Jamal Trulove Tells How He Was Framed with Murder and Kamala Harris Sat in Back of the Courtroom and Laughed (VIDEO)

Jamal Trulove Tells How He Was Framed with Murder and Kamala Harris Sat in Back of the Courtroom and Laughed (VIDEO)

Jamal Trulove Tells How He Was Framed with Murder and Kamala Harris Sat in Back of the Courtroom and Laughed (VIDEO)
July 30, 2024

Jamal Trulove tells how he was framed on murder charges and Kamala Harris sat in the back of the room laughing.

Jamal Trulove framed by police and convicted of murder in 2010. He was then sentenced to prison for 50 years and served six years before his conviction was overturned in 2014.

Recently, a video made the rounds of Jamal telling how Kamala Harris sat in the courtroom and laughed after he was sentenced to prison for 50 years. Jamal did not think it was funny.

Jamal Trulove: In 2008, I was framed for murder and wrongfully convicted by the office of Kamala Harris, sentenced 50 to life in prison. It took me five and a half years to ultimately get back into trial due to prosecutorial misconduct. And it took me another year to go to my second trial, to which I was vindicated by a jury of my peers. When I got convicted, Kamala Harris was in the courtroom when I got sentenced 50 to life in prison. Kamala Harris courtroom when I look back and I seen her, she was smiling, and she did that stupid ass laugh that she do right now. This sh*t ain’t funny.

As The Gateway Pundit reported back in 2020, Kamala Harris attempted to keep black men locked up for cheap labor.

Kamala Harris and Jamal Trulove, an innocent man who was framed and sent to prison for murder as Kamala sat and laughed.

Some things never change.
According to her own father Kamala Harris’s ancestors were slave owners in Jamaica.

They even had names.

And Kamala was a chip off the old block.

Back in February 2019 Jackie Kucinich at The Daily Beast wrote about Kamala Harris’s Attorney General office keeping inmates locked up so the state could use them for cheap labor.
Just like slavers.

The Daily Beast reported:

Ordered to reduce the population of California’s overcrowded prisons, lawyers from then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ office made the case that some non-violent offenders needed to stay incarcerated or else the prison system would lose a source of cheap labor.

In 2011, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Plata that California’s prisons were so overcrowded that they violated the Constitution’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. Three years later, in early 2014, the state was ordered to allow non-violent, second time offenders who have served half of their sentence to be eligible for parole.

By September 2014, plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit were back in court, accusing California of slow-walking the process, which lawyers for Harris’ office denied.

According to court filings, lawyers for the state said California met benchmarks, and argued that if certain potential parolees were given a faster track out of prison, it would negatively affect the prison’s labor programs, including one that allowed certain inmates to fight California’s wildfires for about $2 a day.

“Extending 2-for-1 credits to all minimum custody inmates at this time would severely impact fire camp participation—a dangerous outcome while California is in the middle of a difficult fire season and severe drought,” lawyers for Harris wrote in the filing, noting that the fire camp program required physical fitness in addition to a level of clearance that allowed the felon to be offsite.

Not only that, they noted, draining the prisons of “minimum custody inmates” would deplete the labor force both internally and in local communities where low-level, non-violent offenders worked for pennies on the dollar collecting trash and tending to city parks. A federal three-judge panel ordered both sides to confer about the plaintiffs’ demands, and the state agreed to extend the 2-for-1 credits to all eligible minimum security prisoners.

This is the Democrat Party’s nominee for VP.

And this video by far left VICE was released back in October 2019 as Kamala’s presidential campaign was swirling down the toilet.

According to VICE — Back when she was San Francisco D.A., U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, now a presidential contender and a self-described “progressive prosecutor,” cost the city of San Francisco millions of dollars and cost Jamal Trulove more than six years of his life. Harris allowed the people working under her to pursue a murder charge against Trulove that was ultimately overturned by an appeals court. Harris has yet to account for this incident.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Tax Hypocrisy: Nearly 6,000 IRS Employees and Contractors Owe $50 Million in Back Taxes, Treasury Audit Reveals

Tax Hypocrisy: Nearly 6,000 IRS Employees and Contractors Owe $50 Million in Back Taxes, Treasury Audit Reveals

Tax Hypocrisy: Nearly 6,000 IRS Employees and Contractors Owe $50 Million in Back Taxes, Treasury Audit Reveals
July 30, 2024

OAKLAND FIELD OFFICE: Special agents and professional staff participate in building entry, active shooter, and weaponless tactics at the
Tactical Village in Sacramento, Calif.

A recent audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has uncovered that nearly 6,000 employees and contractors of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) collectively owe close to $50 million in overdue taxes.

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who requested the audit, did not hold back in her criticism of IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel.

In a press release, Ernst introduced the Audit the IRS Act, which mandates annual audits of IRS employees and calls for the termination of any agent found to be delinquent on their taxes.

“The spirit of 1776 is still alive and well with a tax revolt happening right now at the most unlikely of places in Washington, the IRS,” Ernst said.

“While the IRS warns, ‘tax evasion is a serious crime punishable by imprisonment, fines, and the imposition of civil penalties,’ the agency is rewarding its own tax dodgers with paychecks and lavish benefits made possible, ironically, with the taxes paid by law-abiding citizens.”

“My legislation will create a zero-tolerance policy for tax evasion and misconduct while ensuring these IRS bureaucrats are no longer allowed to live by one set of rules and enforce another on honest, hardworking Americans,” she added.

Key Findings from the TIGTA Audit

The TIGTA audit unveiled several alarming statistics regarding tax compliance among IRS personnel:

  • Over 5,800 IRS and contractor employees owe nearly $50 million in overdue taxes.
  • Despite having the authority to terminate employees who willfully fail to pay taxes, only 20 individuals were dismissed for tax-related offenses.
  • More than 500 former IRS employees with documented compliance issues—including criminal and sexual misconduct—were rehired by the agency or its contractors.
  • Of the 3,323 IRS employees identified with unpaid taxes, 2,044 owe over $12 million without being on a payment plan.
  • Among 2,484 contractor employees1,729 owe more than $17 million, also without payment plans.

“Government-wide, TIGTA found 149,000 federal employees owe an astounding $1.5 billion in unpaid taxes. Tens of thousands are repeat tax cheats, failing to file tax returns year after year, and the number is steadily increasing,” said Ernst.

In a scathing letter addressed to Commissioner Werfel, Ernst emphasized the need for immediate action: “Today is a great day to demonstrate the seriousness of that pledge by making the thousands of tax-evading tax collectors at the IRS either pay up or pack up.”

She pointed out that while taxpayers are being pressured to shoulder increased burdens through new audits aimed primarily at lower-income and middle-class individuals, many within the IRS are allowed to evade their own obligations.

Ernst’s proposed legislation seeks to ensure rigorous oversight of IRS employees’ tax compliance while reinforcing that all Americans should be held to the same standards.

“Taxpayers will never trust the IRS when the agency’s own auditors can’t even pass a tax audit,” she said.

This bombshell report comes as the Biden administration ramps up efforts to hire an additional 88,000 IRS agents, ostensibly to target middle-class Americans and hardworking taxpayers.

The hypocrisy is staggering. Joe Biden’s administration has been criticized for increasing the taxation burden on tips and aggressively hiring more IRS agents to enforce tax compliance among ordinary citizens. Meanwhile, the very individuals tasked with collecting taxes are failing to comply with tax laws themselves.

Former President Donald Trump has been vocal in his criticism of Biden’s tax policies, particularly the controversial hiring spree at the IRS.

“I am the only Candidate who has ever called for delivering relief to our wonderful Service Workers by NOT TAXING THEIR TIPS,” Trump wrote. “It was my idea that Tips should not be taxed, and only I will GET IT DONE – And do it IMMEDIATELY upon my return to the White House,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

“Crooked Joe Biden has taken the totally opposite approach, trying to TAX more and more of their Tips, even hiring 88,000 IRS Agents to collect! In fact, Crooked Joe substantially increased the Reporting Requirements for Workers (2023!), and would go still further if I wasn’t here to watch.”

“Biden could never, and will never, get done what I’ve proposed – Just like he never got Student Loan Forgiveness done. With Biden, it’s ALL TALK, AND NO ACTION. Hopefully Rank and File Union Members, Union Leadership itself, and Workers all over the Country, both Union and Non-Union, will support Donald J. Trump, because I’m NO TALK AND ALL ACTION! TRUMP KEEPS HIS PROMISES, AND STANDS WITH OUR GREAT WORKERS. PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT!” he wrote.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

INSIDE JOB: Secret Service Would Not Allow Communications with Local Police Until AFTER Trump was Shot – Police Spotted Suspect 90 Minutes Before Shooting

INSIDE JOB: Secret Service Would Not Allow Communications with Local Police Until AFTER Trump was Shot – Police Spotted Suspect 90 Minutes Before Shooting

INSIDE JOB: Secret Service Would Not Allow Communications with Local Police Until AFTER Trump was Shot – Police Spotted Suspect 90 Minutes Before Shooting
July 30, 2024

Credit: ABC News

Members of the local SWAT team assigned to protect former President Donald Trump at his rally on July 13 have revealed that they had no contact with the Secret Service prior to an assassination attempt on the former president.

The shooting occurred on July 13 when a would-be assassin opened fire at Trump while he was addressing supporters.

During an exclusive interview with ABC News’ senior investigative correspondent Aaron Katersky, the officers detailed how a lack of communication and planning failures led to a critical delay in identifying and neutralizing the threat.

“They told us they had no communication with the Secret Service until after the gunfire started. This SWAT team saw the shooter. They recognized him as suspicious, even took pictures of him,” Katersky reported.

“None of the concerns, though, had a chance of reaching decision-makers before Trump took the stage because of what these men and women described as failures of planning and communication,” he added.

Jason Woods, the lead sharpshooter of the SWAT team in Beaver County, expressed his frustration.

“We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service snipers whenever they arrived, and that never happened,” Woods said.

“So I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we had no communication with the Secret Service,” he added.

Max Evans posted this incredible video.

Security personnel spotted the killer Thomas Crooks 90 minutes before he murdered one man and injured three others including President Trump.

Then they let Trump on the stage knowing the suspect had not been detained.

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was also in charge during January 6 when all of the Secret Service text messages were deleted “accidentally.”

And then she allowed lax security for President Donald Trump that almost cost him his life.

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Author: Jim Hoft

HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Calls Himself “Former President,” Tells Long-Winded Insane Stories (VIDEO)

HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Calls Himself “Former President,” Tells Long-Winded Insane Stories (VIDEO)

HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Calls Himself “Former President,” Tells Long-Winded Insane Stories (VIDEO)
July 30, 2024

Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks at the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act during a visit to the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas.

Biden told long-winded, insane stories about his early days in politics.

He’s completely shot.

“You get engaged and you want to change things so I kept trying to change the Democrat party in my state which is very conservative and then a group of people came to me and as my senator knows Chris Coons came to me and said, ‘look we want you to run for state senate,’ and I said, ‘I can’t. I can’t go to Dover all the time. I’m just starting a law firm full time and I’m a part-time public defender,’” Biden said.

He continued his tall tale: “And they came back to me and said why don’t you run for County Counsel, and I said I can’t and they said, ‘you stupid S.O.B. it’s right across the street there!’”

Biden continued to bore the crowd with stories about his political campaign.

At one point he talked about a time when he was freshly out of the shower with a towel around his waist when a group of high profile politicians and judges came knocking on his door and encouraged him to run for the US Senate.


As he slurred and mumbled through his remarks, Biden referred to himself as a “former president.”


Kamala Harris has known for years that Joe Biden was suffering from dementia. She was in on this scam and then stole all of Biden’s delegates after Obama forced him to drop out of the 2024 race.

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Author: Cristina Laila

Watch: Remember the Time Kamala Got People to Compare ICE to the KKK? We Do

Watch: Remember the Time Kamala Got People to Compare ICE to the KKK? We Do

Watch: Remember the Time Kamala Got People to Compare ICE to the KKK? We Do
July 30, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris’ record on the southern border and illegal immigration is only going to be magnified further if she secures the Democratic Party’s nomination for November’s general election.

It’s not that this is the only place Harris has failed miserably. This is the only place she has really done anything at all.

While her efforts under President Joe Biden have been a mockery of the job she was tasked with by the latter’s “Root Causes” Executive Order in 2021, to no surprise, her record of being pro-illegal immigration dates back further.

A clip from C-SPAN3 has surfaced from a 2018 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing where Harris — in her questioning of Immigration and Customs Enforcement nominee for director Ronald Vitiello — asked about the Ku Klux Klan.

After asking Vitiello to justify why he referred to the KKK as domestic terrorists, Harris asked him if he is “aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws, and do you see any parallels [between ICE and the KKK]?”

Harris then tried to clarify that she was “talking about perception,” between the two.

The clip is very much quintessential Harris in that she tries to bring some dimension of critical thought and analysis into political discourse and ends up looking like a bumbling idiot.

She proceeded to hammer Vitiello with the word “perception” in her questioning as if doing so repeatedly will finally cause him to say ICE is truly the Klan reborn.

In a 2018 interview with MSNBC, she towed a similar line in her disdain of ICE, stating it should be abolished and the country should “probably think about starting from scratch.”

Her original comments on any association between ICE and the Klan are not only vile, but spit directly in the face of the men and women working to combat illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human trafficking while keeping our country safe.

During Reconstruction post-Civil War, the Klan did rise as a domestic terrorist organization. After enacting a reign of terror that included raping, brutalizing, and murdering black Americans or anyone who threatened to upend the social order of a white-dominated South, President Ulysses S. Grant and Congress passed the Enforcement Acts starting in 1870 to quell their activities.

While this was largely effective in the short-term, the Klan had a resurgence and the rest — they say — is history.

ICE was created by law to protect the American people.

The Klan was outlawed to protect the American people.

Harris wants us to put them in the same conversation.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Samuel Short, The Western Journal