Maldives Sides With Terrorists: Bans Israelis From Entering Country Over War in Gaza

Maldives Sides With Terrorists: Bans Israelis From Entering Country Over War in Gaza

 President Dr Mohamed Muizzu/Image: Wikimedia

The Maldives government has decided to stand with murdering Hamas terrorists and announced the country will ban Israelis from the country.

AP reports:

The Maldives government will ban Israelis from the Indian Ocean archipelago, known for luxury resorts, as public anger in the predominantly Muslim nation rises over the war in Gaza.

The president’s office said Sunday that the Cabinet decided to change laws to prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the country and to establish a subcommittee to oversee the process.

It said President Mohamed Muizu will appoint a special envoy to assess the Palestinian needs and to launch a fundraising campaign.

“President Dr Mohamed Muizzu, following a recommendation from the Cabinet, has resolved to impose a ban on Israeli passports. The Minister of Homeland Security and Technology, Ali Ihsaan, announced the decision at a news conference held at the President’s Office this afternoon,” a statement by the Maldives President’s office read.

Many Jewish friends in the US enjoy vacations in the Maldives. I will contact tour operators and Jewish social media pages to let them know that the Maldives has just banned Israelis, and to cancel plans to visit. @presidencymv @MMuizzu

— Avi Kaner ابراهيم אבי (@AviKaner) June 2, 2024

If the Maldives aren’t safe for Israelis then they aren’t safe for any of us.

The Congress of Christian Leaders is issuing a global travel warning: no Christian should feel safe in a country where Islamic extremists determine national policy.

— Rev. Johnnie Moore ن (@JohnnieM) June 2, 2024

The government of the Maldives decided to ban Israelis from entering the island because of the war in Gaza.
Do you understand they didn’t ban entry for Palestinians after the October 7th massacre? To them if you raped, kidnapped, and massacred Israelis you are welcome to vacation…

— יוסף חדאד – Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) June 2, 2024

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Kevin O’Leary to Voters: “Protect the Brand of America”

Kevin O’Leary to Voters: “Protect the Brand of America”

 Kevin O’Leary on Fox & Friends Weekends

‘Shark Tank’ star and famed investor Kevin O’Leary joined Fox News & Friends Weekend and urged Americans headed to the polls in November to “protect the brand of America.”

Kevin O’Leary: Well, first of all, you can’t have a robust economy without energy. It’s the core. Energy security and independence is a very good mandate. There’s no question about it. The debate we have, raging in the country is what energy?

So, if you go back just a few months to the climate meeting that happened in Dubai, I attended that meeting. It’s the first time the world finally said, ‘Okay, there’s no such thing as transition out of oil, there’s only diversification to other energy sources.’ So probably for the next 200 years, we’re going to need oil, maybe longer. We have it in the United States. We could be 18 to 21 million barrels a day if we wanted to.

You heard Trump mention Anwar, and let me tell you why that’s very interesting. Anwar is a remarkable asset. It’s in Alaska. Not only would it provide a tremendous amount of oil, but think about this. Back in 1978, what Norway did is they said, ‘We’ve discovered a ton of oil offshore. We’re going to charge a small royalty off every barrel in perpetuity and put it against national debt.’

We have a big debt in this country. Anwar could solve a portion of that problem in a big way. Because if you open it up and you say, ‘Look, we’re going to charge a 6% or 7% royalty on every barrel,’ but it has to be by law, this is the key, because you know how politicians like to take cash. It has to be put against the national debt.

I think that mandate would get a lot of people saying, ‘Why don’t we do that to solve this debt problem, at the same time making ourselves energy independent?’ That is how you sell it, because I understand the whole raging debate about green and climate and everything, but this is America we’re talking about. We need energy. We have to have it.

Rachel Campos Duffy: I think it’s a super clever plan. It’s the kind of plan I could see Donald Trump saying, ‘We’re going to do this.’ I read your article in the Daily Mail. It was fantastic because I think you nailed the problem economically for America because of the verdict. You said, ‘Banana Republics are bad for business’ and you talked about the American brand being dragged through the mud and the reputation we’re getting internationally. Explain to our viewers how that affects business.

Kevin O’Leary: So I was over in London fundraising. As you know, I’m trying to buy TikTok. Just trying to get my ducks in order for this deal, it’ll probably happen in January, February. It was at the same time that the testimony, the porn star stuff was coming. Talking about salacious sex and condoms and all this stuff, no one understood what that had to do with campaign financing. But why was it happening?

It really dominated the conversation, institutional meetings, asking me ‘What is this? Is that really America?’ Because G20 countries, G7 countries, you usually do not do this to former leadership because you’re protecting the sovereign brand, the mother egg of the United States of America, the White House, regardless who’s in it, it doesn’t matter. Any president, you really have to raise the bar. Maybe if they murdered somebody or were accused of that, maybe you’d bring a trial. But if you look at any G7 country, they protect the sovereign brand.

We have somehow stopped doing that. Look, I’m not saying… I don’t want to get partisan about it. I’m just saying we should protect the brand of America. And think about this, whether you’re a Democrat, whether you’re a Republican, what are we doing to ourselves is a question.

And then the remarkable unintended consequence that I want you to think about here. Just 24 months ago, Trump had about a third of his party starting to think about swapping him out because he was controversial, and they thought, maybe we need new leadership in the Republican Party.

Then Bragg brings these charges, and immediately the entire party coalesces behind him. The country biafricates. All of a sudden, and I know this sounds crazy, but I believe it to be true, history will look at this 5, 10 years from now and say, ‘How did Trump become President again?’ Alvin Bragg was the kingmaker. He did it for him. I know it sounds perverse, but that’s what he did. That’s called an unintended consequence. I don’t know if he’s happy about that, but that’s how he’ll be marked in history.

Will Cain: Kevin, you bring up the other people that were in the Republican field looking to replace him. He talked about that with us yesterday. He talked about he’s really the only one that could be in this environment and come out preserving that brand of America.

Donald Trump: These are bad people. These people are sick, and they do things that are so destructive. I mean, look what they did from the day I got there. I don’t know, a lot of people said, We have no choice but to elect Trump. Republicans, because he’s the only one that can withstand this. Don’t forget, if it weren’t me, they’d be going after somebody else. And I know a lot of the competition, they wouldn’t do so well. They wouldn’t be doing so well right now. They’d be saying, Mommy you take me home. I want to go home. This is brutal. But these are sick people. And for instance, the 51 intelligence agents, who thinks of these? And they think about it just like they say, I’m guilty of… And all this information was from so many years before the election. It was before the election.

Rachel Campos Duffy: That clip, what he talked about there, in addition to what we were talking about with what Alvin Bragg did, all of this is hurting the brand of America, correct? I just am curious, why do you think, who are these people? Why are they willing to wreck America for him? What is it about Donald Trump? What is it about his policies? This is unique. We’ve never seen anything like this.

Kevin O’Leary: I would ask everybody, regardless of your politics, to think about the big picture and what America means to the rest of the world. It’s the largest economy on Earth. It has the best legal system, including the appellate system, which now Trump will go through. If there’s something wrong with his trial, it wasn’t done properly, the appellate system will catch it. That’s what people believe about the American legal system.

It also attracts more foreign capital than any economy on Earth because of the transparency. You want to think beyond Trump. You want to think beyond Bragg. You want to think about after Biden.

What did we do to ourselves here? That should be the question.

When this sentencing occur, and it happens on July 11th, everybody should ask themselves, do we want to belittle someone that was in the White House, make him pick up garbage on the street or jail him?

I mean, this is the American brand we’re talking about. It’s not about Donald Trump only. It’s the White House.


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The Brewing Storm of Revolution is Upon Us… Patriots are Angry! (VIDEO)

The Brewing Storm of Revolution is Upon Us… Patriots are Angry! (VIDEO)


There was a time when I would never even consider bringing up the idea of a Civil War in this great nation of ours. But now I fear we are closer to a revolution than we have been in over 100 years.

By no means am I calling for violence.

The fact is, those on the right are more peaceful and tolerant than anyone on the left. But the radicals continue to push us to a point where I feel the great patriots of this nation may break and push back.

That is NOT a point I want to get to.

Sadly the potential of corrupted Judge Juan Merchan in New York imprisoning President Trump may just lead to our nations breaking point.

This podcast explains how I want everyone to handle themselves if President Trump is imprisoned.

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South Africa’s Ironic ICC Threat to the US

South Africa’s Ironic ICC Threat to the US



GovernmentZA/Flickr. Minister of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) Naledi Pandor, 19 March 2024

South African officials have threatened the US and other Western nations with prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for supporting Israel against the designated terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. South Africa’s International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Naledi Pandor, made this declaration during a talk about the situation in Rafah, standing in front of a Palestinian flag. It is unusual for a government official to stand in front of the flag of another entity, which is not a recognized country while giving an address. This act alone dispels any pretense of neutrality.

The ICC threat from South Africa is nearly laughable, given that the ICC already has an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin. However, South Africa not only continues to maintain close ties with Russia as a BRICS partner but has also sidestepped international sanctions by holding joint military exercises with the heavily sanctioned Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Signatories to the Rome Statute obligate themselves to enforce ICC arrest warrants. Evidence of South Africa’s lack of commitment to the ICC is that in 2017, South Africa was censured by the ICC for failing to enforce an arrest warrant against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted on multiple counts of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide. Recently, Pretoria asked the ICC to exempt it from arresting Putin to avoid a war. The country even tried to withdraw from the ICC last spring but is suddenly all-in on deploying the ICC against the United States.

The US is not a signatory to the ICC, and the warrant would hold no validity in the US. Additionally, the American Service-Members’ Protection Act (ASPA) protects US and allied military personnel from the ICC’s jurisdiction. Since Israel is an ally, this protection can extend to diplomatic efforts on its behalf. Furthermore, any country that enforced such a warrant against the US would be guilty of illegal detention and could face severe diplomatic repercussions or potentially trigger a rescue operation, leading to significant casualties in the country detaining high-ranking US officials.

The ICC admitted “the state of Palestine” as a special signatory, which seems impossible because the State of Palestine does not exist. This makes the ICC one of the few international organizations that allows theoretical entities to join. This symbolic move is crucial because, for the ICC to have jurisdiction, either the country accused of a violation or the country where the violation took place must be signatories. Since Israel is not a signatory, the only way the ICC can claim jurisdiction is through the inclusion of the theoretical Palestinian State.

The Palestinian State’s membership status in the ICC is questionable at best and is referred to as a “non-state party observer,” which seems like a contradiction of terms. In January 2015, Palestine acceded to the Rome Statute and became a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC). This status allows Palestine to participate in ICC proceedings and have a say in the court’s operations, despite the contentious nature of its statehood. The ICC’s inclusion of Palestine is one of the many reasons why the US does not support the ICC.

Section 410 of the US Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995, “Prohibits U.S. contributions to any affiliated organization of the United Nations or to the United Nations if they grant full membership as a state to a group that does not have internationally recognized attributes of statehood.” This act should be extended to non-UN organizations. Although the ICC did not officially recognize the Palestinian State, the fact that they admitted this entity suggests recognition. As such, Washington should ensure that the ICC receives no funding.

Washington’s rejection of the ICC is so complete that, under Donald Trump, the United States sanctioned the ICC, designating two of its prosecutors. President Biden later revoked these sanctions, but has not signed the Rome Statute, and the US remains outside of the ICC’s jurisdiction.

South Africa’s calls for warrants against the US are completely meaningless, serving only as a symbolic gesture that signals South Africa’s alignment with the China-Russia-Iran camp. To issue such warrants, the UN Security Council would have to agree, which is highly unlikely. Putin and Xi supporting that investigation would be one of the most comedic foreign policy decisions in history, rivaled only by the UN’s decision to put Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Libya on the Human Rights Council.

Washington’s response to South Africa’s call for ICC warrants should be to impose sanctions on South Africa for holding joint military exercises with Russia. The US should also launch an investigation to determine if any financial transactions between South Africa and Russia qualify for secondary sanctions. Additionally, the US should cut the $6 billion in aid it gives to South Africa and divert the money to Israel or use it to secure the southern border.

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AG Merrick Garland Classifies Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur as ‘TOP SECRET’ and Locks Away in High-Security Facility: Report

AG Merrick Garland Classifies Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur as ‘TOP SECRET’ and Locks Away in High-Security Facility: Report

 (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Attorney General Merrick Garland has reportedly “classified at the highest level” the audio tapes of Joe Biden’s embarrassing interview with Special Counsel Hur. The tapes have been locked away in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), according to investigative journalist Paul Sperry.

Earlier this year, Washington Post reporter Matt Viser revealed that Special Counsel Robert Hur concluded that Joe Biden recklessly mishandled sensitive materials discovered at his home and former office.

Disturbingly, the investigation also uncovered that Biden shared government secrets with his ghostwriter, further underscoring his blatant disregard for national security.

Adding to this damning report, it was revealed that during interviews with the Special Counsel, Biden struggled to answer even basic questions, such as when he served as Vice President or the year his son Beau passed away from brain cancer.

However, the DOJ opted not to bring charges against Biden, citing concerns that a jury would deem him too mentally incompetent to stand trial.

The damning report reads, in part:

In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (“if it was 2013 – when did I stop being Vice President?”), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (“in 2009, am I still Vice President?”). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.

And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he “had a real difference” of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Biden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to Barack Obama.

We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.

It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

The White House confronted a critical decision about releasing the interview transcript. Biden’s legal team contended that Hur’s references to Biden’s memory issues during the interview were misleading and unfairly prejudicial.

Joe Biden attacked Robert Hur during an impromptu presser after the report was released.

“There is even a reference that I don’t remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that?” Biden previously told reporters in an impromptu White House press conference. “Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, it wasn’t any of their damn business.”

In March, Republicans planned to hold U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for the Justice Department’s refusal to release the audio recordings of Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

“The House Oversight and Judiciary Committees issued lawful subpoenas to Attorney General Garland for the audio recordings of President Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Hur, yet he continues to defy our subpoenas,” House Oversight Chairman James Comer said in a statement. “These audio recordings are important to our investigation of President Biden’s willful retention of classified documents and his fitness to be President of the United States.”

But White House counsel Ed Siskel lashed out at the House GOP in an angry letter, accusing them of only wanting the recordings “to chop them up” and use them for political reasons.

“The absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare your likely goal — to chop them up, distort them, and use them for partisan political purposes,” Ed Siskel wrote.

He added, “Demanding such sensitive and constitutionally protected law enforcement materials from the Executive Branch because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is inappropriate.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on Saturday that a new revelation revealed that the White House admitted to altering the transcript of Joe Biden’s testimony to the Special Counsel to make him appear less incompetent.

This not-so-shocking admission comes on the heels of a lawsuit filed by the Heritage Foundation and Judicial Watch against the US Department of Justice, demanding the release of the original recording of Biden’s testimony.

Biden has personally invoked Executive Privilege against The Heritage Foundation and Judicial Watch in an attempt to keep his controversial interview with Special Counsel Hur under wraps.

“Biden Justice Dept cleaned up transcript of Biden’s interview w/ Special Counsel Hur to remove his stuttering, pauses & other indications he lost his train of thought. Judicial Watch chief Tom Fitton: “The transcript is not accurate & was changed in a way to help Biden,” Paul Sperry wrote.

BREAKING: Biden Justice Dept cleaned up transcript of Biden’s interview w/ Special Counsel Hur to remove his stuttering, pauses & other indications he lost his train of thought. Judicial Watch chief Tom Fitton: “The transcript is not accurate & was changed in a way to help Biden”

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) June 2, 2024

“The WH doctored the Biden transcript with Special Counsel Hur about his classified docs!!! They just convicted Trump for fake crimes. Does everyone see what is happening??!!! We control the HOUSE. We have to act. No more pathetic excuses,” Rep. Marjorie Greene wrote on X.

The WH doctored the Biden transcript with Special Counsel Hur about his classified docs!!!

They just convicted Trump for fake crimes.

Does everyone see what is happening??!!!

We control the HOUSE.

We have to act.

No more pathetic excuses.

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) June 1, 2024

Now, Attorney General Merrick Garland has reportedly classified audio recordings of Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Hur as top secret. The tapes, which allegedly capture a series of embarrassingly incoherent remarks by Joe Biden during a two-day interrogation, have been secured in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), typically reserved for the nation’s most closely guarded secrets, according to conservative investigative journalist Paul Sperry.

“Attorney General Merrick Garland has classified at the highest level the audio tapes of Biden’s embarrassingly incoherent interview with Special Counsel Hur over two days, and has locked the tapes away in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF,” Sperry wrote.

BREAKING: Attorney General Merrick Garland has classified at the highest level the audio tapes of Biden’s embarrassingly incoherent interview with Special Counsel Hur over two days, and has locked the tapes away in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) June 2, 2024

The post AG Merrick Garland Classifies Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur as ‘TOP SECRET’ and Locks Away in High-Security Facility: Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.