Wayne Root Responds to Ben Stiller Video Endorsing Kamala: Why Any Jew Who Votes for Kamala Harris and Democrats is like a Chicken Voting for KFC!

Wayne Root Responds to Ben Stiller Video Endorsing Kamala: Why Any Jew Who Votes for Kamala Harris and Democrats is like a Chicken Voting for KFC!

Wayne Root Responds to Ben Stiller Video Endorsing Kamala: Why Any Jew Who Votes for Kamala Harris and Democrats is like a Chicken Voting for KFC!
August 29, 2024

By Wayne Allyn Root

I am a Jew. Just like Ben Stiller, the Hollywood actor and comedian, who just today released a video supporting Kamala Harris. I’m embarrassed and ashamed that any Jew could support Kamala Harris.

It’s so bizarre, ridiculous, sad and tragic that any Jew could support Kamala Harris and Democrats. As I’ve said repeatedly on my national TV and radio shows for the last three disastrous years of Biden-Harris…

“Any Jew who votes for Kamala Harris and Democrats, is like a chicken voting for KFC.”

I was tickled pink when I heard Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address the US Congress and borrow my line to warn that “Gays for Gaza is like Chickens for KFC.”

I’ve seen many articles and commentaries reporting the reasons Jews should run away from Kamala and the Democrats like a grenade. Remember Kamala only weeks ago refused to attend Netanyahu’s speech in front of Congress. What a disgrace. What was she afraid of? Offending her Democrat base- a bunch of vile, radical, extreme Jew-haters who scream, “Death to Israel,” “Death to America,” and “We are Hamas.” That’s quite a crowd to suck up to.

With supporters like that, Kamala should be as popular with Jews as Chlamydia meets Herpes.

The thing with all the articles and commentaries I’ve read explaining why Kamala and Democrats are bad for Jews…is that they only talk about how Democrats mistreat Israel. Which is important. But it assumes Jews only vote based on Israel.

I don’t. I am a patriotic, MAGA, “America First,” Trump warrior, conservative, capitalist Jew. My priorities are always “America First.”

I love and support Israel. I understand Israel is one of our great allies in the world. But in the end, what matters is America. Because what good is America to Israel, if the US economy collapses, if Kamala’s brand of communism destroys our country, if we are in a “Kamala Great Depression,” if we have no more free speech in America, if we are in a civil war here at home, if radical Muslims, Hamas and Hezbollah run free in America’s streets?

So, I’m going to address the reasons why no Jew should support Kamala and Democrats in this election, from a different perspective. Jews should be focusing on “America First.” That’s how we keep Israel strong, safe and protected.

To vote for Kamala a Jew would have to be blind, deaf or very dumb. To vote for Kamala, a Jew would have to be self-destructive and self-hating.

Jews in America should support Trump because of what’s best for America!

Every Jew should vote for Trump because of the economy and the scourge of inflation. That has got to be the number one issue in America for everyone- Jewish or Christian, white or black, man or women. Biden-Harris and Democrats have destroyed this nation, our economy, our middle-class quality of life, with the worst inflation of my lifetime. Voting for them would be like voting for suicide bombers. Why would any Jew want more inflation? Higher grocery bills, restaurant bills, electric bills, insurance bills, higher gas prices? Do you hate yourself? You must, if you’d vote for clueless, hapless, incompetent, Marxist Kamala Harris- the person whose policies brought us this inflation.

Sure, Kamala feels our pain- because she’s the one causing it!

Every Jew should vote for Trump because of open borders- the millions of people being welcomed in by “Border Czar Kamala” are a threat to overwhelm the economy, explode the welfare system, explode the debt, bankrupt our country, explode crime, destroy our schools and healthcare system, and commit terrible acts of terrorism against America and in particular, Jews. Again, you’d have to be a suicide bomber to support Kamala and Democrats.

Every Jew should vote for Trump because of the exploding crime wave in our streets- because Kamala and Soros-backed liberal DAs let every criminal back on the streets, with no bail. Why would any Jew support that? Your homes are being robbed, your stores are being robbed, your children’s lives are being threatened. Add in reckless communist movements like “defund police” and the BLM riots. Kamala supported all of that. A Jew would have to be reckless and suicidal to support that.

Every Jew should vote for Trump to end affirmative action and DEI. These are the worst ideas in history for Jews. Why would you support others who don’t work as hard, with inferior grades and test scores, getting college admission, or jobs ahead of your kids? You’d have to hate your own kids to support that. America became the greatest nation and economy in world history because we based everything on merit. Whoever works the hardest and has best resume should get the job. Jews are being screwed the worst of any group when jobs or admission is given based on race.

Every Jewish parent should vote for Trump because of transgender brainwashing in our schools. Is this what Jews want for their children? Do you want your son David to become Debbie? Do you want your daughter to play volleyball with a 6-foot, 280-pound boy named Mary?

Every Jew should vote for Trump because of the pro Hamas college protests. Did you ever think in America thugs would openly scream “death to Jews” and “I am Hamas.” There isn’t one Republican in those Jew-hating crowds of thugs. This is all coordinated by radical leftist Democrats.

Every Jew should vote for Trump because of the censorship and weaponization of government by Democrats. Do you want America to mimic 1930s Nazi Germany? Only one party censors, bans, and silences the opposition. Only one party wants no dissent. Only one party tries to put their political opponents in prison. This is today’s Democrat Party.

If you’re a Jew, wake up and…and vote Trump. Or you won’t have to worry about Israel anymore. Because America will be gone. It really is true…

“Any Jew who votes for Kamala Harris and Democrats, is like a chicken voting for KFC.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch

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Author: Assistant Editor

BREAKING: North Carolina Latest Battleground State to Block Request by RFK Jr. to Remove His Name From 2024 Ballot

BREAKING: North Carolina Latest Battleground State to Block Request by RFK Jr. to Remove His Name From 2024 Ballot

BREAKING: North Carolina Latest Battleground State to Block Request by RFK Jr. to Remove His Name From 2024 Ballot
August 29, 2024

Robert Kennedy Jr. sheds tears as he suspends his campaign, citing relentless attacks from the left.

North Carolina is the latest battleground state to block Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from removing his name from the presidential ballot even though he exited the 2024 race last week.

In a Phoenix press conference last Friday, Robert Kennedy Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed President Trump.

RFK said he will stay on the ballot in states where his presence will hurt Kamala, and he will remove himself from ballots in states where his presence hurts Trump.

“In about 10 battleground states, where my presence would be a spoiler, I’m going to remove my name. And I’ve already started that process and urge voters not to vote for me,” RFK Jr. said.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted on Thursday to keep RFK Jr. on the 2024 ballot. Votes cast for RFK Jr. in North Carolina won’t count because he suspended his campaign.

WBTV reported:

Former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will remain on the ballot for North Carolina’s general election, the state decided Thursday.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections on Thursday, Aug. 29 voted in favor of keeping Kennedy on the ballot, despite his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Third-party candidate Kennedy suspended his presidential campaign on Friday, Aug. 23.

Kennedy’s name will appear on the ballot in November for North Carolina voters, who can technically still vote for him. Those votes won’t count, however, since Kennedy has withdrawn from the race.

Typically, if a candidate drops out of a race with enough time before an election, their name won’t get included on the ballot. Kennedy, however, suspended his campaign just before voting begins in North Carolina, creating a too-tight deadline for County Boards of Elections — of which many had already begun printing ballots for the election.

According to Karen Brinson, executive director of the state’s elections board, North Carolina had already printed about 1.73 million ballots as of Thursday in more than 60 counties. Special ballots, for example, such as for those overseas in the military or those with vision problems, were already being prepared.

To reprint and redistribute ballots without Kennedy’s name would take at least 13 days, according to Brinson. The process would reportedly require reproofing the entire ballot, which involves the state and county boards. Reprinting would also cost more money, the board said.

RFK Jr. will also remain on the Michigan and Wisconsin 2024 presidential ballot despite suspending his campaign.

RFK Jr. voters move overwhelmingly to President Trump which is why Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina are keeping Kennedy on the ballot in crucial battleground states.

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Author: Cristina Laila

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Speaks in Potterville, Michigan – Remarks to Begin at 3:30 PM ET

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Speaks in Potterville, Michigan – Remarks to Begin at 3:30 PM ET

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Speaks in Potterville, Michigan – Remarks to Begin at 3:30 PM ET
August 29, 2024

Trump is hitting two key battleground states on Thursday with two months to go until Election Day: Michigan and Wisconsin.

President Trump will deliver remarks on the economy, Kamala’s inflation crisis, and manufacturing in Potterville, Michigan.

Trump is expected to speak in Potterville at 3:30 PM ET.


President Trump will hold a town hall with Tulsi Gabbard in La Crosse, Wisconsin later Thursday.

Supporters are already lined up to see Trump in La Crosse.

The post WATCH LIVE: President Trump Speaks in Potterville, Michigan – Remarks to Begin at 3:30 PM ET appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cristina Laila