WATCH: Trump Campaign Releases Devastating Ad Exposing Kamala Harris by Having Her ‘Debate’ Herself

WATCH: Trump Campaign Releases Devastating Ad Exposing Kamala Harris by Having Her ‘Debate’ Herself

WATCH: Trump Campaign Releases Devastating Ad Exposing Kamala Harris by Having Her ‘Debate’ Herself
August 26, 2024

Credit: @EndWokeness

Kamala Harris has successfully undergone an image makeover following the Biden coup thanks to a fawning press and catchy clichés while avoiding all questions and interviews that could trip her up.

Since reporters will not do their job exposing Harris’ horrible record as “vice president” and her Marxist agenda for America, the pressure is on the Trump campaign to ensure Americans are fully exposed to the real Kamala Harris before it is too late.

Fortunately, the campaign appears up for this challenging task. This morning, the Trump campaign released an advertisement that completely tears away the wool being draped over the public’s eyes.

The devastating ad perfectly exposes the fraud of Harris’ campaign merely by quoting her own words. She is seen ‘debating herself,’ with the first Kamala lamenting America’s economic problems with inflation and housing while the second Kamala celebrates Bidenonomics.

In other words, she accepts responsibility for the hardships the public is enduring under her and Biden’s regime. So much for her trying to campaign as the candidate of ‘joy’ and ‘change.’


Kamala 1: Everyday prices are too high. Food, rent, gas, back-to-school clothes…

Kamala 2: That is called Bidenomics.

Kamala 1: A loaf of bread costs 50% more today, ground beef is up almost 50%. There is not much left at the end of the month.”

Kamala 2: Bidenomics is working.

Kamala 1: The price of housing has gone up. It feels so hard just to be able to get ahead.

Kamala 2: And we are very proud of Bidenonomics.

One can only hope that Trump will get his chance to corner Harris with these cold, hard facts during their next scheduled debate on September 10. Unfortunately, she is currently doing everything she possibly to ensure it never happens.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger

Christian Gold Company CEO: “It Makes a Difference WHO You Work With”

Christian Gold Company CEO: “It Makes a Difference WHO You Work With”

Christian Gold Company CEO: “It Makes a Difference WHO You Work With”
August 26, 2024

Note: The information provided here or in any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice. Gateway Pundit benefits from purchases made through sponsored messages such as the one below.

A combination of strong trends in precious metals prices and growing anxiety over the nation’s economic future has driven many Americans to invest in physical precious metals. Central banks are quietly buying as much as possible to protect their vast assets so why shouldn’t average Americans do the same with their wealth and retirement?

The surge in interest has sparked precious metals companies both new and old to scramble for a piece of the pie. But as Jonathan Rose, CEO of Genesis Gold Group, recently noted during an interview, buying gold and silver is not like buying other commodities.

“The prices being charged for precious metals, especially for self-directed IRAs, can range from reasonable all the way to absolutely bonkers,” he said. “It’s very sad whenever I see the details of deals Americans were pressured into making because I know they were ripped off by predatory gold companies.”

In the world of numismatic precious metals investments, there are many companies that charge triple-digit margin percentages to drive insane profits. The gap between wholesale and retail can be so great that “unburying” clients of “Big Gold” companies can be nearly impossible.

Genesis Gold Group is a faith-driven precious metals company. As such, they operate transparently and with integrity when they help Americans roll over or transfer their retirement accounts into a Genesis Gold IRA.

“There are certain signs I tell people to watch for if they’re engaging with any precious metals company,” Rose said. “The biggest alarm bell is when companies offer ‘free’ silver in exchange for their purchases. ‘Free’ silver offers are a sure sign the company is dramatically overcharging for their metals.”

Another differentiator with Genesis Gold Group versus other companies is in the metals mix. Companies tend to stuff the bars and coins with the highest profit margins into their gold IRAs.

Genesis Gold Group works very closely with their clients to put together the best metals mix for their individual situations. That often means a combination of bullion, numismatics, and utility metals that allows their clients the flexibility they’ll need in the future.

“We spend a ton of effort making sure our clients have all the information they need to make an informed decision,” Rose said. “An educated client is the best client which is why we take time to fill any knowledge gaps before the relationship begins.”

The company offers a free, definitive gold guide that walks potential clients through the unique process Genesis Gold Group has crafted over the years.

Arguably the most important attribute that differentiates Genesis Gold Group from “Big Gold” companies is the speed in which their clients can receive their physical metals through distributions or account changes. It can take weeks or even months for the vast majority of precious metals companies to move metals from IRA depositories to their clients.

“We are very proud that we can get metals in the hands of our customers in just a few days when they close their accounts or take distributions,” Rose said. “That’s particularly appealing to our clients considering the state of affairs in America.

“If and when turmoil hits, we want those who have trusted Genesis Gold Group to take possession of their metals quickly when they need it most.”

Reach out to Genesis Gold Group today to receive the Definitive Gold Guide and learn more about the safe haven of physical precious metals.

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Author: Promoted Post

Biden Returns to Delaware After Weeklong California Vacation – Then Takes Another NINE-DAY Vacation in Rehoboth Beach – Taxpayers Spend Millions to Ferry Biden Family Around on Endless Vacations

Biden Returns to Delaware After Weeklong California Vacation – Then Takes Another NINE-DAY Vacation in Rehoboth Beach – Taxpayers Spend Millions to Ferry Biden Family Around on Endless Vacations

Biden Returns to Delaware After Weeklong California Vacation – Then Takes Another NINE-DAY Vacation in Rehoboth Beach – Taxpayers Spend Millions to Ferry Biden Family Around on Endless Vacations
August 26, 2024

Who is running the country?

81-year-old Joe Biden has pretty much checked out since he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on July 21 after Obama-Pelosi-Kamala forced him off the ballot in a coup.

Joe Biden and his family on Sunday returned to Delaware after a weeklong vacation in Santa Barbara, California.

Biden arrived to Vandenberg Space Force Base and then boarded Air Force One en route to his Rehoboth Beach house in Delaware.

Reporters shouted questions about the Israel-Hamas ceasefire talks as Biden shuffled over to Air Force One.


Joe Biden is spending another NINE DAYS on vacation at his Rehoboth Beach, Delaware house.

Biden has spent more than 40% of his presidency on vacation with no visitor logs.

American taxpayers are spending millions of dollars on planes, helicopters, motorcades and Secret Service to ferry Biden’s family of parasites all over the country on endless vacations.

Marine One costs approximately $20,000 per hour and Air Force One costs $177,843 per hour, according to Department of Defense documents. Biden’s frequent trips and vacations to Delaware have cost US taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

Biden is on vacation and Kamala Harris is on a bus tour with Tampon Tim Walz.

Trump blasted Joe and Kamala in a tweet on Sunday.

“Who is negotiating for us in the Middle East? Bombs are dropping all over the place! Sleepy Joe is sleeping on a Beach in California, viciously Exiled by the Democrats, and Comrade Kamala is doing a campaign bus tour with Tampon Tim, her really bad V.P. Pick. Let’s not have World War lll, because that’s where we’re heading!” Trump said.

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Author: Cristina Laila

Lifelong Democrat Bret Weinstein Now Considers Voting for Trump After RFK Jr. Endorsement — Calls Democrats an “Existential Threat” to the Republic

Lifelong Democrat Bret Weinstein Now Considers Voting for Trump After RFK Jr. Endorsement — Calls Democrats an “Existential Threat” to the Republic

Lifelong Democrat Bret Weinstein Now Considers Voting for Trump After RFK Jr. Endorsement — Calls Democrats an “Existential Threat” to the Republic
August 26, 2024

Credit: Valuetainment/Youtube

Bret Weinstein, a lifelong Democrat and influential podcaster, has signaled that he is open to voting for Donald Trump following Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of the former president.

When asked about the significance of RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Trump, Weinstein did not mince words during his interview with entrepreneur and commentator Patrick Bet-David, which was released shortly before Kennedy’s announcement on Friday.

“I think this is absolutely monumental because we are in a novel moment in American political history,” Weinstein said.

“Many of us, who hold different positions on the political spectrum and have different priorities with respect to policy, are finding that none of our differences matter in light of the jeopardy that the Republic is in.”

“What he is effectively doing here is saying those differences aren’t going away, but they’re simply secondary. By withdrawing from certain ballots and not others, he is emboldening a movement that is more widely recognizing that those differences have to be put aside until the main job is done.”

“He’s leaving himself an important voice in that discussion. This was not a simple endorsement of Trump; it was an endorsement of retaking the White House and using that position to restore the Republic to its proper course.”

Weinstein shared his growing concerns about the direction of the Democrat Party, which he claims has strayed far from its roots.

“Let me be perfectly clear about this. I think the modern Democratic Party is an existential threat to the Republic. Although I am a Democrat and have been a Democrat my whole life, the party I see in front of me today is the inverse of the party I signed up for. This is now the party of war, the party of racism, the party of censorship. I don’t recognize this party.”

His disenchantment with the Democrats has led him to an unprecedented crossroads.

“There is no conceivable scenario in which I would vote for Kamala Harris. I simply will not do it,” Weinstein said.

When pressed on whether he would consider voting for Trump, Weinstein offered a surprising admission.

“Am I open to voting for Trump? I am. I’m especially open to it if he is partnered with Bobby Kennedy because that would mean my values, which are a much closer match for Bobby’s, are represented in that administration.”

“What I want is a coalition to redefine American politics. We have a long-standing problem with corruption, which has now turned into something else within the modern Democratic Party. We need to rethink the way we govern ourselves so that corruption is not the dominant force, and a coalition is the way we’re going to achieve that.”


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Author: Jim Hᴏft

Ultra MAGA Party Video: Two Days Before Attempted Assassination of Trump Victoria Nuland Boasted – “I Don’t Think Trump’s Going to Be President, If That’s What Putin Is Betting on, He’s Going to Get Unhappy Surprise!”

Ultra MAGA Party Video: Two Days Before Attempted Assassination of Trump Victoria Nuland Boasted – “I Don’t Think Trump’s Going to Be President, If That’s What Putin Is Betting on, He’s Going to Get Unhappy Surprise!”

Ultra MAGA Party Video: Two Days Before Attempted Assassination of Trump Victoria Nuland Boasted – “I Don’t Think Trump’s Going to Be President, If That’s What Putin Is Betting on, He’s Going to Get Unhappy Surprise!”
August 26, 2024

Demon Victorian Nuland

Here is another MUST-SEE video by Ultra MAGA Party – and Finance Wolves.

What did Victoria Nuland know? And when did she know it?
Two days before the attempted assassination of President Trump, Nuland boasted, “I don’t think Trump is going to be President, so If that’s what Putin is betting on, he’s going to get an unhappy SURPRISE!”

Finance Wolves: And there is this interview with Victoria Newland. In case you don’t know who she is, she was the former National Security Advisor to Vice President, Dick Cheney.

Liz Cheney: And we have an obligation to make sure, and I certainly will, do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump isn’t anywhere close to the Oval Office again.

Finance Wolves: She worked in government during the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden administrations. She left government during the Trump administration. She’s married to Robert Kagan.

Steve Bannon: You got this guy here to Robert Kagan?

Robert Kagan: They really did take someone like Trump. That could be a real threat to our democracy. Now, what can we do about it? Well, as I say, we’ve already not done the things that we all agreed needed to be done. Those things have not been done.

Steve Bannon: Kagan writes a piece in the Jeff Bezos Amazon Washington Post. It basically makes the intellectual and moral case for the assassination of Donald Trump. It is an outright justification, intellectually and morally, for the assassination of Donald J. Trump.

Finance Wolves: Victoria Newland was one of the primary instigators for the current war in Ukraine. This is someone who has been deeply involved in CIA operations around the world for the past four presidents, except for Donald Trump. If something happened to Trump, it would mean the continuation of this neocon foreign policy of US wars around the world. This interview with Victoria Newland happened two days before the Trump shooting.

Victoria Nuland: I don’t believe Donald Trump will be elected by the American people. This man is a felon. He is a liar. He is not a supporter of basic US democratic freedoms and principles. He’s talking about locking up Americans, locking up immigrants, hurting our economy, et cetera. So I don’t think that Donald Trump is going to be President. So if that’s what Putin’s betting on, he’s going to get a unhappy surprise, I think.

Finance Wolves: This is a woman with close relationships with high-level CIA officials. Why does she have this strange smile when she says, I don’t think Donald Trump is going to be President? What did she know?

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump?

Former Secret Service Director Cheatle: Absolutely not.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Then how did this happen?

Via Midnight Rider.

The post Ultra MAGA Party Video: Two Days Before Attempted Assassination of Trump Victoria Nuland Boasted – “I Don’t Think Trump’s Going to Be President, If That’s What Putin Is Betting on, He’s Going to Get Unhappy Surprise!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft