‘Bone-Chilling’: Data Expert Says COVID Shots Triggered Explosive Surge in Kidney Failures

‘Bone-Chilling’: Data Expert Says COVID Shots Triggered Explosive Surge in Kidney Failures

‘Bone-Chilling’: Data Expert Says COVID Shots Triggered Explosive Surge in Kidney Failures
August 29, 2024

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

Analysis shows 155,000 additional deaths reported after mRNA shots were unleashed on public.

A leading data expert has issued a “bone-chilling” warning after reviewing the numbers and causes of death across America since the COVID-19 pandemic and the mRNA shots – now proven to have many and dangerous side effects – hit Americans.

A report at Slay News explains it is John Beaudoin, a renowned statistician, who found an explosive surge in deaths from fatal kidney conditions following the advent of mRNA treatments.

The report said, “Beaudoin calculated that there have been 155,000 excess deaths caused by acute kidney injury (AKI) since late 2020 in the United States alone.”

He looked at government numbers for a variety of factors, including state reports on excess deaths.

“As Beaudoin explains in a new interview, excess death is the figure above the expected baseline, not the total, meaning an extra 155k Americans died from AKI,” the report said.

While the death toll had been documented to have had no significant changes for years, suddenly they surged, 200% above normal, for 2021. And they were up 300% in 2022.

Then, in 2023, they continued to surge “alarmingly.”

Beaudoin explained, in the report, his “investigations prove that only COVID mRNA shots, and possibly COVID-19 hospital protocols, could be responsible for the staggering excess deaths from kidney failure,” the report said.

“There are more life years lost to acute renal failure alone than COVID, than polio, than smallpox … than anything in the past 100 years in the United States, except for World War II,” he said.

The report noted fellow data expert Ed Dowd confirmed the trend.

“Using data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) database, Dowd estimates 153K excess deaths nationwide from acute kidney injury alone over the last few years.”

Previous studies have suggested deaths “from all causes” actually are up significantly among those who were given the mRNA treatment.

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

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Author: Guest Contributor

Greg Kelly: “George W. Bush – Is Contemplating an Endorsement of Kamala Harris – What a Disgrace!” (VIDEO)

Greg Kelly: “George W. Bush – Is Contemplating an Endorsement of Kamala Harris – What a Disgrace!” (VIDEO)

Greg Kelly: “George W. Bush – Is Contemplating an Endorsement of Kamala Harris – What a Disgrace!” (VIDEO)
August 29, 2024

Greg Kelly warns that George W. Bush may jump the shark and endorse communist Kamala Harris.

On Wednesday night, Newsmax host Greg Kelly warned the former President George W. Bush may endorse Kamala Harris for president.

This would be quite the coup for Democrats considering Kamala promotes totalitarian speech restrictions, catastrophic foreign policy, Marxist economic policy, and raw hatred for American history and culture.

Greg Kelly: Even if Kamala Harris were intelligent and gifted, a gifted speaker, something like that, there’s no way she could defend what has happened at the border. Joe Biden can’t. She can’t. If they were asked objective, real questions, it’s indefensible.

How about our loss in Afghanistan? No, they can’t. This is part of the reason why they’re hiding. These answers are beyond them, and they’re not good at politics. They’re not good at it. They have to be the monstrosity, the depravity at the White House. That is indefensible. And so is the crime wave that they have encouraged, the legalization, essentially, of shoplifting in this bogus conversation America has had about race. With all that stuff going on, it’s totally indefensible. They’re getting ready for their big We’ll be in an interview tomorrow on CNN.

Guess who might just be on the fence and thinking about endorsing Kamala Harris? George W. Bush. Remember that guy? Yeah. word is, he’s contemplating an endorsement of Kamala Harris. There was a rumor during the DNC that there was some momentum that he was going to do it during the DNC, and now there’s speculation that he might do it before the election at some point.

What a disgrace. How dare he? After what he brought this country through and what we’re going through right now, things that he doesn’t have to deal with because he’s rich and he’s ensconced in a cocoon of comfort.

The rest of us have to deal with this stuff. There are big signs at the Republican Party. I mean, the establishment, the RINO, the country club set, are doing all they can to help Kamala. More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney alums, endorse Harris for President and criticized Trump, going out of their way to do this.

Let’s look at their endorsement of Harris. I mean, this is unnecessary. We jointly declare that we’re voting for Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walsh this November. Abroad democratic movements will be irreperably as Trump and his acolyte JD Vance, kow-to-out of dictators Vladimir Putin while turning their backs on our allies. We can’t let that happen. They’re not going to let it happen, right? They’re not going to let it happen. 200 people from the swamp signed this letter. I remind you something, right? When people come together and sign letters when they’re in the swamp. A couple of names are, well, not that noteworthy, but the titles are interesting.

Let’s put them up one by one, if you don’t mind. 200 RINOs and leading with the following.

Christopher Barton, Director, National Security Council, Chief Counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee, Committee on Intelligence, George W. Bush Administration. What a swamp dweller, huh? I mean, this is textbook swamp.

Jeffrey Bobeck, Director of External Affairs at the Department of Energy for George W. Bush. Thanks, Jeffrey.

I’m surprised at this one. Daniel Connor, presidential helicopter for Marine One. Hey, fly the helicopter and that’s it. We don’t want to hear this stuff.

And Anne Dixon, intern. They had interns sign these letters. It does remind you, though, the Hunter Biden. This is bogus, right? I mean, they don’t know what they’re talking about. These are swamp people in it for themselves. Yeah, remember the Hunter Biden laptop? Remember the 51 intelligence officials – Russia disinformation.

These RINOs are disgusting and are part of the reason that Democrats were allowed to steal this country and destroy it.

Never forget this.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Actor Sylvester Stallone Supports New Movie Exposing Child Trafficking (VIDEO)

Actor Sylvester Stallone Supports New Movie Exposing Child Trafficking (VIDEO)

Actor Sylvester Stallone Supports New Movie Exposing Child Trafficking (VIDEO)
August 29, 2024

Screenshot of Sylvester Stallone via City of Dreams X Account

Actor Sylvester Stallone released a new video expressing support for the new movie “City of Dreams.”

The new movie “City of Dreams” raises awareness of child trafficking, and the executive producer of the film is former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.

Stallone, in a video, expressed support of the film “City of Dreams” and shared, “I’ve been making films for a long time, and every now and then you come across a film that is actually truly important. not just entertaining but can change your entire outlook on life.”

Stallone added, “Please, watch it and open up your heart.”

City of Dreams plot follows a young boy named Jesús, a Mexican boy who had dreams of becoming a professional soccer star only to have his dreams crushed after he was trafficked across the U.S. border and forced into enslavement.


Per Fox News:

Former Republican presidential candidate, businessman and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is calling attention to human trafficking, a global human rights crisis, by telling a heartbreaking story, inspired by true events, of a young boy whose dreams were minced when he was betrayed and thrown into child slavery in the U.S.

“City of Dreams” follows Jesús, a Mexican boy who was shattered to find his soccer ambitions had ended when he was trafficked across the U.S. border into Los Angeles and forced into sweatshop enslavement.

“I am a father. I’m a father of two sons,” Vivek Ramaswamy, executive producer of “City of Dreams,” told Fox News Digital during a video interview. “That’s one of the things that made this movie so uncomfortable for me because it is about a young boy who, in many ways, reminded me, just in the way he was portrayed in the film and his actual story, his personality and his spark, reminded me of my two boys.”

Vivek Ramaswamy was an executive producer on “City of Dreams,” a film about a young boy who was forced into modern slavery.

Deadline reported the filmmakers of the new movie will give out over $1 million in free tickets.

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Author: Anthony Scott

Spain: The Most American Nation in Europe

Spain: The Most American Nation in Europe

Spain: The Most American Nation in Europe
August 29, 2024

The phrase «Africa begins at the Pyrenees» was often used by the French and the English to demean Spain. Such a derogatory and borderline racist remark, by today’s “woke” standards, would warrant an apology and perhaps a public display of repentance. However, this envious slur, which gained traction especially from the 19th century onwards, was an attempt to hide the fact that Spain is the greatest and most vital connection between Europe and the Americas. The real tragedy is that many Spaniards and Latin Americans have internalized this notion as part of the Black Legend against our history and culture, turning it into an accepted dogma.

Between the 18th and 19th centuries, the British concluded that «Spain must be defeated in America, not in Europe.» While some may refer to Madrid as “the capital of the empire,” it is worth noting that Seville, also known as “the New York of the Baroque,” was the cultural and economic capital from the late 15th century to the early 18th century. However, by the 18th century, the true capital of the empire could be considered Mexico City, according to the teachings of Tomás Pérez Vejo, a Spanish historian based in Mexico.

Spain stands as the bridge between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, the point where Europe and Africa meet (or rather, diverge), and the powerful current that shapes the West through Europe and the Americas. There is no greater geopolitical significance. It is for this reason that the São Paulo Forum has set its sights on Spain—not only through Podemos and other Chávez-aligned factions, but also through a PSOE that engages in lucrative deals, starting with Delcy Rodríguez’s suitcase incident.

Thus, while Spain is the embodiment of America in Europe, this potential is not being fully realized. We Hispanics often fail to recognize the geopolitical value we hold, along with the possibilities that come with it.

However, we don’t have to resign ourselves to this situation. It is time for the tide to turn because when we unite, we are invincible. Let us always remember the example of the armada led by Bernardo de Gálvez, with distinguished names like Gardoqui, Miralles, Córdoba, Unzaga, and Saavedra, who played a key role in the birth of the United States.

Antonio Moreno Ruiz

Antonio Moreno Ruiz Nacido en Bollullos de la Mitación (Sevilla, España), en 1981. Historiador licenciado por la Universidad de Sevilla, con máster en Educación Secundaria y especializado en Historia de América. Comunicador y escritor. Amplia experiencia en periodismo, así como en docencia, traducción y proyectos de formación académica y cultural. *Co-fundador de la página “Spanish Heritage”

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Author: Gateway Hispanic

Sarah Palin Scores Major Court Win in Her Battle Against the New York Times

Sarah Palin Scores Major Court Win in Her Battle Against the New York Times

Sarah Palin Scores Major Court Win in Her Battle Against the New York Times
August 29, 2024

A famous lady from Alaska just got a small — but potentially meaningful — legal win over The Gray Lady.

Former Republican governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin notched a court victory over The New York Times on Wednesday, according to ABC News.

The whole ordeal centers on a defamation case brought by Palin against the Times.

According to Reuters, the issue stems from a 2017 NYT editorial titled “America’s Lethal Politics.”

The outlet noted that the piece “incorrectly linked [Palin] to a 2011 mass shooting that killed six people and seriously wounded Democratic U.S. congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.”

Other outlets similarly blamed the GOP for the Giffords incident.

A political action committee associated with Palin purportedly showed Democrat congressional maps with crosshairs on them, which was then somehow connected to Giffords. One such image included crosshairs on Giffords’ district.

Many have long since agreed that Gifford’s shooter suffered from mental illness.

The defamation case had originally been dismissed in 2022, but as ABC noted, the “Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals faulted the trial judge for dismissing the case before the jury had reached a verdict.”

“Unfortunately, several major issues at trial — specifically, the erroneous exclusion of evidence, an inaccurate jury instruction, a legally erroneous response to a mid-deliberation jury question, and jurors learning during deliberations of the district court’s Rule 50 dismissal ruling — impugn the reliability of that verdict,” Circuit Judge John Walker said of U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan.

Walker’s opinion represented a three-judge panel.

He added: “The jury is sacrosanct in our legal system, and we have a duty to protect its constitutional role, both by ensuring that the jury’s role is not usurped by judges and by making certain that juries are provided with relevant proffered evidence and properly instructed on the law.”

In response to that scathing assessment, Times representative Charlie Stadtlander told Reuters, “This decision is disappointing. We’re confident we will prevail in a retrial.”

Team Palin, meanwhile, took an obviously different tack in responding to this development.

“Governor Palin is very happy with today’s decision, which is a significant step forward in the process of holding publishers accountable for content that misleads readers and the public in general,” Shane Vogt, a lawyer for Palin, said in a statement, according to ABC.

He continued: “The truth deserves a level playing field, and Governor Palin looks forward to presenting her case to a jury that is ‘provided with relevant proffered evidence and properly instructed on the law’ as set forth in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals’ opinion.”

Furthermore, Reuters argued that this decision could have major implications.

The outlet noted: “Media critics, and Palin herself, have viewed the case as a possible vehicle to overturn New York Times v. Sullivan, the landmark 1964 U.S. Supreme Court decision that set a high bar for public figures to prove defamation.”

Interestingly, in its own coverage of the ongoing trial, the Times claimed Palin had made “media-bashing part of her rhetoric. Her lawsuit — as well as the 10-day trial in February 2022 — put her toe to toe with one of the country’s most prominent mainstream news organizations.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Bryan Chai, The Western Journal