INGRASSIA: Kama Kama Kama-chameleon!

INGRASSIA: Kama Kama Kama-chameleon!

INGRASSIA: Kama Kama Kama-chameleon!
August 27, 2024

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Kamala Harris is a slick political opportunist, who will say and do anything that is required of her to win the general election.

In recent weeks, she has tried to play up her credentials as a former government prosecutor, in line with the general sentiment of the country that wants stricter law enforcement on crime and border security, both of which have spiraled out of control under her watch as vice president.

But even her politicking — and her phony moderation — has its limits, as is evident by her convention speech last week, where she rattled off a list of airy bromides, little to do with the substance of meat and potatoes policy.

In that vein, she is borrowing a page from Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” playbook: preferring to talk down to voters, demeaning their intelligence in the process, rather than deem them worthy and coequal citizens, deserving to hear specifics about the direction she plans to steward this country.

But there is also a more cynical explanation for her unwillingness to delve beyond harebrained, meaningless platitudes like “joy” and “we’re not going back” on the campaign trail.

It’s not that she is a woman totally devoid of political convictions – it’s that her convictions, if articulated to the public, would be so noxious as to turn off anyone who managed to catch a mere whiff of them.

That is because she is, deep down, a card-carrying communist; a true believer, as they say, of the Marxist credos that would level all of society to its lowest common denominator: the opposite of the American dream.

Unlike her predecessor in Biden, a bumbling and battered down creature of the swamp, who would not know the difference between a tax cut and a haircut if it hit him square in the face.

Kamala Harris, by sharp contrast, whose father was a Marxist economist professor at Berkeley, is fundamentally animated by a spiteful, tear-it-down cocktail of rage and envy that is prototypically Marxist or Leninist in character.

Like Michelle Obama before her, she believes America is a systemically racist and oppressive country – and places the heavy responsibility for America’s ills upon a long lineage of successful, mostly white men — and really, successful people overall who rebuke her negative view of history — that includes everyone from George Washington to Donald Trump.

Next to Elizabeth Warren, who once famously intoned, “You didn’t build that,” when discussing the achievements of some of America’s greatest innovators and capitalists, Kamala is several leaps further to the left.

This is not just reflected in her radical economic agenda, which, to the extent it can be divined at all, include massive tax hikes – on everything from “unrealized capital gains,” a fabricated term straight from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ economics handbook, which would absolutely paralyze the middle class.

To boosting corporate tax revenues by trillions of more dollars, depleting the average citizen of his life savings, and forcing millions of Americans to work years after the normal retirement age, and likely to their graves.

But, even more dangerously, it is reflected in Kamala’s rhetoric and overall political philosophy.

She has barely concealed contempt for America’s history and past greatness, and the civic virtues long perpetuated by our forefathers, generation after generation, that were responsible for turning the United States into the global superpower of the past one hundred years.

She either does not understand history, or likely worse, cares not to, instead holding everything valuable in our traditions with contempt – which includes the morality of Church ethics and the demands of ordered liberty, those ingredients necessary for the preservation of a constitutional republic.

Her utter contempt for the building blocks which Made America Great, and which reverberate in that famous slogan that ignited a generational movement, are readily apparent.

This extends all the way to respect for due process and the rule of law – both, time-honored precedents that made America exceptional, such as not weaponizing lawfare against political opponents and dissidents, which has been breached with impunity by the Biden-Harris DOJ led by Merrick Garland.

She has enabled the latter process that has done irreparable damage to our justice system, the actual bulwark of “our democracy,” with reckless abandon.

Reckless in the fact that her rhetoric matches the extremism of leftist agitators, who really should be called domestic terrorists, like Antifa and BLM, for tearing down our cities and calling to defund the police.

Abandonment, because she has abandoned her civic duty to uphold the integrity of our increasingly fragile judiciary, call out injustice where it exists – as in the political prosecution of Donald Trump, his key acolytes, and countless J6 demonstrators – and put an end to it, once and for all, as vice president.

In the above portrait, we see how philosophy matches policy in a way that is both radical and unprecedented – and indeed, unprecedented for how radical it is.

Expect under a Kamala administration a continuation of that deconstructivist attitude that prevailed all throughout the George Floyd cultural revolution – including the tearing down of statues and renaming of national monuments – which, at bottom, is driven by a nihilistic rage for all things good, beautiful, and indeed, sacred.

She has made abortion a national issue, and Donald Trump a bogeyman for reproductive rights.  But, in reality, the issue is settled law – states can decide the abortion policies at their discretion; it is not a salient issue this campaign cycle.

It is only being made into an issue as a deceptive ploy, by the Harris camp, to generate momentum over a mostly irrelevant cause.

The truth of the matter is that Kamala is an abortion extremist, and if it were up to her, would abort babies past the point of birth, in keeping with the spirit of the former Democratic Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam.

She would likely take things a step further too, following the trend in Canada, where the elderly – or, really, at this point, anyone with a physical or mental illness – can euthanize themselves, and likely be coerced into doing so by “proper authorities” under the pretense of “science.”

In this regard, Kamala Harris is the walking embodiment of the “culture of death” made flesh; she is driven in her Marxist antipathies to tear everything down, from the foundational principles needed to achieve republican government to the physical monuments devoted to the great men who made that government possible, to We, the People – all in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

But, as we all know, a slight inversion of DEI results in DIE, which is exactly what will be in store for America, and Western civilization, if she snakes her way into the presidency.

Don’t be deceived by her looks: even though she pantomimes a chameleon on the campaign trail, at heart, Kamala Harris is a devious snake on a Marxist warpath.

She will stop at nothing, society be damned, to achieve her megalomaniacal goal, which, at bottom, has always been an insatiable lust for power – the timeless attribute of tyrants, dictators, and despots from time immemorial.

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Author: Paul Ingrassia

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Trump: “Im Going to Work to Get Him Elected – I’ve Been Asked to Go on the Transition Team” (VIDEO)

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Trump: “Im Going to Work to Get Him Elected – I’ve Been Asked to Go on the Transition Team” (VIDEO)

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Trump: “Im Going to Work to Get Him Elected – I’ve Been Asked to Go on the Transition Team” (VIDEO)
August 27, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tells Tucker Carlson that he was asked to be on his Transition Team.

On Monday night, Tucker Carlson released a compelling interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., following Kennedy’s recent decision to suspend his presidential campaign and endorse former President Donald Trump.

The conversation, which was posted in full on his X account, revealed Kennedy’s newfound commitment to ensuring Trump’s victory in the upcoming election.

During the discussion, Robert Kennedy Jr. told Tucker Carlson that he was asked to be on President Trump’s Transition Team.

Tucker Carlson: What happens now? You had this amazing announcement with Donald Trump on Friday. It’s now Monday, I think. It was just three days ago. How do you spend from here until election day?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: I’m going to work to get him elected. I’m working with the campaign. We’re working on policy issues together. I’ve been asked to go on to the Transition Team to help pick the people who will be running the government and I’m looking forward to that. I’m going to fight. I don’t know what would happen to me if we lose.

Tucker Carlson: Well, that’s it. I mean, a lot of people I know personally, and I’m friends with have gone to prison. One of them is in prison right now, Pavel Juroff. There are others. What happens if he loses to you?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: If… I don’t know. But I mean, listen, I never really think about that. What I think is, okay, here’s what I got to do today and get up every day and say, Reporting for duty, sir, and then go do that. And nothing’s a crisis. Everything’s a task. And so that’s what I’m going to be, a happy warrior. I know what I have to do, so I’m going to do it.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Parents of Trump Shooter Continue With Major Legal Step as Feds Look Into What They Know: Report

Parents of Trump Shooter Continue With Major Legal Step as Feds Look Into What They Know: Report

Parents of Trump Shooter Continue With Major Legal Step as Feds Look Into What They Know: Report
August 27, 2024

The parents of Thomas Matthew Crooks have hired a high-powered legal firm as the investigation continues into their son’s July 13 attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

The firm of Quinn Logue, which is based in Pittsburgh, will represent Matthew Crooks and his wife Mary, according to the Daily Mail.

The firm, founded by some of Pittsburgh’s top attorneys, says it specializes in “criminal defense and civil suits including wrongful death and personal injury.”

The Mail, citing a supposed anonymous family member, reported that as the FBI investigates the shooting, the agency remains uncertain exactly how much the gunman’s parents knew about his plans.

“The FBI still very much has questions about how much they knew and how he [Thomas] slipped through the net,” the source reportedly said.

Prior to the shooting, the parents contacted law enforcement, saying their son had not responded to their attempts to contact him.

Crooks’s parents have made no statement after the shooting, and when confronted by the media have asked to be left alone.

Some Republicans have voiced concerns over the pace of the investigation and the lack of any apparent motive in the shooting, which killed one rallygoer while wounding Trump and two spectators.

“It’s been more than a month since former President Trump’s near-assassination, yet the FBI has still not offered Congress or the public any real insights into Crooks’ motivation,” Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said, according to the New York Post.

“The FBI ought to stop dragging its feet and provide a serious update on their investigation. Every day the FBI, as well as the Secret Service, keep the American people in the dark is another day wasted,” he said.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who is part of the Senate panel investigating the assassination attempt, was more blunt.

“All I can really tell you is the Secret Service, FBI are basically dragging their feet. They’re stonewalling us,” Johnson said.

The lack of progress has led Republican Rep. Mike Walz of Florida to question the federal dogma that Crooks acted alone, according to the Daily Mail.

“I don’t understand, and I don’t have any answers yet to help me understand how the [Secret] Service and DHS came out so quickly and said – and I think the FBI as well, but I’ll have to check that – and said, he operated alone,” Waltz said.

“How do you know that mere days into your investigation?”

“You can’t tell us his motive, but you could tell us he operated alone? You can’t get into these encrypted overseas accounts, but you can tell us he acted alone?” he said, referring to accounts found on Crooks’s phone.

“So, I don’t buy that yet.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Jack Davis, The Western Journal

Jen Psaki Forced to Face Harsh Reality as Don Lemon Drops a Truth Bomb: No One Knows Kamala Harris, and Black Voters Side with Trump!

Jen Psaki Forced to Face Harsh Reality as Don Lemon Drops a Truth Bomb: No One Knows Kamala Harris, and Black Voters Side with Trump!

Jen Psaki Forced to Face Harsh Reality as Don Lemon Drops a Truth Bomb: No One Knows Kamala Harris, and Black Voters Side with Trump!
August 27, 2024

Credit: Inside with Jen Psaki

Leftist commentator Don Lemon joined Jen Psaki on her show Inside with Jen Psaki and delivered a reality check that made it hard for Psaki to swallow.

While the show was packed with the usual anti-Trump rhetoric, Lemon’s candid assessment of Kamala Harris and the political landscape caught Psaki off guard.

The segment began with the same tired narrative: Trump is supposedly “afraid” to debate Kamala Harris.

“I do want to start tonight with the debate over the debate that we watched play out today because I think it tells us a whole lot about the state of the presidential race right now,” said Psaki.

“I mean, it all started late last night when Donald Trump suggested he may skip the scheduled September 10th ABC News debate. Yep, if you’re keeping track here, that’s the one he already agreed to, then tried to back out of, then agreed to again. This time, he cooked up a new grievance against ABC News as an excuse to weasel out of it, writing in a lengthy post…”

But let’s get real—Kamala has barely conducted any meaningful press interviews.

Why? Because everyone knows she struggles to make coherent arguments when she’s not reading from a script. The idea that Trump would fear a debate with Harris is laughable, especially considering her lackluster track record in public speaking.

As Harris gears up for the upcoming ABC debate on September 10, her campaign is trying to rewrite the rules.

Jason Miller, the spokesperson for the Trump campaign, reported that Harris is demanding a seated format and, astonishingly, permission to use a “cheat sheet” during the live event.

This last-minute scramble reveals the true nature of the Harris campaign—one that is unprepared and desperate to avoid a head-to-head confrontation with Trump.

“Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate,” Miller said.

He went on to expose the Harris camp’s backtracking on previously agreed rules, saying, “If Kamala Harris isn’t smart enough to repeat the messaging points her handlers want her to memorize, that’s their problem.”

“This seems to be a pattern for the Harris campaign. They won’t allow Harris to do interviews, they won’t allow her to do press conferences, and now they want to give her a cheat-sheet for the debate. My guess is that they’re looking for a way to get out of any debate with President Trump.”

But the real bombshell during the interview came when Psaki asked Lemon about his interviews across the country. Expecting a glowing review of Harris, Psaki was instead met with a harsh dose of reality.

Lemon revealed that in places like Pittsburgh, the Jersey Shore, and Ohio, most people had no idea who Kamala Harris even was. He then dropped a truth bomb that likely left Psaki reeling.

Jen Psaki: “What did they think about Harris?”

Don Lemon: “They did… listen, um… it depends on where you are. We went to a number of different battleground states: Pennsylvania, Ohio. We were in Michigan, Indiana, on our way, obviously, to Illinois, on our way to Chicago. It depended on where you were.

Pennsylvania—well, I shouldn’t say Pennsylvania, I should say Philadelphia—was a bit more liberal, and the answers to the questions about her and him were quite different. But for the most part, in Pittsburgh or at the Jersey Shore and Atlantic City, in Ohio especially, many people did not know who she was; they weren’t familiar with her. I think she has to reintroduce herself to the public. But for him, I think that they thought he’s better for the economy and that, again, he brought money into the community or that he was on black people’s side.”


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Author: Jim Hᴏft

Kamala Harris’s Inflation Reduction Act: A Costly Flop That Fails Middle-Class Americans

Kamala Harris’s Inflation Reduction Act: A Costly Flop That Fails Middle-Class Americans

Kamala Harris’s Inflation Reduction Act: A Costly Flop That Fails Middle-Class Americans
August 27, 2024

Communist Kamala Harris calls for redistribution and equality of outcome.

The Inflation Reduction Act’s Promises

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, championed by Democrats, promised to fix our economy with incentives like a 30% tax credit for energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, and windows. But these solutions come with sky-high upfront costs that average American families can’t afford.

Instead of addressing inflation, this bill benefits the wealthy, who can use these credits, while ordinary households face tighter budgets. Rather than easing financial pressure, this legislation represents costly government overreach that fails to deliver real relief.

The Reality of Inflation and Economic Impact

Despite the Inflation Reduction Act’s promises, inflation has remained a significant issue. In July 2023, consumer prices increased by 3.2% compared to July 2022. Although inflation showed signs of slowing down, with a 2.9% increase from July 2023, the rate remains below its peak of 9.1% from June 2022. Overall, it’s clear the Act hasn’t quite done the job it was supposed to.

Kamala Harris has played a key role in advocating for the Inflation Reduction Act, promising that the legislation would combat rising inflation and ease financial burdens on American families. Despite these assurances, the Act has not delivered the expected results.

Kamala Harris’s Inflation Reduction Act and its Shortcomings

Vice President Kamala Harris faced criticism after describing the Inflation Reduction Act as dropping “trillions of dollars” on American streets. Critics found it ironic that a bill intended to combat inflation involves massive government spending.

Journalist Tom Elliott captured the sentiment, asking, “Has there ever been a more ironic sentence?” This skepticism reflects broader disillusionment with Harris’s promises. Instead of providing relief, the Act appears to be another example of government overreach that exacerbates economic issues, leaving many questioning its effectiveness.

Kamala Harris and the Inflation Reduction Act

Middle-class families face a tough reality as inflation continues to rise. Costs for essentials like groceries, gas, and utilities have surged, cutting into purchasing power. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that inflation has made everyday expenses increasingly burdensome.

Inflation’s Heavy Toll on Middle-Class Families

Housing costs have also skyrocketed, stretching family finances. The Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes to fight inflation have made mortgages, car loans, and credit card debts more expensive.

Stagnant Wages and Eroding Savings

Wage growth has not kept pace with rising inflation, leaving many middle-class families struggling with higher living costs. Brookings Institution analysis highlights this wage-price gap and families’ difficulties in managing expenses. Inflation erodes the value of savings and investments, particularly those not adjusted for inflation. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) reports how inflation undermines long-term financial goals, like retirement savings, by reducing the purchasing power of money over time.


The Inflation Reduction Act, championed by Kamala Harris, promised substantial benefits and relief for American families grappling with inflation. However, the reality has fallen short of these promises. The Act’s high upfront costs and limited immediate impact have left many questioning its effectiveness. Middle-class families continue to bear the brunt of rising prices and stagnant wages while the value of their savings erodes. As inflation persists and economic pressures mount, it’s clear that the Act has not delivered on its lofty promises. The American people are left to grapple with the consequences of a bill that, instead of alleviating financial strain, may have exacerbated it.

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Author: Sharika Soal