New Dallas Mavericks Owner and Casino Billionaire Miriam Adelson to Donate into Trump Super PAC

New Dallas Mavericks Owner and Casino Billionaire Miriam Adelson to Donate into Trump Super PAC

 Dr. Miriam Adelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by former President Donald Trump on November 16, 2018. (Credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

New Dallas Mavericks owner and casino tycoon Miriam Adelson has confirmed her backing for Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign by pledging to be a primary financier for the Preserve America super PAC.

This continues the legacy she and her late husband, Sheldon Adelson, established as prominent donors in Republican political circles. During the 2020 election cycle, the couple generously donated $90 million to the super PAC that supported Trump.

Adelson, whose net worth hovers around a staggering $29.5 billion, has decisively ended her neutrality from the Republican primaries, choosing instead to throw her considerable financial weight behind Trump’s campaign. Her involvement is poised to inject an unprecedented level of funding and confidence into the Trump camp.

Dave Carney, a seasoned Republican strategist and head of the Preserve America super PAC told Reuters, “Our goal is to raise more than we did last time, which was about $100 million.” Although specific figures from Adelson remain undisclosed.

Politico reported:

Adelson, who is the principal shareholder of Las Vegas Sands and who also has a majority stake in the Dallas Mavericks with her son-in-law, has an estimated net worth of $33.3 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Adelson’s expected investment represents a major boost for Trump, who has been cultivating her as part of a broader effort to bring major GOP donors into the fold. The former president has met with Adelson a handful of times in recent months and has also spoken with her on the phone, according to another person familiar with the talks. Adelson decided to sit out the Republican primary despite being wooed by a number of candidates.

Trump has been looking to make up a substantial fundraising gap with Biden and is leaning on big donors for help. Through the end of April, Biden’s campaign account had $84 million cash on hand, compared to $49 million for Trump.

Adelson’s relationship with Trump stretches back years. Miriam and Sheldon had a seat on the dais at Trump’s 2017 inauguration, and in 2018 Trump awarded Miriam, a physician who specializes in drug addiction rehabilitation, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In a 2021 POLITICO story about Miriam Adelson’s political activity, Trump praised her as a “wonderful woman who her husband loved greatly and, at the same time, respected for her great intelligence.”

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As Chicago Burns, Alderman Will No Longer Share Crime Alerts With Constituents Because They Create a Bad ‘Perception’

As Chicago Burns, Alderman Will No Longer Share Crime Alerts With Constituents Because They Create a Bad ‘Perception’


Chicago Alderman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth/Image:

Chicago is engulfed in a seemingly endless crime wave.

Over Memorial Day weekend alone, there were at least 41 shootings with 9 fatalities, according to the Chicago Police Department.

In Alderman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth’s 48th Ward, robberies and sex crimes are at their highest level in over a decade.

But Manaa-Hoppenwort said she will no longer post crime alerts on social media or send crime alerts to her constituent email list.

In a blog post, she shared that “over-reporting,” or more accurately ACTUALLY reporting crime, leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.”

Our updated alert system is based not only input from our community but is also informed by research from recent years that shows how over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates. Research also shows us that over-reporting of crime negatively impacts our most marginalized and underserved neighbors.

Read more about the influence of crime media on the public’s expectations of crime rates here. [MDPI]

Read more about how over-reporting of crime in neighborhood safety apps influence perception of crime here. [APA]

While subscribers must now opt in to receive crime alerts, note that doing so does not guarantee that you will receive an alert for every instance of crime in the ward. We will continue to send alerts based on the questions and research above and the capacity of our team.

Constituents who want to keep their families safe in her Ward will now have to “opt in” or call the local police districts.

CWB Chicago reports:

It’s strange that Manaa-Hoppenworth would take this moment to stop telling grown adults about the ward’s rising violent crime problem. Four men were shot in her ward between May 22 and May 27 in three separate incidents, according to Chicago police.

The first two shootings occurred at the exact same address, according to CPD records. Manaa-Hoppenworth tried to explain away the first shooting by saying it was “isolated.” That came back to bite her when the second shooting occurred at literally the same location. We ribbed her about that. Anyone want to bet our nudge was a major factor in her decision to shut up about crime?

Year-to-date shooting incidents in the 48th ward are at the highest level since 2015, according to the city’s data portal. As of May 13, 41 robberies had been reported this year in Manaa-Hoppenworth’s ward. That’s up 78% compared to the same time last year, and it’s the highest number of year-to-date robberies since 2012.

Also at the highest level in her ward since at least 2012 are criminal sexual assaults. There have been 14 reported so far this year, up from six at this point last year.


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Too Little, Too Late-Biden Regime Preparing to Announce Executive Action at Border

Too Little, Too Late-Biden Regime Preparing to Announce Executive Action at Border

 Photo courtesy of Senator John Cornyn (Republican, Texas), “The Biden Border Crisis,” n.d.

What a joke. After spending the last three years destroying America with mass illegal immigration, the Biden regime wants to convince Americans that they actually care about the border crisis.

It can only be an election year.

The regime has begun to reach out to mayors of border towns to join crooked Joe Biden when he makes his announcement regarding executive action to try and curb border chaos.

Too little, too late.

CNN Reported:

The Biden administration is preparing to roll out a sweeping border executive action as early as Tuesday, according to two sources familiar with the discussions, who cautioned that timing is fluid.

White House officials have begun reaching out to mayors who represent cities along the US southern border to potentially join President Joe Biden when he announces the order, two other sources familiar with those conversations said.

Scoop: The White House is reaching out to mayors who represent cities along the US southern border to potentially join Biden when he announces a border executive order, sources tell me + @cdechalus. The administration is preparing to announce the order as early as Tuesday.

— Priscilla Alvarez (@priscialva) June 1, 2024

When asked in March, Biden claimed that he did not have the authority to take executive action at the border.

“We need more forces on the border! I don’t have the authority to do that!” Biden shouted.


“Why are you waiting to take executive action on the border?”

BIDEN: “We need more forces on the border! I don’t have the authority to do that!”

Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to dismantle border security — and could reverse them at any time. He refuses.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 2, 2024

In late May, Democrat Senator Chris Murphy on CBS’s “Face the Nation” claimed that if Biden issues executive orders for the border, it would have little effect.

“The President could take executive action and has been talking about it since back in February when Homeland Security Secretary mentioned it was being considered. Should he just get caught trying?” Brennan asked.

“The President has such limited ability to issue executive orders that would have an impact on the border. He can’t conjure resources out of thin air,” Senator Murphy responded.


President Biden “has such limited ability to issue executive orders that would have an impact on the border,” says Sen. @ChrisMurphyCT, as he calls instead for bipartisan border legislation from Congress.

Biden “can’t conjure resources out of thin air. If he were to try to shut…

— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) May 26, 2024

The Biden regime’s actions over the last 3 years clearly show that they have no intention of securing the border. Last year, they even sold off unused portions of President Trump’s border wall material for pennies on the dollar. That is proof positive that they were taking proactive steps to make the border even more open.

The cumulative damage of an open border for over 3 years has resulted in an estimated 10 to 12 million illegals entering our country. That is not counting the millions that were here previously.

The last three-year total of illegals entering the US is equivalent to the population of 41 individual states. This is not sustainable for our nation.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is one of the major influences keeping the border open. In February while on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” he dodged all responsibility and blamed the border crisis on a “broken system.”


WATCH: DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas says that DHS doesn’t “bear responsibility” for the “broken” immigration system.@SecMayorkas: “The system has not been fixed for 30 years. … Congress is the only one who can fix it.”

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) February 11, 2024

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FEDS ATTEMPT TO SHUT DOWN INFOWARS TONIGHT – Alex Jones Breaks Down in Tears on Live Show – Heartbreaking Video – Steve Bannon Urges Alex to Take Them to the Mattresses!

FEDS ATTEMPT TO SHUT DOWN INFOWARS TONIGHT – Alex Jones Breaks Down in Tears on Live Show – Heartbreaking Video – Steve Bannon Urges Alex to Take Them to the Mattresses!

 Alex Jones cries on live TV as feds move in to illegally seize InfoWars Studios

As reported earlier, Alex Jones, the host and founder of InfoWars, claims during a live emergency broadcast Saturday that the federal government is orchestrating a forceful takeover of his broadcasting studios.

According to Jones, federal agents could put locks on the doors and liquidate all broadcasting assets. Jones alleges that he even spent the night in his studio and has prepared to involve local law enforcement to prevent what he describes as an unlawful raid on his property.

In a video posted Friday with the caption, “BREAKING! INFOWARS May Be Shutdown in 48 Hours,” Jones said, “The deep state thinks they’re taking down Trump. And hours after they have their false conviction, they’re making their move to shut down InfoWars right now.”

Jones has been vocal about the attacks on his platform over the past six years including de-platforming, deep state interference, and rigged trials. Despite these challenges, InfoWars has managed to survive due to overwhelming public support. However, Jones warns that this latest assault could be the final blow.

“I learned at 4:00 PM today, just a few hours ago, that Infowars was going to be shut and closed tonight. We have hired security here, a private contractor. They were told, ‘Get ready to close the doors, change the locks, and InfoWars is going to be shut down,’” Jones said Friday.

“I learned about this and said, ‘Well, I’m going to go expose this. I’m going to talk about this. This is all having the bankruptcy. It’s not the court doing it.’ I’ll reveal who’s behind it soon. And so I made some phone calls and did some things. They said, ‘Okay, we’ll back off for now if you do X, Y, and Z.’ I don’t believe anything I’m being told. So when I tell you that this could be the last show I ever do from Infowars, 50% chance. There’s a 50% chance this has what’s happening right now,” he added.

On Saturday evening Alex Jones broke down on his show as he spoke about the horrible abuse by the federal government.

This was heartbreaking.

Steve Bannon told Alex to “take them to the mattresses” this afternoon.

The cast of Infowars, including Owen Shroyer, sat with him during their broadcast on Saturday.

It appears supporters have gathered outside the property in support of Alex and Infowars.

Here is a second video of Alex Jones emotionally spent by the abuse he is under by the federal government.

Alex Jones is brought to tears by the thought of the federal government ending infowars.

This clip literally hurts my heart.

— Dominic Michael Tripi (@DMichaelTripi) June 1, 2024

Infowars ended their segment playing Frank Sinatra’s “I Did It My Way” as they signed off their live show tonight.

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