OMG: O’Keefe to Reveal What the Top People Inside the DNC “Really Think” About Kamala Harris
 It’s Going Down Tomorrow
 Stay Tuned!

OMG: O’Keefe to Reveal What the Top People Inside the DNC “Really Think” About Kamala Harris
 It’s Going Down Tomorrow
 Stay Tuned!

OMG: O’Keefe to Reveal What the Top People Inside the DNC “Really Think” About Kamala Harris
 It’s Going Down Tomorrow
 Stay Tuned!
July 30, 2024

O’Keefe Media Group is going to reveal what the top people at the DNC are saying about Kamala Harris after Barack Obama pushed Joe Biden out of the 2024 race.

“I wonder what top people inside the DNC are currently saying about Kamala
” James O’Keefe said late Monday night.

“Maybe we should show people what they really think,” O’Keefe said.

Stay tuned because O’Keefe is dropping the new video on Tuesday.

“Maybe we should do that tomorrow,” O’Keefe said.

Earlier this month Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race and endorsed Kamala Harris.

“My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.” Biden said on X.

Kamala Harris stole all of Joe Biden’s delegates after Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi forced Biden out of the race.

Harris is now the presumptive Democrat nominee even though she has never won a primary.

The DNC rigged 2016 (pushed out Bernie Sanders for Hillary Clinton), rigged 2020 (pushed out Buttigieg and Sanders for loser Joe Biden) and now they’re rigging the 2024 election.

So what do the top people inside the DNC really think of Kamala Harris?

Stay tuned!

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 It’s Going Down Tomorrow
 Stay Tuned! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cristina Laila

Legal Experts Pan Joe Biden’s Proposals for Reforming U.S. Supreme Court: ‘It’s All Posturing for the Election’

Legal Experts Pan Joe Biden’s Proposals for Reforming U.S. Supreme Court: ‘It’s All Posturing for the Election’

Legal Experts Pan Joe Biden’s Proposals for Reforming U.S. Supreme Court: ‘It’s All Posturing for the Election’
July 30, 2024

Joe Biden called for major reforms to the United States Supreme Court in a speech today.

Lots of people are wondering why Biden is even trying to do this. He is the lamest of lame duck presidents in decades and has no political capital left to trade on. It’s likely that this is an effort by Democrats to squeeze one last major policy initiative out of Biden’s now failed presidency.

Legal experts are already weighing in and saying that Biden’s proposals are going nowhere.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Biden Supreme Court reforms already on life support, legal experts say

President Joe Biden’s ambitious three-pronged proposal to reform the Supreme Court is not likely to survive past its 15 minutes of fame, legal experts from across the partisan spectrum say.

“It’s all posturing for the election season to try to garner votes amongst the far Left but also to bully the United States Supreme Court into not pursuing its current path of enforcing the Constitution,” California RNC National Committeewoman and lawyer Harmeet K. Dhillon told the Washington Examiner

Steve Vladeck, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, questioned in a July 18 Substack blog why Biden was merely highlighting the recent Trump v. United States decision when there are multitudes of other high court decisions Democrats disfavor.

“What about an amendment to overrule Rucho and reaffirm that the federal courts can adjudicate severe partisan gerrymandering? Or an amendment to overrule Citizens United and allow Congress to meaningfully limit the money in our elections? Or an amendment to overrule Dobbs? All of these have the exact same chance of getting two-thirds of the House and Senate to approve them (0.0%),” Vladeck wrote

Additionally, Vladeck voiced caution over an enforceable ethics code on the nine justices, saying that if anyone other than the justices is given power to enforce a code on the members for violating roles, “we’d no longer have ‘one Supreme Court,’ as Article III, Section 1 says we must; we’d have two.”

Most Americans don’t even think Joe Biden should still be president. No one is going to listen to sweeping proposals from him on any topic, let alone the nation’s highest court.

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Author: Mike LaChance

MSNBC Focus Group With Black Voters on Kamala Harris Doesn’t Go as Planned (VIDEO)

MSNBC Focus Group With Black Voters on Kamala Harris Doesn’t Go as Planned (VIDEO)

MSNBC Focus Group With Black Voters on Kamala Harris Doesn’t Go as Planned (VIDEO)
July 30, 2024

MSNBC recently spoke to a focus group of black voters on the subject of Trump and Kamala Harris. It didn’t seem to go the way the far left network was expecting.

The members of the group were asked if any of them knows a black man who is planning to vote for Trump and every hand went up.

Then the journo leading the group asked if Kamala Harris entering the race changes that. They all said no.

Townhall reported:

That Probably Wasn’t the Answer MSNBC Expected From These Black Voters Regarding Kamala Harris

It’s anecdotal, but MSNBC has held some focus groups that have been brutal to Kamala Harris. In Wisconsin, swing voters are worried about her involvement in a cover-up regarding the decline of Joe Biden’s health. It’s a character issue. What else is she willing to hide if she’s willing to conceal these developments? CNN spoke to a Georgia voter who shared the same sentiments. Now, this group of black men were asked if they knew other members of their community who intended to vote for Donald Trump. They all raised their hands.

When asked if Kamala Harris taking the top spot on the Democratic Party ticket has changed anything for them, none of them said yes. The cancer of identity politics seems to be contained to college-educated white women who have become insufferable, even to self-identified liberals. Sure, some non-white progressives espouse this nonsense, but it’s a wholly white progressive invention as they’re the most intense on these issues.

Watch the video below:

MSNBC keeps having these types of moments with voters. It’s hilarious to watch.

The post MSNBC Focus Group With Black Voters on Kamala Harris Doesn’t Go as Planned (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Mike LaChance

LIBERAL NARRATIVE FAIL: WSJ Poll Finds JD Vance is More Popular Than Kamala Harris

LIBERAL NARRATIVE FAIL: WSJ Poll Finds JD Vance is More Popular Than Kamala Harris

LIBERAL NARRATIVE FAIL: WSJ Poll Finds JD Vance is More Popular Than Kamala Harris
July 30, 2024

Democrats and the media are in a mad dash to define Trump’s running mate JD Vance. For days now, they have been pushing a dumb narrative that Vance is ‘weird’ but it’s clearly not working.

According to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal, Vance is more popular than Kamala Harris.

Harris has never been popular as Biden’s VP, so why do Democrats think her likability would change just because she’s no running for president?

Breitbart News reports:

Fake News Implodes: Polling Shows JD Vance More Popular than Kamala Harris

Polling shows that Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (OH) is more popular than presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, shattering the establishment media’s narrative.

CNN senior political data reporter Harry Enten recently said he does not “understand” why former President Donald Trump chose Vance as his running mate, claiming that Vance’s net favorability is subpar.

However, according to Wall Street Journal polling, Vance is more popular than Harris.

The survey shows that 42 percent of registered voters in the poll view Vance favorably, while 44 percent see him unfavorably.

In contrast, 52 percent view Harris unfavorably, while 46 percent see her in a positive light. This is the most positive showing for Harris in the 2024 election cycle.

How embarrassing for Democrats.

All of the left’s noise about Vance is nothing more than a distraction. They would rather talk about that than the issues.

The post LIBERAL NARRATIVE FAIL: WSJ Poll Finds JD Vance is More Popular Than Kamala Harris appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Mike LaChance