Georgia Governor Bran Kemp Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place

Georgia Governor Bran Kemp Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place

Georgia Governor Bran Kemp Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place
August 31, 2024

Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is preventing an investigation into the 2020 Election.

Who else is in cahoots with Governor Kemp and the Democrats to stop the Georgia State Election Board (SEB)?

Yesterday BIG NEWS dropped how the SEB has not received their funding from Governor Kemp and the Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget (OPB) as appropriated by the Georgia State Legislature for 2024

Without their funding, the SEB is unable to effectively do their jobs to help ensure secure, free and fair elections


It’s because everyone is being told to sit down and shut up by Governor Kemp’s minions working back channels to silence everyone, including me

The powers that be in the state don’t want Donald Trump finding out about this after their recent public peace treaty.

Kemp working behind the scenes to undermine election integrity certainly sheds light on his true motives. It just doesn’t jive with Kemp’s public words of support to help Trump in the State of Georgia.

•Kemp is funding them with his fundraising committee, helping to keep them in office
•They have aspirations to run for public office and won’t call out the Governor, even when he is doing nothing to stop the lawlessness surrounding Georgia’s elections
•They work for the state government and will not criticize their boss out of fear of losing their livelihoods (understandable)

It’s the that everyone knows and NO ONE is willing to talk about.

All Kemp is worried about is his own political aspirations and in his own words in a recent interview with CNN’s Kaitlin Collins, Kemp said, when asked about voting. Kemp continued that he was focused on, “ ”

Kemp is saying he supports Trump just so it gives him cover with the grassroots when he runs in the future. He knows he can’t do it without grassroots Republicans.

Unlike the Democrats, these three “Republicans” are quietly slithering behind the scenes.

So is everyone clear on why Georgia is so corrupt? Are you taking names on who is remaining silent while Governor Kemp is not funding the SEB?

Or should we start calling them out?

More from Kylie Jane Kremer.

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Author: Guest Contributor

Military Deployed to Guard a Migrant Hotel in New York at ‘Request of the State Officials’: Report

Military Deployed to Guard a Migrant Hotel in New York at ‘Request of the State Officials’: Report

Military Deployed to Guard a Migrant Hotel in New York at ‘Request of the State Officials’: Report
August 31, 2024

Credit: Crowd the Source

Military personnel were reportedly deployed to guard the Wolcott Hotel in Manhattan at the request of state officials.

On Tuesday, citizen journalist Crowd the Source captured footage of military stationed outside The Wolcott Hotel.

The Wolcott Hotel, located on West 31st Street in New York City, has recently been converted into a mega-shelter for migrants.

This transformation was confirmed by a report from the New York Post, which revealed that the hotel, once a bustling hub for tourists, has indefinitely closed its doors to regular guests back in 2023 due to the ongoing migrant crisis and concerns about the COVID-19 Delta variant.

“It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that the Wolcott Hotel will be closed to transient hotel guests indefinitely,” the Wolcott Hotel website said.

“With the current Delta variant and uncertainty when travel will return, I feel this is the best course of action for the hotel and her employees for the near future.”

Crowd the Source captured footage showing uniformed military personnel stationed outside the hotel.

In the video, he can be heard questioning the presence of the military at a civilian hotel, asking, “Is the army turning this thing into a migrant shelter? Why are you guys here? It’s a hotel. Why is the army at this hotel?”

One of the soldiers responded bluntly, stating, “We’re here at the request of the State of New York.”

This revelation set off alarm bells for Crowd the Source and many of his followers.

He continued to press the issue, asking, “State of New York has put the army into hotels? What the hell is that about? This is a public hotel, right? What is the Army doing in this hotel? Have you guys taken over this hotel? What is it. What the hell on army doing taking over civilian hotels in the middle of New York City?”

One of the hotel staff confronted the journalist, insisting that he stop recording. Undeterred, Crowd the Source voiced his concerns directly to his audience, questioning the motives behind the military’s presence.

“I can’t record. So this is what I’m talking about, people. Do you think those guys are there to help you or me? What is going on?”


Crowd the Source went back to the hotel and observed that U.S. military personnel had vacated the Wolcott Hotel shortly after the incident went viral.

The Gateway Pundit has reached out to the management of the Wolcott Hotel and the office of Governor Kathy Hochul for comment regarding the military presence at the hotel. At the time of publication, we have not yet received a response.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

Tomorrow’s Election in Eastern Germany Shows AfD Surging, as the Globalist Parties’ ‘Firewall’ To Isolate the Right Wingers Is Crumbling

Tomorrow’s Election in Eastern Germany Shows AfD Surging, as the Globalist Parties’ ‘Firewall’ To Isolate the Right Wingers Is Crumbling

Tomorrow’s Election in Eastern Germany Shows AfD Surging, as the Globalist Parties’ ‘Firewall’ To Isolate the Right Wingers Is Crumbling
August 31, 2024

In the run-up to tomorrow’s state elections in the Eastern part of Germany, the mainstream globalist parties and the media are aligned in a panic over the population’s preference for the right wing AfD party, endlessly plotting ways to keep them out of power.

It’s been 35 years that the Berlin Wall fell, and on the east side of the old ‘iron curtain’, the AfD is surging.

Politico reported:

“Ahead of three state elections across eastern Germany this September — including in Saxony and Thuringia this Sunday — the once-fringe party is polling first or close to first in all contests. That success is due to the party’s increasingly deep roots in small towns across the east like Großschirma, where in municipal and European Parliament elections in June, the AfD won around half the local vote, illustrating the extent to which it has become the dominant political power in the area.

The fact that so many voters in eastern Germany are increasingly embracing the far right points to the core issue underlying the divide: a stark loss of trust in the mainstream parties, institutions and the media. In the state of Saxony alone, only 41 percent of people are satisfied with the functioning of their democracy, according to a survey commissioned by the state government. Only one in ten people said they trust political parties, and only 15 percent said they trust the media.”

The AfD party has grown by embedding itself in the local level, where it has common-sense policies that normalize their existence away from the caricature of itself painted by the globalist goons.

Its strategy is to begin winning in municipalities and state parliaments. allowing it to eventually expand to the highest levels of national government.

AfD’s surge in support comes despite the persecution it suffers from state-level domestic intelligence authorities.

These agencies have classified AfD’s branches in Saxony and Thuringia as ‘extremist organizations aiming to undermine German democracy’.

But the truth is that in small German towns, AfD is ‘a banal fact of life’.

AfD’s leader Alice Weidel.

The globalist have no alternative than to try to impose a Brandmauer (firewall), around the party, refusing to include them in coalition governments.

“’If people come into direct contact with the AfD in local government, make contact and also recognize that pragmatic policies are made there, then this is of course an origin or a possible beginning for cooperation at other levels’, Torben Braga, an AfD state parliamentarian in Thuringia, considered one of the party’s main strategists in eastern Germany, told POLITICO.

Due to the AfD’s popularity in local politics across the east, the firewall has in many ways already fallen. Between 2019 and 2023, there were more than 120 cases of cooperation in local government between the AfD and mainstream parties, most often with the CDU, according to a recent study published by the progressive Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.”

As things stand now, AfD is poised to become the strongest party for the first time in at least two state elections.

Associated Press reported:

“Wins for Alternative for Germany, or AfD, would be a potent signal for the party just over a year before the next national election is due. But it would most likely need a coalition partner to govern, and it’s highly unlikely anyone else will agree to put it in power. Even so, its strength could make forming new state governments extremely difficult.

[…] Scholz’s center-left Social Democrats, the environmentalist Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats were weak in these two states to start with, though the former two parties are the junior partners in both outgoing regional governments. They now risk dropping under the 5% support needed to stay in the state legislatures.

[…] The mainstream opposition Christian Democratic Union, or CDU, won the European Parliament election. It has led Saxony since German reunification in 1990 and hopes that governor Michael Kretschmer can power it past AfD again, as he did five years ago. In Thuringia, surveys show it trailing AfD, but it hopes to cobble together a governing coalition.”

AfD has been able to tap into the rapidly rising anti-immigration sentiment in the region.

“A national AfD leader, Alice Weidel, assailed both the governing parties and the CDU — which previously ran Germany under Angela Merkel — for their “policy of uncontrolled mass immigration” following last week’s knife attack in Solingen in which a suspected extremist from Syria is accused of killing three people.”

Also, Germany’s stance toward the Russia-Ukraine war is a relevant issue in the eastern states.

“AfD secured its first mayoral and county government posts last year, but the party hasn’t yet joined a state government. In June, national co-leader Tino Chrupalla said that ‘the sun of government responsibility must rise for us in the east’.”

Read more:

Chancellor Scholz HUMILIATED in German European Elections – His Social Democrats Come in Third Place – AfD Surges To Second Spot – Opposition Calls for Early Elections

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Author: Paul Serran

Biden’s DOJ Threatens to Sue Wisconsin Township for Counting Ballots by Hand – Insists It’s to Protect Persons with Disabilities

Biden’s DOJ Threatens to Sue Wisconsin Township for Counting Ballots by Hand – Insists It’s to Protect Persons with Disabilities

Biden’s DOJ Threatens to Sue Wisconsin Township for Counting Ballots by Hand – Insists It’s to Protect Persons with Disabilities
August 31, 2024

The Biden Department of ‘Justice’ led by Merrick Garland is threatening to sue Thornapple, Wisconsin for not using electronic voting machines in their elections.

The DOJ sent a letter after far left Disability Rights Wisconsin filed a complaint alleging the rules make it difficult for voters with disabilities.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this Friday.

The regime is demanding electronic voting machines. Why is that?

For over 200 years Americans were able to vote without the electronic machines that are easy to hack and where votes can be altered.

The left says this is about heling the handicapped. Is it really?

It is interesting that everything the left fights for makes our elections less secure and safe.

Wisconsin Public Radio reorted:

A complaint filed with the Wisconsin Elections Commission says a town in Rusk County is breaking the law by refusing to make voting machines available to voters with disabilities. Despite a warning from the U.S. Department of Justice, the town allegedly conducted the August primary election using only hand-counted, paper ballots.

The complaint filed by Disability Rights Wisconsin says the Town of Thornapple violated the federal Help America Vote Act by not making electronic voting machines available to people with disabilities during the April and August primaries.

“By ceasing to use electronic voting equipment and, instead, exclusively using paper ballots completed and tabulated by hand, Respondents are no longer using voting systems that are accessible for individuals with disabilities in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters,” the complaint said.

Disability Rights Wisconsin is asking the Wisconsin Elections Commission to order Thornapple to make accessible voting machines available. DRW Director of Legal and Advocacy Services Kit Kerschensteiner told WPR the goal is to ensure all town residents are able to cast private ballots in the November presidential election. She said voting machines were used without issue in Thornapple before April…

U.S. Department of Justice threatens lawsuit if town continues refusing to use voting machines

A month before Disability Rights Wisconsin filed its complaint, the U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter to officials in the Town of Thornapple and the Town of Lawrence notifying them the DOJ has “authorized the filing of a lawsuit” over the federal violations.

The letter, obtained by Votebeat, said federal investigators determined the towns failed to make “at least one direct recording electronic voting system or other voting system equipped for individuals with disabilities available at each polling place, including during the April 2, 2024, federal primary election.” It said to avoid litigation, town officials could negotiate a “consent decree” with the federal government.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Conservative Lawmaker Marcel Van Hattem Defies Communist Tyrant Alexandre de Moraes – Will Continue to Use X Despite Imposed R$ 50,000 Fine… Update: Even Lula’s Socialist Party Continues to Tweet!

Conservative Lawmaker Marcel Van Hattem Defies Communist Tyrant Alexandre de Moraes – Will Continue to Use X Despite Imposed R$ 50,000 Fine… Update: Even Lula’s Socialist Party Continues to Tweet!

Conservative Lawmaker Marcel Van Hattem Defies Communist Tyrant Alexandre de Moraes – Will Continue to Use X Despite Imposed R$ 50,000 Fine… Update: Even Lula’s Socialist Party Continues to Tweet!
August 31, 2024

As reported yesterday – In a new chapter on escalating authoritarianism in Brazil, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes suspended Twitter/X in the country on Friday.

Moraes summoned Elon Musk directly on the social network, demanding he appoint a representative of the big tech company in Brazil. However, Musk did not comply. Amidst the case, Moraes ordered the blocking of Starlink accounts in Brazil—also owned by Musk—under the pretext of ensuring payment of fines levied against X.

The justice ordered Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency to be immediately notified and take all necessary steps to halt X’s operations in the country.

Moraes also issued orders to Apple and Google, given that their mobile devices run on iOS and Android operating systems. According to the justice, these companies must remove the X app from their stores.

Additionally, Moraes initiated restrictions concerning VPN services. The Supreme Court justice’s ruling specifically mentioned Proton VPN, Express VPN, NordVPN, Surfshark, TOTALVPN, Atlas VPN, and Bitdefender VPN. De Moraes imposed fines of up to $8,874 a day for any user found using VPNs in Brazil.

Following his illegal ruling, Brazilian conservative lawmaker Marcel Van Hattem announced he will defy Moraes and continue to use X despite the illegal imposed fine by the communist justice.

Via Catturd2.

In Brazil, we do not have X anymore since midnight.

I am tweeting this with VPN.

This tweet may cost me almost 10,000 USD according to the decision of tyrant Alexandre de Moraes, friends with President Lula every Brazilian that posts on X from now on will be fined R$ 50,000 according to his illegal “ruling”.

My dignity is worth much more than that. Actually, it is priceless. I will keep tweeting regardless of State persecution or threats because I believe in freedom of expression, democracy and real Justice.

Brazilians will take to the streets. On the 7th of September we will make our voices heard very clearly. We will demand Moraes to be impeached by the Senate and to be sent to jail after a fair trial – which Moraes cruelly and unconstitutionally gives not to the people that he persecutes.

Thank you Elon Musk for standing with us. Your attitudes against censorship and authoritarianism are giving us hope and strengthening our cause for freedom in Brazil!

Marcel Van Hattem will defy the ruling!

Congratulations to this rare courageous politician!

Marcel Van Hattem also noted this morning that even communist Lula da Silva’s Socialist Party has defied the order and continues to tweet.

Will they be fined, too?

The Socialist Party posted this on Saturday morning!

It should be noted that none of this would be happening if the US government had not spent millions to unseat the populist President Jair Bolsonaro and replace him with a dirty criminal Marxist Lula da Silva.

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Author: Jim Hoft