‘Non-Starter’: Netanyahu Slaps Down Biden’s Major ‘Peace Proposal,’ Says Israel Has Agreed to Nothing

‘Non-Starter’: Netanyahu Slaps Down Biden’s Major ‘Peace Proposal,’ Says Israel Has Agreed to Nothing


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slapped down Joe Biden’s plan for ending the war in Gaza, dismissing it as a “non-starter.”

During an address at the White House on Friday, Biden unveiled his three-part plan for ending the conflict that involved an immediate ceasefire from Israeli forces before negotiating a “permanent end to hostilities.”

“I know there are those in Israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to continue indefinitely,” Biden said. “Some — some are even in the government coalition.”

The United States has worked relentlessly to support Israelis’ security, to get humanitarian supplies into Gaza, and to get a ceasefire and a hostage deal to bring this war to an end. pic.twitter.com/eGXgV3KSbV

— President Biden (@POTUS) June 1, 2024

“And they’ve made it clear: They want to occupy Gaza, they want to keep fighting for years, and the hostages are not a priority to them. Well, I’ve urged the leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal, despite whatever pressure comes.”

In a statement on Saturday, the Israeli government dismissed the plan and said Israel’s position had not hcanged.

“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu said.

“Under the proposal, Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place,” he continued. “The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.”

Under the proposal, Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.

— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) June 1, 2024

Biden’s big idea comes as he continues to hemorrhage support from the left wing of the Democratic Party, many of whom have pledged not to vote for him and accused him of being complicit in a genocide against the Palestinian people.

Just this week, a poll from the American Arab Institute found that Donald Trump was leading Joe Biden by 14 points among Arab Americans in the run-up to this year’s presidential election. The survey also found that 88 percent of Arab Americans disapprove of his handling of the conflict.

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3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately

3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately


(Note: Thank you for supporting American businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and Gateway Pundit benefits from any purchase made through the links below. Thank you for your support!)

Things are getting bad for millions of Americans, but there is still time to turn things around. Whether that means saving the country or just saving one’s family, Americans are still able to take actions that will improve their personal situations while hoping the nation itself can be improved in the near future.

“I’m generally an optimistic person so I get very annoyed by fearmongering,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All-Naturals. “Most Americans are neither stupid nor blind. They don’t need to be told that disaster may be around the corner. Either they see it or they don’t.”

Nelson has seen truly bad situations. As a combat disabled veteran who served across the Middle East, he knows that as bad as many Americans think things are today, they can get worse. That’s what drives him to not only try to make things better for his fellow Americans but also to prepare them in case everything goes south.

It’s easy to point at multiple threats facing Americans and declare them as “existential,” but there are actually common sense reasons for Americans to be stocking up high quality survival food. In times of such turmoil, it behooves Americans who have the resources to prepare for what may be coming.

Here are three reasons now is the best time to start (or continue) stocking up on survival food, including the 25-year shelf-life Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Sirloin sold by Prepper All-Naturals.

Survival Food Is Not Getting Cheaper

Freeze drying food is time-consuming and expensive. Beef, for example, must be cooked, frozen, and then freeze dried for over 24-hours in order to retain flavor and nutritional qualities. Unlike dehydrated beef or jerky, freeze dried beef does not suffer from a massive drop in quality.

Across the board, food prices are rising. This is especially true in the survival food industry because the food must be taken from fresh to freeze dried BEFORE it can be packaged and sold. Prices have been skyrocketing for meat products to the point that a few survival food providers have stopped offering beef and chicken.

Today, companies are doing what they can to keep their prices affordable but that may not be an option if food price hikes continue to outpace inflation… which is already bad enough. They buying power of the U.S. Dollar will almost certainly not get as much food in the future as it can today.

Supplies Are Dropping

Survival foods that were in stock at all times just last year are being listed as out-of-stock more and more. Even giants like Amazon and Costco are struggling to keep survival foods shipping or stocked on the shelves.

“We anticipated the demand spike last year which is why we started overproducing,” Nelson said. “It’s easy to stay ahead of the game when you only sell one product type and it happens to have a 25-year shelf life.”

The biggest challenge for many survival companies is that freeze drying has a finite production scale. The process cannot be sped up and unless there are open freeze dryers, it’s not effective to hire more people when demand is so high. In other words, production is forced to remain steady even when so many people are starting to buy survival food as they are today.

Quality Matters

There’s a common theme among many new preppers. Podcaster Joe Rogan said it best when he noted a couple of years ago that he had stockpiled tons of beans and rice buckets and he’ll be happy with that and nothing else if necessary.

Experienced preppers, especially anyone who has lived off low-quality food for extended periods of time, know that there’s a huge difference between good and bad survival food. The psychological effects of eating poor quality foods repetitively often hit much faster than people expect. Then, there’s the health concerns; protein in particular needs to be the best it can be for sustained periods of “survival mode” because poor quality meats or meat alternatives can cause cascading medical issues.

Click here to see all that Prepper All-Naturals has to offer.

Whatever event or events prompt the need to eat survival food, chances are high that over extended periods people will simply opt to eat less of their food because they won’t have the appetite to eat what’s necessary to retain strength. Low quality food can be both emotionally and physically draining.

Today, the “premium” survival food companies are running out of supplies faster than their budget competitors. This is natural because some foods such as the infamous “beef crumbles” offered by many survival stores become less appetizing the more they’re eaten.

“We had a customer tell us she had tried a few versions of ‘beef crumbles’ and they all tasted and felt like meat flavored porridge,” Nelson said. “Now she’s subscribed to receive both Ribeye and NY Strip monthly and she often uses it in her regular cooking.”

When survival food is good enough to eat during normal conditions, it’s definitely good enough to eat if things go south.

Prepper All-Naturals is maintaining a strong supply of beef by partnering with multiple Texas ranchers. Their quality is the highest in the survival industry. As for price, they’re offering — for a limited time — 25% off all products with promo code “veterans25.”

The post 3 Non-Fearmongering Reasons Survival Food Should Be Purchased Immediately appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Inside J6 with Author and Journalist Jack Cashill – “In Years to Come, Jan 6 Will be Celebrated…Like the 4th of July”

Inside J6 with Author and Journalist Jack Cashill – “In Years to Come, Jan 6 Will be Celebrated…Like the 4th of July”

 Author and Columnist Jack Cashill – author of Ashli: The Untold Stories of the Women of January 6th


This week on Blessed News ‘Inside J6’, I sat down with author and journalist Jack Cashill to discuss his long-running investigations into the real stories behind January 6th.  He has written numerous books. However, his most recent one is specifically about the events of that day.  “Ashli: The Untold Stories of the Women of January 6th.”  Cashill often states, “The real question is not why thousands of women went to Washington on January 6. The real question is why the rest of us did not.”

Although Cashill was not physically present in our nation’s capitol on January 6th, 2021, he began writing about the events in the following days. Cashill mentions that, for the first time ever, one of the publications he writes for edited out part of his article. The part they edited out was Cashill prophesizing that January 6th will go down as a celebrated “Mid-Year 4th of July.”

You can check out the podcast interview with Jack Cashill below.

And if you haven’t yet, download the Rumble app and subscribe to The Gateway Pundit’s channel.

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DOWNGRADED: Macron Suffers MAJOR Political Blow as Standard & Poor’s Cut France’s Long-Term Sovereign Credit Rating From AA to AA−

DOWNGRADED: Macron Suffers MAJOR Political Blow as Standard & Poor’s Cut France’s Long-Term Sovereign Credit Rating From AA to AA−


While French President Emmanuel Macron struts around the world warmongering on Ukraine, or else fear-mongering about ‘climate change,’ the country he was supposed to take care of is falling apart.

A floundering economy, a chaotic society made worse by unchecked mass migration, and now, to top it all, Macron got a brutal wakeup call yesterday (May 31), as Standard & Poor’s cut its long-term sovereign credit rating from AA to AA−.

Coming on the eve of the European Elections that his party is projected to lose by a landslide, many see this as ‘probably his darkest day in office.’

Bloomberg reported:

“In a statement on Friday, the credit assessor highlighted the French government’s missed goals in plans to restrain the budget deficit after huge spending during the Covid pandemic and energy crisis.

S&P said that although reforms and a recovery in economic growth will improve the situation, the hole will remain above 3% of gross domestic product in 2027.”

The reduction from AA to AA- trashes Macron’s claim as an economic reformer.

Polls are showing his Renaissance group trailing way behind Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.

“Le Pen seized on the S&P decision to call on voters to sanction Macron at EU election. She also called other opposition lawmakers to support the latest no-confidence motion her party has proposed to bring down his government.

‘The catastrophic management of public finances by governments that are as incompetent as they are arrogant has put our country in grave difficulties, with record taxes, deficits and debts’, she said in a message on X late Friday.”

S&P sees France’s general government debt as a share of GDP increasing to about 112% of GDP by 2027 – from about 109% in 2023.

Finance Minister Bruno Maire tried to put a good spin on the news, saying that the reason for the downgrade is that the government ‘saved the French economy’ during the COVID lockdowns. Yeah, right.

“S&P said the agenda will continue to face strong opposition, both from parliament, where the government has no absolute majority, and from protests, like those seen against pension reform in 2023. ‘Political fragmentation will likely make the continued implementation of policies to address economic and budgetary imbalances somewhat uncertain’.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)

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Bill Melugin-Over 3,500 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught Crossing Southern Border in May, 98 Percent in San Diego Sector

Bill Melugin-Over 3,500 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught Crossing Southern Border in May, 98 Percent in San Diego Sector

 U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s America.

According to the CBP, 3,593 Chinese illegal aliens were caught after crossing the southern border in May of this year alone. 98 percent of them were in the San Diego sector in California. San Diego sector also had hundreds of illegals from each country: Jordan, Turkey, and Mauritania in May.

The two busiest sectors for the month of May were the Tucson sector, with over 33,000 illegals apprehended, and the San Diego sector, with over 32,000 illegals. These numbers don’t count “got aways”.

The total number of illegals caught at the southern border for May was about a shocking 118,000, with over 6,000 of them coming from countries that could be a threat to national security. Illegal aliens are being let into the US on a daily basis in numerous ways, including ports of entry with the CBP One App, and illegal crossings at various parts of the border.

NEW: Per CBP sources, 3,593 Chinese nationals were apprehended after crossing the southern border illegally during the month of May, 98% of which (3,517) were in the San Diego sector.
770+ Jordanians, 670+ Turkish, and 500+ Mauritanians also were recorded crossing illegally in…

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) June 1, 2024

The San Diego sector has been a very easy point of entry for illegals especially since California is controlled by leftist Democrats. In late May, Fox News reporter Bill Melugin interviewed a Pakistani illegal who described how easy it was to cross Biden’s open border.


NEW: A Pakistani man who crossed illegally into Jacumba, CA told me he came to the US for work, not asylum, & that he passed through Brazil & Peru. I asked him if he knows that crossing the border the way he did is illegal?
He said yes.
I asked, “no big deal?”
“No,” he smiled. pic.twitter.com/sfhklAlMTk

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) May 24, 2024

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is one of the key players in keeping the border intentionally open. He has refused to take responsibility and instead blames the border crisis on a “broken system” when he was on NBCs “Meet the Press” in February.

“Do you bear responsibility for what is happening at the border?” Kristin Welker asked.

“We don’t bear responsibility for a broken system,” Mayorkas continued.


WATCH: DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas says that DHS doesn’t “bear responsibility” for the “broken” immigration system.@SecMayorkas: “The system has not been fixed for 30 years. … Congress is the only one who can fix it.” pic.twitter.com/dzDH0GQPQW

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) February 11, 2024

Since January 2021, an estimated 10 to 12 million illegal aliens have entered the US under Biden’s open border.

That number equals about the population of 41 individual states.

The post Bill Melugin-Over 3,500 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught Crossing Southern Border in May, 98 Percent in San Diego Sector appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.