X Social Media Platform Expected To Be Blocked Any Moment in Brazil – Starlink Accounts in the Country Seized – Musk Lashes Out: ‘The Tyrant, Alexandre, Is Dictator of Brazil. Lula Is His Lapdog’

X Social Media Platform Expected To Be Blocked Any Moment in Brazil – Starlink Accounts in the Country Seized – Musk Lashes Out: ‘The Tyrant, Alexandre, Is Dictator of Brazil. Lula Is His Lapdog’

X Social Media Platform Expected To Be Blocked Any Moment in Brazil – Starlink Accounts in the Country Seized – Musk Lashes Out: ‘The Tyrant, Alexandre, Is Dictator of Brazil. Lula Is His Lapdog’
August 29, 2024

After months of clashing between Brazilian Judiciary and the X social media platform, it is finally about to happened: X will reportedly blocked in Brazil at any moment.

X platform was dodging what it (along with most commentators) sees as clearly unconstitutional and illegal requests – not to mention secret – requests by Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes to censor or otherwise disclose private information regarding users that are political enemies of the judge.

Musk resisted the requests, openly defying the man who has become the real power in the shadows in Brazil – never mind socialist President Lula da Silva.

The blocking of X in Brazil is a culmination of months of clashes.

Just last week, X decided to close its operation in Brazil after the Supreme Court threatened to jail its legal representative in the country.

Now, although X is the most downloaded app in the country, it’s about to be blocked – to the chagrin of millions of users.

The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) of Brazil is currently forwarding the order to block the social network to all operators in the country; instability on the social network is expected as information is processed before the total blockade.

Earlier, Elon Musk responded on to the news that Starlink accounts in Brazil were blocked by Minister Alexandre de Moraes (STF): “The tyrant, Alexandre de Moraes, is dictator of Brazil. Lula is his lapdog.”

ProtonVPN posted on X that it is wants to help the population of Brazil against censorship:

“Amidst reports of X censorship in #Brazil, we’re continuing to work to provide access to a free and open internet. #ProtonVPN and its browser extension are available for free on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.”

Musk also remembered happier times when former president Jair Bolsonaro awarded him with Brazil’s commendation of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit.

Read more:

The Crackdown: Brazilian Communist Supreme Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Opposition Leaders Including a Comedian and a Journalist



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Author: Paul Serran

DOJ in Full-Blown Panic as Wisconsin Towns Thornapple and Lawrence Ditch Electronic Voting Machines in Favor of Hand Count — DOJ Threatens to File Lawsuit

DOJ in Full-Blown Panic as Wisconsin Towns Thornapple and Lawrence Ditch Electronic Voting Machines in Favor of Hand Count — DOJ Threatens to File Lawsuit

DOJ in Full-Blown Panic as Wisconsin Towns Thornapple and Lawrence Ditch Electronic Voting Machines in Favor of Hand Count — DOJ Threatens to File Lawsuit
August 29, 2024

Biden’s Gestapo DOJ has threatened legal action against the small towns of Thornapple and Lawrence in northern Wisconsin for their decision to abandon electronic voting machines in favor of hand-counted ballots.

The DOJ’s threats come after Thornapple and Lawrence officials opted out of using electronic voting systems, citing concerns over their reliability and potential for manipulation.

Many believe that hand-counted ballots provide a more transparent and trustworthy alternative, ensuring that every vote is accounted for without the risk of technological errors or tampering.

The towns’ alleged failure to provide accessible voting equipment for individuals with disabilities during the April election has been cited as the primary reason for this legal threat.

WPR reported:

A complaint filed with the Wisconsin Elections Commission says a town in Rusk County is breaking the law by refusing to make voting machines available to voters with disabilities. Despite a warning from the U.S. Department of Justice, the town allegedly conducted the August primary election using only hand-counted, paper ballots.

The complaint filed by Disability Rights Wisconsin says the Town of Thornapple violated the federal Help America Vote Act by not making electronic voting machines available to people with disabilities during the April and August primaries.

“By ceasing to use electronic voting equipment and, instead, exclusively using paper ballots completed and tabulated by hand, Respondents are no longer using voting systems that are accessible for individuals with disabilities in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters,” the complaint said.

Disability Rights Wisconsin is asking the Wisconsin Elections Commission to order Thornapple to make accessible voting machines available. DRW Director of Legal and Advocacy Services Kit Kerschensteiner told WPR the goal is to ensure all town residents are able to cast private ballots in the November presidential election. She said voting machines were used without issue in Thornapple before April.

“This is not the situation of a machine that just isn’t functioning that day at the polling place,” Kerschensteiner said. “This is a place that has chosen specifically, knowing that they were disenfranchising individuals with disabilities, and choosing to go ahead and do that, which we find to be unacceptable.”

The DOJ, under the leadership of Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division, has already made it clear that they are prepared to file lawsuits against the towns and their officials for allegedly violating federal law.

“This is to notify you that I have authorized the filing of a lawsuit on behalf of the United States against the State of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the Commission Administrator, the Town of Thornapple, the Town of Lawrence, and the Town Clerks and Town Board Supervisors of Thornapple and Lawrence, pursuant to Section 301 of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (“HAVA”), 52 U.S.C. § 21081,” according to the letter sent to the election officials, obtained by Vote Beat.

“HAVA authorizes the Attorney General to bring an action in federal district court for such declaratory and injunctive relief as is necessary to carry out the requirements of Title III of HAVA. 52 U.S.C. § 21111.”

However, Thornapple’s election officials are standing firm against this intimidation, questioning whether the DOJ is using their small town as a precedent to impose its will on other municipalities.

More from Vote Beat:

Suzanne Pinnow, the top election official in Thornapple, declined to answer multiple questions but questioned whether the Justice Department would go after the town.

“Do you think perhaps they’re going to use Thornapple, because we are a tiny little place, as precedent to reflect back on and say, ‘Look, we forced them’?” she asked.


Pinnow said Thornapple decided in the middle of 2023 not to use voting machines and opted out of using them in the Aug. 13 election for the “same reasons we did before.” She didn’t elaborate.

In April, Pinnow told Votebeat that nobody in the town had been unable to vote because of the decision not to have accessible voting machines.

“I wish I could talk. I wish I could,” Pinnow said on Thursday. “I wish I could because I think more people need to hear and understand and know why. But at this time, I can’t … because if it for some reason would go to litigation, I don’t want anything out there that I’m spewing this or that or saying something that I didn’t say.”

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

“You Can Say It!” – Doug Emhoff Tries to Start “USA” Chant – But Democrat Voters Aren’t Interested (VIDEO)

“You Can Say It!” – Doug Emhoff Tries to Start “USA” Chant – But Democrat Voters Aren’t Interested (VIDEO)

“You Can Say It!” – Doug Emhoff Tries to Start “USA” Chant – But Democrat Voters Aren’t Interested (VIDEO)
August 29, 2024

Doug Emhoff in Michigan

This was awkward.

Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, who is best known for denouncing ‘toxic masculinity,’ was out in West Michigan on Thursday campaigning for his wife.

Emhoff delivered remarks to a small crowd at the Broadleaf Brewery in Kentwood, Michigan.

“Her plan is to create an opportunity economy, right, where everyone has an opportunity to succeed,” Doug Emhoff said of Kamala Harris.

“We want to have a great economy that focuses on all of us. We want to have clean air to breathe. We want less weapons of war on our streets that are killing young people in our schools,” he said echoing the same old Democrat talking points.

Kamala Harris is currently in office so why doesn’t she do this now?

At one point Doug Emhoff tried to start a “USA” chant but the Democrat voters were not interested.

Joe and Kamala’s Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo (standing to the left of Emhoff) couldn’t bring herself to enthusiastically chant either.

Democrats hate America.


Doug Emhoff absurdly claimed Kamala Harris is pro-business and pro-Capitalism.

This is after Harris proposed Communist-style price controls.


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Author: Cristina Laila

WATCH: CNN Releases First Clip of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Softball Interview – But Won’t Release Full Transcript of All 18 Minutes… What’s Being Cut Out?

WATCH: CNN Releases First Clip of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Softball Interview – But Won’t Release Full Transcript of All 18 Minutes… What’s Being Cut Out?

WATCH: CNN Releases First Clip of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Softball Interview – But Won’t Release Full Transcript of All 18 Minutes… What’s Being Cut Out?
August 29, 2024

CNN’s Dana Bash interviewed Kamala Harris and her emotional support animal Tim Walz nearly 40 days after Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race.

Kamala Harris refuses to do a live press conference and answer any questions after she stole Biden’s delegates in July.

Harris and Walz only agreed to sit down with Dana Bash and CNN is refusing to release the full transcript of all 18 minutes.

CNN released a teaser clip of their pathetic interview with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

“Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made that you’ve explained some of here in your policy? Is it because you have more experience now when you’ve learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you’re saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?” Dana Bash asked Kamala Harris.

Harris responded with a word salad.

“Dana, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You’ve mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed — and I’ve worked on it — that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. we did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States of America And by extension, the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as an example. That value has not changed. My value around what we need to do to secure our border. That value has not changed. I spent two terms as the attorney general of California prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of American laws regarding the passage — illegal passage of guns, drugs, and humans beings across our border. My values have not changed,” Harris said.


CNN won’t release the full transcript of all 18 minutes.

What’s being cut out?

Partial transcript courtesy of Newsbusters

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Author: Cristina Laila

Walz-in Out a Fake War Hero

Walz-in Out a Fake War Hero

Walz-in Out a Fake War Hero
August 29, 2024

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Chase Spears
Real Clear Wire

Walzin Out a Fake War Hero: The Minnesota Governor Abused the Uniform and Deserves the Scorn that comes with it.

There is a saying among veterans that we’re hard on one another, but that we’ll circle the wagons when civilian outsiders attack. Perhaps in another time that was truly the rule. If so, such a tradition expired long before my enlistment in the fall of 2003. Regardless, one rule remains intact for generations of veterans: lie about your military service record at your own risk. Governor of Minnesota and vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz is learning that lesson. It’s one he should have known long ago as a retired senior noncommissioned officer.

In the Army, the noncommissioned officer (NCO) leads troops directly. Officers command, plan, and make policy. NCOs make it happen. Good NCOs are the repository of common sense in the ranks, the ones who know their troops well. Having worn the rank of Sergeant, and then becoming an officer myself, I often spoke of the importance of officers having NCO supervision. There’s a reason most U.S. Army officers have an enlisted counterpart, wisdom that was baked into the system long ago. They are integral to a healthy balance of leadership in the military setting.

It is against this backdrop that Tim Walz’s behavior stands out in such stark relief to the Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer, which states, “I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit, or personal safety.”

The problem is not Master Sergeant Walz moving on to a political career as a civilian. He is following in the wake of many who have come before him—all the way back to the nation’s early years. In the U.S., doing time in the military is frequently a catalyst for one’s political ambitions given the favorable view the public has toward the troops. Consider John Glenn: he was recruited to run for senate specifically for being a Marine and an astronaut. The same can be said of Senator Mark Kelly. Though Americans do not often elect veterans as presidents, they routinely elect them to Congress.

Had Walz retired, gone back to civilian life, and been honest about his military record, this discussion would not be happening. Had he spoken of himself as a “retired Master Sergeant, and former Command Sergeant Major of the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery,” that would have been fine. I retired last year having been selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. But I chose to depart as a Major rather than waiting months for the date of promotion and completing an additional three years to maintain the higher rank in retirement. Walz himself made a deliberate choice not to complete the requirements to remain a Command Sergeant Major and was returned to the rank of Master Sergeant in retirement.

Everyone in the military leaves eventually, one way or another. Originally planning for a 30-year career, I chose to leave at 20 years for reasons of conscience and a desire to be more present with my family, after having served tours in combat zones. It seems Walz timed his retirement out of a desire to avoid combat deployment altogether, despite claims of reenlisting specifically to fight in the Global War on Terrorism. There were plenty of reasons why one would dislike the idea of deploying to Iraq, a war the Bush Administration never should have started. Having completed the initial requirements that he signed up for, Walz had every legal right to drop out of the Sergeant Majors academy and retire, instead of continuing to lead his battalion. It is fair to debate the associated honor or dishonor of Walz stepping away as a senior leader when his unit needed him and going behind the back of his immediate supervisors to do so. But the fact remains, it was his choice to make as a free citizen. Many others have made the same choice.

But choosing to step down and then create a false war hero identity for political benefit is deserving of the loudest contempt. Walz attempted to cast himself in the likeness of Rambo, but proves to be more of an emasculated, dancing retired Master Sergeant on the political stage.

Once freed of the shackles associated with his military status, Walz falsely branded himself a combatveteran, a claim debunked by the same left-leaning press that’s doing all it can to ensure he and Harris win in November. Every bit as lacking in ethical prowess, the acolytes running Walz’s public relations effort claim that he merely “misspoke.” That is a lie. Veterans know if they served in a designated combat theater and if they carried a weapon in a war zone. These are not distinctions taken lightly. Suggestions otherwise spit in the faces of those who have been on the ground in dangerous places, putting their lives on the line in America’s defense.

One can criticize Walz for his myriad of insane policy choices, a short list of which includes: tampons in boys’ bathrooms, setting up COVID snitch hotlines, letting Minneapolis burn in 2020, joining Minnesota to a list of states that aim to disregard the electoral college, enthusiastic homosexual grooming of children in public schools, and signing legislation that stripped the rights of children who survive an abortion attempt. He deserves condemnation for playing the “military defender of the nation” card while also saying that there is no right to free speech in that pesky Constitution he pledged allegiance to as a soldier. Walz’s record as an elected official is reprehensible. Even without bringing his time in the National Guard into the conversation, he is unqualified for leadership at any level. But since he lied about his military service for personal gain repeatedly over the years, it is right to add that to Walz’s long list of actions that render him unfit for political office.

Chase Spears served as a U.S. Army public affairs officer for 20 years, retiring as a Major-Promotable in 2023. Among other pursuits, he enjoys writing about courage, civil-military relations, communication ethics, and policy. Chase holds a Ph.D. in leadership communication from Kansas State University, where his research focused on the political realities of military norms and actions. He can be found on X, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Substack at @drchasespears.

This article was originally published by RealClearDefense and made available via RealClearWire.

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