RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US Elections

RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US Elections

RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US Elections
August 29, 2024

(Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Guest Post by Miriam Judith

According to reports, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been undermining conservative demands to include the SAVE Act in the upcoming short-term spending bill.

The SAVE Act proposes an amendment to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 that would enact stricter voting regulations, including requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote in federal elections.

Supporters argue that this legislation is critical to restoring election integrity and should be a top priority for conservatives, especially with the election approaching.

However, McConnell’s team has recently indicated that GOP conservatives should abandon the SAVE Act to avert a government shutdown just before the elections. They argue that the bill would likely backfire on Republicans, allowing Democrats to push through their own voter legislation.

In other words, bend the knee now so Democrats have a clear path to a rigged victory in November.

McConnell’s stance has ignited an intense backlash among conservatives who believe the SAVE Act is essential for ensuring that only eligible voters are permitted to participate in the electoral process.

Critics argue that by sidelining this legislation, McConnell is compromising the party’s commitment to safeguarding election integrity.

As negotiations surrounding the short-term spending bill progress, the rift within the Republican Party is becoming increasingly apparent.

Many conservatives view this development as a troubling trend toward alignment with the Democratic agenda on voting rights, fueling concerns that the party is diluting its core values and priorities.

By pushing this critical legislation to the side in favor of cooperating with democrats, McConnell exposes himself as a quintessential establishment politician who prioritizes the status quo over necessary reform.

McConnell’s insistence that GOP conservatives drop the SAVE Act to avoid a government shutdown illustrates profound cowardice—a retreat into the comforting arms of a Democratic agenda he claims to oppose.

Instead of standing firm against the tidal wave of partisan voting legislation, he seems intent on ensuring that the Republican Party appeases its critics rather than empowering its base.

As conservatives rally around the SAVE Act in a desperate attempt to restore the integrity of our elections, McConnell’s retreat reveals a bleak truth: he’s more interested in appeasing the establishment than genuinely fighting for the principles he professes to support.

In the end, McConnell’s actions epitomize the broader malaise plaguing the Republican Party—an unwillingness to engage in the hard battles necessary to uphold election integrity, leaving many disillusioned and yearning for true representation.

The reality is that voters see through this charade, recognizing that leaders like McConnell are increasingly out of touch with the very constituents who put them in power.

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Author: Julian Conradson

Landslide Coming? New Highly Weighted Michigan Poll Shows 21% of Democrats Now Support Trump – And Trump Leads with Independents by 56 Points!

Landslide Coming? New Highly Weighted Michigan Poll Shows 21% of Democrats Now Support Trump – And Trump Leads with Independents by 56 Points!

Landslide Coming? New Highly Weighted Michigan Poll Shows 21% of Democrats Now Support Trump – And Trump Leads with Independents by 56 Points!
August 29, 2024

Trhump or Communism – creator unknown

We all know how pollsters ALWAYS oversample Democrats.

Well, this latest Michigan poll by Activote takes the cake.

The poll weighted its results 25 points for Democrats!

And despite the outlandish weighting advantage for Kamala Harris she only leads by 0.2% points.

And despite the outlandish weighting advantage for Kamala Harris, Trump leads Kamala with independent voters by 56 points!

Political Polls tweeted this out.

And the Activote webpage discusses the weighting advantage they gave Kamala Harris.

ActiVote’s Aug 28, 2024 Michigan Presidential poll shows that Vice President Harris leads former President Trump by just 0.2%. The poll was among 400 likely voters, has an average expected error of 4.9%, and was in the field between July 28, 2024 and August 28, 2024 with a median field date of August 12.

Please note that party affiliation in Michigan is based on estimated party affiliation (using state voter record and statistical modeling). In the swing state of Michigan, the number of voters that are estimated to be Democrats among likely voters (55%) far outweighs the number of voters that are estimated to be Republicans among likely voters (30%). Estimated party affiliation is not a perfect measure of current leanings as evidenced by the fact that 21% of those deemed Democrats in our poll actually support the Republican candidate. However, in states that do not include party affiliation in their voter registration, it is the best information available to us.

Harris leads among urban voters, while Trump leads among rural and suburban voters. Harris leads among the youngest voters, while Trump leads among those 50-64 old. Harris narrowly wins the elderly.

Harris leads among women, while Trump leads among men. Harris wins almost 80% of those estimated to be Democrat, while Trump wins almost 90% of those estimated to be Republican and almost 80% of those estimated to be Independents.

Here are a few of the comments on this poll.

“Trump winning independents by 56 points but tied in the topline is not possible lol.”

“She’s cooked!”

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Author: Jim Hoft

Kamala’s Election Contributions in Kind from other Nations

Kamala’s Election Contributions in Kind from other Nations

Kamala’s Election Contributions in Kind from other Nations
August 29, 2024

In 2019, the Democrats played the victim with hysteria over the untrustworthiness of Election Machines that would likely alter the outcome of the November 2020 Election.  Democrat legislators raised the alarm in hearing after hearing.

PBS Television, Rolling Stone, and the Movie “Kill Chain” used mass psychosis to run report after report of the impending election disaster.  And then after November 2020, suddenly anyone who dared question anything was an Election Denier.

This time around, the fraud is being played out before the election with little attempt to conceal or deceive.

The ace in the hole for this election to make sure Kamala receives three billion votes (the approximate number of Social Security Numbers stolen) are the contribution’s in kind from Illegal Aliens, Iran / Five Eyes Partners, and American NGOs laundering foreign donations.

 Buying the Votes of Illegal Immigrants

Industrial level ballot production will be enabled by the flood of illegals across the open Southern Border.  Apparently enough aren’t coming so States like California, New York, and Massachusetts are bribing them with largesse looted out of the treasuries.

The supermajority of Democrats in the California Legislature are likely to pass a bill that will give $150,000 to illegal aliens to purchase a home (they like to call them “undocumented immigrants).  It sounds preposterous – but is true.

The state is bleeding population, tax receipts are falling, State debt is exploding, quality of life is collapsing, but the Legislature wants to give money they don’t have to illegal aliens.

In Massachusetts, Governor Healey is unable to account for $1 Billion Dollars in spending on illegal aliens flooding the state.  It seems ludicrous, but the GOP members of the Massachusetts Legislature cannot obtain truth on how $1 Billion Dollars was spent.

In New York, the freak show of Mayor Eric Adams is slashing spending for citizen services to give $10,000 debit cards to migrants.

The frenzy of spending to entice illegal migrants from other countries provides the mass of bodies to bring to the Department of Motor Vehicles to sign up the illegals as new voters exploiting the 1993 Motor Voter Law while Blue DMVs pretend to check 18USC611.

Trump Campaign Documents stolen by Iran, stolen back by Five Eyes, shared with Kamala’s Campaign?

Shortly after the April 2024 missile shoot out with Iran, there were coded hints at Five Eyes cyber intervention (the Five English Speaking nations of the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).

According to three Administration Officials, “Roughly 50% of the ballistic missiles fired by Iran failed to launch or crashed before reaching their target”.

The generally accepted number of launches by Iran was 350, so from this comment, this may mean that a further 350 missiles being prepared for launch by Iran perhaps blew up on the launch pad.

The possible “Five Eyes” coordinated cyber efforts to disrupt the Iranian launch process likely leveraged launch process vulnerabilities.

The liquid fueled ballistic missile inventory of Iran is still significant and the fueling process, especially in underground, bunkered spaces, is dangerous even during peacetime training conditions.

The wrong valve turned at the wrong time could be catastrophic and likely the process used Industrial Control Systems connected to the Internet.

This Five Eyes cyber capability could also mean that if Iran has stolen any Trump campaign documents, the Five Eyes group may have copies of those stolen Trump documents and that through a replay of the infamous unmasking episode of 2016 led by Susan Rice, these Trump documents may now be in the hands of the Harris Campaign.

Special Prosecutor John Durham showed that 2016’s Russia, Russia, Russia cry was an election interference hoax.  This time the operation seems to be very real and possibly mortal.

The Open Back Door:  Weak IRS rules on Non-Profits Receiving Foreign Donations

The developing Optica scandal is an explosive revelation of the role of Non-Profits and how they are immense laundering opportunities for foreign interests to inject money to influence American policy and politics.

An obscure non-profit, Optica “carries out charitable activities in support of the society’s student and early career communities. We cultivate the next generation of leaders and innovators”.

Optica focuses on advanced technology development in the high technology optics and photonics field.  What does this have to do with elections – everything.

The Chief Executive Officer of Optica is stepping down because it has been revealed that the Chinese Intelligence front company, Huawei, has been donating significant sums to Optica.

This is a case study in the lack of effective Internal Revenue regulations that ensure transparency on international donations into non-profits.  Non-profits have become the not-so-secret way in which Soros, Arabella, China, Iran, and others can super charge Democrat, Progressive, and Communist causes by flooding funds into America.

Non-profits are the wide-open loading dock to get money into America lawfully, but then re-directed for malign purposes.

The IRS rules on non-profits only tangentially reference the need to ensure the non-profits check the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) list of sanctioned entities and individuals to be sure that the acceptance of the gift would not violate an existing prohibition.

I can assure you that most non-profits have no idea what the OFAC list is and with almost zero audits of this topic by the IRS or Department of Treasury, this is the decisive way to throw the American Election.

The UPenn Biden Center (a non-profit) that generated the largest election fraud ever with the 51 Intel Officer Letter in the 2020 Election was the poster child for this gaping hole in the fence line of America.

The outcome of the 2024 election will likely not be determined by Americans – but by Foreign Nationals.  Kamala and Team are apparently fine with that.

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Author: John Mills

NEVER FORGET! Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel Hid the LARGEST ELECTION FRAUD SCANDAL in State History from the People of Michigan in 2020

NEVER FORGET! Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel Hid the LARGEST ELECTION FRAUD SCANDAL in State History from the People of Michigan in 2020

NEVER FORGET! Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel Hid the LARGEST ELECTION FRAUD SCANDAL in State History from the People of Michigan in 2020
August 29, 2024

On Tuesday, Michigan’s tyrannical SOS, Jocelyn Benson, shared a video on social media where she threatened election officials in local communities. “We will come for you,” if you dare to refuse to certify the election results, she warned.

Video via George Behizy.

This was rich coming from Jocelyn Benson, one of the most tyrannical far-left politicians in America today.

Jocelyn Benson is so corrupt that she has just this week lost her eighth election-related lawsuit lawsuit as she once again was shot down while attempting to skirt the law.

And NEVER FORGET that it was Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and crooked cohort Dana Nessel who hid the largest election fraud scandal in state history from the Michigan public in 2020.

The Gateway Pundit broke this report one year ago – three years after it took place – on the GBI Strategies Scandal.

The Gateway Pundit broke this story after our Michigan sources obtained a copy of the police report nearly three years after they launched their investigation into GBI strategies – a far-left voter registration company that was funded by Joe Biden and the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Here again is one of our several reports on this massive voter registration scandal.

By Jim Hoft, Ben Wetmore and Patty McMurray
Special thanks to Phil O’Halloran and Lori Skibo and Kanekoa the Great.

On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit broke a BLOCKBUSTER REPORT on 2020 voter fraud in Michigan.

The investigation had been buried by politicians, government investigators and the press.

On October 8, 2020, only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female, whose name was later redacted from the police report, dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office. Clerk Meisch immediately noticed that the stacks of registrations included the same handwriting, non-existent addresses, and incorrect phone numbers.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.

An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.

During their investigation, the state police discovered the women worked for GBI Strategies. This was included in their police report. The group had temporary offices in numerous Michigan locations. The police also identified Gary Bell as the head of the organization.

When the police inspected the GBI Strategies office near Muskegon they found semiautomatic guns, silencers/suppressors, burner phones, a bag of pre-paid cash cards, and incomplete registrations, in an office space that was styled as an eyeglasses store that had gone defunct.

There were never any arrests. And the investigation was turned over to the FBI where it went to die, just like all of the other Democrat voter fraud investigations. Back in November 2020 Bill Barr appointed a notorious DOJ attorney who covered up voter fraud crimes.

There has always been unanswered statistical irregularities about absentee ballots from the 2020 election. These irregularities suggest massive, systemic, voter fraud among absentee ballots. Viewing the percentage of the vote each candidate won from absentee voters precinct by precinct, one can see a very suspicious correlation between the candidates in 2020 that does not exist in 2016. This suggests there was major electronic manipulation of votes combined with the physical ballots placed to back up those fraudulent votes.

There is no argument that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a far-left Democrat, sent out absentee ballot requests without a legal request on file to every voter. There is no argument that Benson then used illegal interpretations of the law to presume that all voter signatures were a ‘match’ between the signatures on file and the ones on the ballots, even when they didn’t match.

Using COVID as the pretext, Democrats set the stage for scores of absentee ballots that would never receive scrutiny as to whether they were valid or not.

And even if some illegal ballots were caught by challengers or honest poll workers, most challenged ballots in left-wing jurisdictions were routinely ignored. 2020 Voter Fraud witnesses repeatedly noted that the ballot challenging process was ignored and suppressed.

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is herself a former Secretary of State, told the Gateway Pundit: “My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan, including many individuals who moved or died, and even some individuals who were underage or non-citizens. Many were sent to people who had moved out of state.”

Read the rest here:

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

This glut of insecure and accessible ballots, which could even be sent to third-party addresses or sent to addresses abroad, was ripe for fraud.

And the one company that was active in Michigan and who, according to the police report from the Muskegon Police, engaged in such fraud was GBI Strategies.


GBI Strategies LLC is a left-wing campaign consulting company run by Gary Bell with a mailing address in Alexandria, Virginia.  A quick online search also shows that GBI Strategies, LLC is located in Tennessee.  Gary Bell has a limited presence online.  He keeps a low profile despite his impressive resume.

According to Compmo Group Gary Bell manages over 70 "organizing operations" in 20 states and lends logistical and consulting support to another 7 states.

Bell brags about managing 70 different campaigns and worksites simultaneously. Bell also brags about doing "IE's" or "Independent Expenditure" campaigns for groups whose spending on campaign-related actions would not otherwise be disclosed or publicly available.

Bell appears to be part of the campaign-world 'deep state' on the left: the ones actually getting left-wing candidates into office.

CompMo Group has more on Gary Bell. He started in Washington DC. This bio says Bell leads HUNDREDS of field managers and THOUSANDS of canvassers.

Gary Bell has links to a wide variety of far-left political groups, including the DSCC, DNC, Black PAC, IBEW and SEIU to name a few.


FEC filings show that the far-left Black PAC organizations paid GBI Strategies $11,254,919 in 2020.

Via Kanekoa the Great:

Committee: Black PAC
Payee: GBI Strategies LLC
Candidate: Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Address: 5809 Fifer Dr. Alexandria, VA, 22303
Purpose: Canvassing
Year-To-Date: $11,254,919

So Black PAC paid GBI Strategies LLC $11 million to canvas for the 2020 Joe Biden presidential campaign?

AND GBI Strategies was also working with the Hillary Clinton Campaign in 2016.

Obviously, Hillary Clinton did not pay them enough!

GBI Strategies was being paid by Democrats for several cycles now. Now we know why they were spending so much on this organization.

We've always known the 2020 election was fraudulent. We have been documenting it for years. The mainstream media tried to gaslight America about the 2020 coup. But only the Gateway Pundit keeps bringing the receipts.

Our series on GBI Strategies will continue...

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Author: Jim Hoft

MSNBC Host Threatens to Sue Trump Aide Corey Lewandowski for Defamation — Then is Exposed by His Own Words in Shocking Video

MSNBC Host Threatens to Sue Trump Aide Corey Lewandowski for Defamation — Then is Exposed by His Own Words in Shocking Video

MSNBC Host Threatens to Sue Trump Aide Corey Lewandowski for Defamation — Then is Exposed by His Own Words in Shocking Video
August 29, 2024

Credit: MSNBC

MSNBC host Ari Melber threatened Trump aide Corey Lewandowski with legal action during a live broadcast of The Beat.

The exchange occurred after Lewandowski had the audacity to quote Melber’s own words back to him—words that exposed the media’s obsession with sensationalizing any aspect of President Donald Trump’s life, even following a failed assassination attempt.

Lewandowski, a seasoned campaign manager who played a pivotal role in Trump’s 2016 victory and who recently rejoined Trump’s campaign team as an adviser, didn’t back down in the face of Melber’s baseless threats.

Instead, he called out the MSNBC host for his hypocrisy, pointing out how Melber had described Trump’s appearance at the Republican National Convention last month.

In his broadcast, Melber had belittled Trump’s bandaged ear—an injury from the assassination attempt—as nothing more than “a prop, a spectacle from a candidate who’s obsessed with spectacles.”

Below is the transcript of the exchange:

Ari Melber: I quoted a New York Times article that said, at the convention, Donald Trump “was his own biggest prop.” It was a New York Times quote about how he–

Corey Lewandowski: Let me read it to you.

Ari Melber: –how he had become such an important figure in rebounding from what was a horrific assassination attempt. Fox News–

Corey Lewandowski: Let me read it to you.

Ari Melber: Corey, I said I’d address it. I’m gonna finish. Fox News, many viewers may not know about this, but apparently you do, and some do. Fox News, which has been caught in defamation, ran a false piece falsely stating that I said something else that I didn’t say. So, I stand on that. I stand on the New York Times quote.

Corey Lewandowski: So, you didn’t say, “This bandage was a prop, a spectacle from a candidate who’s obsessed with spectacles.”

Ari Melber: Uh, Mr. Lewandowski, I did not say that. That is a false quote.

Corey Lewandowski: I have it right here.

Ari Melber: What you have is a false quote.

Corey Lewandowski: You absolutely said it.

Ari Melber: What you have is a false quote. And if – I’m putting you on notice – if you continue to repeat falsely that I said that, you will be potentially in a defamation situation because I didn’t say that. But I understand that you’re working off the internet, which has a lot of false information.

Corey Lewandowski: Well, this is what it said. Right here.

Undeterred, Lewandowski revealed that he had the proof, and shortly after the broadcast, he released a video clip on social media showing Melber’s exact words from an earlier episode of The Beat. The footage left no doubt that Melber had indeed made the statements that Lewandowski had attributed to him.

An MSNBC Host threatened to sue me for defamation tonight for (by definition) the opposition of defamation >> Quoting their own words. Watch for yourself and let me know what you think,” Lewandowski wrote.


During the RNC Convention last month, Melber had quoted the New York Times, stating that Trump “was his own biggest prop” during his dramatic appearance with a large white bandage on his ear.

He went on to describe this moment as “an image for political mobilization” and characterized Trump, in his view, as “obsessed with assorted spectacles.”

Here’s how The New York Times put it: “On the first night of this convention, Trump was his own biggest prop. He entered the VIP box, a large white bandage on his injured right ear, the result of a close call on Saturday with a would-be assassin’s bullet. A reminder of mortality, a badge of survival – it was a blank rectangle on which the crowd could read what it wished, and that made it the most potent placard in the hall.”

A placard for delegates to fill in, an image for political mobilization, a spectacle for this candidate who we know is – by his own admission – obsessed with assorted spectacles.


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Author: Jim Hᴏft