Polling Panic: On Eve of Crucial Election, German Government Pivots and Deports Afghan Nationals for the First Time Since 2021 ‘Taliban Takeover’
August 30, 2024
Germany has commenced the deportation of Afghan nationals for the first time since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 2021.
The shocking change of pace comes as the Country is set to hold two elections on Friday, and faces mounting pressure to deal with the rising crime brought by the untill-now unchecked migrant community.
Early Friday morning, a chartered Qatar Airways flight departed from Germany, transporting 28 Afghan nationals back to Kabul. According to government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit, these individuals were all convicted offenders.
“These were Afghan nationals, all of whom were convicted offenders who had no right to stay in Germany and against whom deportation orders had been issued,” Hebestreit said in a statement.
Photos circulated on X showing the busses taking the migrants to the planes to be loaded.
Germany deports Afghan criminals to their home country
For the first time since the Taliban seized power 3 years ago.
A Qatar airlines charter jet took off from Leipzig early Friday morning with 28 Afghan criminals on board. Tomorrow are 2 federal state elections in Germany… pic.twitter.com/N3YHIKqe6Z
Germany is currently grappling with increasing pressure to manage its migrant crisis. This urgency has intensified following a series of serious criminal incidents. Most notably, a Muslim migrant went on a horrific stabbing spree, killing three, at a “Diversity Festival” in Solingen earlier this month.
The killer shouted Allahu Akbar as he committed the attack.
Additionally, in May, a police officer was fatally attacked by a 25-year-old Afghan national, further igniting public concern and governmental scrutiny regarding immigration policies.
In response to these growing safety concerns, Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed his commitment, back in June, to begin deportations of Afghan and Syrian nationals who have criminal records. The government's recent actions appear to be aligning with this pledge.
The Situation Within Kamala Harris’ ‘Frankenstein’ Campaign Is Not as Rosy as it May Seem: Report
August 30, 2024
Reams of media happy talk about the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris mask growing tensions among her aides, according to a new report.
Tension is nothing new to a Harris-led organization. Her tenure as vice president was marked by high staff turnover amid frustrations concerning the work environment in her office.
In 2019, an Op-Ed from a man whose son worked briefly as an intern for Harris when she was California’s attorney general indicated her office had a woeful employee culture.
The writer said his son was shocked to learn Harris demanded her staff address her as “general” and that he was not allowed to look Harris in the eye.
With that as the background, a new report from Axios says the Harris campaign “has become a diffuse ‘Frankenstein’ team with multiple power centers.”
Kamala Harris and her campaign are devoid of original ideas and desperate to cling onto power.
Harris once called Trump’s border wall, “a medieval vanity project.”
The report, based on sources Axios did not name, said that the Harris campaign is a mix of her own staff, people who worked on the defunct re-election campaign of President Joe Biden, and staff members from the orbit of former President Barack Obama.
“The entanglement of these different entities has led to many people feeling a real lack of role clarity,” one person in the campaign said.
Some tensions are holdovers from antagonisms that festered among Biden loyalists who resented what they saw as the tactics used by Obama and his base to sideline Biden.
.@ScottJenningsKY: “Look at the amount of hand wringing going on in the Harris campaign over one simple decision. They cannot figure out how to, where to, went to, and who to do an interview with. One simple decision. And we want to put her in charge of the country and make all… pic.twitter.com/rNSpWXuI2r
“I’ve talked to 100 Biden people — House members, senators and fundraisers — who think he got totally screwed. It was unfair, unwise and unjust. And those people who did it will not have this moment in history reflect well on their own behavior,” a Biden fundraiser told NBC.
The Axios report indicated that aides focused on connecting with the mainstream of America are irked at being forced to defend Harris’s positions on far-left progressive issues such as her support for Medicare for All and her calls to ban fracking.
Although Harris backers claim her positions helped elect Biden in 2020, Biden backers see vindication as Harris walks back her far-left positions in a bid to court more conservative Democrats.
Kamala Harris is such a bad and untalented politician that there is a literal all hands on deck operation currently happening within her campaign over her doing a single interview with the press. pic.twitter.com/VeQFnM4gzI
Earlier this month, Politico reported that some Harris supporters were anxious to jettison Biden supporters who they felt denigrated Harris before she became the nominee.
Politico also noted that Harris does not have a track record of controlling internal strife.
“Harris built a chaotic operation in her 2020 presidential primary campaign that she allowed to fester, causing bottlenecks and radiating dysfunction across her organization,” the Politico report noted.
During a police act tribunal decision on Wednesday, Toronto Police Service’s first black female superintendent was handed a two-year demotion after she admitted to helping black cops get promotions by cheating.
Last year, Clarke pleaded guilty to seven counts of professional misconduct after she admitted to playing a primary role in the 2021 scandal, where she leaked confidential exam questions to six black officers so that they could be awarded promotions that she believes they wouldn’t otherwise be capable of earning, due to, you guessed it, ‘racism’.
“I felt at the time that (the six officers) did not have a fair chance in this process and my own history and experience of racial inequity compounded this feeling,” Clarke wrote in a police report, referring to the cheating as “a desperate effort to level the playing field.”
The former president of the Jamaican Canadian Association, Audrey Campbell, made comments in support of Clarke, likening the corrupt officer to a “freedom fighter”.
“You can talk about fairness of systems. You can talk about the rules. No substantive change has ever been accomplished by following the rules that the system made…” “One man’s criminal is another man’s freedom fighter,” she said, minimizing the severity of Clarke’s corrupt actions.
Tribunal adjudicator Robin McElary-Downer ultimately gave Clarke a slap on the wrist by ruling that she only be demoted for two-years and have to reapply for her position as superintendent while simultaneously stating that Clarke showed a lack of honesty and integrity – values that are essential to the role she once held.
“Honesty and integrity are non-negotiable character traits of a police officer. Superintendent Clarke’s actions demonstrated both were absent.” She said
When speaking to reporters outside the Toronto Police Headquarters, Clarke stated that she was disappointed with the ruling and will be taking time to figure out what she will do next.
Stacy Clarke just now, leaving Toronto police headquarters, saying she is disappointed with the two-year demotion and requirement that she reapply for the rank of superintendent. Says she’s taking some time to consider next steps. No official word yet on appeal. pic.twitter.com/ezbQQZ5LE4
This scandal highlights a glaring issue in the current age of DEI and Affirmative Action initiatives. When positions are filled not on the basis of merit but on identity politics, we risk a generation of leadership that does not possess the qualifications or capability to foster trust in our institutions.
Just remember, DEI = Didn’t Earn It
Those who benefit from such schemes are often the most threatened by genuine competence, exposing a profound flaw in the very foundations of these programs. This kind of behavior only serves to further erode society under the guise of ‘diversity’.
The Feds Are ‘Trying To Squeeze’ Special Forces Vet and J6 Prisoner Jeremy Brown Into A Plea Agreement To Conceal His Discovery Now They Are Threatening a Seditious Conspiracy Conviction
August 30, 2024
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Justice has given Ret. Special Forces Green Beret another preposterous but expected ultimatum: Take a plea agreement for four misdemeanor charges or face the full wrath of the United States government!
The Biden administration has warned Jeremy that he now faces up to 20 years in prison. He is an innocent man who is being targeted by his government.
Retired Army Ranger Jeremy Brown, the face of an American patriot.
Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.
Jeremy Brown served his country honorably.
Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. His crime was, in reality, refusing to be an FBI informant, as TGP described in several previous posts.
As The Gateway Pundit reported over two years ago now, Jeremy Brown refused to be an informant for Chris Wray’s FBI on January 6 — They wanted him to be one of their undercover operatives at the Jan. 6 Trump rally. Jeremy refused and later released video of the agents coming to his home to recruit him to do their dirty work.
So the FBI stormed his home at 3:45 PM on a Thursday in October 2021 and arrested him on bogus misdemeanor charges.
Jeremy Brown has now been a political prisoner of the Biden regime for over 1,000 days – for embarrassing and exposing Chris Wray’s FBI!
But that wasn’t enough – so now the Biden administration Is going to throw more charges at him.
Jeremy’s family member contacted The Gateway Pundit this week.
I wanted to let you know that Jeremy has told me that his attorney is filing TONIGHT an Emergency Motion to have the court order his trial to be by Video Teleconference and to hold me there in Citrus County. The Government has already said it was opposed to holding the trial by Zoom, but the emergency motion lays out why it should be granted and questions the Government’s motives behind their illogical opposition to his request to have his case fall under Rule 43 (b)2. Jeremy’s attorney Chris, who isn’t his DC attorney, told me that the filing will show up on PACER and Courtlistner and can be downloaded from there. If I get a download of it, I will send it to you ASAP.
This is the fourth time that they will have tried to move Jeremy since his conviction, and the fifth time since he was arrested. I’ll type up more information to send you, but Jeremy said that what he thinks needs to get out there is that emergency motion filing that is being submitted tonight. He said that it will explain everything. I’ll also send a written summary of recent events soon.
Thank you so much! I will get back to you soon with that written summary and to let you know if they move Jeremy tonight. I’m praying that tonight isn’t the night, but they’ve had him on notice to be ready for the last couple of days. The waiting is torture.
This update was then sent to Alicia Powe this week:
Hi Alicia, Jeremy was not moved last night. He stayed awake all night long with his boxes packed beside him (as he has for the last three nights now), wondering when they might be coming to move him. It is good news that they haven’t yet initiated his transport to DC. They are hell-bent on bending all the rules to get him there, though, so it appears to be only a matter of time before they move him.
I am still working on getting a download of that emergency motion filing that Jeremy’s attorney should have submitted last night. In the meantime, if you wish to use what I’ve written below as a refresher for you of a summary and history of Jeremy’s case (and there is so much that this doesn’t even touch on!) or as a commentary piece, then feel free to do so. I believe that the filing that should be available today should back up what I’ve written below. Reach out if you have any questions or if you need anything. Thank you! –Jen Hicks
The Gateway Pundit received earlier in the week. Jeremy Brown, who served his country faithfully for twenty years in the US military is now a political prisoner being treated worse than a hardened criminal.
Help Ensure the Protection of the Life of FBI Whistleblower Jeremy Brown
MSG (Ret.) Green Beret Jeremy Brown recorded a conversation he had with two JTTF agents who came to his door in December 2020, in the days prior to J6. The agents pretended that the reason that they showed up at Jeremy Brown’s door was to follow up on a post he had made on social media. (And in the recording, the agents claim that they make these kinds of visits all day long.) What the agents eventually revealed that they were there for, though, was to try to recruit him to spy on law abiding citizens. When Jeremy heard FBI Director Chris Wray saying in March 2021 that no FBI agents were involved in J6, Jeremy decided to become a whistleblower and he released the recording that he had. He knew that doing so would make him a target of the FBI. He was right.
Somehow, this man, Jeremy Brown–a 20 year Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.)– who the FBI claims is too dangerous and was denied bond, was allowed to remain free until September 30, 2021. The warrant for Brown’s arrest was issued one day prior, on September 29, 2021, which also happens to be the same day that an FBI whistleblower named Marcus Allen began to be retaliated against by the FBI for issuing the same warnings that Brown was alerting people to–which is that the FBI wasn’t being honest about the truth of J6. It is also notable that the two JTTF agents who are in the recording can be heard stating multiple times that Jeremy Brown posed no threat. They even said that on a level of one to ten, Brown was a ZERO level threat. The judge in Jeremy’s case did not allow the recording to be entered as evidence to show that the FBI agents had deemed him to be no threat at all and that the FBI had motive to target him. Jeremy was denied bond and has been behind bars since the raid of his home on September 30, 2021.
Among the evidence supposedly seized during the raid were grenades that were NOT Jeremy’s, but were planted. If you want to see how corrupt our judicial system is, Jeremy’s case is full of examples. The evidence (which includes forensic analysis and military tracing) is so clear that the grenades weren’t his, but a jury trial is a crap shoot at best. What the Government argued to convince the jury to find Brown guilty on the grenade charges was that, in a jail call with his girlfriend right after the 5 1/2 hour raid of their home, when Jeremy asked what was seized, his girlfriend listed all of the items and when she said “grenades,” Jeremy was silent and didn’t object. AHA!–said the Government. He MUST be guilty if he didn’t object when she read through that list of items taken. His silence was his confession, said the Government. Let that sink in. What you say can and will be used against you, and what you DON’T say can and will be used against you, too. That example pretty much sums up every aspect of Brown’s case. They set the rules and change them as they go in order to get the outcome that they want. And what they want is for Jeremy Brown to go away. Permanently.
In addition to the planted evidence, though, Brown did admit that the two unregistered firearms that were seized did belong to him. In addition to arguing that the Government had no right to raid his home with a non-specific, unconstitutional warrant–issued by a DC judge for the search of Brown’s Florida home–Brown also holds that it is his Second Amendment right to own those firearms without permission from the tyrannical Government from whom our weapons are meant to protect us. He is willing to challenge the Government on every violation of his rights that they have lodged against him–all the way up to the Supreme Court, if necessary.
But, “the process is the punishment,” and I didn’t know before becoming involved as an activist and advocate for Jeremy Brown just how extensive the abuse of plea deals is. The reason that Biden can claim that hundreds of Americans have admitted guilt to their role in what the left calls an insurrection is because many of those who accepted plea agreements reached their breaking point and were willing to do anything to get the Government to release the pressure on them from the thumb that they were under. Jeremy doesn’t fault any of them who have taken plea deals, for he says that what people are being made to endure is indeed torture. It is cruel and unusual punishment. He also notes that what he was taught in SERE school (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) is that every man breaks and that the training they were given was to delay being broken. People are being punished for crimes they did not commit, and the punishment becomes so unbearable that innocent people are admitting to guilt for things they did not do.
The plea deals that are offered allow the Government to write the narrative in any way they see fit. Threatening tactics are also being employed to try to force the acceptance of the plea deals. After over 1000 days of incarceration, and 3 1/2 years after January 6, 2021, Jeremy was offered a plea deal for one of the misdemeanor charges and told that, if he didn’t accept the plea agreement, they would consider adding on charges of seditious conspiracy! He refused the plea agreement and he will push the issue to trial to expose their corruption. As Jeremy Brown says, “The only way to get tyranny to stop its progression is to refuse to yield to such evil.” Brown refuses to yield or to compromise with these tyrants, but he needs the American people, for whom he is making these sacrifices, to come to his aid. If we want the corrupted system to change, then we have to be willing to support those who are courageous enough to be our champions in the fight. Jeremy Brown needs our help right now. His motion to stay the two pending misdemeanor charges (which were cooked up to justify the raid of his home) was denied this week.
The stay motion was to try to keep Jeremy in the Citrus County Detention Facility where he is presently being held. The reason for the stay is because he currently has an appeal of the verdict on the weapons charges for which he is now serving time. It was the two misdemeanor charges for trespassing and for disorderly conduct which initiated the unconstitutional search of his home–NINE MONTHS AFTER January 6–that allowed the opportunity for planted evidence to be “seized” and used against him. The judge who refused to grant the stay motion admitted that he hadn’t even looked at Brown’s appeals brief! He never read it. But he still determined that Brown’s motion to stay should be denied.
The extent to which our weaponized Government is going in order to keep Jeremy Brown from speaking is the reason why Brown believes that his life is in danger if they were to move him from Florida to DC. He believes that we might soon hear reports of how Brown slipped and fell in the shower, or how he accidentally stabbed himself in the throat with a toothbrush handle (shiv). Or how he could have hanged himself the way that Epstein did. (Epstein didn’t kill himself.)
Today marks 1044 days that Jeremy Brown has been unjustly denied his freedom. His stated mission is 1) To expose the truth about January 6, 2) To expose the corruption of our Judicial System, and 3) To gain his freedom after the first two parts of his mission have been accomplished. Please help share his story, for his safety and well-being rely heavily upon people knowing about what is happening to him at the hands of our very own Government. Helping to bring his name into the spotlight helps to protect him by shining a spotlight on the threat that he is under. More of Jeremy Brown’s story can be found at WhoIsJeremyBrown.com and JeremyBrownDefense.com.
January political hostage Jeremy Brown is currently detained in the Washington DC Correctional Treatment Facility
The Gateway Pundit will be following Jeremy’s plight as an American political prisoner.
2,700 Cuban Doctors Sent to Mexico: A Continuation of Labor Exploitation
August 30, 2024
The arrival of 2,700 Cuban doctors in Mexico has sparked significant debate not only about the quality of medical care provided but also about the ethical and economic implications of their hiring. This situation is part of a long-standing practice by the Cuban regime, which has been sending medical brigades to various countries as a form of «international solidarity» for decades. However, these missions have increasingly been criticized due to the inhumane conditions faced by the healthcare professionals involved.
— Oro Noticias Puebla (@OroNoticiasPue) July 20, 2024
According to recent reports, Cuban doctors sent abroad receive only between 10% and 25% of the salaries paid by host countries, with the Cuban government retaining the rest. This practice has raised concerns about labor exploitation and human rights violations.
Gateway Hispanic has previously reported on this issue, highlighting that these medical missions are mechanisms of exploitation and human rights violations. In Mexico, the hiring of Cuban doctors has led to growing discontent among local healthcare professionals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mexican government hired 500 Cuban doctors, of whom only 52 were actually doctors, with the rest being assistants and operators. This situation not only attracted criticism for its lack of transparency but also for the displacement of Mexican doctors, who often work under precarious conditions and for insufficient wages.
*La Jornada* reported on this issue, noting that the Director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, explained that 282 hospitals in rural or marginalized areas have been identified as having an average of 20 beds and only four doctors, highlighting a severe shortage of personnel that negatively impacts healthcare services. The Cuban specialists arriving in the country are mainly in internal medicine, pediatrics, and emergency care. Robledo also mentioned that 7,123 doctors have been granted permanent positions in Mexico City and Guerrero, and starting from August 1, efforts will be made to regularize 11,934 more doctors. Additionally, ongoing calls are being issued to recruit more doctors and nurses.
On X (formerly Twitter), users have begun expressing their discomfort with the recent news:
Compatriotas mexicanos, abramos los ojos.
La llegada de más “médicos” cubanos a México en realidad busca infiltrar agentes castristas para difundir las “bondades” del socialismo, así como sucedió en Venezuela con el programa Barrio Adentro. No es medicina, sino control.
En Mexico an llegado “medicos”cubanos y militares Venezuelans, con le argumentos de “cooperation ” lo medicos cubanos no son medicos; si no agentes que estan haciendo lo que bien describes, desde la llegada de Lopez y seguiran llegando mas, porque la espuria lo a confirmado.
así es jack, en Venezuela todo empezó con la llegada de medicos cubanos (ni a curanderos llegaban), poco a poco se fueron infiltrando agentes cubanos en el ejército, aduanas y otras dependencias de gobierno, eso es real y debería ser un foco rojo para Mexico
— Desde mi silla digo ! (@FelixLopez52) July 30, 2024
Moreover, it has been reported that Cuban doctors receive preferential treatment in consular processes, further exacerbating the discontent among local healthcare professionals. According to the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cubans enjoy certain privileges when dealing with consular procedures at the Mexican embassy in Havana. Official data for the first half of 2024 shows that the Mexican Consulate in Cuba processed over 11,000 applications, far surpassing the workload of other Mexican embassies in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The 11,512 procedures included the issuance of visas, document legalization, and to a lesser extent, the issuance of passports. This unprecedented number reflects the privileges granted to Cubans compared to other nations, despite Cuba’s smaller population. In July 2024, at the start of the second half of the year, the Mexican Consulate in Havana completed nearly 6,000 consular procedures, including 4,500 visas in various categories, over 1,000 document legalizations, only 10 Mexican passports, and six birth registrations.
Durante el primer semestre del 2024 se llevaron a cabo 1,611,417 trámites en la red consular mexicana en el mundo, @ConsulMexLH , ocupó el primer lugar de trámites por oficina consular en América Latina y el Caribe #DiplomaciaCercana@SRE_mxpic.twitter.com/l0MsdGQPP7
— Consulado de México en La Habana (@ConsulMexLH) August 22, 2024
Compared to other Latin American and Caribbean countries where Mexico also has diplomatic representation, such as Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, and Guatemala, Cubans are the ones who most frequently apply for visas to travel to Mexico.
The Mexican government has defended the hiring of Cuban doctors as a necessary measure to address the shortage of medical personnel in rural and marginalized areas of the country. However, this justification has been called into question, particularly when considering the economic and ethical costs of this decision. Rather than investing in the training and hiring of Mexican doctors, the government has chosen to indirectly fund the Cuban regime, perpetuating a system of labor exploitation.
This situation is even more troubling when considering its impact on Mexican doctors. Despite many being willing to work in rural and marginalized areas, they are often denied the opportunity due to the preference given to Cuban doctors. This not only undermines the morale of local healthcare professionals but also creates an environment of unfair competition that harms the quality of medical care in the country.
Another significant issue is the increase in Cuban migration to the United States, with Mexico becoming a crucial transit point. The economic crisis, lack of freedoms, and political repression in Cuba have driven thousands of Cubans to leave the island in search of better living conditions, many of them facing dangerous journeys through Central America and Mexico. This, combined with the Biden administration’s lax immigration policies, has created a challenging situation for the United States.
Once in Mexico, many Cubans arriving from South America apply for asylum with the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (Comar) to avoid deportation while attempting to cross into the United States. According to statistics, between 2019 and June 2024, more than 68,000 Cubans have sought refuge, making Cubans the third-largest group of applicants, surpassed only by Hondurans and Haitians.
Actualmente laboran en los diferentes hospitales del IMSS-Bienestar mil 200 médicos cubanos y llegarán otros 3 mil 800 para cubrir la totalidad de plazas vacantes en los hospitales rurales https://t.co/xNi6y6TMMp
The increase in Cuban migration to the United States, using Mexico as a transit point, coincides with a series of political decisions that have generated controversy and concern internationally, particularly in the United States.
In response to this situation, the U.S. Congress has shown interest in the Mexican government’s hiring of Cuban doctors, partly due to concerns about human rights violations and potential human trafficking implications. These issues have been highlighted as potential violations of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which includes provisions on labor rights and fair treatment of workers.
Eje Central reported on the U.S. House of Representatives’ resolution 1358, which demands «accountability for severe violations of internationally recognized human rights in Cuba and the malign activities against the United States and democratic countries in the Western Hemisphere committed by the communist regime in Cuba.»
One of the resolution’s findings states that «the Cuban regime sends medical personnel abroad to serve as forced labor in Mexico and other countries, where they are paid only between 10% and 25% of what the host country compensates Cuba for their services, denying them their fundamental rights.»
The resolution, introduced by Florida Republican Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar and supported by representatives such as Robert Menéndez (Democrat, New Jersey), Mario Díaz-Balart (Republican, Florida), Alexander Mooney (Republican, West Virginia), Carlos Giménez (Republican, Florida), Nicole Malliotakis (Republican, New York), and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Democrat, Florida), contains nine resolutions, one of which mentions Mexico.
Specifically, point number 7 urges «the U.S. Trade Representative to engage in consultations with the government of Mexico and all other countries involved in the trafficking of Cuban doctors and violating the labor provisions of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).»
From Washington’s perspective, Cuba is considered a Tier 3 country due to its «total non-compliance with the minimum standards against human trafficking.» The regime in Havana is classified as «a state sponsor of human trafficking.»
In contrast, the government of President López Obrador has publicly declared itself an ally of Cuba, asserting that the country suffers from an «inhumane and unjust» blockade, and has signed agreements with the Cuban government to receive hundreds of doctors from the island nation.
The fact that thousands of Cubans are seeking asylum in Mexico, fleeing repression in their country, reinforces the perception that current immigration and labor policies require careful review and a more humane approach from the governments involved.
There is a ray of light amidst the socialist government of Mexico:
Los doctores cubanos que han sido contratados por el gobierno socialista de @lopezobrador_ no están cobrando lo que el gobierno mexicano le está pagando a la dictadura de Cuba. A los doctores no les dan ni el 10% de lo que les correspondería; el resto se lo queda el régimen…
Eduardo Verástegui on X: «The Cuban doctors hired by the socialist government of @lopezobrador_ are not receiving the full amount the Mexican government is paying to the Cuban dictatorship. The doctors are not even getting 10% of what they should; the rest is pocketed by the regime» .
These factors underscore the need for greater transparency and accountability in managing international labor relations, ensuring that no country exploits the vulnerabilities of workers, whether through the international hiring of doctors or the treatment of migrants seeking asylum.
Hiring Cuban doctors continues to be a profitable venture for the Cuban dictatorship. As a reader, one might ask: What will the socialist government of AMLO receive in return for this deal?
María Herrera Mellado es una abogada en EE.UU. y España y Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas. Completó sus estudios de grado y posgrado en EE.UU. y Europa. Profesional distinguida, la Dra. Herrera es conocida por su amplia experiencia en políticas públicas, asuntos legales y relaciones internacionales. Su reconocimiento proviene de sus contribuciones a diversas organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, centradas en temas como la integridad electoral, los derechos humanos y la gobernanza democrática. María ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en la defensa de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en los procesos políticos, y sus esfuerzos han sido instrumentales para impulsar reformas y fomentar el desarrollo sostenible en varias regiones. Su formación académica y experiencias profesionales la convierten en una voz respetada en el debate sobre los desafíos políticos y legales contemporáneos.
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