Kamala Harris Falls Apart at Georgia Campaign Event, Sounds More Incoherent Than Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris Falls Apart at Georgia Campaign Event, Sounds More Incoherent Than Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris Falls Apart at Georgia Campaign Event, Sounds More Incoherent Than Joe Biden (VIDEO)
August 29, 2024

Kamala Harris and Stolen Valor Tim Walz spoke at a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia on the final day of their bus tour.

With no famous singer performing, the Harris campaign had to bus in supporters.


Kamala Harris fell apart at her Savannah campaign event.

She managed to make Joe Biden look coherent.

“He even called for termination of the United States supreme, the c— the supreme land of our nation – the United States Constitution!” Harris said.


Far-left pro-Gaza supporters interrupted Kamala Harris’s campaign speech.


“Hold up, hold up for a second. Hold up for a second. Let me just say something. Let me just say something … I am speaking now,” Harris said.


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Author: Cristina Laila

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation
August 29, 2024

Republished with permission from JoeHoft and AbleChild.

Forty-five days after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released a litany of investigative information.

While any nibble goes a long way, the information provided has shortcomings insomuch as the FBI still is not being specific about the all-important physical evidence.

Special Agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh Field Office, Kevin Rojek, provided remarks during a media call that simply raise more questions.

For example, Rojek explains that the “FBI is now in possession of the subject’s autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner’s office.”

Great. When did the FBI obtain the autopsy and toxicology reports from the coroner? Is Rojek referring to the Butler County Coroner or the Allegheny County Medical Examiner? People often confuse these two entities. Specificity would be helpful. It matters.

Rojek also says that the “autopsy report indicated the subject was pronounced deceased at 6:25 p.m. on July 13, 2024, as a result of a single gunshot wound to the head.”

This reads just like the Butler County Coroner’s death certificate, not the ME’s autopsy.

If this is from the coroner and not the ME, then there are serious problems. The coroner’s report reads, “an inquisition taken at 615 Whitestown Road on the 13th day of July…” Nope.

The coroner went to the crime scene at midnight on the 13th and was rebuffed and told to return later. The coroner returned at 6 a.m. on the 14th to complete the death investigation.

Assuming the FBI told the coroner to return later, then the death investigation report is inaccurate and should be corrected, and Agent Rojek should have explained why the coroner was sent away at midnight.

Next. Agent Rojek explains that “all reviewable evidence collected from the AGR roof and from the Subject’s body are consistent with the round fired by the Secret Service Sniper.” It is interesting that the FBI would use the word “consistent.”

What the public needs to know is whether a projectile was recovered from the subject’s body and was there a rifling match between the projectile and the barrel of a sniper’s weapon?

Providing the ballistics report would be helpful. Further, having a look see at the autopsy would also provide important information about which direction the projectile removed from the subject traveled. Specificity.

Rojek explained that the FBI rendered “the scene safe and following our established evidence gathering procedures, the FBI contacted the Butler County Coroner’s office.” “Evidence gathering?”

What evidence was gathered prior to the coroner determining time and cause of death? What evidence was touched, moved or removed by the FBI prior to the coroner arriving at the scene twelve hours after the shooting?

Again, knowing why the FBI turned away the coroner at midnight would be helpful. Agent Rojek further explains that “the coroner removed the body from the scene and conducted a death investigation.”

The coroner removed the body prior to his investigation? That seems odd. Wouldn’t the body be important in writing crime scene notes? What about photographs of the deceased on the roof?

Agent Rojek also reports that the “toxicology revealed negative results for alcohol and drugs of abuse.” Really? What about other drugs, like prescribed psychiatric drugs?

Did the ME conduct toxicology tests to determine whether the subject had been on one or more prescribed drugs? Too often these tests are not conducted by ME’s.

For example, recall that in the case of Nashville mass shooter, Audrey Hale, the ME reported that “Hale’s blood did not reveal any positive findings of toxicological significance.”

Later it was reported that Hale had been taking multiple prescribed psychiatric drugs at the time of the shooting. A full toxicology report matters.

Agent Rojek explains that the FBI “followed all appropriate evidence-gathering procedures and completed the final release of the scene seven days after the attack…which included cleaning the biological material from the AGR roof…”

This is a point of contention among law enforcement experts that argue this is not standard procedure for the investigating body to clean a crime scene.

Nevertheless, while it is helpful to have the FBI finally release some information about its investigation, much of the information released just adds to a list of questions.

More than that, though, one must wonder why the complete autopsy has not been released for public review, why the ballistics report has not been released for public review and why there has been no mention of fingerprint and DNA tests completed by the FBI on the alleged shooter?

It is of interest, too, that there is no mention of the “white van.” Yes, that white van that police found by use of the police K9 unit. According to The Daily Mail reports about the white van, “officers searched the battered white vehicle from which they removed explosives after they were led across fields to its location by their K9 unit.”

Fox News reported that law enforcement combed through a white van believed to have been used by Thomas Matthew Crooks after he nearly assassinated former President Trump.”

Fox further reported that “officers found explosives, including an improvised explosive device, inside the van… emphasized that more than one was found.” The tag on the white van was reportedly from Arizona.

So. Why is there no mention of this white van by the FBI? More than one explosive device was found inside the van and there is a video of police combing through the van.

Why is this van not mentioned by the FBI, even if it is just to say the van had nothing to do with Crooks. Of course, that would be a problem. Dogs sniffed out the van based on Crooks scent.

Another automobile with explosives? It sure sounds like more than one subject or at least more than one automobile.

So, no autopsy, no complete toxicology, no fingerprint or DNA data, and no ballistics report. Oh, and an extra automobile with explosives.

Nobody wants to be Johnny Rain Cloud, but the FBI’s “updated” information only raises more questions that need to be addressed…questions that the FBI should have already answered. What’s the problem?

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Author: Guest Contributor

Absolute Failure: FBI Audit Reveals Just How Badly the Group Still Bungles Child Sex Abuse Cases

Absolute Failure: FBI Audit Reveals Just How Badly the Group Still Bungles Child Sex Abuse Cases

Absolute Failure: FBI Audit Reveals Just How Badly the Group Still Bungles Child Sex Abuse Cases
August 29, 2024

The U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector’s General published the findings of an audit into the FBI’s handling of sex offenses against children on Thursday.

The findings did not paint the Federal Bureau of Investigation in a particularly favorable light.

The DOJ was very straightforward about the purpose of this audit: “The objective of this audit was to evaluate the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) compliance with laws, regulations, and policies related to its handling of tips of hands-on sex offenses against children and mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse.

“‘Hands-on’ sex offense is a term used to describe an offense that includes physical sexual contact.

“This audit was intended to follow up on issues identified in the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) July 2021 report on the FBI’s handling of allegations against Lawrence Gerard Nassar (OIG Nassar Report) and respond to congressional inquiries regarding the FBI’s practices to protect children.”

If the name “Nassar” rings a bell, it’s because he is the infamous former Michigan State and Team USA gymnastics team doctor who used his position to sexually abuse hundreds of girls and women.

Nassar, who also pleaded guilty to having child pornography, is currently serving out an effective life sentence (the man is 61, with over 50 years left on his sentence) in prison, where he has reportedly had a rough time.

Nassar’s actions in and of themselves were monstrous enough, and the disgraced doctor has since been brought to relative justice.

But the matter of how Nassar was able to run amok for so long still lingered … and some rather prominent voices (like Team USA superstar gymnast Simone Biles) put some of that blame squarely on the FBI.

Biles and her fellow critics were proven right with that aforementioned July 2021 report from the FBI, but this new audit is purporting that the FBI has not gotten much better in the ensuing years of the Nassar fallout.

CNN interpreted the findings of the lengthy audit as thus: “The FBI has continued to mishandle allegations of child sexual abuse in the years after the bureau’s notorious bungling of the investigation into disgraced USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar.”

The outlet added: “Because of those failures, allegations of sexual abuse against children were left unaddressed for months while minors continued to be victimized, the audit found.”

Indeed, the audit itself provided some harrowing specific examples of FBI failure.

“In December 2021, the FBI received an allegation through its National Threat Operations Center (NTOC) of a historical incident involving the subject — a registered sex offender — engaging in sexual activity with a minor victim that involved travel across state lines,” the audit noted. “The victim, who was an adult at the time of reporting, alleged that the subject may have enticed other minor victims. In response to this tip, an FBI field office opened a full investigation into the matter about 2 weeks later.

“In January 2022, the FBI field office that opened the investigation set a lead to a second field office requesting an interview of the victim but we did not identify evidence that the victim was interviewed or offered victim services.

“At the time of our review, the most recent substantive investigative activity documented in the case file was over 7 months old and documented in August 2022.

“We did not identify any referrals to the SLTT law enforcement agency with jurisdiction or the subject’s probationary officer.”

Worse yet, once this incident was flagged, the FBI acted “over 1 year after receipt of allegations” to collect more incriminating evidence against the subject.

Another example of prolonged FBI inaction came when the audit chronicled an incident in May 2022.

“In May 2022, NTOC received an anonymous complaint of sex trafficking of unknown minors and drug trafficking by an identified subject.31 NTOC transferred this complaint to the appropriate FBI field office, but we did not identify any evidence of verbal contact between NTOC and the FBI field office, as required by FBI policy,” the audit noted. “Despite the sex trafficking of minors allegation, the first investigative activities documented in the case file by the FBI field office assigned the complaint were completed approximately 5 and 8 months after the receipt of the allegation.”

Yet another example provided by the audit noted that a separate investigation was “inappropriately placed on pending inactive status” and didn’t include any proper referrals.

The audit recommends a number of fixes and solutions.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Bryan Chai, The Western Journal

Can I get an eye roll please… @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸 https://www.bongino.com/cnbc-host-rolls-eyes-at-economically-illiterate-kamala-harris-economic-ad…


Can I get an eye roll please…

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸


CNBC Host Rolls Eyes at Economically Illiterate Kamala Harris Economic Adviser

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