ABLECHILD: FORGET THE FBI — Use Congressional Subpoenas in Trump Assassination Investigation

ABLECHILD: FORGET THE FBI — Use Congressional Subpoenas in Trump Assassination Investigation

ABLECHILD: FORGET THE FBI — Use Congressional Subpoenas in Trump Assassination Investigation
August 26, 2024

This article originally appeared on and AbleChild and was republished with permission.

Oliver Morrison 905 WESA US Rep Mark Green of Tennessee leads a tour of the site in Butler County where a shooter attempted to assassinate former President and presidential candidate Donald Trump

Two things are becoming abundantly clear regarding the “investigation” into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. First, nobody trusts the FBI.

Secondly, everybody is complaining that the FBI is stonewalling and withholding information about the alleged shooter and, therefore, the entire sordid event is quickly turning into a Kennedy Assassination-like conspiracy. In other words, nobody trusts the FBI.

Oddly enough the biggest complainers are sitting on the singular investigative body that has the greatest ability to get information but hasn’t utilized its power.

The House Bipartisan Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump has the ability to obtain crucial physical evidence, without the FBI’s permission, and remarkably has failed to act. If the FBI doesn’t want to play fair, there are other useful tools.

According to Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord, “Until a court in Pennsylvania rejects the next of kin rule, I suspect that will remain a barrier to accessing the Medical Examiner’s autopsy report and related evidence.”

“However,” stressed Emord, “the congressional committees investigating the assassination attempt should subpoena the coroner’s and Medical Examiner’s reports and related evidence and then release it to the public so it may be scrutinized.”

Is Emord the smartest guy in the room? Maybe. But, c’mon, is there no one on the Congressional Committee that is aware of its subpoena power? Is the public really supposed to believe that the lawyers in Congress were unaware of its power to subpoena this information?

Is it possible that Members of Congress tasked with this investigation have forgotten about Steve Bannon who currently is sitting in a jail cell because of a failure to comply with a congressional subpoena?

Congressional investigators are absolutely free to paper Bethel Park, Pennsylvania with subpoenas, including the parents of the alleged shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Afterall, it was the father that reportedly made a call to police in the early afternoon hours prior to the assassination attempt. The alleged call to police was made by Crooks father because he “was concerned about his son and his whereabouts.”

Fox news explained the call this way, “Thomas Matthew Crooks parents were looking for him on Saturday in the hours leading up to the Trump rally shooting and eventually called law enforcement to indicate that he was missing, and they were worried.”

Perhaps Congress may want to hear from the father about why the call was made to police that early afternoon. Perhaps Congress would like to know whether the father actually had a conversation with the son. Perhaps the “mental health expert” father did speak with the son, and it was what was said during the conversation that prompted the call to police. Maybe that’s why the FBI still is investigating the family and why the family has lawyered up.

The point, of course, is that Congress has the ability to subpoena the father…question the mother and father about that very questionable call and numerous other issues. If the FBI isn’t willing to share information, Congress doesn’t need its help.

Congress certainly didn’t need permission from the FBI to throw Steve Bannon into a jail cell for failure to comply with a subpoena. Either Congress will utilize all its powers to provide information to the public or it may end up the way of the FBI where Americans no longer trust it.

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Author: Guest Contributor

Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New Executive Order Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State — Also Mandates Citizenship Notice for Voter Registration

Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New Executive Order Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State — Also Mandates Citizenship Notice for Voter Registration

Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New Executive Order Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State — Also Mandates Citizenship Notice for Voter Registration
August 26, 2024

Credit: Jeff Landry/X

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has issued Executive Order JML 24-136, reinforcing the state’s commitment to ensuring that only U.S. citizens have the right to vote in state elections.

“This morning, I was joined by [Louisiana Sec. of State Nancy Landry] and [Attorney General Liz Murrill] to reinforce our commitment to safeguarding election integrity in Louisiana. I signed an executive order requiring all Louisiana agencies to clearly inform individuals that ONLY U.S. citizens are eligible to register to vote. Our elections in Louisiana will remain secure and lawful,” Landry announced on X.

The order references the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which grants citizenship to natural-born and naturalized citizens, while also asserting that the government cannot deny life, liberty, property, or due process to these individuals.

The Governor’s proclamation comes at a time when concerns over election integrity are at an all-time high, particularly in light of the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of border security.

Since taking office, the Biden administration has witnessed over 7.8 million illegal border crossings, with at least 1.5 million “gotaways”—individuals detected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection but who evaded capture. This alarming trend raises serious questions about who is eligible to participate in our electoral process.

Governor Landry’s order reaffirms that only those who have legally obtained U.S. citizenship can register and vote in Louisiana elections. Citing both federal law and Louisiana’s state constitution, the executive order aims to close loopholes that could allow unauthorized immigrants to influence local and state elections.

“Today, I’m going to sign an executive order that states that all Louisiana agencies, while they must offer voter registration with every application for service assistance, are going to make sure that they inform people it is illegal to register to vote if you’re not a citizen,” Landry said during the press conference.

“Our agencies are providing voter registration forms. We’re going to make sure that they don’t provide voter registration forms to those who are undocumented and illegally in this country.”

“This order will be in the form of a disclaimer on the declaration form. Just because you receive a voter registration form doesn’t mean you’re eligible to vote. This executive order makes it explicitly clear when applying for public assistance or state-funded programs exactly what the laws are in this state.”

Louisiana’s Office of Motor Vehicles is also now required to share the names of non-citizens and non-permanent residents with the Secretary of State’s Office following the signing of a new executive order.


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Author: Jim Hᴏft

Will Newsom Sign the Bill? California Democrats Are Close to Passing New Law That Gives Illegal Aliens $150,000 Interest-Free Mortgage Loans

Will Newsom Sign the Bill? California Democrats Are Close to Passing New Law That Gives Illegal Aliens $150,000 Interest-Free Mortgage Loans

Will Newsom Sign the Bill? California Democrats Are Close to Passing New Law That Gives Illegal Aliens $150,000 Interest-Free Mortgage Loans
August 26, 2024

California’s Democrat lawmakers are about to advance a bill that would give illegal aliens $150,000 interest-free home mortgage loans.

Illegal aliens will get zero down payment, interest-free home mortgage loans under a new California bill.

Democrat assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (Fresno) recently introduced Assembly Bill 1840 to extend a first-time homebuyer loan program to illegal aliens.

If the bill becomes law, illegal aliens will be eligible for a new program that offers a loan worth 20% of the purchase price of the residential property. There are no monthly payments and no interest accrues on the loan. Rather, the loan is paid back when the borrower refinances or sells the property. The borrower will have to pay back the original loan plus a 20% increase in the value of the property.

“It’s that ambiguity for undocumented individuals, despite the fact that they’ve qualified under existing criteria, such as having a qualified mortgage,” California Democrat Joaquin Arambula said in an interview. “Underscores the pressing need for us to introduce legislation.”

The legislation passed a key senate committee last week so California is one step closer to giving illegal aliens interest free home loans with zero down payment.

California’s governor Gavin Newsom hasn’t said whether he will sign the bill.

Fox News reported:

Lawmakers in California could soon make the Golden State the first in the country to make undocumented immigrants eligible for up to $150,000 in state-supported home loans.

The Democratic supermajority in the California state legislature is likely to pass a measure this week that would make undocumented immigrants eligible for the “California Dream for All” loan program, a state-funded program that provides 20% in down payment assistance up to $150,000, according to a report for Politico.

Participants in the program must be first-time homebuyers, and at least one must be a first-generation homebuyer, while income levels must be below certain limits depending on the county where the recipient lives.

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Author: Cristina Laila

JUST IN: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits Biden-Harris Regime Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans — ‘Regrets’ Colluding with the Regime!

JUST IN: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits Biden-Harris Regime Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans — ‘Regrets’ Colluding with the Regime!

JUST IN: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits Biden-Harris Regime Pressured Him to Censor Millions of Americans — ‘Regrets’ Colluding with the Regime!
August 26, 2024

Source: Flicker

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now trying to save himself from the controversial relationship between his company and the Biden-Harris regime.

In a letter addressed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg throws the Biden-Harris regime under the bus.

He openly admitted that Meta, the parent company of Facebook, was subjected to relentless pressure by the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, even when the content was satirical or humorous, and the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

The Meta CEO allegedly expressed deep ‘regret’ for not being more vocal in resisting the government’s demands, stating that “government pressure was wrong,” and he now recognizes that his company should have been more outspoken about the administration’s overreach.

In the letter, Zuckerberg detailed how senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, exerted consistent pressure on Meta’s teams to remove or suppress content that did not align with the regime’s narrative on COVID-19.

This included posts that were clearly humorous or satirical.

Zuckerberg’s letter also revealed another explosive detail: Meta’s decision to demote the New York Post’s bombshell story on the Biden family’s corruption in the lead-up to the 2020 election.

The story, which centered around Hunter Biden’s dealings with Burisma, was initially flagged by the FBI as potential Russian disinformation, leading Meta to temporarily suppress its distribution.

However, Zuckerberg now admits that this was a grave mistake, as the story was not Russian disinformation, and the decision to demote it was influenced by government pressure.

Zuckerberg also addressed the financial contributions he made through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, called the Zuckerbucks by election integrity advocates, during the last presidential election cycle, which he insists were intended to support electoral infrastructure in a ‘non-partisan manner.’

These contributions have disproportionately benefited Democrat strongholds.

Read more about Zuckerbucks:

Read the full letter below:

Chairman Jordan:

I appreciate the Committee’s interest in content moderation on online platforms. As you are aware, Meta has produced thousands of documents as part of your investigation and made a dozen employees available for transcribed interviews. Further to our cooperation with your investigation, l welcome the opportunity to share what I’ve taken away from this process.

There’s a lot of talk right now around how the U.S. government interacts with companies like Meta, and I want to be clear about our position. Our platforms are for everyone — we’re about promoting speech and helping people connect in a safe and secure way.

As part of this, we regularly hear from governments around the world and others with various concerns around public discourse and public safety.

In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.

Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure.

I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.

Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction – and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.

In a separate situation, the FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election.

That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply.

It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story. We’ve changed our policies and processes to make sure this doesn’t happen again — for instance, we no longer temporarily demote things in the U.S. while waiting for fact-checkers.

Apart from content moderation, I want to address the contributions I made during the last presidential cycle to support electoral infrastructure. The idea here was to make sure local election jurisdictions across the country had the resources they needed to help people vote safely during a global pandemic. I made these contributions through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

They were designed to be non-partisan –spread across urban, rural, and suburban communities.

Still, despite the analyses I’ve seen showing otherwise, I know that some people believe this work benefited one party over the other. My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another – or to even appear to be playing a role. So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle.

Here are the screengrabs from the Judiciary Report and from Mike Benz’s website on the “10 flaming examples” of the times the tech giants admitted that passed censorship policies because they were threatened by the Biden regime.

The Biden White House forced tech giants to censor these five COVID claims – that all turned out to be accurate.
Claims that COVID was:
1. manmade,
2. manufactured,
3. bioengineered
4. a bioweapon
5. created by an individual government
6. modified through gain of function research

The Biden White House forced Big Tech to change its content moderation policies.

7. Amazon employees admitted they changed their content moderation due to pressure from the Biden regime.
8. Amazon changed its bookstore policies due to criticism from the Biden regime.
9. Facebook employees admitted Facebook censored the man-made theory due to pressure from the Biden regime.

The Biden Administration targeted truthful information and even satire that went against their beliefs.

10. The Biden regime pressured Facebook to block content that was negative about the vaccines.

And the Biden Administration pressured social media to “do more.”

It should be noted that The Gateway Pundit reported on all of these topics. Our reporting was accurate. We were censored, and our content was not allowed on this platform.

You can read more about Facebook’s Marxist-style censorship:

This censorship actually started as far back as 2016, right after Trump secured his victory in the election. The Gateway Pundit has been speaking out on this unconstitutional assault on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press for years now.

Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft Testifies to Congress on Facebook Censorship: Full Statement (VIDEO)

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

‘Never Walz’ Booth is Popular Stop at Minnesota State Fair

‘Never Walz’ Booth is Popular Stop at Minnesota State Fair

‘Never Walz’ Booth is Popular Stop at Minnesota State Fair
August 26, 2024

The ‘Never Walz’ booth at the Minnesota State Fair is a popular stop./Image: @82ndairborneBT/X

This week the Minnesota State Fair is in full swing. Among the deep fried foods, games and rides, one of the popular stops for fair-goers is an anti-Tim Walz booth where folks can win ‘Never Walz’ prizes.

According to Fox News Digital, the booth,  run by Action 4 Liberty MN, has attracted long lines of people.

Long lines at the ‘Never Walz’ booth at the Minnesota State Fair./Image: @leslibless

Action 4 Liberty leader and former Republican Minnesota state Rep. Erik Mortensen told Fox News Digital, “Our amazing supporters spin the wheel for a chance at a free T-shirt and a ‘Never Walz’ fan. We’re a nonprofit organization that promotes liberty by exposing the RINOs and Leftists when they betray liberty, and we work to mobilize our grassroots army of supporters and train them on how to wield their individual political power as effectively as possible.”

The event will run through Labor Day weekend and more than 2 million visitors are expected to attend.

Fox reports:

The “Never Walz” booth is a hot attraction on the fairgrounds, with Mortensen saying that even though they aren’t selling famed fair food, “our lines have been longer than most of the food booths.”


“Action 4 Liberty has been leading the effort in MN for years in exposing Gov. Walz’s thirst for power. In 2021, our state fair booth was themed ‘Never Again’ referring to Walz’ unconstitutional lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine mandates. The booth was used to promote my ‘Never Again’ bill that would remove the governor’s ability to unilaterally declare an emergency and anoint himself the ‘King of MN.’ We Minnesotans know Walz best. He pretends to be some folksy Midwesterner, but he’s a thin-skinned, power-drunk tyrant that has destroyed our state and has repeatedly violated Minnesotan’s liberties,” Mortensen said when asked about the motivation and history behind the booth.

Social media users shared photos and videos as the never-ending lines.

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Author: Margaret Flavin