MUST WATCH: Extreme Triathlete Devastated by COVID Vaccine Injury Shares His Heart-Wrenching Journey in a Must-See Documentary

MUST WATCH: Extreme Triathlete Devastated by COVID Vaccine Injury Shares His Heart-Wrenching Journey in a Must-See Documentary

MUST WATCH: Extreme Triathlete Devastated by COVID Vaccine Injury Shares His Heart-Wrenching Journey in a Must-See Documentary
August 27, 2024

Credit: My Biggest Battle/YouTube

In a powerful and emotionally charged new documentary titled My Biggest Battle, extreme triathlete Heiko Sepp shares his harrowing experience following a life-altering COVID-19 vaccine injury.

The documentary, six months in the making, offers an unflinching look at the unforeseen challenges Heiko has faced since receiving his second COVID-19 vaccination in September 2021.

Heiko, once known for his incredible endurance and athletic achievements, found his world turned upside down by a cascade of debilitating health issues.

The documentary follows his journey from the moment he first experienced overwhelming chest pain to the ongoing struggles with heart inflammation, joint pain, muscle spasms, and frequent fainting spells.

According to his website:

Set against the backdrop of Norway’s breathtaking landscapes, the film navigates through Heiko’s remarkable athletic achievements, the sudden onset of debilitating health complications, and his relentless pursuit of answers in the face of uncertainty.

Everything changed for Heiko after he received his second COVID-19 vaccination in September 2021.

What starts as overwhelming chest pain soon escalates into a cascade of debilitating symptoms, including heart inflammation, joint pain, muscle spasms, and episodes of passing out. As his health deteriorates, his once vibrant life is overshadowed by pain, uncertainty, and frustration.

The documentary follows Heiko’s arduous journey through numerous hospital visits, medical tests, and consultations with healthcare professionals. Despite his athletic prowess and a lifetime of peak health, Heiko finds himself struggling to navigate a healthcare system that offers few answers and little relief.

The financial strain on his family adds another layer of complexity to their ordeal as they seek solutions in private clinics.

Through intimate and unfiltered interviews, the film captures the depth of love, resilience, and camaraderie that sustains Heiko and his loved ones through the darkest moments of their journey.

Ann, Heiko’s devoted wife, shares her own journey of coping with the upheaval caused by Heiko’s illness.

As Heiko’s search for a diagnosis leads him to an esteemed immunologist, the documentary explores the emerging understanding of vaccine-induced autoimmunity and its implications for individuals like Heiko.



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Author: Jim Hᴏft

Trump Slams ‘Deranged’ Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Desperate Indictment as Unprecedented Election Interference: ‘The Greatest Sabotage of our Democracy in History’

Trump Slams ‘Deranged’ Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Desperate Indictment as Unprecedented Election Interference: ‘The Greatest Sabotage of our Democracy in History’

Trump Slams ‘Deranged’ Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Desperate Indictment as Unprecedented Election Interference: ‘The Greatest Sabotage of our Democracy in History’
August 27, 2024

Special Counsel Jack Smith has once again indicted President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., months after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of presidential immunity.

This latest indictment, riddled with legal inconsistencies, is a blatant attempt to interfere with the upcoming 2024 presidential election and silence the leading opponent in the election.

The new charges claim that Trump’s actions during his rally were not ‘official acts’ because the event was privately funded and organized. Federal prosecutors have even stooped so low as to argue that Trump’s use of his X/Twitter account was for “personal purposes.”

The timing of this indictment, with a status report due by August 30 and a conference set for September 5, reeks of desperation from a system determined to derail Trump’s campaign.

President Trump did not hold back in his response, condemning the indictment as a “ridiculous” and “illegal” attack on democracy.

He called out “deranged” special counsel Jack Smith for attempting to resurrect a “dead” witch hunt that is nothing more than an attempt to interfere with the upcoming election.

Trump wrote in a series of posts on Truth Social:

In an effort to resurrect a “dead” Witch Hunt in Washington, D.C., in an act of desperation, and in order to save face, the illegally appointed “Special Counsel” Deranged Jack Smith, has brought a ridiculous new Indictment against me, which has all the problems of the old Indictment, and should be dismissed IMMEDIATELY. His Florida Document Hoax Case has been completely dismissed.

This is merely an attempt to INTERFERE WITH THE ELECTION, and distract the American People from the catastrophes Kamala Harris has inflicted on our Nation, like the Border Invasion, Migrant Crime, Rampant Inflation, the threat of World War III, and more….

For them to do this immediately after our Supreme Court Victory on Immunity and more, is shocking. I’ve also been informed by my attorneys, that you’re not even allowed to bring cases literally right before an Election – A direct assault on Democracy!

This is an unprecedented abuse of the Criminal Justice System. The case has to do with “Conspiracy to Obstruct the 2020 Presidential Election,” when they are the ones that did the obstructing of the Election, not me.

They cheated on the Election, and they go after me for “cheating on the Election.”

Interestingly, this comes at the exact same time as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has admitted to concealing massive amounts of information, such as Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell, which is a direct acknowledgment that the 2020 Presidential Election was MANIPULATED and RIGGED by the DOJ.

What they are doing now is the single greatest sabotage of our Democracy in History….

No Presidential Candidate, or Candidate for any Office, has ever had to put up with all of this Lawfare and Weaponization directly out of the Office of a Political Opponent.

They’ve Weaponized local D.A.s and Attorney Generals, and anybody else that will listen, to Interfere with the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election – Never been done before.

This is now Kamala’s Weaponized System against her Political Opponent. All of these Scams will fail, just as Deranged Jack’s Hoax in Florida has been fully dismissed, and we will win the Most Important Election in the History of our Country on November 5th. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

It is DOJ policy that the Department of Justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election – but they just have taken such action.

Voting starts on September 6th, therefore the DOJ has violated its own policy – Election Interference. All of these Comrade Kamala/Biden Hoaxes should be immediately DISMISSED!”

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Nicole Shanahan on Today’s Democrat Party: “I’m Shocked. I’m Saddened. I’m Worried for Them – They’ve Lost Their Soul” (VIDEO)

RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Nicole Shanahan on Today’s Democrat Party: “I’m Shocked. I’m Saddened. I’m Worried for Them – They’ve Lost Their Soul” (VIDEO)

RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Nicole Shanahan on Today’s Democrat Party: “I’m Shocked. I’m Saddened. I’m Worried for Them – They’ve Lost Their Soul” (VIDEO)
August 27, 2024

RFK Jr’s running mate Nicole Shanahan describes Bobby’s plan to make America healthy again with Jesse Watters.

On Tuesday night Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy’s running mate, joined Jesse Watters on FOX News to discuss Bobby’s platform to Make America healthy again.

Last Friday, following the DNC Convention, Bobby suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump for president.

This sent shockwaves through the liberal circles and legacy media outlets who were absolutely revolted with Bobby’s decision. These are the same people who said nothing when the Democrat Party denied Bobby permission to run in a fair primary that wasn’t rigged for Joe Biden. These are the same people who said nothing when Joe Biden refused Bobby’s requests for Secret Service protection despite the fact that his famous father and uncle were both assassinated in the 1960s.

Earlier in the day on Tuesday, Nicole Shanahan tweeted out her change in perception since she ran for vice president on Bobby’s presidential ticket.

Nicole Shanahan: I’ll admit I used to kind of roll my eyes when people claimed that President Trump was being “persecuted.” I was looking at it through the distorted filter of the media. Well, I just completed my first cross-examination in our second New York Ballot Access case, where the DNC-aligned PAC attorneys questioned me like a criminal. OK, I get it now. Our justice system is clearly being co-opted and abused by nefarious people with malevolent political agendas.

Nicole was commenting on the latest junk charges against President Trump.

Tonight Nicole joined Jesse Watters to discuss her experience and goals.

Nicole Shanahan on Democrat attacks: This is wild. I’m asking myself what happened to the party of when they go low, we go high, because right now they’re just going lower and lower and lower. I’m shocked. I’m saddened. I’m worried for them, honestly, they’ve lost their soul. They’ve lost their direction. And if you’re going to pick a target, you got to pick it a little bit better. Robert F. Kennedy is one of the kindest human beings I’ve had the pleasure to get to know. He said it the other day. He was like, I don’t have a bone of revenge in my body. This is somebody who’s been attacked over years now from all different angles. Big pharma has come after him harder than just about anybody. I have to Bobby shows up with grace every time. He said to me when I joined this campaign, he said, You’re going to get attacked in ways you would have never expected. But just remember, every attack is a signal from God. Show up with kindness.

Jesse Watters: I should take that advice. That sounds like a good idea. Nicole, you had last week a big event in Arizona, and you’re running me, got on stage, and he says, We’re going to make America healthy again. Tell us what that means.

Nicole Shanahan: So making America healthy again is admitting the fact that we have the highest chronic health disease rate of any modern nation. We spend $4.6 trillion on health care. It doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere. So it’s really asking the hard questions of why is our health care system not delivering healthy people? We know that there’s a huge amount of collusion and a huge amount of corruption in our agencies. We’re going to decouple that. We’re going to decouple big pharma from our government agencies that are responsible for delivering healthy results to people. We’re going to stop censoring scientists that are telling us the causes of these diseases. We’re not going to just whack a mole with these diseases anymore. We’re going to get to the root causes of them. And we’re going to be honest with people, and we’re going to help them guide themselves into health. We’re going to fix our food supply chain once and for all. We’re going to fix dirty water once and for all. You know, Robert F. Kennedy cleaned up the Hudson. He’s cleaned up a whole river system. And there are many other systems in this country that we know that if we had an opportunity to, we could clean out all the PFAS and toxins that we know are making us sick…

…And we’re going to see those health results turn around in a matter of, I think we could do it in six months. We’re going to see a decline in autism.

Jesse Watters: Purify the country in six months. That’s ambitious. But if anybody can do it, then I’m sure Bobby can do it. You mentioned censorship. Anthony Fauci was brutal in the censorship regime during the pandemic, and now Zuckerberg has come out and said, Yeah, we censored jokes during the pandemic, even. And he admitted that the laptop thing was a hoax. The FBI cooked that up and he censored it. He felt ashamed of it. What are we going to do about that? Your running mate spoke very specifically about censorship during the campaign?…

On Mark Zuckerberg’s admission that the Biden regime pressured him to censor Americans like Bobby Kennedy Jr. (and The Gateway Pundit):

Nicole Shanahan: I think the call to Mark Zuckerberg right now is disclosure. Be transparent. How did this happen? Who were the officials that went to you and asked you to censor? Or who was on that list? Why were these people on the list? Why didn’t you ask the question, why am I censoring these specific accounts? There’s this whole level of exploration that can happen right now. Mark has put his foot forward to offer it up, and now it’s our chance to ask him to deliver.

Video Via Midnight Rider.

The post RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Nicole Shanahan on Today’s Democrat Party: “I’m Shocked. I’m Saddened. I’m Worried for Them – They’ve Lost Their Soul” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft