Elon Musk WARNS America After X (Twitter) BANNED in Major Country for INSANE REASON | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)

Elon Musk WARNS America After X (Twitter) BANNED in Major Country for INSANE REASON | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)

Elon Musk WARNS America After X (Twitter) BANNED in Major Country for INSANE REASON | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)
August 31, 2024

Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer, where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the week in around 10 minutes.

ARTICLE 1: Elon Musk Fires Off Warning to Americans After Brazil Bans X

ARTICLE 2: JUST IN: Crowd Cheers as Protester Who Tried to Breach Security Gets Manhandled and Tossed From Trump Johnstown Rally (VIDEO)

ARTICLE 3: Tim Walz’s Own Brother Considers Joining Forces with Trump, Slams Governor as ‘Unfit to Make Decisions About Your Future’: Report

ARTICLE 4: New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

ARTICLE 5:  Court Says ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Can Be Censored By School

Please leave your opinions / comments on these stories below as Elijah reads every single one and appreciates your perspective.

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Author: Elijah Shaffer

INGRASSIA: The Art Of The Choke: How Kamala Harris’ Dumpster Fire Of A CNN Interview Indicates That She’s Not Presidential Material

INGRASSIA: The Art Of The Choke: How Kamala Harris’ Dumpster Fire Of A CNN Interview Indicates That She’s Not Presidential Material

INGRASSIA: The Art Of The Choke: How Kamala Harris’ Dumpster Fire Of A CNN Interview Indicates That She’s Not Presidential Material
August 31, 2024

The takeaway of any honest viewer of Kamala Harris’ much-lambasted interview with CNN’s Dana Bash this past week is that of someone overwhelmed – burdened, one might say – by the stresses of campaigning, and for that reason, wholly unsuited to the office that she seeks.  Even though the Left would beg to differ, one can still level a criticism against a so-called “person of color” that is not based on race or gender, but rather, stands alone as an objective assessment of the candidate’s performance.

In terms of conviction, Harris cut the opposite of the image of a confident leader.  The fact that she needed Tim Walz with her in tow, who has been needled by the press as “Kamala’s comfort dog” – someone who is supposed to provide assurance for a candidate palpably in over her head, is hardly the look of a strong, independent woman.  Rather than be the change candidate, the impression was a candidate ill-equipped in every possible way to take on the solemn and sober duties of the highest political office in the land.  Not a good look for a president.

Kamala’s uncertainty began with her non-responses, which invariably devolved into “word salads” of jumbled and confused thoughts, decoupled from specifics on policy or anything resembling a novel or coherent line of reasoning.  This was immediately on display when Bash pressed Harris on her pivot on several policies, especially fracking.  In 2020, as a Democratic candidate for president, Harris ran on a platform of banning the practice unilaterally.  Her change now is obviously born of political expediency, plain and simple.  Everyone knows this gambit: she is desperately trying to pander to crucial voters in Pennsylvania and other rustbelt states, whose economies so heavily depend on the oil and gas industries.  Only a fool would deny that incontestable fact.  So too would a fool believe Kamala at her word, and think she has come to a genuine change of heart on that issue.

Luckily, most people aren’t fools. This was evident by the downward trends in prediction markets and major pollsters, which had Kamala Harris riding the wave of a manufactured “honeymoon period” narrative in the weeks after Joe Biden was forced out of the race. The fallout of the CNN debacle was swift and unforgiving: Polymarkets, a betting platform, which had Kamala leading Donald Trump before the CNN interview, immediately reverted to having the 45th President ahead once again.

After Kamala Harris’ disastrous interview performance, Polymarket, a prediction market platform, put Donald Trump in the lead over Kamala Harris.

Nate Silver, a left-leaning pollster who created FiveThirtyEight, also yielded a forecast model that gave Donald Trump a five point advantage over his opponent in taking the electoral college. These polls and prediction markets indicate that Americans can detect a choke and bullshit artist when they see one, and Kamala Harris, whose acted out the Art of the Choke in realtime on CNN, came across in the worst possible way: an unapologetic liar, willing to say anything — including adopting President Trump’s own policies, and rhetoric — to get herself elected.

This is especially true given her previous, well-documented devotion to the Cult of Climate Science, which was zealous and extreme. In 2020, if it were up to her, she would have wiped the oil and gas producers off the face of a planet.  Now, of course, her handlers tell her to speak out of both sides of her mouth to pander to what they hope are gullible voters.  This explains Kamala’s garbled answer to Bash, professing that her “values have not changed,” even though she now, apparently, supports fracking – at least until November 5th.

Will Pennsylvania voters buy this?  They certainly should not.  Her explanations – paired with her off-putting, holier-than-thou attitude – simply do not make sense to anyone with an IQ above room temperature (and probably even to those below the mendoza line).  That apparently wasn’t enough. Incredulously from there, Kamala doubled down. She went on to actually describe Joe Biden as an “intelligent man,” multiple times.  This is where, of course, Kamala’s dishonesty was most illuminating: here she revealed her cards as a classic case of the lady doth protest too much.  Kamala’s lies are so brazen as to be unbelievable.

Unlike Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama before her, and to a lesser extent, Joe Biden (at least when he was still semi-sentient), Kamala is a very poor student in the art of duplicity.  She wouldn’t even likely register as an amateur by most counts.  For these reasons, her falsehoods became immediately apparent, so much so that you could almost – almost – forgive the scandalously biased Bash, representing her scandalously biased network, for not interrogating the Democratic candidate further on the nonsense.  Anyone with a pulse could detect it.

And if her lies somehow weren’t already obvious by the shiftiness of her responses, they should have been discerned by her repeated self-contradictions that riddled virtually every answer she mouthed, eroding the last of her credibility.   The clearest case of this being her insistence that Joe Biden was – and remains – an intelligent(!) man, implying that he is still capable of remaining in office as president while she campaigns, even though he was ousted in a coup – of which dear Kamala dutifully played a significant part as co-conspirator – because of his lack of mental marbles.  But heaven forbid Kamala be asked to campaign and govern as president at the same time. Don’t black (Indian? Who knows!) womXn already bear enough of the world’s burdens! Heck, in her “warped” worldview, such an ask would be tantamount to a hate crime!

If not that, what other explanation does Kamala Harris have for why she, and not ol’ Joe, was sitting before Dana Bash for an interview about hers – not his —presidential campaign? Alas, Dana Bash conveniently forgot to ask! Maybe Joe’s amnesia is contagious and infected every mainstream network!

Democrats naturally love to dress up the July coup resulting in Biden’s ouster in language to the effect of “Joe stepped down for the good of the country,” characterizing it as a noble act of sacrifice and heroism, which the press, in turn, seems to always accept as an incontrovertible article of faith.  They never fail to overlook the most natural follow-up, namely: what on earth caused Joe to step down, a little over three and a half months out from the most consequential election in modern American history, after being adamant about not doing so for months on end, in the first place?

Intelligence and terminal dementia normally do not go hand-in-hand.  But Kamala’s repeated insistence that Joe Biden is “intelligent,” “so smart” and “very strong” transmits the obvious truth that he’s in fact not any of those things. He is utterly incapable of handling the duties of his post because he does not have the mental capabilities to do so.

It’s a dead giveaway that a politician is lying when they must repeatedly describe an elderly man riven by dementia — now recognized universally — as “smart” and “intelligent,” both descriptions standing as attacks on reason and observable reality itself.  The truth is that Kamala aided and abetted the fraud of the century: Joe Biden’s senility. This fraud gravely endangers the entire national security of the country, all done to avoid a connection to that fraud – which, of course, is still ongoing.

That Kamala then had the audacity to say Biden, who unleashed hordes of illegal aliens into our country, helped restore our “sovereignty” and “territorial integrity” – and, on top of that, claim that the number of immigrants “has actually reduced” – takes the art of lying to a whole new, absurd level.  Adding insult to injury, she meshed her lies in an exceedingly dismissive and shamelessly condescending tone throughout.

Acting like CNN was an adversarial outlet – and the mere act of asking questions to her, as coddled up as they were, somehow crossed the line of professionalism, indicates a deeply insecure person who is easily rattled, even in a forum as cloyingly friendly as CNN’s no doubt is. In the past, this would disqualify a person’s candidacy, no questions asked, because an inability to handle a painstakingly easy, softball interview demarcates the bare minimum of what a president is expected to do.

Could you imagine a person with Kamala’s exceptionally weak character and disposition dealing with Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Bashar al-Assad or Kim Jong-un?  Of course not!  Her dismissive tone betrays a fundamental ignorance about the high responsibilities of the presidency, or – maybe even worse – showcases a callous indifference to its importance, an importance which includes its venerable history and the lofty standards, imposed by tradition, upon each and every one of its officeholders.

While it’s true that it’s been a long time coming, with the exception of Donald Trump’s four year stint, in which the presidential incumbent truly lived up to the majesty of the office, it is indisputable that if, God forbid, someone like Kamala Harris were to ever occupy that position, for all intents and purposes the United States of America would be over.  She harbors nothing but scorn, disdain, and resentment for the office, and callous disregard — in the form of her odious sense of entitlement — for the institutions enshrined by our Constitutional form of government.

It’s one thing to be ignorant of history, but it’s another thing entirely to be apathetic of our cultural traditions and customs – not even pretending to care to learn more or so much as try to relate to your constituents in a meaningful, indeed human, way.  Wisdom is found in admitting one’s ignorance; Kamala Harris strikes the portrait of a cutthroat politician, full of pride and hubris and complete disregard for the well-being of those over whom she seeks — intends — to rule.

Her election would be a national disgrace and unmitigated disaster on so many fronts. Kamala’s interview with CNN reaffirms this fact – and again, not that it was needed, but underscores the extremely high stakes of this presidential election, the most important in generations. One that will determine whether the United States of America will go on, or succumb to pride and ignorance, the perennial sins that have brought mightier civilizations than ours to ruin. With candidates like Kamala Harris, who are we to believe we will not escape a similar fate?

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Author: Paul Ingrassia

The Influence of Gunther Eagleman: How This Prominent MAGA Voice is Shaping Discourse on X

The Influence of Gunther Eagleman: How This Prominent MAGA Voice is Shaping Discourse on X

The Influence of Gunther Eagleman: How This Prominent MAGA Voice is Shaping Discourse on X
August 31, 2024

Gunther Eagleman / X.com

Gunther Eagleman stands out as a prominent figure in the MAGA movement, building a following of over 800,000 on X (formerly Twitter). His unfiltered opinions and strong support for Donald Trump have positioned him as a leading voice among conservative influencers.

His rapid rise to fame has drawn attention from both supporters and critics. In an exclusive interview with the Gateway Pundit, Eagleman passionately discusses his commitment to free speech and his determination to voice his beliefs.

Background and Rise to Fame

Eagleman’s journey on social media began with a simple goal: to speak his mind freely. “I started on X to speak my mind freely and say what I was thinking,” Eagleman shares.

His straightforward, unapologetic style quickly resonated with those who felt they couldn’t express their opinions due to various constraints, such as employment or family issues. His ability to articulate thoughts that many conservatives shared but were reluctant to voice publicly fueled his rapid rise in popularity. His follower count surged as more people found solace and a sense of representation in his posts.

Content Strategy and Impact

Gunther Eagleman’s content strategy revolves around what he describes as “true honesty.” He believes that this authenticity is what draws people to his platform.

“There is power in freedom, and to be able to speak truth is the ultimate freedom,” Eagleman explains. His content often focuses on topics that he believes are not adequately represented in mainstream discourse, particularly those that align with the MAGA movement’s values.

Eagleman sees himself as more than just a social media influencer; he views his role as part of a larger battle for the freedom of expression. “I think we are seeing an attack on free speech like we have never seen before,” he says, pointing to examples from Europe where individuals have faced legal consequences for their social media posts.

In his view, platforms like X, under the leadership of Elon Musk, have become crucial battlegrounds in the fight for free speech.

He praises Musk as a “champion of free speech” and encourages everyone, regardless of their political stance, to use their voices and advocate for their beliefs.

Handling Criticism and Backlash

With such a high profile, Eagleman is no stranger to criticism. However, he claims not to be fazed by the backlash that often comes with being vocal about his political beliefs.

“The hate that comes my way doesn’t bother me at all; it just fuels me more,” Eagleman asserts. He remains confident in his position and believes that the support he receives far outweighs the negative feedback.

“I am more surprised at actually how much support I receive speaking my mind. I really do believe there are more of us than there are of them,” he adds, highlighting his belief in the strength and numbers of the conservative base.

The Role of Social Media in Political Discourse

Of course, Eagleman advocates using social media to advance political discourse, especially for conservative voices. He emphasizes that platforms like X provide an important space for free expression. “I think X is a great place to advocate for your belief no matter what those beliefs are,” he says.

Eagleman sees social media as a tool that empowers individuals to engage in political conversations and believes it is essential for maintaining a robust democratic society. By leveraging his platform, he aims to encourage more people to participate in discussions and share their perspectives openly.

As debates over free speech and social media’s role in politics evolve, voices like Eagleman’s will undoubtedly remain influential, sparking conversations and, at times, controversy. His journey reflects the dynamic landscape of political expression in the digital age.

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Author: Sharika Soal

Election 2024 as Explained by Time Magazine in February 2025

Election 2024 as Explained by Time Magazine in February 2025

Election 2024 as Explained by Time Magazine in February 2025
August 31, 2024

Source: TIME

The sworn confession of the 2020 scam to secure the White House was made in February 2021.  In the February 4th, 2021, Time Magazine cover story, the insider details of the great steal were shared.

The story was a breathless, narrative of what the Deep Staters did to block democracy in the November 2020 election to get Biden into the White House.

It’s ok for the Deep Staters to confess, they own the mainstream media and much of the court system and are waging a war on any lawyer who tries to file suit against them.

Time shared in a jubilant whisper, “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”

Translation of this story: Thankfully, Deep State government worked with Big Tech to silence and censor Donald Trump and his supporters, weaponize Government against them, and ensure election process dominance to ensure that only trusted Blue Operatives had their hands and eyes on the workings of the election to make sure enough ballots and votes were created so Joe Biden was declared the winner.

Something is amiss this time around.  A pre-confession was just made by Mark Zuckerberg.  Somehow Zuckerberg missed the memo, choked, or panicked.  Zuckerberg somehow was unaware that the Time Magazine, February 2025 article was possibly already in draft form.  So what is the February 2025 article in Time Magazine going to say this time?

We had to save the world in 2020, we got away with it, we had to do it again in 2024

In the old political days of America, we had the “October Surprise”.  Usually the “October Surprise” was one or two political canards sprung at the last moment.

In the 2004 election it was the Swift Boat/Counter-Swift Boat and the Bush/Texas National Guard Service election hijinks that were attempted and countered successfully.

Those were quaint and precious days, and they are a reflection onto a more innocent and simpler America.  Now we have Black Swans, far more impactful events that are intended not just to sway elections but alter the course and direction of society.

Initially people would voice concerns about a singular, “Black Swan Event”.  Now there are so many Black Swans, they are shooting them at us at fully automatic, like an out-of-control tennis ball cannon on the tennis court.

Here are just a few of the Black Swan Events or foreboding stories so far that may morph into gist for the draft write up for the February 2025 Time Magazine Election Special:

  1. Crowdstrike Worldwide Computer Meltdown:  George Kurtz the CEO has begged forgiveness and apologized for this catastrophe in July.  I’m not buying it.  Kurtz was part of McAfee when they performed a similar software update push in 2010 that cause cyber chaos.  Was the Crowdstrike worldwide internet chaos a smokescreen to plant malware?
  2. Three Billion Social Security Numbers Stolen:  Three billion Social Security Numbers and accompanying identities were “stolen” when there are only 350 million Americans.  This disparity makes no sense.  The precise information needed to generate mail in ballots on an industrial scale was taken.  How many ballots do they need to create for a Kamala “slam dunk victory”?
  3. Multiple Assassination Attempts on Trump were necessary to save America:  Butler, PA was the first, but we already have been told Iran is lurking out there to remove Trump from the equation.  The facts of Butler have gone into the same black hole as the Las Vegas shooting.
  4. Biden Cognitive Cover Up:  We have a RICO Conspiracy to cover up Biden’s cognitive state but it was justified because the 2020 Steal saved America?  Kamala was right in the middle of the Conspiracy but did it to save the Democracy?  (PS, we don’t have a Democracy, we have a Republic).
  5. First successful Presidential Coup in American History: Unlawfully swapping out Biden for Kamala and illegally using Biden donations for Kamala was justified to assure Trump did not re-take the White House?
  6. A nuclear decapitation strike was necessary to save America:  This one is the silver bullet that may held in reserve if all the other Black Swans don’t throw the election.  The New York Times broke the story on secretive directions given by the group leading America, whoever that is, to prepare for possible simultaneous nuclear exchange with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.  Would allowing these nations to conduct a demonstrative nuclear strike on American territory provide the reason to suspend the election to ensure Trump did not return to the White House?

 De-moralization and Mass Psychosis is the intent with the Black Swan Conveyor Belt

There are 20 other insane reasons the irreconcilable Globalists and Deep Staters have on their conveyor belt of lies to destroy America.  We are dealing with irrational, hateful people, who couldn’t care less about the American Constitutional Republic.

Anyone who thinks they are better off today than they were four years ago is delusional.  If financially they really are off better than four years ago: good for them if they earned it through hard work, innovation, and successfully implementing a vision.

That is much harder in Kamala’s America unless you are part of the Crony Capitalism Mafia.

Most Americans are not better off than they were four years ago, financially, spiritually, or morally.  If gleefully shrieking “Trump is a felon” is more important than America collapsing by open borders and the world descending into the fire of World War III, I beg to differ.

Time Magazine may already have the draft story for the February 2025 edition.  However, we still have time to spike their story.  The good news is, we’re the majority, we just have to start acting like it and learn to take back the levers of control in our formerly great country.

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Author: John Mills

President Trump Publishes a Series of Posts on Kamala’s Illegal Immigration Record – These TRUTH Bombs Will Surely Drive the Left Nuts!

President Trump Publishes a Series of Posts on Kamala’s Illegal Immigration Record – These TRUTH Bombs Will Surely Drive the Left Nuts!

President Trump Publishes a Series of Posts on Kamala’s Illegal Immigration Record – These TRUTH Bombs Will Surely Drive the Left Nuts!
August 31, 2024

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have presided over the greatest illegal migrant invasion in US history. This comes after Joe Biden opened the border on his first day in office.

As The Gateway Pundit contributor Paul Ingrassia reported earlier…

It should be common knowledge that Kamala Harris has been serving as Joe Biden’s “border czar” for much of the past four years.  In this role, she owns the disaster at the border more than any other Biden administration official, including the president himself.

Since taking office in January of 2021, more than ten million illegal aliens have unlawfully penetrated the US-Mexico border.  These border crossers have brought untold amounts of illegal drugs, like fentanyl, and violent crime, including homicide, rape, and human trafficking, that have propelled the crime figures in virtually every major American city to the highest recorded rates ever.

Women and children have been disproportionately harmed by the Biden-Harris open border; stories like Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and Jocelyn Nungaray – all young American women with years of life still to go, murdered in cold blood by an illegal who should never in a million years have been on this land – represent just the tragic tip of the iceberg.

As it stands, America already is well beyond overcapacity for illegal aliens.  The ten-plus million that have crossed over during the Biden-Harris administration discount the millions more, anywhere between 2 and 10 million, that are labeled “gotaways,” by the federal government.  These are people who do not appear on U.S. Border Patrol registrars, and otherwise evade detection.

Kamala Harris as border czar is responsible for these criminal and dangerous policies and owns the murders, overdoses, assaults, and billions of dollars in costs this catastrophe has cost this country.

On Saturday, President Trump published a series of posts on TRUTH Social that will clearly upset the radical left.

The open borders don’t upset today’s elites – but the brutally honest social media posts likely will.

With Kamala’s open borders, “No One Is Safe.”


“Meet your new neighbors – if Kamala wins”

“Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals – They’re coming to collect.”

These aren’t just pithy election posts. This is the actual reality in America today with Democrats in power.  They all believe in open borders.  They all believe illegal immigrants should have representation in Congress.  California Democrats give them money to buy homes. And a majority of Democrats believe illegal aliens who are caught driving while drunk should not be deported.

Vote accordingly.

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Author: Jim Hoft