WAYNE ROOT: “Make America Healthy Again.” How RFK Jr. Has Changed Trump, the GOP and the Entire Election. And Why Democrats are Panicking.

WAYNE ROOT: “Make America Healthy Again.” How RFK Jr. Has Changed Trump, the GOP and the Entire Election. And Why Democrats are Panicking.

WAYNE ROOT: “Make America Healthy Again.” How RFK Jr. Has Changed Trump, the GOP and the Entire Election. And Why Democrats are Panicking.
August 27, 2024

By Wayne Allyn Root

I don’t want to say, “I told you so,” but I told you so.

Back 15 months ago in June of 2023, I wrote a commentary recommending President Trump name Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to a Cabinet position and bring him onto Team Trump to campaign across the country- to change Democrat and independent minds. And to change Trump’s image dramatically. See:


I recommended way back then that Trump name RFK Jr to head up either HHS, FDA, NIH, or become a Special Counselor to investigate Big Pharma and the Covid vaccine scandal (among many other Big Pharma and vaccine scandals). Don’t look now, but it’s all come to pass.

Although I now have a more perfect role for RFK: “Health Czar.”

Remarkably, RFK Jr’s endorsement of Trump has changed everything.

First comes the obvious- the votes. RFK Jr. has tipped this election to Trump in all the battleground states. The latest polls are out- they show RFK voters breaking in large percentages for Trump. This gives Trump a 1 to 2-point bump in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina. And that’s the whole ballgame.

That’s why Democrats are panicking. Their goose is cooked.

Second, across the country, the famous Kennedy name endorsing and campaigning for Trump gives Democrat voters “permission” or “cover” to vote for Trump.

Days after RFK’s endorsement, former Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard officially endorsed Trump. Many more Democrats will follow.

Even lifelong Democrat Alan Dershowitz is seriously considering voting for Trump. Dershowitz was my guest on my nationally-syndicated radio show on Talk Media Network just yesterday. I argued that Democrats’ abandonment of Israel, combined with RFK’s switch to Trump, should be enough to convince Dershowitz and many Jewish voters to back Trump.

Here was Dershowitz’s response to my lobbying for President Trump…

“Wayne, you’re making a strong argument for why people with my values should be voting for President Trump. You’re a very persuasive guy.”

If Dershowitz is any indicator, Trump will get the highest Jewish vote totals of any Republican in modern history.

A recent poll in New York showed Trump beating Kamala 51% to 49% among Jewish New Yorkers. That was before RFK’s switch to Trump.

Third, this all makes perfect sense. RFK Jr’s uncle President John F. Kennedy was pro-business, a huge tax cutter, and hated communists (like Comrade Commie Kamala). If JFK were alive today, he’d be a strong Trump Republican.

Fourth, RFK joining Team Trump has completely changed, updated and revolutionized the key issues of the GOP and of this presidential campaign. The stodgy old GOP was about tax cuts.

With RFK this election is now about the most important issues of our day: fighting and disassembling the Deep State; protecting free speech; fighting censorship and the weaponization of government; open borders destroying the great American middle class; wasting hundreds of billions on foreign aid to Ukraine; and HEALTH FREEDOM!

Another “I told you so.” I’ve been arguing for four long years that while President Trump has been pro-vaccine, he never mandated the Covid jab and never will. Because of that, he was and is a breath of fresh air, and dramatically better than any Democrat.

Many conservatives disagreed with me. They blamed Trump for the Covid vaccine failures. I predicted Trump would eventually change his views on the vaccine- because he listens. And of course, because the same people who rigged the election, covered up Hunter Biden’s laptop, and have lied about it for the past four years, were the exact same people behind the vaccine, the vaccine lies and cover-up.

This is all about gaslighting by Democrats and the Deep State.

Did you hear the latest? First, Trump announced he would never, ever mandate the vaccine. Bravo.

Then he announced he will reinstate all members of the military who were forced out for refusing to take the vaccine- with BACK PAY! Bravo.

Then he teamed up with RFK Jr.- America’s leading proponent of health freedom and crusader against vaccine injuries. Bravo.

Then Trump announced he will appoint Kennedy to head up an investigation into why children in America are so sick. Bravo.

And then it was disclosed Trump met privately with a group of vaccine injured citizens. After hearing their stories Trump said, “I hear you, I heard you, and tell your people I hear them.”

Just as I predicted, President Trump’s views on Big Pharma, and the Covid vaccine have evolved and changed for the better. President Trump listens.

Compare that to Kamala Harris, who is forcing every campaign employee to take every up-to-date Covid vaccine, or be fired.

And never forget she picked Tim Walz as her VP- a man who ordered the Minnesota National Guard to drive around Minneapolis shooting citizens on their porches with paintballs for the “crime” of being outside during the Covid lockdown.

Walz also announced days ago he believes there is no guarantee for free speech in America.

With Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook just admitting to the world he regrets caving to pressure from the Biden-Harris regime to censor health freedom advocates and vaccine skeptics, this is now a defining moment in America’s political history. And Trump is on the right side of history with RFK Jr.

RFK’s endorsement has changed everything.

Now let’s hope and pray the team of Trump and RFK Jr. can win, save free speech, stop government censorship and propaganda; make America great again, and…

“Make America Healthy Again.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

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Author: Assistant Editor

Leo Hohmann: New Migrant Wave Heading to U.S. Includes Many Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners

Leo Hohmann: New Migrant Wave Heading to U.S. Includes Many Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners

Leo Hohmann: New Migrant Wave Heading to U.S. Includes Many Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners
August 27, 2024

This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission.

U.S. government seems to be pushing a contradictory policy of war with Russia, Iran and China while destabilizing the homefront through mass migration and a weakening of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Former Green Beret and War correspondent Michael Yon was recently on site at the United Nations migration camp at the Darien Gap in Panama, where both the U.N. and the U.S. government are funding mass human migration activities to shuttle migrants from all over the world into the United States.

What kind of government would be marshalling such an extensive human-smuggling operation at the very time it is preparing to engage Russia, Iran and possibly China in a Third World War?

We see U.S. proxies — Ukraine and Israel — becoming increasingly provocative in their military operations. Ukraine is invading Russia and Israel is taking out high-ranking enemy commanders inside the foreign capitals of Lebanon and Iran. These are bold actions almost nobody believes would be taking place without the approval of Washington.

Even the corporate media is starting to notice that, hey, this regime in Washington along with its allies in London, Paris and Berlin, really do seem to want World War III.

We are starting to see headlines like this one last week from the Daily Express: US on brink of ‘three-front war’ with Russia, China and Iran as global tensions rocket”

These Western globalists not only want war with Russia, Iran and China, they are pushing hard to achieve it. Question is, can they win it?

I will attempt to show in this article that we have traitors running the show in Washington who really don’t want to win the war they are instigating.

For starters, no legitimate government would be inviting and encouraging a mass migration into the country during the runup to a major war. That’s contrary to the widely accepted knowledge that governments try to unite their populations against a common enemy before going to war. They certainly don’t invite in tens of millions of foreign nationals whose allegiances are unknown. That’s a recipe for chaos, crime, destabilization and division — four things you would definitely try to avoid at all costs in a time of war.

Brighteon’s Mike Adams interviewed Michael Yon about the migrants moving through this UN camp. Mr. Yon gave an eyewitness account of people moving up toward the U.S.-Mexico border from the Middle East, Europe, Haiti, China, and South America.

Yon said he was able to speak with a Chinese couple in Mandarin and confirm their country of origin (mainland China) and their destination (the United States).

Why are so many Chinese nationals and Middle Easterners being allowed to pour through the Darien Gap, on their way to America?

Yon said a massive expansion of the United Nations camp is underway, helping funnel more migrants across the Darien Gap where they will be transported to the U.S. border to illegally cross into the United States, all with help from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Biden administration.

At a time when the U.S. government is funding an invasion of Russia through its proxy, Ukraine, it is facilitating an invasion of the United States. No sane government does such a thing.

But this is so much bigger than just the U.S. administration. It’s about the globalist one-world agenda coming out of the U.N. and World Economic Forum, which appears to be setting the U.S. up for collapse. There’s no other way to explain the contradictory policies we see coming out of Washington right now.

The globalists in charge of the U.S. administration have not only invited the world to America and offered them free money and benefits. If that were all they’ve done that would be bad enough. But they’ve also drained our nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves at a time when they should be building them up — that’s what a government would do if it was serious about preparing for war with Russia and possibly China, Iran and North Korea.

They’ve also mandated toxic mRNA vaccines and introduced LGBTQ/diversity propaganda within the U.S. military ranks, knowing full well these kinds of policies will weaken the very defense forces being pitted against Russia and its allies.

The E.U. and U.S. are also both pursuing a policy of radical deindustrialization. That’s rather inconvenient when you’re in a proxy war with Russia, a country that has built up its industrial base and is currently outproducing us 3-to-1 in its production of artillery shells for the war in Ukraine. China also has a vast industrial base.

Moreover, would the U.S. and Europe be declaring war on cheap energy — coal, oil and natural gas — under the pretense of “climate change” if they were serious about defeating Russia and China in World War III? I think not.

Would the U.S. and E.U., if they were serious about taking on Russia and China, be declaring a war on food, encouraging farmers to take fertile land out of production and use it for wind and solar farms?

In any major war, history tells us that the nations with the greatest access to cheap energy and food usually emerge victorious.

So here’s the bottom line: These globalists are stoking World War III on the one hand, while preparing to lose it on the other.

If we lived in a real country, that would be a crime. It’s called treason.


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Author: Guest Contributor

Democrat Arizona AG Kris Mayes’ Alternate Trump Electors Case in Jeopardy as Judge Allows Defendants to Argue Prosecution is Politically Motivated

Democrat Arizona AG Kris Mayes’ Alternate Trump Electors Case in Jeopardy as Judge Allows Defendants to Argue Prosecution is Politically Motivated

Democrat Arizona AG Kris Mayes’ Alternate Trump Electors Case in Jeopardy as Judge Allows Defendants to Argue Prosecution is Politically Motivated
August 27, 2024

News 4 Tucson KVOA-TV/Youtube

The Arizona alternate Trump electors case brought by Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes is in jeopardy after a judge allowed the defendants to argue the charges are politically motivated.

During a hearing on Monday Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Bruce Cohen said he is open to listening to the defendants’ arguments to have the indictment thrown out under Arizona’s anti-SLAPP law which was recently expanded by the legislature to cover vindictive politically motivated charges.

Politico reported:

Allies of Donald Trump are using an unusual new Arizona law to urge a judge to throw out a criminal case charging them with fraudulently trying to overturn the state’s 2020 presidential election result.

The law they’re citing was designed to stop prosecutors from bringing flimsy cases out of political animus. The defendants now trying to harness it include former Trump legal adviser John Eastman and other Trump confidants, as well as Arizona Republicans who falsely claimed that Trump won Arizona and held themselves out as the state’s legitimate electors in the Electoral College.

At an all-day hearing in Maricopa County Superior Court on Monday, Judge Bruce Cohen signaled openness to the defendants’ arguments for the charges to be tossed out under Arizona’s so-called anti-SLAPP law. If Cohen finds that the arguments have merit, he could order a further hearing to gather evidence about the defendants’ claims of political persecution.

Like many states, Arizona has long had on its books an anti-SLAPP law — which stands for “strategic lawsuits against public participation.” These laws are typically designed to discourage vindictive and frivolous civil lawsuits against people exercising their First Amendment rights. But in 2022, Arizona’s Legislature expanded the law’s purview to include protection from politically motivated criminal prosecutions as well. It is the only anti-SLAPP law in the United States to offer such protection.

Prosecutors working for Mayes told the judge that the defendants’ claims of politically motivated prosecution are wrong-headed and offensive. And they signaled that, if the case goes to trial, they plan to depict the defendants’ alleged crimes to jurors in exhaustive detail: They intend to call as many as 80 witnesses during a trial that could last three months.

In April Trump 2020 alternate electors, GOP state legislators, former Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward and others were indicted by a state grand jury in Arizona.

A total of 18 people involved in the Arizona alternate electors plan were indicted by the Arizona grand jury earlier this year.

Trump lawyers Christina Bobb, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman were all charged with felonies.

President Trump was named “Unindicted Coconspirator-1” in the indictment because he made a phone call about the ballot counting to former governor Doug Ducey.

Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes defended her witch hunt and the curious timing of the indictment – just months before the 2024 general election. Make no mistake, the charges are a warning shot to anyone who may want to challenge the 2024 election.

“We conducted a thorough and professional investigation over the past 13 months into the fake electors scheme in our state,” Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes said in a video announcing the charges. “I understand for some of you today didn’t come fast enough. And I know I’ll be criticized by others for conducting this investigation at all. But as I’ve stated before, and we’ll say here again, today, I will not allow American democracy to be undermined.”

It was reported earlier this month that former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis is cooperating with Arizona prosecutors in the Trump alternate electors case.

All nine felony charges against Jenna Ellis including fraud, forgery and conspiracy were dropped.

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Author: Cristina Laila

Top Kamala Surrogate Denigrates Bill of Rights, Calls Transformational Document ‘A Little Piece of Paper’

Top Kamala Surrogate Denigrates Bill of Rights, Calls Transformational Document ‘A Little Piece of Paper’

Top Kamala Surrogate Denigrates Bill of Rights, Calls Transformational Document ‘A Little Piece of Paper’
August 27, 2024

Kelley Robinson, President of the Human Rights Campaign

Kelley Robinson, President of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), spoke at a kickoff event for the Democratic National Convention last week and denigrated the Bill of Rights, calling it ” a little piece of paper.”

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer civil rights organization.

Robinson said during the DNC LGBTQ+ Kickoff event that the U.S. needs to rethink “freedom” in a more “revolutionary” way than when the Founding Fathers created a “little piece of paper.”

Robinson even suggested that “we can’t just worry about protecting democracy at this moment” but should  “reimagine it with people that look and love like us at the center.”

“And I think for us right now, it’s about reimagining freedom and this American story in a way that is more revolutionary than what our founders actually put down on that little piece of paper, but instead is the type of democracy that’s by and for all of the people of this country,” she said.

That “little piece of paper” affirms that all men are created equal and our rights are inalienable.  What exactly is Robinson suggesting needs to be ‘reimagined’ here?


HRC, which has endorsed Kamala Harris, has lost some of its sway in recent weeks as several major corporations have publicly distanced themselves from its woke efforts to strong-arm companies into “mandated activism.”

HRC was exposed in 2023 as the forefront of the leftist LGBTQ mafia in utilizing a social credit score to force companies to advance their poisonous agenda.

HRC publicly threatens organizations every year by sending a list of demands over what they want to be displayed in public, or corporations will face a price.

Corporate Equality Index (CEI) is a corporate social credit score that rewards or punishes companies based on the number of woke issues they are forcing on their workforce and customers.

Their CEI scores are tied to their financial futures as the global financial network that includes Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, and others use the CEI index as a means to determine investment.

Robby Starbuck reports that Lowe’s recently announced they are ending their participation in the HRC’s woke Corporate Equality Index social credit system.

Starbuck also reports that corporate policies at Tractor Supply, John Deere, Harley Davidson, Polaris, and Indian Motorcycle have also ended their participation.

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Author: Margaret Flavin

Prince Harry’s Best-Selling Memoir ‘Spare’ to be Released as Paperback, Timed to Coincide with Ailing King Charles’ Trip to Samoa for Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

Prince Harry’s Best-Selling Memoir ‘Spare’ to be Released as Paperback, Timed to Coincide with Ailing King Charles’ Trip to Samoa for Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

Prince Harry’s Best-Selling Memoir ‘Spare’ to be Released as Paperback, Timed to Coincide with Ailing King Charles’ Trip to Samoa for Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
August 27, 2024

Who needs enemies, when you have a son like Prince Harry?

King Charles waited 70 years to ascend to the British throne, only to see his reign tainted by the vitriol aimed at him and his family by his youngest son.

Now, Harry is set to bring out the paperback edition of his best-selling memoir, Spare. And while it is perhaps some consolation that the book would not be updated from its hardback form with new mud-slinging, there’s the question of the timing.

Daily Mail reported:

“Unfortunately, however, its October release will clash with King Charles‘ high-profile appearance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa, the first time he has attended since acceding the throne and becoming head of the global organization. The meeting will be held from October 21-25 with Harry’s paperback being published in the US on October 22 and then the UK two days later.”

‘Spare’ holds the Guinness World Record for the ‘fastest selling nonfiction book of all time’.

And its paperback release has been timed to coincide with an increasingly rare official function for the ailing King.

The monarch plans to attend the meeting in Samoa despite his ongoing cancer treatment as part of an Autumn tour in October that will also take in Australia.

“The re-issue of Spare will also re-ignite bombshell claims made by the prince against his estranged family including allegations that Prince William broke his necklace and shoved him onto a dog bowl which smashed during a particularly explosive row.

He also recalled numerous private family conversations between himself, his father and brother, and shone a spotlight on difficulties between his wife and the then Duchess of Cambridge – including Kate’s reaction to Meghan saying she had ‘baby brain’.”

Spare’s new imprint will be published in 16 languages worldwide, with the same cover image as the hardcover edition.

The newly-designed package will have the contents of the book unchanged.

“Questions had been raised as to whether Harry would, like many authors, update the paperback edition with a new chapter, particularly considering how much has happened in the last year.

In that time, his relationships with his family has continued to break down, the King has been diagnosed with cancer – which saw Harry make a transatlantic dash to London to see his father for barely 30 minutes – and his children, Archie and Lilibet, have become Prince and Princess.”

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Author: Paul Serran