh in publicly on Hunter’s criminal trial — which begins tomorrow — because he’s commenting “as a loving father”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 2, 2024

President Trump was convicted on 34 counts on May 30th in a sham trial which was ran by the corrupt judge Juan Merchan.

Trump will win this on appeal.

This trial has been a complete and total mockery of the rule of law; due process; the constitution; and the criminal justice system.

Absolutely disgraceful!

— Paul Ingrassia (@PaulIngrassia) May 30, 2024

Democrat Rep Jeffries has also shown his lack of respect for the Judicial Branch of the Federal government. In late May, Jeffries threatened “Maga Extremists” on the Supreme Court and warned Congress to get them “under control.”

For someone who graduated law school and worked as a lawyer, Congressman Jeffries does not seem to understand the separation of powers in the Federal Government.

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Biden’s War on Medicare

Biden’s War on Medicare


This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Newt Gingrich & Jim Frogue
Real Clear Wire

President Joe Biden’s full-frontal assault on Medicare is becoming visible to America’s seniors. It will result in fewer patient choices, reduced benefits, and ultimately worse health outcomes. Biden’s efforts, assisted by Congressional Democrats, are destroying Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Advantage was originally created as Medicare Part C in 1997 when I was Speaker of the House. It was introduced to create more comprehensive health plan options for seniors that included, for the first time, prescription drug coverage. The idea was to leverage consumer choice and market competition by insurers. Seniors can change plans annually for any reason.

More than 30 million seniors are in Medicare Advantage, which is more than half of all Medicare-eligible seniors. Enrollment has been on a “steady climb for the for past two decades,” according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. All MA enrollees have voluntarily chosen to join because it is better for their health.

A 2021 poll by Better Medicare Alliance showed seniors in MA have a 98 percent satisfaction rate. Ninety-five percent said it is important to have options beyond traditional Medicare. Ninety-three percent said a candidate’s position on MA would affect their vote. A bipartisan poll by the Healthcare Leadership Council in November, 2023 found more than 9-in-10 said they were pleased with their MA coverage.

Last week, CVS Aetna Chief Financial Officer Tom Cowhey told investors that the company may shed up to 10 percent of their four million MA enrollees next year. Humana CFO Susan Diamond suggested 5 percent of their enrollees may be dropped. This translates into as many as 1.5 million seniors losing their coverage of choice. And this figure is dwarfed by the millions of MA beneficiaries who will see reduced coverage around prescription drugs, vision, dental, transportation, gym memberships, and many other popular benefits that are only offered in Medicare Advantage.

A new report by the Kaiser Family Foundation noted that most states offer Medicare Advantage plans to their state retirees. Twelve states, including key swing states Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia, offer only Medicare Advantage plans. Senior voters in Philadelphia’s Main Line are unlikely to appreciate attacks on Medicare Advantage.

Biden’s war on Medicare doesn’t end with just Medicare Advantage. The so-called Inflation Reduction Act – passed in 2022 with exclusively Democratic votes and was signed into law by President Biden – is wrecking the popular Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Part D was created by Congressional Republicans in 2003 and was signed into law by President George W. Bush. For nearly two decades, Part D prescription drug-only plans were stable, affordable, competitive, and did something truly amazing for a health care program – stayed within original budget projections. To the surprise of even the bill’s authors, more than 1,000 plans signed up to participate within a year.

The Democrats promised that their Inflation Reduction Act would increase drug coverage for seniors and limit their out-of-pocket costs to $2,000 per year in 2025. It also allows seniors to pay their drug costs in installments. Sounds great. But seniors will be shocked on Oct. 1 when their Part D premiums skyrocket. Premiums were up 21percent last year and are likely to jump 50 percent this year. Awkward timing for Biden and fellow Democrats who are hoping to campaign on “lowering prescription drug costs.”

The Inflation Reduction Act is negatively impacting patient cost-sharing for prescription drugs in Medicare Part B as well. According to a new analysis in the trade publication Drug Channels, the inflation adjuster for most drugs is increasing instead of decreasing. Even instances where a drug price may be declining, it could still trigger big jumps in patient out-of-pocket costs.

IRA proponents boasted of their Medicare reforms saving $266 billion from 2023 to 2031. Even if that projection ends up holding true (and it doesn’t look likely), that amount is only a partial down payment on $670 billion for the IRA’s various green energy tax credits and new environmental spending.

How well is the Biden administration’s green energy spending going? The $7.5 billion in federal spending has resulted in only eight new charging stations for electric vehicles. And this at the same time consumer interest in electric cars is plummeting.

It is well known that the political left in America wants to move us toward government-run single payer health care. Imagine just one insurer and if you don’t like it you can’t leave. So, it is no surprise that Democrats would want to destroy the private sector’s involvement in Medicare, no matter how popular with seniors. But it is somewhat surprising that Democrats would be so politically obtuse to have smoking wreckage appear just before the presidential election. It remains to be seen if Republicans will capitalize.

Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995-1999 and a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. He is chairman of Gingrich 360. James Frogue was a senior health policy advisor to Trump for President in 2016. He is cofounder of FrogueClark .

This article was originally published by RealClearPolicy and made available via RealClearWire.

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Sick: Masked Protestors Hold ‘Kill Hostages Now’ and ‘They’re Not Coming Home’ Messages at Solemn NYC Israel Day Parade As Families of Captives March

 Image: @ParmisLJavan/X

Today’s Israel Day Parade in New York City was marred by hate-filled and hate-fueled pro-Hamas protestors, including one man who carried a sign reading “Kill Hostages Now.”

The protestor covered his face in a black mask and wore a Palestinian flag as a cape.

The man taunted marchers, which included family members of hostages kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

Another protestor, also conveniently covering her face so as not to be recognized for her vile behavior, held up her phone with the message, “They’re not coming home,” spelled out.

“They” include the Bibas family and their two young sons. In February, the Israeli military shared a video of Hamas monsters kidnapping Yarden Bibas and his wife Shiri along with their two red-haired babies, Ariel and Kfir.

Kfir turned one in captivity in January.

The Bibas family, including their two babies, were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

Pure evil.

Imagine being so very evil as to hold a sign that reads “kill hostages now”

This is New York City

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) June 2, 2024

At what point will you all realize this isn’t a game?

These people want Jews dead.

@ParmisLJavan & @VividProwess

— Tamar Schwarzbard (@TSchwarzbard) June 2, 2024

While it is unclear exactly how many hostages remain in the hands of the barbaric monsters, Israeli officials believe 128 hostages taken in the October 7 attacks remain in Gaza and that at least 34 of them are dead.

The post Sick: Masked Protestors Hold ‘Kill Hostages Now’ and ‘They’re Not Coming Home’ Messages at Solemn NYC Israel Day Parade As Families of Captives March appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.