THE FIX IS IN! MI Dem SOS Benson Makes THREATENING Video Warning Election Officials Not To Question The Next Cheat… If You Don’t Certify The Election Results…”We will come for you!” (VIDEO)

THE FIX IS IN! MI Dem SOS Benson Makes THREATENING Video Warning Election Officials Not To Question The Next Cheat… If You Don’t Certify The Election Results…”We will come for you!” (VIDEO)

THE FIX IS IN! MI Dem SOS Benson Makes THREATENING Video Warning Election Officials Not To Question The Next Cheat… If You Don’t Certify The Election Results…”We will come for you!” (VIDEO)
August 28, 2024

In 2020, Democrats pulled off what many still believe is the largest election heist in American history. Sadly, Michigan was at the epicenter of the battle. Stunned Americans watched as windows were covered in the massive absentee counting room at the TCF Center in Detroit. This prevented GOP and Independent poll challengers from looking into the room when they were locked out after a top Wayne County election official suggested they take a break and go to lunch while election workers prepared the “military ballots” to be counted.

Hundreds of poll challengers filed affidavits, testifying to the harassment, bullying, and fraud they witnessed at the TCF Center. I was a poll challenger who was able to push my way back into the room before they chained the doors, and I was shocked at the number of ballots I watched being processed after election workers couldn’t find the voters’ names in the poll books. Challenges were ignored, and threats were made by an almost exclusively, if not the entire Democrat Party supervisory team.

When GOP poll challengers left the TCF Center, many of them remarked that they felt like they had just been to war.

Poll challengers were prevented from observing the vote count at TCF Center by pizza boxes on windows and officials locking them out of the counting area.

The threats against innocent Republicans who were simply trying to do their jobs and protect the sanctity of the vote didn’t stop with election workers and far-left agitators posing as independent poll challengers at the TCF Center. The life of the Republican Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chair Monica Palmer’s teenage daughter was threatened by a New Hampshire woman after a Democrat State Rep. Abraham Aiyash doxxed her daughter during a Zoom call where outsiders could call in and threaten board members who were refusing to certify the vote because the precincts were out of balance, meaning the vote totals on the tabulators didn’t match the number of ballots in the containers where they were stored.

Today, Michigan’s tyrannical SOS, Jocelyn Benson, shared a video on social media where she threatened election officials in local communities. “We will come for you,” if you dare to refuse to certify the election results, she warned.


Jocelyn Benson bizarrely attempts to play the role of “the sweet girl next door” when delivering a threatening message to her political opponents. Unlike MI AG Dana Nessel, who is openly hostile about her political enemies, the dishonest MI SOS frequently smiles and giggles during interviews with friendly media while delivering warning shots at her political opponents in what appears to be an effort to make her more likeable.

Only two days ago, in what appears to be a coordinated message, AG Merrick Garland threatened every American that they better not even consider questioning the election results and used Jan 6 political prisoners as an example of what will happen to Americans who try.

This weekend, MI AG Dana Nessel appeared on MSNBC where the host gushed over Nessel’s use of lawfare, as she abused her power as the state’s top attorney to punish 16 mostly senior citizens who, while acting in their official capacity as elected GOP electors, cast an alternate slate of electoral votes for President Trump. Many, if not all of the 16 alternate electors still believe the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump.

Meanwhile, AG Nessel and the mainstream media continue to mock and discount Americans who no longer trust our elections. They ignore the uncertainty Michigan voters were grappling with after it was discovered that tens of thousands of votes in solidly red Antrim County, MI, where Dominion Voting machines were used, were switched from Donald Trump and given to Joe Biden. They want voters to pretend the multiple election-related lawsuits that were playing out in the courts following the 2020 election never happened. And, of course, they don’t want us to discuss the early morning drop of thousands of ballots in the back hallways of the TCF Center on the day after the election, which was revealed after The Gateway Pundit paid to obtain the surveillance footage from the TCF Center. They want voters to believe that 13 minutes of surveillance footage obtained by The Gateway Pundit of US postal workers and dozens of individuals and even teams of people dropping stacks of ballots into drop boxes in direct violation of MI election law was, according to MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, “normal and legal activity.”

And then there’s the best-kept secret involving mass voter registration fraud in the 2020 election that was uncovered after a citizen FOIA’d by an MI State Police report. The MSP report revealed a massive statewide investigation into GBI Strategies/Empower Michigan, which was turning in a gigantic quantity of fraudulent voter registrations to clerks across the state. The investigation, which began in Muskegon, MI, only one month before the November 2020 election, was never revealed to the public by either MI AG Dana Nessel or MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, whose departments worked with the MI State Police to investigate the criminal activity.

In 2021, Democrats opened our southern border for an invasion that has been nothing like our nation has ever seen. Now, the same elected officials who opened the floodgates for people coming from prisons and mental institutions in various South American countries are counting on these millions of individuals they let into our country to vote for them in November.

Democrat lawmakers in multiple states are shamelessly fighting to ensure there are loopholes in our election laws that will allow illegal immigrants from 160 countries to vote undetected in our elections.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit new record highs in March 2024, reaching 51.6 million and 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population. Since March 2022, the foreign-born population has increased by 5.1 million, the largest two-year increase in American history. The foreign-born population has never grown this much this fast. Although many think of immigrants only as workers, less than half of those who arrived since 2022 are employed.

An estimated 25-30 million illegal aliens have entered our country while “border czar” Kamala Harris cackled. Why wouldn’t she laugh, it’s very likely that if the Democrat’s plan to make America into a one-party nation becomes a reality, the once free America will be lost forever to tyrants.

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Author: Patty McMurray

THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video AGAIN Shows Nancy Pelosi Regretting the Absence of National Guard on Jan. 6 After She Refused Their Deployment in Plot Against Trump

THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video AGAIN Shows Nancy Pelosi Regretting the Absence of National Guard on Jan. 6 After She Refused Their Deployment in Plot Against Trump

THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video AGAIN Shows Nancy Pelosi Regretting the Absence of National Guard on Jan. 6 After She Refused Their Deployment in Plot Against Trump
August 28, 2024

A new video reveals then Speaker Nancy Pelosi regretting calling in the National Guard for protection on Jan. 6 after she refused their deployment in a plot against President Trump.

A new video was released on Tuesday showing Nancy Pelosi again regretting the presence of the National Guard at the US Capitol on January 6. Pelosi earlier refused their deployment despite President Trump’s request for thousands of troops to protect the US Capitol.

All of the violence that took place that day can be blamed on Pelosi’s refusal to protect the People’s House.

Pelosi would then use the rioting in her second attempt to impeach President Trump.

There can be no doubt at this point that the blame for the January 6 rioting lies directly with Nancy Pelosi and DC Mayor Bowser who also refused National Guard at the US Capitol.

Nancy Pelosi did happen to plan a filming crew to cover her exploits at the US Capitol that day.

Just the News reported:

As she fled the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made clear she did not want to evacuate the building and expressed regret that the National Guard had not been pre-positioned to protect Congress ahead of the contentious certification of the 2020 election results, according to video footage turned over this week to House Republican investigators and obtained by Just the News.

“We’re calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out,” Pelosi can be heard saying as she flees through a tunnel under the Capitol on the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, as her daughter Alexandra videotaped her for an eventual HBO movie.

Pelosi’s expressions of personal regret were not fully aired in that documentary and only recently were turned over to House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk, who took over the congressional investigation of Jan. 6 security failures when Republican came into control of the House in January 2023.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th, and both turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day.

The two Democrats turned down thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol on January 6 for political reasons. But, that is just her excuse. What did she know in advance?

Chris Wray’s FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believed there could be violence like the mass protests at the Capitol that took place that day.

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund previously testified that he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup. But they both turned him down.

Pelosi was not honest about their communications – she lied.

In June, Chief Steven Sund responded to the video released by the Oversight Subcommittee earlier that day.

Officer Sund slammed Pelosi for her statement on J6 for the cameras saying she was “surprised” the National Guard was not at the US Capitol after she denied President Trump’s request to have National Guard at the Capitol that day!

Officer Steven Sund: Pelosi was surprised we didn’t have National Guard on Jan6?? I was denied National Guard support multiple times before January 6, and repeatedly for 71 minutes ON January 6. MY STORY HASN’T CHANGED!

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Author: Jim Hoft

Robert Kennedy Jr.: If the CIA Killed JFK We’ll Know (Video)

Robert Kennedy Jr.: If the CIA Killed JFK We’ll Know (Video)

Robert Kennedy Jr.: If the CIA Killed JFK We’ll Know (Video)
August 28, 2024

On Monday night, Tucker Carlson released a compelling interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., following Kennedy’s recent decision to suspend his presidential campaign and endorse former President Donald Trump.

The conversation, which was posted in full on his X account, revealed Kennedy’s newfound commitment to ensuring Trump’s victory in the upcoming election.

During the discussion, Tucker Carlson and Robert Kennedy Jr. discussed the CIA’s involvement in President Kennedy’s assassination.

Robert Kennedy felt this was an important enough clip that he published it on his YouTube page.

Tucker Carlson: In your joint appearance on Friday, President Trump introduced you by saying that he plans to, if elected, establish a commission to declassify the remaining documents, regarding your uncle’s murder in 1963. I think everyone at this point knows the truth, which is the CIA is implicated in that. Those documents protect CIA, maybe among others.

Robert Kennedy Jr.: Well, whether they do or not, it’s odd that they’ve not allowed them to be released.

Tucker Carlson: What could possibly be the explanation?

Robert Kennedy Jr.: More than 60 years after my uncle’s death, It was 65 years. Oh, it was 62 years after his death. None of the people who were implicated in that crime are alive now. The last ones have died off in the last year or two. And so, it clearly is to protect the institution. That’s wrong. It’s just wrong. It’s wrong for a Democrat, and it’s wrong for a Republican.

Tucker Carlson: It’s just interesting, though, that a bipartisan list of presidents, – these six decades have kept those files classified.

Robert Kennedy Jr.: Well, you and I have both. I was astonished that Trump didn’t declassify them because he promised to during the campaign. That was Mike Pompeo who did that. Yeah, and I talked to President Trump for the first time about that this week.

Tucker Carlson: What did he say?

Robert Kennedy Jr.: He said that Mike Pompeo begged him to… I don’t think I’m telling tales out of school here. No, I think he told the same thing to you. That’s true. But he said Mike Pompeo called him and said, This would be a catastrophe to release this. You need to not do it.

Tucker Carlson: I want to say again, I think Mike Pompeo is a criminal, so that’s my view. He threatened to sue me for saying that, but I hope he will because that’s true. But that tells the whole story right there, right? That the CIA is-… Why would the CIA be trying to keep these files classified if they had nothing to do with the murder?

Here is the video from the Kennedy-Tucker conversation.

Robert Kennedy discussed the assassinations of his father and uncle in an interview with The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft in May 2023. Robert accused the CIA of being involved in both of the assassinations. He wants the federal government to release all of the evidence regarding the assassinations. Of course Robert has studied the assassinations of his father and uncle since he was a child.

This was also an amazing interview.

The Gateway Pundit Interviews Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Who TELLS ALL on CIA, His Father’s Assassination, and JFK’s Assassination in Historic Interview (VIDEO)

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Author: Jim Hoft

Japanese Star Yoshihito Nishioka Collapses During First-Round Match at at U.S. Open

Japanese Star Yoshihito Nishioka Collapses During First-Round Match at at U.S. Open

Japanese Star Yoshihito Nishioka Collapses During First-Round Match at at U.S. Open
August 28, 2024

Japanese tennis star Yoshihito Nishioka was forced to withdraw from his first-round match against Miomir Kecmanovic at the U.S. Open after collapsing on the court.

The incident occurred during the fifth set of a tense match in New York.

Nishioka had been battling through cramps since the fourth set, but it was during the fifth set that his condition worsened. As he struggled to continue, Nishioka eventually fell to the ground.

As Nishioka lay on the ground, visibly unwell, medical staff rushed to his aid, providing immediate treatment.

Kecmanovic, demonstrating sportsmanship and concern, sat beside the 28-year-old player to check on his condition.

Nishioka later took to social media platform X to address his fans, explaining the severity of the situation.

“Thank you very much for your support…,” he began in Japanese on X. “I was already feeling cramps around 3-3 in the 4th set, and my serve at 5-4 (there) was already cramping. In the final (game), my lower back was more convulsive than my legs, and I couldn’t stand up, and then my legs also convulsed. I was having repeated spasms in my shoulder blades, hips, flanks, and thighs.

“I started having trouble breathing, but with the help of the team, I was able to get into a wheelchair, and they carried me away despite my convulsions. The convulsions didn’t stop for about an hour, but they’ve subsided now. My body parts are hurting a lot, so I’m planning to skip doubles and go back to Japan.”

“It’s a shame that it ended so badly and we looked like we could have won the match, but this American (hard-court) season we rose in the rankings and there were many moments that gave us confidence, so we will continue to do our best in the Asian season,” Nishioka wrote. “First of all, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the Davis Cup.”

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

Majority of Democratic Voters Clueless About Kamala Harris’ Radical Positions: Poll

Majority of Democratic Voters Clueless About Kamala Harris’ Radical Positions: Poll

Majority of Democratic Voters Clueless About Kamala Harris’ Radical Positions: Poll
August 28, 2024

A new poll has found that a worrying majority of Democratic voters are completely ignorant of the political positions of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Democrats and independent voters who backed President Joe Biden in the 2020 election were targeted in the poll, which was released to the public on Aug. 14.

The issues voters were asked about are all matters of public record.

The poll was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates for the Media Research Center.

A whopping 81 percent of those polled were totally clueless about Harris’ support for the elimination of private health insurance.

Harris made a stand on the issue while sparring with other Democratic candidates leading up to the 2020 election, backing the single-payer system dubbed “Medicare for all” while claiming she isn’t trying to restructure society.

Most people polled are also unaware of Harris’ work as border czar under Biden.

Harris and her mainstream media allies have worked hard to deny anything linking her to the ongoing humanitarian crisis burning along the United States’ southern border, a tactic that seems to have worked with potential supporters of the vice president’s White House gambit.

Of the voters surveyed about Harris’ visits to a conflict zone on the border, only 28 percent were aware she has never made a visit to one.

Many are likely also unaware of the scripted and choreographed nature of the vice president’s first and only visit to border facilities.

In a June 2021 visit to the border, streets were reportedly purged of illegal immigrants while select migrant children had their hair braided before being presented to Harris during the sanitized tour.

In the same vein, 74 percent of the surveyed voters were clueless about Harris’ belief that entering the United States illegally should not be considered a crime. Even more had no idea that Harris voiced support for abolishing ICE.

The majority of people polled, 71 percent, are unaware of Harris’ support for race-based reparations payments.

While Harris has not announced a concrete position on the issue, she has loudly voiced her support for radical reparations.

“So that’s why I’m reluctant to have a simple answer to it,” Harris said on the question of reparations in 2019, “because, frankly, I don’t believe that writing a check is gonna be enough.

“And the worst thing that I think could happen,” she continued, “is that checks get written and then everybody says, ‘OK, stop talking about this now,’ without addressing the systemic inequities that are deep and require investment.”

Harris also had her thumb on the scale during violent protests that swept the nation in 2020 following the death of George Floyd.

A whopping 78 percent did not know Harris promoted bail funds aiming to spring violent protesters arrested in the chaos.

These people are also likely unaware that some of those bailed out by the Harris-promoted fund allegedly went on to commit violent crimes against women and police.

Those surveyed were also asked about their top media sources for election news, with just over 50 percent identifying broadcast television as their main way to get information. People indicated cable news and social media as their second and third choice, respectively.

Considering how far the mainstream media and other sources of information will bend to give Kamala Harris a slight advantage, it should be no surprise that those who source their news from these places are largely in the dark about the vice president’s true positions.

The survey was conducted between Aug. 2- 5 on 1,200 people, two-thirds of whom were registered Democrats. The other third were independent voters.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Jared Harris, The Western Journal