Radical Michigan Dem Congressional Candidate Is Shamelessly Running to “Secure Southern Border” In Tight Race Against Republican Tom Barrett

Radical Michigan Dem Congressional Candidate Is Shamelessly Running to “Secure Southern Border” In Tight Race Against Republican Tom Barrett

Radical Michigan Dem Congressional Candidate Is Shamelessly Running to “Secure Southern Border” In Tight Race Against Republican Tom Barrett
August 31, 2024

Former Michigan State Senator Curtis Hertel Jr. is a far-left committed Democrat. He’s running for Congress in central Michigan, in a district that covers the state’s capital of 112,000 people, Lansing. The district is rated R+2 by political insiders, meaning that it generally skews in favor of Republicans, but only slightly.

Hertel is the former legislative liaison for Michigan’s far-left Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Hertel helped Whitmer pass a budget-busting $86 billion state budget filled with handouts for Communist Chinese battery plants, abortions, driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, and more far-left priorities.

Hertel’s wife Elizabeth is Governor Whitmer’s Director of Health and Human Services who shut down the state for COVID, part of Whitmer’s illegal and unconstitutional far-left COVID powergrab. The Hertels were COVID tyrant hypocrites who left the state during the lockdowns for a vacation.

The district was held by Rep. Elissa Slotkin, a deep-state far-left Democrat who beat her Republican opponent in 2022, Tom Barrett, 52-46. Some referenced that previous race as the nation’s most expensive Congressional race. Slotkin is currently running for U.S. Senate against Trump-endorsed Mike Rogers. Hertel is running against Trump-endorsed Tom Barrett, running as the Republican again.

President Trump held another blowout rally in this district on Thursday in a small town 15 miles southwest of Lansing.

Now far-left Democrat Hertel is sending out mailers that talk about his commitment to securing the southern border, saying “Prices are out of control. The southern border is a mess.”

Hispanics only constitute 2.45% of the district, so they are an expendable minority to the Democrats. Democrats in the midst of a so-called “Hispanic Panic” because far-left policies have kept the borders open for so long that major urban areas are turning into gang wastelands as a result of open borders, defunding the police, and expanding social welfare programs.

Meanwhile Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado and the Democrats are calling it “imagination”

Whistleblowers confirm Biden-Harris is preventing border agents from using DNA to identify repeat illegals entering America and committing violent crimes.

Illegals let into America by Biden-Harris are storming onto school buses in Southern California, where parents are worried their kids are about to be abducted.

These stories are shaping a voter base hostile to Democrat policy records.

So it’s not surprising that Curtis Hertel’s mailers lack any mention except for the return address of the Democrat Party.

In fact, Democrat Hertel tries to take credit for standing up to the Biden administration on border security.

This is not a confident and bold left-wing political campaign.

Hertel also takes credit for working with Republicans, though the track record in Lansing’s prior legislative session is far-left legislation where 1-2 RINOs were bought off typically with pathetic legislative bribes.

Hertel says he “brought people together to get things done for us” and doesn’t list out the details of those accomplishments:

But these are the kind of lies that very few voters look into, so they are easy and consequence-free for Democrats to tell them.

Also conspicuous is that the Democrat, the party of diversity, is hypocritically sending out all-Caucausian mailers. Whereas the left has been militant about injecting diversity into every television commercial, every movie, and every social interaction possible, Democrats are now sending out racially segregated mailers where diversity is not a virtue they are expressing. By contrast, the post-BLM riots mass marketing and campaigning has used “forced diversity” to put racial and sexual-identities in obviously-prominent positions in all communications.

Both Barrett and Hertel served together in the Michigan State Senate. Barrett was a State Senator from 2019-2023, and Hertel was in the same chamber from 2015-2023.

Democrat candidate for U.S. Congress, Curtis Hertel, Jr.


Republican candidate for Congress Tom Barrett

Barrett is a conservative choice for voters, but is not considered extreme.

In fact, Barrett has been criticized for surrounding himself with left-wing staff and consultants.

Despite being ambiguous about election integrity and the obvious systemic voter fraud in the 2020 election, leftists attacked Barrett for it anyway and asked for Biden to imprison him.

The election in Michigan is on Tuesday November 5, 2024. Under new Democrat laws, early voting can start up to 28 days before election day, October 8th. Absentee ballots will be sent out starting 40 days prior to the election date, in less than a month on September 26th.

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Author: Assistant Editor

Swedish Disco Legends ABBA Try (and Fail) to Silence Trump from Playing Their Music

Swedish Disco Legends ABBA Try (and Fail) to Silence Trump from Playing Their Music

Swedish Disco Legends ABBA Try (and Fail) to Silence Trump from Playing Their Music
August 31, 2024

Credit: Getty Images

Swedish pop group ABBA has joined the parade of musicians hypocritically attempting to silence President Donald Trump.

The group, famous for their 70s disco hits, has demanded that Trump stop using their songs at his rallies, citing the so-called “unauthorized” use of their music.

Yet, despite their public outcry, the Trump campaign has stated they have the proper licensing to use ABBA’s music, making the band’s tantrum nothing more than another shallow attempt by out-of-touch celebrities to meddle in American politics.

In a statement obtained by Associated Press, it insisted that no request for permission had been received, and therefore, no license had been granted.

“ABBA has recently discovered the unauthorized use of their music and videos at a Trump event through videos that appeared online. As a result, ABBA and its representative has promptly requested the removal and deletion of such content. No request has been received; therefore, no permission or license has been granted.”

However, this claim was promptly refuted by the Trump campaign, which pointed out that they had indeed obtained a license through agreements with BMI and ASCAP, the organizations responsible for issuing blanket licenses for music use.

“The campaign had a license to play ABBA music through our agreement with BMI and ASCAP,” the Trump spokesperson told the AP.

This latest move by ABBA places them in a long line of virtue-signaling artists who have tried to weaponize their music against Trump, including Bruce Springsteen, Beyoncé, Celine Dion, and Foo Fighters.

The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor reported Saturday that the rock band Foo Fighters threatened President Trump with “appropriate actions” after their 1990s hit “My Hero” was played while Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. took the stage at a rally in Glendale, Arizona Friday night.

Now, news has emerged suggesting that they should be the ones facing said “appropriate actions.”

One news outlet has uncovered the truth, and it turns out the Foo Fighters lied. The Independent reported Saturday that The Trump campaign DID have permission to play “My Hero” at the rally after the band sold their rights to BMI.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

‘Whales, Worms, and Bears’: Panicking Dems Launch Attack on RFK Jr. Over Trump Support

‘Whales, Worms, and Bears’: Panicking Dems Launch Attack on RFK Jr. Over Trump Support

‘Whales, Worms, and Bears’: Panicking Dems Launch Attack on RFK Jr. Over Trump Support
August 31, 2024

Democrats are now scrambling after last Friday’s news of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of former President Donald Trump’s campaign for the general election.

How could a man whose family has lifelong allegiance to the Democrats now support a Republican ticket for the presidency?

Needless to say, that is not a good look, and the Democratic National Committee is now looking to make up for it by attacking Kennedy via their own website, with a collection of excerpts from new sites, like MSNBC and USA Today.

The DNC is sincerely hoping you’ll read all of these quotes on RFK and clutch your pearls at the Trump ticket while happily casting your vote in November for a woman with no platform and a running mate who puts tampons in boys’ bathrooms.

With the headline, “Whales, Worms, and Bears: Trump Spends the Week Owning RFK Jr.’s Baggage” the intent of the DNC is clear: This won’t be about policy.

While the entire article — if you can call it that — is just a collection of quotes, a few do stand out that indicate the strategy the DNC is now using, which communicates where their level of desperation is in picking Vice President Kamala Harris as their candidate.

Michigan State Senate Majority Whip Mallory McMorrow said, “RFK Jr. is just Donald Trump with a Kennedy name slapped on him.”

Please stop, senator! I don’t need any more convincing that I like this guy!

As a clear nod to RFK Jr.’s skepticism towards vaccines, USA Today‘s Rex Huppke said of the new addition to the Trump ticket, “Hope you like measles and polio, America …”

In a reference to RFK Jr.’s tales of brain worms and dumping a bear in central park, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell said, “Robert Kennedy Jr., the Jeffrey Dahmer of the animal kingdom, has horrified his family almost as much as Jeffrey Dahmer horrified his family by endorsing the most horrifying Republican presidential nominee in history.”

That one is a bit harsh.

Dahmer murdered and ate people; RFK Jr. endorsed Trump for president.

The reader can indulge further on the DNC’s website, but the few quotes above prove the point.

While RFK Jr. is certainly a unique individual with his peculiarities, Democrats are anguishing over his Trump endorsement.

The Kennedy name is a synonymous with the Democrats given his father’s own presidential run and, obviously, his uncle serving as the 35th president.

Pulling a bunch of quotes from leftists and sticking them on your website isn’t exactly what most would classify as a well-constructed hit-piece.

They are just throwing something at the wall to see what sticks.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Samuel Short, The Western Journal

Texas DPS Find 17 Illegal Aliens Stuffed in One False Compartment in a Truck (VIDEO)

Texas DPS Find 17 Illegal Aliens Stuffed in One False Compartment in a Truck (VIDEO)

Texas DPS Find 17 Illegal Aliens Stuffed in One False Compartment in a Truck (VIDEO)
August 31, 2024

This is Joe Biden and Kamala’s America.

Texas DPS found 17 illegal aliens on Friday concealed in a false compartment in a Lowe’s truck in Kinney County.

The compartment where the illegals were hiding was three feet wide. A number of them were dehydrated and required medical attention. Megel Cazanna Patterson, who was from Mississippi, was arrested for human smuggling and endangerment. The 17 illegals were referred to the Border Patrol


The Texas DPS has been very involved in pursuing illegal aliens and smugglers in various counties within the State. TGP reported this weekend that the DPS Brush team arrested an illegal alien who had an outstanding warrant for kidnapping.


Texas has been very successful with Operation Lone Star in apprehending illegal aliens and smugglers while seizing drugs like fentanyl, which are pouring into the US by the cartels. Since it was launched in 2021, Republican Governor Greg Abbott has used the power of the Texas National Guard and Texas DPS to fight the border invasion.

The Federal Government under Biden and Kamala has failed to protect the US from invasion. Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution allocates the responsibility to prevent an invasion on the Federal Government, which they have failed to do.

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence,” Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution.

An estimated 15 million illegals have invaded the US under Biden and “Border Czar” Kamala.

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Author: David Greyson

Woke and Politicized US Army Condemns Trump for Taking Photos with Gold Star Families in Arlington Cemetery – But Said NOTHING When Joe Biden Did It

Woke and Politicized US Army Condemns Trump for Taking Photos with Gold Star Families in Arlington Cemetery – But Said NOTHING When Joe Biden Did It

Woke and Politicized US Army Condemns Trump for Taking Photos with Gold Star Families in Arlington Cemetery – But Said NOTHING When Joe Biden Did It
August 31, 2024

The US Army condemned President Trump for taking photos with the family of a Gold Star hero in Arlington Cemetery this week. The US Army did not condemn Joe Biden for taking photos in Arlington in 2010. Maybe the US Army should focus on winning wars?

Maybe the US Army should focus more on winning wars and not on playing politics with the former President!

President Trump honors the 13 US Servicemen and women who were killed at the Kabul Airport during the disastrous and humiliating US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

President Trump on Monday honored the 13 US service members who lost their lives three years ago outside the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan at the hands of a suicide bomber.

President Trump attended the service and was joined by several families and service members who lost loved ones that day during Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and surrender to the Taliban.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not bother to attend the ceremony. Joe was and is still on vacation. Kamala and Tampon Tim were out campaigning somewhere.

It was the three-year anniversary of the Kabul Airport bombing attack that killed 13 US servicemen and women and dozens of Afghans.

NEVER FORGET — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Joint Chief Chairman Mark Milley, and CentCom Commander General Kenneth McKenzie all knew about the Kabul Airport terrorist bomber at the Abbey Gate hours in advance.

The top US military leaders knew that the Abbey Gate Soldiers were at the greatest risk.

Commanders calling in from Kabul relayed that the Abbey Gate, where American citizens had been told to gather to gain entrance to the airport, was “highest risk” and detailed their plans to protect it.

13 US servicemen and women were killed in the attack.

Following the ceremony President Trump spent time with the families and took photos in Arlington Cemetery where heroes are laid to rest.

The families of the victims invited President Trump to join them in Arlington Cemetery that day for the ceremony. Joe Biden was NOT invited by the Gold Star families to attend the event.

The far-left legacy media spent the rest of this week — not honoring the fallen heroes (they really don’t care) but instead attacking President Trump for taking photos in Arlington Cemetery. You REALLY

On Thursday the US Army condemned President Trump for taking a photo — NOT Joe Biden for his roll in the murder of the 13 American heroes

The Army blamed President Trump’s camp for breaking the rules by taking a photo in Arlington Cemetery.

Via CNN hack Haley Britzkey.

Trump was invited to Arlington by the Gold Star families.

The US Army had no problem with Joe Biden taking photos in Arlington in the past.

Via Greg Price.

By the way, how many generals were fired from the US Army after their historic humiliation in Afghanistan in 2013?

We’re waiting.

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Author: Jim Hoft