Judge Cannon Responds to Jack Smith’s Second Request For Gag Order Against Trump

Judge Cannon Responds to Jack Smith’s Second Request For Gag Order Against Trump

 From left: Special Counsel Jack Smith, U.S. District Court Judge Aileen M. Cannon and former President Donald Trump. (@axios / X screen shot)

Judge Aileen Cannon on Sunday responded to Jack Smith’s second request for a gag order against President Trump.

Cannon ordered Trump to respond to Jack Smith’s second motion seeking a gag order by June 14.

Jack Smith has to reply to Trump by June 21.

In another blow to Jack Smith, Judge Cannon won’t likely rule on his second gag order until late June.

Judge Cannon just posted an order related to Jack Smith’s 2nd request for a gag order on Donald Trump.

Smith wants Cannon to prohibit Trump from saying mean things about the FBI for its armed raid of MAL.

Cannon likely won’t rule until end of June. LOL pic.twitter.com/AW3TJj3GCU

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) June 2, 2024

Jack Smith on Friday filed a motion seeking another gag order on Trump related to his statements on law enforcement over the Biden DOJ’s deadly force policy during the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Armed FBI agents were prepared to confront Trump at Mar-a-Lago according to previously unsealed documents.

The FBI had a medic on the scene and identified a local trauma center for anyone “injured” during the FBI raid.

“Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person,” the document on the use of deadly force read.

Judge Cannon previously denied Jack Smith’s request to bar Trump from criticizing law enforcement after it was revealed Biden’s DOJ authorized the use of deadly force during the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Jack Smith late Friday night sought a gag order barring Trump from criticizing Biden’s rogue DOJ/FBI.

The names of the armed FBI agents involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid were redacted but Jack Smith tried to illegally gag Trump anyway.

“The Government moves to modify defendant Donald J. Trump’s conditions of release, to make clear that he may not make statements that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case.,” Jack Smith wrote in his first motion seeking a gag order.

Jack Smith’s second motion seeking a gag order cited Trump’s Truth Social post.

Trump exercised his First Amendment right on Saturday and doubled down on his assertion that Biden’s DOJ authorized the use of deadly force against him.

Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump is indefinitely postponed.

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Crazy Maxine Waters Suggests Trump is Pushing America Towards ‘Civil War’ (VIDEO)

Crazy Maxine Waters Suggests Trump is Pushing America Towards ‘Civil War’ (VIDEO)


California Rep. Maxine Waters has suggested that Donald Trump risks pushing America toward civil war.

In an interview on MSNBC’s ‘The Saturday Show,’ Waters argued that Trump’s talk of “revenge” could push America over the edge.

“Congresswoman Waters, your name has been invoked several times,” asked host Jonathan Capehart. “We will give you the last word. What do you think?”

Waters responded:

Let me say when I tweeted about Trump talking about the Constitution, I basically said in my tweet that he had disregarded the Constitution he doesn’t have ant respect for the Constitution, I got over a million hits on that. I think the American people see through him and, they will be guarded in how they deal with the election.

Let me just say this, I am worried that he is so divisive and that he is talking about retribution and about revenge and I think that is dangerous. He has even mentioned civil war saying there will be bloodshed. I will spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system asking them, tell us what’s going on with the domestic terrorists? Are they Preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned? What is he doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous.”

It is not just that he is a criminal, this is a man who disrespects the Constitution and democracy and we have to figure out what they are doing as domestic terrorists tried to take over the government January 6, how far is this going to go? Are they going to be attacking?

Last month, Waters aired a similar conspiracy in which she claimed Trump supporters were “training up in the hills somewhere.”

“I wanna know about all those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they’re going to attack,” Waters said at the time, without providing any evidence of these claims.

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters floats a completely unhinged conspiracy theory that “right-wing organizations” are “training up in the hills somewhere” pic.twitter.com/EIDQgoeA9h

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 6, 2024

Yet back in 2018, Waters famously whipped up a crowd of leftists and urged them to harass members of Trump’s cabinet.

“If you see anybody from [Trump’s] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!” she declared at the time.

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Kansas Supreme Court Upholds State Election Laws Against Liberal Overreach

Kansas Supreme Court Upholds State Election Laws Against Liberal Overreach

 Photo: Getty Images

In a landmark decision, Kansas has reaffirmed its commitment to securing the integrity of its elections. The recent ruling from the Kansas Supreme Court upholds critical measures that safeguard the voting process, ensuring that each citizen’s vote counts and is protected from potential fraud and manipulation.

The case revolved around three contentious Kansas election laws designed to bolster the transparency and security of the voting process.

The first law prohibits the false representation of an election official, a common tactic used to mislead voters and disrupt the electoral process. The second requires a stringent verification of signatures on advance ballots, ensuring that votes cast correspond to registered voters. The third and perhaps most contentious, limits the number of advance ballots a single individual can deliver, combating potential ballot harvesting schemes that could manipulate election outcomes.

In 2021, several voting rights groups and private citizens initiated a lawsuit against these laws, claiming that the legislative changes violated multiple provisions of the state’s constitution.

The Daily Item reported:

The majority opinion reversed a 2023 appeals court decision that recognized any restrictions on the fundamental right to vote would be subject to the highest legal bar for evaluation, or strict scrutiny.

Justice Caleb Stegall wrote for the majority, saying voting is instead a “political right” under the Kansas Constitution that has a lower bar for regulation than fundamental rights.

“But just because the right to vote is not protected in our Bill of Rights does not mean that constitutional voting guarantees are somehow weak or ineffective,” Stegall wrote. “Quite the contrary.”

Stegall wrote that for a voting law or regulation to be found unconstitutional, it must pass the “Butts test,” which means “the law must be shown to unreasonably burden the right to suffrage.” If voting were found to be a fundamental right, the burden would be on the government to show new voting laws or regulations are narrowly tailored and necessary to achieve a compelling state interest.

Critics of these election integrity laws claim that such measures disenfranchise voters, particularly those in minority communities or those with limited access to voting facilities. They contend that these laws are overly restrictive and serve as barriers to a fundamental democratic right.

However, the Kansas Supreme Court, in a detailed opinion, dismissed these claims. The court highlighted that the measures in question do not impose new qualifications on voters but are simply safeguards to verify that those participating in the election are eligible and legitimate voters. The court emphasized that maintaining accurate and reliable voter rolls is a critical aspect of electoral governance, which these laws robustly support.

WIBW reported:

Justices Biles, Eric Rosen, and Melissa Taylor Standridge concurred in part and dissented in part.

“The court unanimously held that plaintiffs met their burden to demonstrate a substantial likelihood of prevailing on the merits of their claim that the false representation statute is constitutionally infirm,” Biles’ statement read. “A majority of the court reversed and remanded this claim to the district court to consider the remaining temporary injunction factors.

“A majority of the court also held that the signature verification requirement is a valid effort by the Legislature to provide ‘proper proofs’ of the right to be a qualified elector.

“But the court remanded to the district court to consider whether the statute and its implementing regulations comply with the constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process.

“Lastly, a majority of the court affirmed the district court’s grant of defendants’ motion to dismiss on the claim that the ballot collection restriction is constitutionally infirm, because the restriction is not a new qualification on the right to be an elector, and because the proscribed activity — ballot delivery — is not political speech or expressive conduct.”

Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab, who is also a defendant, released a statement praising the recent judicial decision.

“The Justices got it right. This ruling allows us to preserve reasonable election security laws in Kansas. Signature verification has been the law for over a decade. This vital security measure is essential to our election system and the integrity of every vote,” Schwab said.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach,  another defendant, also issued a statement.

“The Kansas Supreme Court’s well-reasoned opinion confirmed that the legislature has the constitutional authority to establish proofs ensuring that voters are who they say they are. And that is exactly what Kansas’s signature verification requirement is. This important protection of election security remains in place. The Court was also correct in rejecting the argument that limiting the number of ballots a person can deliver somehow restricts free speech. Kansas’s law limiting the number of ballots a person delivers to ten is an important way of limiting ballot harvesting.”

You can read the opinion here.

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Chuck Schumer Repeatedly Booed While Speaking at Israel Parade in NYC (VIDEO)

Chuck Schumer Repeatedly Booed While Speaking at Israel Parade in NYC (VIDEO)


The Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was booed at Sunday’s Israel parade in New York City.

In the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza, Schumer has faced backlash despite being the highest-ranking Jewish official in the U.S.

Newsweek reports,

As the senator was being introduced to speak during a parade for Israel in New York City on Sunday afternoon, boos could be heard erupting from the crowd, videos show.

Videos shared to X, formerly Twitter, show the booing continue as Schumer chants, “Bring them home” in reference to the remaining hostages still being held in Gaza. About half of the Israeli hostages were freed during a temporary ceasefire in November.

An independent photographer, who goes by Viral News NYC on X, shared a 25-second clip of the incident on the social media platform, igniting swift backlash for the Democratic senator. While some people cheer and clap, boos can still be heard in the video.

Another X account, The Israel Files, also criticized the New York lawmaker on Sunday while sharing a video of Schumer being booed.

Rough day for Senator Charles Schumer at the Israel Day Parade today. Participants booed Schumer en masse and held up signs like this one about Schumer turning his back on the Jewish People.

To make matters worse for himself, Schumer completely mispronounced the name of Israeli… pic.twitter.com/b4G20VPKpk

— The Israel Files (@theisraelfiles) June 2, 2024

The Israel Files X account hilariously pointed out that Schumer couldn’t be bothered to pronounce the name of one of the hostages correctly.

“Rough day for Senator Charles Schumer at the Israel Day Parade today,” The Israel Files wrote. “Participants booed Schumer en masse and held up signs like this one about Schumer turning his back on the Jewish People.

To make matters worse for himself, Schumer completely mispronounced the name of Israeli hostage Sagui Dekel-Chen. Mark my words: President Biden and Senator Schumer are completely underestimating Jewish sentiment right now, and unless they seriously change course they’ll have quite an election season.”

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, over 36,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 76,000 wounded in Israel’s monthslong offensive in Gaza.

Despite not separating civilians from combatants, the Hamas-run ministry says at least two-thirds of those killed were children or women.

Back in March, the New York Democrat outrageously called for new elections in Israel and labeled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an “obstacle to peace.” Netanyahu rightly dismissed Schumer’s delusional criticism, calling the comments “ridiculous.” This goes to show the audacity of Democrats overstepping in foreign affairs they clearly don’t understand.



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NFL Team Hit with Major Backlash, Leaves Fans Disgusted by ‘Pride Month’ Post – ‘This Is Embarrassing’

NFL Team Hit with Major Backlash, Leaves Fans Disgusted by ‘Pride Month’ Post – ‘This Is Embarrassing’


There’s a very simple fact in life: normal people want to enjoy things without some political agenda being shoved down their throats.

If I go to McDonald’s, I don’t want to hear leftists whine about how the company supports a foreign nation they don’t like.

If I drive my car, I don’t need climate zealots screeching about how a three-minute trip to CVS is going to kill the polar bears.

And by all that is good, if I want to watch some American football, I absolutely do not want homosexuals shoved in my face so the team can fit their marketing quota for “pride month.”

Every year when June rolls around, every company throws out the most generic and invasive possible ads for “pride month” that have absolutely nothing to do with the company the advertisement represents.

Of course, 2024 is not going to be an exception.

The Arizona Cardinals wasted no time this year, putting out an Instagram post with the LGBT rainbow alongside the caption, “Football is for everyone. Happy Pride Month.”


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A post shared by Arizona Cardinals (@azcardinals)

Another safe little ad so they can remind leftists throughout America that they love homosexuals and that they should be marked safe from cancel campaigns.

But what the Cardinals may not have expected is how many individuals are beginning to get incredibly frustrated with LGBT values being forced into places they don’t belong.

“This is embarrassing,” one commenter said.

“Sad world we live in. These poor children shouldn’t be knowing what this is,” another user noted.

“Thanks for the reminder Cardinals that I need to cancel my season tickets,” a possibly former fan wrote.

“As a Cardinals fan I lost respect for the team,” replied another annoyed onlooker.

While of course some comments on the post were thrilled with having LGBT values forcibly pushed into football, the vast majority of comments were negative.

And why shouldn’t they be?

“Pride month” has absolutely nothing to do with football.

Imagine if every NFL team made a post about how they supported Israel and condemned Palestine and Hamas.

Leftists would be up in arms, gathered outside headquarters with pitchforks and torches, repeating actions similar to what they’ve done on college campuses.

But because this ad celebrates what they happen to like, it’s A-OK.

The Cardinals and the NFL as a whole, not to mention almost every major institution in American life, are taking sides on issues they really shouldn’t be.

The simple reality is football should be about football. Keep everything else out.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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