Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Released from Prison in France – Bail Set at €5,000,000

Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Released from Prison in France – Bail Set at €5,000,000

Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Released from Prison in France – Bail Set at €5,000,000
August 28, 2024

Telegram founder Pavel Durov walks to his waiting vehicle after his release from prison in France.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov was released from prison in France on Wednesday evening. Pavel is out on €5,000,000 bail for “speech crimes.”

Durov is scheduled to appear before a French court over allegations that his platform was used for ‘illegal activities.’

The Telegram founder was arrested when he landed in France on Saturday on his way from Azerbaijan.

Video of his release via Gain of Fauci.

On Saturday, the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram was arrested at Le Bourget airport in France for refusing to comply with the country’s censorship laws.

Pavel Durov, 39, was arrested on the tarmac as he got off his private jet from Azerbaijan.

During a previous interview with Tucker Carlson, Pavel Durov said said the US government secretly attempted to infiltrate Telegram.

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Author: Jim Hoft

“She Can Go to Hell” J.D. Vance Blasts Kamala Harris for Attacking President Trump Over Visiting Arlington National Cemetery With Abbey Gate Families

“She Can Go to Hell” J.D. Vance Blasts Kamala Harris for Attacking President Trump Over Visiting Arlington National Cemetery With Abbey Gate Families

“She Can Go to Hell” J.D. Vance Blasts Kamala Harris for Attacking President Trump Over Visiting Arlington National Cemetery With Abbey Gate Families
August 28, 2024

Trump running mate and Iraq war veteran Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) blasted Kamala Harris for her campaign’s criticism of President Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Monday to mark the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate terror attack in Afghanistan family members of the fallen and survivors.

Trump participated in three wreath-laying ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for three servicemembers killed in the attack and then joined the families and survivors at Section 60 to honor the fallen at their gravesites.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Wednesday Vance responded to Harris, “But to have those thirteen Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful. If we want to talk about a story out of those thirteen brave innocent Americans who lost their lives, it’s that Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won’t even do an investigation into what happened but wants to yell at Donald Trump for showing up? She can, she can go to hell!”

TGP reported earlier Wednesday how NPR reported a cemetery staffer got into a physical altercation with Trump campaign staffers, trying to block them from taking photos and video of Trump with the families and survivors in Section 60, and that a report had been filed with Arlington Cemetery. The Trump campaign said it had permission from Arlington Cemetery and the families to have a photographer present. The media and the Harris campaign have made the incident a national story to try to deflect from the optics of Trump showing up at Arlington on Monday while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were on vacation and just issued written statements on the anniversary of the attack that killed thirteen servicemembers and over one hundred-fifty Afghans during Biden’s chaotic retreat from Afghanistan in August 2021.

Harris campaign spokesman Michael Tyler appeared on CNN Wednesday morning where he trashed Trump for visiting Arlington (CNBC excerpt):

Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign said a reported physical confrontation between former President Donald Trump’s campaign aides and an official at Arlington National Cemetery was “pretty sad,” but “it’s not surprising coming from the Trump team.”

“Listen, this is what we’ve come to expect from Donald Trump and his team,” Harris campaign spokesman Michael Tyler said in a CNN interview Wednesday. Arlington cemetery confirmed late Tuesday that an “incident” had occurred, and reiterated that federal law bars candidates and campaigns from conducting political campaign activities in national military cemeteries.

…“Donald Trump is a person who wants to make everything all about Donald Trump. He’s also somebody who has a history of demeaning and degrading military service members, those who have given the ultimate sacrifice,” Tyler said Wednesday on CNN.

“I think it’s part of what the American people have come to reject when it comes to Donald Trump. They’re sick of the toxic brand of politics,” Tyler said.

“They’re sick of the MAGA extremism, and they’re sick of a person who, no matter what the issue is, is frankly just trying to serve himself rather than doing what one should be doing as a leader, which is fighting for the American people.”

…Trump campaign senior advisor Chris LaCivita said Wednesday, “A nameless bureaucrat at Arlington whose job it is to preserve the dignity of the cemetery is doing the complete opposite in trying to make what was a very solemn and respectful event into something it was not.”

Speaking to NBC News, LaCivita also said Harris’ campaign and other Trump critics, by talking about the incident, are “trying to muddle the fact that there was only one commander in chief in Arlington on August 26th.”

LaCivita is a Marine veteran of the Gulf War who earned a Purple Heart.

Longer clip where Vance says the ‘altercation’ at Arlington is a media creation, noting Trump had permission from Arlington Cemetery and the families to have a photographer present, and that a cemetery staff member had a disagreement that the media blew up into a national story. Vance said veterans care more that Harris’ running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) lied about his military service record.

Reporter: One, could you tell us more about the altercation that happened at the Arlington Cemetery, um, and two, uh, what does debate prep look like for yourself and for Trump at this time?

Vance: Well I, I think first of all the altercation at Arlington Cemetery is the media creating a story where I really don’t think that
there is one. There is verifiable evidence, there is there is verifiable evidence that the campaign was allowed to have a photographer there. There’s verifiable, they were were invited to have a photographer there. There’s verifiable evidence that the families of these poor
people who had their loved ones die three years ago at Abbey Road (sic) they had, excuse me, Abbey Gate, those thirteen Americans, a lot of
them were there with the President, they invited him to be there and to support them. That’s not an insult to the memories of their loved ones. They wanted Donald Trump there and thank God that we have a President who stands with our veterans instead of one who runs away from them. (Applause.)

Vance: Now we (pause for applause), now, yeah, I mean it is, it is amazing to me that you have apparently somebody at Arlington Cemetery, some staff member had a little disagreement with somebody and they have turned, the media has turned this into a national news story. You know what I think our veterans care a lot more about that Kamala Harris’s VP nominee lied about his military service. I think that our veterans care a lot more about that. And the other thing that our veterans care, the other thing our veterans care a lot more about is that three years ago thirteen brave innocent Americans died and they died because Kamala Harris refused to do her job and there hasn’t been a
single investigation or a single firing. I, I don’t, I don’t, look, sometimes mistakes happen. That’s just the nature of government, the nature of military service. But to have those thirteen Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful. If we’re going to talk about a story out of those thirteen brave innocent Americans who lost their lives, it’s that
Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won’t even do an investigation into what happened and she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up? She can she can go to hell!”

Transcribed by TGP.

Tuesday night the Trump campaign posted a copy of the permission slip from Arlington and a statement from the families:

Trump posted a TikTok video on Wednesday about the visit to Arlington that garnered over six million views in a matter of hours and triggered his opponents:

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Author: Kristinn Taylor

Nevada Democrat Official Found Guilty of Murdering Las Vegas-Review Journal Reporter Who Exposed His Corruption, Extramarital Affair

Nevada Democrat Official Found Guilty of Murdering Las Vegas-Review Journal Reporter Who Exposed His Corruption, Extramarital Affair

Nevada Democrat Official Found Guilty of Murdering Las Vegas-Review Journal Reporter Who Exposed His Corruption, Extramarital Affair
August 28, 2024

Robert Telles

Robert Telles, the Democrat Clark County official accused of fatally stabbing a Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter in September 2022 was found guilty of first-degree murder on Wednesday.

Jeff German, 69, was found stabbed to death in front of his home in September 2022 on a Saturday morning.

Jeff German

Telles, a Democrat, lost his re-election bid in the June 2022 primary after Jeff German exposed the hostile work environment in the Democrat official’s office.

Jeff German had also recently filed a public records request on emails and text messages between Telles and others in his office, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

According to the Daily Mail, hours before Jeff German was stabbed to death, Robert Telles was told Clark County was going to release private texts and photos with his mistress.

Telles’ mistress Roberta Lee-Kennett

Telles was seen cleaning his burgundy SUV – which was spotted near Jeff German’s home at the time of the murder.

Robert Telles seen washing same vehicle connected to the fatal stabbing: photo credit: Review-Journal

Robert Telles’ DNA was also found underneath Jeff German’s fingernails.

The Democrat official repeatedly claimed all of the evidence against him was either misrepresented or planted.

Telles hung his head down in court as the jury foreperson read the guilty verdict.


ABC News reported:

A former Nevada politician was found guilty Wednesday of killing journalist Jeff German in September 2022.

As the jury’s foreperson read out the verdict, Telles looked down and shook his head.

In a press conference after the verdict was announced, Clark County District Attorney Steven Wolfson thanked the jury for their work on the case.

“Today’s verdict should send a message, and that message is a clear message that any attempts to silence the media, or to silence or intimidate a journalist, will not be tolerated,” Wolfson said.

Prosecutors said former Clark County public administrator Robert Telles, 47, stabbed the Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter to death after German exposed corruption in his office, destroying both his political career and his marriage. German’s story detailed an allegedly hostile work environment in Telles’ office — including bullying, retaliation and an “inappropriate relationship” between Telles and a staffer — all of which Telles denied.

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Author: Cristina Laila

JUST IN: France Officially Indicts Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

JUST IN: France Officially Indicts Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

JUST IN: France Officially Indicts Telegram Founder Pavel Durov
August 28, 2024

Screenshot: Pavel Durov/Tucker Carlson

Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of the popular news and messaging app Telegram, has been formally charged in France with allegedly facilitating numerous criminal transactions through his platform.

According to French prosecutors, Durov faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 euros ($555,750).

The charges levied against him include complicity in the spread of child sexual abuse materials, drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, and refusal to cooperate with law enforcement.

The Russian-born tech mogul was arrested on the tarmac as he got off his private jet from Azerbaijan on Saturday.

According to a machine translation of a report on TF1, “The Justice considers that the lack of moderation, cooperation with the police and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, cryptocurrencies, etc.) makes it complicit in drug trafficking, paedophile offences and fraud.”

Here is the list of charges against Durov published by the Tribunal Judiciaire of Paris:

  • Complicity – web-mastering an online platform in order to enable an illegal transaction in organized group,
  • Refusal to communicate, at the request of competent authorities, information or documents necessary for carrying out and operating interceptions allowed by law,
  • Complicity – possessing pornographic images of minors,
  • Complicity – distributing, offering or making available pornographic images of minors, in organized group,
  • Complicity – acquiring, transporting, possessing, offering or selling narcotic substances,
  • Complicity – offering, selling or making available, without legitimate reason, equipment, tools, programs or data designed for or adapted to get access to and to damage the operation of an automated data processing system,
  • Complicity – organized fraud,
  • Criminal association with a view to committing a crime or an offense punishable by 5 or more years of imprisonment,
  • Laundering of the proceeds derived from organized group’s offences and crimes,
  • Providing cryptology services aiming to ensure confidentiality without certified declaration,
  • Providing a cryptology tool not solely ensuring authentication or integrity monitoring without prior declaration,
  • Importing a cryptology tool ensuring authentication or integrity monitoring without prior declaration.

After being held in custody for four days, Durov was transferred to court to appear before a judge for his initial hearing and “potential indictment” on Wednesday, according to NPR.

NBC News reported:

Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of the news and messaging app Telegram, has been charged in France with enabling numerous criminal transactions, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 euros ($555,750), according to French prosecutors Wednesday.

It marks one of the few instances in which the CEO of a major internet platform has been charged over alleged criminal failure to moderate what users do on its platform.

In a statement Wednesday, the Paris prosecutor’s office said that Telegram had almost completely failed to respond to its legal requests for user data in prosecuting cybercrime cases.

Prosecutors cited numerous offenses in Wednesday’s statement, including refusal to communicate with authorities and “complicity” in offenses related to child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking,

While Durov awaits trial, his bail is set at 5 million Euros ($5.6 million). He will be forbidden to leave France and will be required to report to the police, the release said.

On Monday, French President Emanuel Macron tweeted out about Durov’s arrest and detention in prison. Macron insists it’s “not politically motivated” and that France really, truly is committed to freedom of expression – if it is approved by the tyrannical government.

Macron wrote:

“I have seen false information regarding France following the arrest of Pavel Durov.

France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship. It will remain so.

In a state governed by the rule of law, freedoms are upheld within a legal framework, both on social media and in real life, to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights.

It is up to the judiciary, in full independence, to enforce the law.

The arrest of the president of Telegram on French soil took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. It is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to rule on the matter.”

Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online Mike Benz claims that the U.S. State Department orchestrated Pavel Durov’s arrest to gain leverage over the billionaire, pressuring him to allow the government to monitor his platform.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson in April, Durov said that the FBI expressed interest in creating a ‘backdoor’ into the Telegram app, ostensibly to spy on users.

As Gateway previously reported, this revelation highlights the U.S. government’s purported efforts to undermine Telegram’s promises of privacy and security.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

JUST IN: Supreme Court Blocks Harris-Biden Regime from Stealing Taxpayer Money to Cancel Student Loan Debt

JUST IN: Supreme Court Blocks Harris-Biden Regime from Stealing Taxpayer Money to Cancel Student Loan Debt

JUST IN: Supreme Court Blocks Harris-Biden Regime from Stealing Taxpayer Money to Cancel Student Loan Debt
August 28, 2024

The Supreme Court *for the second time in a year* ruled against Kamala and Joe’s plan to use taxpayer money to cancel student loans without Congress.

The Harris-Biden Regime sought to revive its vote-buying gimmick and cancel student loan debt in an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court after the high court already struck down the plan.

The Supreme Court on Wednesday denied the plea seeking to lift the nationwide injunction and said the appeals court will render its decision.

“The application to vacate injunction presented to Justice Kavanaugh and by him referred to the Court is DENIED,” the order said.

NBC News reported:

The Supreme Court on Wednesday rebuffed a Biden administration plea seeking to revive the latest plan to tackle federal student loan debt.

The court in a brief order denied an emergency request filed by the administration seeking to lift a nationwide injunction imposed by an appeals court. There were no noted dissents.

The order said the appeals court that is currently handling the case should “render its decision with appropriate dispatch.”

The Education Department issued a regulation finalizing its Saving on a Valuable Education, or SAVE, plan in July 2023, the month after the Supreme Court ruled the administration lacked authority to implement President Joe Biden’s earlier loan forgiveness program.

Biden has used a series of workarounds to circumvent the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down his student loan bailout program.

Last year the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 against Joe Biden’s student loan relief program so the Department of Education rolled out a workaround forbearance program to cancel $39 billion in student loans by counting non-payments as payments for a period of time.

Only it isn’t your typical forbearance program. Borrowers won’t have to pay back ‘missed’ payments or make up the difference of ‘reduced’ payments. No interest will accrue on any of the missed payments.

In January Biden unilaterally canceled another $5 billion in student loan debt for 74,000 borrowers in his latest vote-buying gimmick.

Joe Biden also announced he would cancel student loans for borrowers who took out less than $12,000 and have been in repayment for 10 years.

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Author: Cristina Laila