WATCH: Former Obama Intern and Democrat Campaign Worker Speaks Out After Attending the DNC as Volunteer

WATCH: Former Obama Intern and Democrat Campaign Worker Speaks Out After Attending the DNC as Volunteer

WATCH: Former Obama Intern and Democrat Campaign Worker Speaks Out After Attending the DNC as Volunteer
August 26, 2024

Credit: @evanwch/X

A former Obama intern and lifelong Democrat who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 has taken to social media to blast the Democrat Party in a scathing video that exposes what conservatives have long suspected: the party is out of touch, elitist, and disconnected from the real struggles of everyday Americans.

The woman, who identifies herself as Evan, posted the video on X, where she shared her disillusionment with the Democrat Party after attending the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as a volunteer.

According to her, she left the convention early because “it sickened me.”

Evan, who has dedicated much of her career to working in ‘progressive politics,’ signed up to volunteer at this year’s DNC, expecting to find renewed faith in the Democrat Party. Instead, she found herself more disillusioned than ever before.

“Okay, I’m going to get real in this, and it’s probably going to piss some people off,” Evan begins, setting the tone for her no-holds-barred exposé.

She added:

“I just got back from the DNC, where I signed up to volunteer. When I initially signed up to volunteer, Joe Biden was still the nominee; it wasn’t yet Kamala Harris. I’ve worked in progressive politics for a long time.

I have worked for many different Democratic candidates—Senate candidates, House candidates, and even some Democratic organizations. As the years have gone by, I found myself getting more and more disillusioned with the Democratic Party, although until now, I’ve never said that out loud or anywhere public. I just want to say that by saying this, I’m not necessarily saying that the other party is better. I’m just giving you my experience working with the Democrats.”

Evan reveals the unvarnished reality of campaign fundraising, where candidates devote countless hours courting wealthy donors instead of engaging with everyday voters. This systemic flaw, according to Evan, undermines the very democracy that the party claims to champion.

“Throughout my career, I’ve mostly done campaign fundraising, so I’ve seen the way that it works behind the scenes. I know that candidates spend 8, 9, 10 hours a day just calling donors and begging rich people for money. It’s pretty much the only people that they talk to.

Of course, sometimes they have to talk to voters, but the majority of their time is spent calling and begging rich people to give them money for their campaigns. What this inevitably means is that we don’t actually live in a democracy; it’s just rich people calling the shots and having the access to talk to the politicians.

They’re the ones that basically get their ear all day. They’re the ones that can help shape and prioritize what the politician actually focuses on. Even the politicians that detest this, that want to get big money out of politics, still have to play this game. They still have to make these calls. They still spend the same amount of time just calling rich people and begging them for money.

Unfortunately, once they get into office—if they get into office—they soon realize that the money machine is so great and the seduction of power is so immense that they no longer adhere to these values. When I first got into politics, I thought that Democrats were the party of the people.

The convention atmosphere struck Evan as elitist and disconnected from the struggles of average Americans. The speeches, filled with vague promises rather than concrete plans for economic relief, left her feeling angry and betrayed.

“But at the DNC this week, I felt like I was in a building with the most elite and out-of-touch people in the entire world. It very much felt like, “Let’s just have a huge party and forget all of our problems because the vibes are good.”

When I was there, I didn’t feel any connection to real America or the place that I come from, which is the Midwest—Kansas City, Kansas, and Missouri. I didn’t feel any connection to the people that I know right now who are struggling to buy their groceries or pay their rent. The people who want to know what both candidates are going to do to materially affect change in their lives.”

Evan’s disillusionment reached a breaking point during Kamala Harris’s speech, which she found devoid of substance.

“When I was there listening to the speeches, I felt myself getting mad because I didn’t hear anything about the economy—definitely not in Kamala’s speech, and not very much in the others as well.

Instead, I heard generic platitudes, things like “joy,” “respect,” and “integrity.” What does that even mean? “Let’s make the military the most lethal in the world.” I thought I was part of the anti-war party. I thought I was part of the party that fought for the underdog, that championed working people. When and how did we just become the party of academia, anemia, and affluence? Because that’s what we are right now.

How can we ever say that we’re going to fight corporate power or give a voice back to those communities that have been left behind when, above the delegates on the floor, in levels and levels of suites, donors and corporations were literally looking down on the people below from above?

That’s what Chris Cuomo said, and he is absolutely right. I went to the DNC this year hoping that I would feel reconnected to the Democratic Party, that I would have more of a sense of understanding of Kamala and her candidacy and what she stood for. But instead, I ended up leaving feeling the opposite—more disconnected and alone than ever.”

In a final, gut-wrenching admission, Evan declared, “I don’t think I can support Kamala Harris for president. I don’t even know if I can call myself a Democrat anymore. I don’t know who I’m going to support, but I know it’s not her.”


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Author: Jim Hᴏft

IT’S OVER: RFK Jr. Tells Dr. Phil He Withdrew from Swing States After Internal Poll Shows 57% of His Base Would Vote for Trump Over Harris If Ever He Quit

IT’S OVER: RFK Jr. Tells Dr. Phil He Withdrew from Swing States After Internal Poll Shows 57% of His Base Would Vote for Trump Over Harris If Ever He Quit

IT’S OVER: RFK Jr. Tells Dr. Phil He Withdrew from Swing States After Internal Poll Shows 57% of His Base Would Vote for Trump Over Harris If Ever He Quit
August 26, 2024

Credit: Dr. Phil/X

Talk show host Dr. Phil has announced upcoming exclusive interviews with Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., set to air this week following the historic campaign announcement.

The highly anticipated sit-downs will be featured on Dr. Phil McGraw’s streaming platform and network, Merit Street. The episode with Trump will be streamed on Tuesday, followed by Kennedy’s interview on Wednesday.

During the exclusive interview with Dr. Phil, Kennedy revealed that internal polling data showed 57% of his supporters would back Trump over Kamala Harris if he exited the race.

Kennedy made it clear that his withdrawal was also motivated by a deep conviction that Harris’s policies are antithetical to the values he holds dear.

Kennedy’s decision to withdraw from the ballots in 10 crucial swing states, while keeping his name in the red and blue states, is a calculated move to ensure that his presence does not inadvertently hand the election to Harris.

Dr. Phil: You crafted a trail in your press conference. You’re staying on the ballot in the red and blue states. In the swing states, people have said that this could come down to 15 counties in 11 different states.

Eleven of those counties are in seven states, including where we are right now. You said you don’t want to be on the ballots there. You don’t want people to vote for you there. Do you think you can be the determining factor in this presidential election?

Because of the positioning, of course, if they don’t get to 270, if they tie at 269, it’s a whole different ball game. But if this comes down to independents in those 15 counties in those 11 states, and you’ve given your support to the Trump candidacy, do you feel like you may very well be the one that selects the next President of the United States by your influence?

RFK Jr.: That’s possible, but I would have if I had stayed on the ballot in the swing states. What I’ve done, Phil, is we’re taking my name off the ballots in 10 states that are swing states. We’re leaving my name on in the red states and the blue states so people can vote for me without consequence.

They’re not going to be scared, thinking, “Oh, the bad guy is going to get elected.” You know who’s going to get elected in those states. So it allows people to vote for me who want to vote for me without any consequence.

But we recognize from our polling that if I stayed in the race, it would have almost certainly swung the race to Vice President Harris, who was trying to throw me off the ballot in all of the states, ironically.

But I thought that that would not be a good outcome for her because I differ with her on all the issues—on the issues of war, on the issues of censorship, on the issues of chronic disease, and many, many other issues. I did not want to give the election to her. I didn’t think it would be right to do so.

Our polling from the beginning showed pretty consistently that if I got out of the race, 57% of the people who are supporting me would vote for Trump. So me staying in the race would have very likely swung the race to Harris. Just getting out of the race, I think, makes it a fair race between them.

Dr. Phil: You’re double digits in some of these swing states.

RFK Jr.: Yes, I am. And if 57% of those people go to former President Trump, that’s a real boost to him.

Dr. Phil: That’s a real boost to him.

RFK Jr.: Yes, it is. I think my decision about what to do makes it much more likely that President Trump will get elected.

Dr. Phil: So you do acknowledge that?

RFK Jr.: Yes.

Dr. Phil: And you agree with him on enough priorities that you’re more comfortable with that outcome than if it went the other way, even though you’ve grown up a Democrat?

RFK Jr.: Even though I grew up in the Democratic Party, and I had the same orientation towards abhorrence for, I’d say, President Trump as many Democrats had, maybe four years ago, mainly because of his environmental stances, which I continue to disagree with. But our conversations—my conversations with President Trump—were very amiable.

He talked about starting a unity party, about President Lincoln and his team of rivals. I could come in and support him because of these existential issues—censorship and chronic disease—that I feel strongly about, and he feels strongly about, and that Kamala is on the wrong side of.

I thought I could continue to criticize him on issues where I don’t agree with him, and he was very comfortable with that. I liked that, too. I’m not going to cosign a lot of the things he says and endorse his actions, but on those issues and on the border, I’m with him.

Dr. Phil: Are you going to actively campaign for President Trump?

RFK Jr.: Yes, I will.

Dr. Phil: So I may be sitting here talking to the one person in this country who is going to pick the next President of the United States by what you did today.

RFK Jr.: That is possible. It certainly is.


Kennedy’s bombshell decision comes on the heels of reports that the Biden administration removed his security service details. It is expected that more of his supporters would vote for Trump.

Trump’s campaign has already seized on Kennedy’s decision, touting it as a significant boost to their efforts in battleground states. According to recent surveys conducted by Trump’s team, Kennedy’s support base overwhelmingly favors Trump over Harris.

The data shows that in crucial states like Arizona and Georgia, where the 2020 election was decided by narrow margins, Kennedy’s exit could tip the scales decisively in Trump’s favor.

To illustrate the impact, Trump’s campaign shared detailed polling results, highlighting the potential vote shifts in swing states. In Arizona, for example, Kennedy’s withdrawal could result in a net gain of over 41,000 votes for Trump, nearly four times Biden’s 2020 winning margin.

In Georgia, the potential gain is over 19,000 votes—almost double Biden’s previous margin of victory. The numbers are clear: Kennedy’s departure could make all the difference.

Source: Trump Campaign

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

AG Merrick Garland Brags About J6 Prosecutions and Issues a Veiled Threat Regarding Upcoming Elections

AG Merrick Garland Brags About J6 Prosecutions and Issues a Veiled Threat Regarding Upcoming Elections

AG Merrick Garland Brags About J6 Prosecutions and Issues a Veiled Threat Regarding Upcoming Elections
August 26, 2024

During a press conference at the Department of Justice on Friday to deliver remarks about a DOJ lawsuit against a property software management company, RealPage, AG Merrick Garland issued a veiled threat regarding the upcoming 2024 General Election.

A man in the audience, presumably press, took the opportunity to ask Garland about the transfer of power during the upcoming election.  The man mentioned that “prosecutors and judges” in DC are apparently expressing increasing “concerns about the upcoming transfer of power and potential danger of another January 6.”  He asked Garland if he shares those concerns, to which Garland responds:

“I think our prosecutions have made clear what we think about people who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, which is an essential and fundamental element of our democracy.  I quibble about whether we have 1500 or slightly less than 1500, but we have way more than 1400 now, prosecutions.  We have a substantial number of convictions.  I think that’s shown to everybody how seriously we take an effort to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.  The last January 6th, the coming January 6th, and every January 6th after that.  I wanna make clear to anybody whos thinking about interfering with that.  They can see what we’ve done with respect to the January 6th prosecutions and the Justice Department will continue to protect our democracy.”

Of course, the term “democracy” has become quite oblique in recent months.  Will there be an investigation into the soft coup many believe was enacted against Joe Biden to replace him with Kamala Harris, who received precisely zero votes in the 2024 Presidential Primary?

Garland doesn’t mention that a large majority of those prosecutions were plea deals taken to avoid hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal expenses and harsh sentencing, only to go to court in a Democrat district that voted 93% for Joe Biden in 2020, after change of venue requests for a jury of their peers were unanimously denied.  He also doesn’t mention that one of the most prominent felony charges, an accounting law from the ENRON debacle, was shot down by the Supreme Court this year.

Either way, the message from Garland is clear regarding the January 6th protests:  don’t.

There still remains a plethora of questions around January 6th.

  1. We still don’t know how many FBI Agents or assets were embedded in the crowd that day.<


  2. When were the pipe “bombs” actually planted at the DNC/RNC?
  3. Why do we continue to get more and more evidence that suggests the official narrative peddled by the government is incorrect?
  4. How could a pipe bomb planted the night before detonate when it was outfitted with a 60-minute egg timer?
  5. How did US Secret Service K-9s miss the pipe bombs, allegedly filled with black powder?
  6. Why is so much footage from that street corner missing or incomplete?
  7. How did the cellphone data of that individual turn up compromised or missing while the same data was used to track down J6ers right across the street weeks and months later?
  8. Who is the man getting out of this vehicle and has he been deposed?

What responsibility does Metropolitan Police Department bear for throwing tear gas and concussion grenades into the middle of the crowd, causing an instinctive shoving match to the front to get fresh air?  Or shooting peaceful protesters with pepper balls and spraying them with pepper spray?  Is there any acknowledgement that the police line only broke because of one Metropolitan Police Officers “short round” into the wind that ended up gassing his own front line of officers?

Numerous other questions remain around exculpatory evidence withheld, such as embedded government assets, whether or not it would have escalated with appropriate quantities of law enforcement present, and whether or not the prosecutions Garland bragged about were fair considering the primetime Hollywood-produced hearings from the illegitimate J6 committee and a media that defamatorily parrotted “insurrection!” every chance they could despite not one single person being charged under 18 USC  2383.

Jamie Raskin has already made clear that he will attempt to subvert the Will of the People after the election by disqualifying President Trump on January 6th, inciting what he believes will lead to another “insurrection.”

This is also a veiled threat at attorneys who would bring election cases as well as the alternate electors who are currently being prosecuted in Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona, and have faced either lawsuits or investigations in Wisconsin, Nevada, and other states.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the legitimacy of the electors, according to an expert declaration by Todd Zywicki, the George Mason Foundation Professor of Law at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University.  Politco’s Kyle Cheney was also in agreement, citing the judge presiding over the 1960 election case between Kennedy and Nixon.  Judge Ronald Jamieson said that it was a “key step” that preserved the ability to seat alternate electors if litigation was successful.

Prior to the 2020 election, CNN’s Van Jones (also cited in the above article), discussed sending “competing electors.”  Is he interfering in an election?

In 2016, a consortium of Hollywood elitists made a video calling on the electors to disregard their duty and vote for the opposing candidate.  Is that election interference?

In addition to the alternate electors from 2020 that are being prosecuted, numerous lawyers have been disbarred or are/were facing disbarment for representing President Trump and others in cases involving election fraud, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Kurt Olsen, Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, and Jeff Clark, who’s only “crime” was drafting a letter that was never sent nor published by him.  Attorney-client privilege??

When Merrick Garland says that anyone interfering with the peaceful transfer of power will be prosecuted, is he only speaking to peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment Right?  Or is he also addressing anyone who would dare challenge the legitimacy of unprecedently sending mail-in ballots to every single registered voter, sometimes without proper legislation, and then running them through black-box voting machines without any public oversight to their functionality?

All this while discussing a lawsuit over the federal government trying to lawfare a company into price control.

Karl Marx would be so proud.



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Author: Brian Lupo

“Bi-Partisan” NGO Group with Ties to Soros and Southern Poverty Law Center Threatens GOP Senators from Highlighting the Epidemic of Dirty Voter Rolls and Bogus Registrations Numbering in the Hundreds of Thousands

“Bi-Partisan” NGO Group with Ties to Soros and Southern Poverty Law Center Threatens GOP Senators from Highlighting the Epidemic of Dirty Voter Rolls and Bogus Registrations Numbering in the Hundreds of Thousands

“Bi-Partisan” NGO Group with Ties to Soros and Southern Poverty Law Center Threatens GOP Senators from Highlighting the Epidemic of Dirty Voter Rolls and Bogus Registrations Numbering in the Hundreds of Thousands
August 26, 2024

Guest post by Jay Valentine at

On Sunday morning, the Fractal team received a call from a U.S. senator noting the Keep Our Republic organization was threatening that if senators did not back down from claiming voter rolls were “dirty” these senators would have this “good government” group fight their re-election.

Keep Our Republic claims to be “a non-partisan civic education organization with a unique focus on the unconventional threats facing our election system, and on ways to help strengthen trust in our electoral system.”  However, the organizational leadership team is a who’s who of prominent Democrats and outspoken RINOs.

We are all about good government and even more about helping groups like Keep Our Republic “strengthen trust in the election system.”  Their words.

Why the focus on not challenging the legitimacy of voter rolls?

Why would a “good government” group, with funding in every swing state – be pressuring senators to not challenge voter rolls?

As the Fractal team demonstrated – 2024 is going to be stolen by ballot mills, funded by NGOs, who have over 500,000 ballots ready to go – today – in each swing state – to swamp the clueless Republicans.

Being quantum computer guys, we can show anomalies in voter roll data invisible for decades – because everyone else – including Secretaries of State – use obsolete relational technology.

The national voter integrity orgs missed millions of ineligible addresses – housing non-existent identities – only there to collect ballots – for 20 years.

Our videos on Rumble and show these ballot mills – operating via NGOs, in every swing state.

Later this week, we are publishing the findings for Colorado – where a hardy band of citizens is funding the work to reconcile their voter rolls – to show how filthy they are.

This is the first time in Colorado’s history its voter rolls were reconciled against other official government data – and the results are stunning!

As we will demonstrate, Colorado is the prime example of voter rolls – never reconciled – with so many anomalies that it is impossible to claim Colorado has fair statewide elections.

We will also show the appalling voter rolls of Ohio, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Kansas – demonstrating the problem of wildly out-of-date voter rolls is not a Blue Swing State problem – it is a national problem.

On Sunday, the Fractal team took up the senator’s request and applied the Dark Money Tracking System to our new pals at Keep Our Republic.

Using quantum Fractal technology, we found these connections – among known Leftist orgs – funding each other – hiding funding through anodyne names – and it took us less than 15 minutes!

As you will see in this 14-minute video, Keep the Republic has some entertaining ties to several groups that we follow – including the Chinese Progressive Association, the Tides Foundation, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood, George Soros.

We look forward to outing every one of these groups claiming voter rolls are clean.

There is a national movement – seen in scores of “good government groups” and the RNC and Trump Campaign – to deny voter rolls are filled with NGO-created fake identities or real identities at ineligible addresses.

2024 is going to be stolen – plain and simple – via NGO-created ballot mills, in partnership with the United States Postal Service – if Republicans do not act. And, we can show these addresses today in every swing state.

We will demonstrate in state after state, Red state or Blue state – enough ballots from ineligible addresses – like Walmarts and auto dealerships – to impact the outcome of any election.

If you think Trump can “outrun” this level of organized, industrial scale voter fraud in 2024, our videos ought to educate you.

The Trump Campaign and the RNC organized 157,000 poll watchers to make sure all these fake ballots, from ballot mills are properly counted.

It is our objective to demonstrate a better way.

The clock is ticking.

Follow us on Substack:

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Author: Jim Hoft

INGRASSIA: Kamala Harris’ Record As Border Czar Has Been An Unmitigated Disaster – And It’s Even Worse Than You Imagine

INGRASSIA: Kamala Harris’ Record As Border Czar Has Been An Unmitigated Disaster – And It’s Even Worse Than You Imagine

INGRASSIA: Kamala Harris’ Record As Border Czar Has Been An Unmitigated Disaster – And It’s Even Worse Than You Imagine
August 26, 2024

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have presided over the greatest illegal migrant invasion in US history. This comes after Joe Biden opened the border on his first day in office.

By now, it should be common knowledge that Kamala Harris has been serving as Joe Biden’s “border czar” for much of the past four years.  In this role, she owns the disaster at the border more than any other Biden administration official, including the president himself.  Since taking office in January of 2021, more than ten million illegal aliens have unlawfully penetrated the US-Mexico border.  These border crossers have brought untold amounts of illegal drugs, like fentanyl, and violent crime, including homicide, rape, and human trafficking, that have propelled the crime figures in virtually every major American city to the highest recorded rates ever.   Women and children have been disproportionately harmed by the Biden-Harris open border; stories like Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and Jocelyn Nungaray – all young American women with years of life still to go, murdered in cold blood by an illegal who should never in a million years have been on this land – represent just the tragic tip of the iceberg.

As it stands, America already is well beyond overcapacity for illegal aliens.  The ten-plus million that have crossed over during the Biden-Harris administration discount the millions more, anywhere between 2 and 10 million, that are labeled “gotaways,” by the federal government.  These are people who do not appear on U.S. Border Patrol registrars, and otherwise evade detection.  For their part, border patrol and ICE have been depleted of crucial resources for orchestrating mass deportations — and, even more importantly, morale — that have driven so many of them, particularly competent ones, into early retirement at best, and sometimes even suicide at worst.  The systematic demonization of border patrol agents waged by Joe Biden, and now Kamala Harris, represents one half of a two-part strategy that also includes flooding the border with aliens, the majority of whom are from Latin and South America, but with an increasing share from the Middle East and other parts of the world known as terrorist wellsprings.

The result of the Biden-Harris border catastrophe has been an unmitigated disaster across every economic and civic metric.  Cities, particularly big cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Houston, are being drained of vital resources to process and care for illegal aliens.  The Biden-Harris regime has encouraged local officials to provide handouts, ranging from transportation to housing to medical care, for illegal aliens, to the tune of billions of dollars, at expense of the American citizen. As homelessness rates soar, critical resources that ought to be devoted to America’s most vulnerable citizens are now being diverted to care for illegal aliens, the vast majority of whom are low-skilled laborers, and thus in the net drain more than they contribute to the economy.  And that is the most generous formulation of the crisis.

Walking through Central Park today shines a stark light on the real-time consequences of the Biden-Harris border debacle: now it is commonplace to observe illegals, who cannot speak English, urinate and defecate in public, exacerbating a rampant homelessness crisis that has brought the City’s economy to heel.  As Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams, who both dutifully tow their party’s line on open borders, ping-pong buses of migrants from Manhattan to Albany, and then back again, Democratic politicians lay waste to their constituents – who languish, literally, in the streets.

Even in upscale parts of Manhattan nowadays, including Midtown and the Upper East side, are littered by homeless people, who are not getting the assistance they need to rehabilitate and get off the streets.  New York City schoolchildren are being forced to stay home so that their schools can be used to house and educate illegal alien children in their stead.   The effect of this aggravates already record-setting levels of truancy and feelings on social isolation among America’s urban youth, many of whom are disproportionately racial minorities or below the poverty line, thus worsening social and wealth inequities.

There are other problems with allowing so many illegals into the United States at one time, with no checks or balances whatsoever.  For one, the ten or fifteen (or maybe even twenty-plus million, by some estimates) illegals that have entered our homeland within the past four years exacerbates polarization, by introducing foreign languages, religions, and ways of life at rates far beyond our society’s capacity to assimilate them.  This harms both the American citizen, who increasingly finds himself alienated in his own country, and illegal alike – who is prejudiced by a society that neglects to equip him with the skills, such as instruction in English, or fails to acculturate him in our laws and national customs, all necessary building blocks for civic unity.  To the extent the latter are not assimilated, many join gangs – as evident in the recent boom of Venezuelan illegal migrant gangs ravaging New York and Chicago – leading to a further erosion of civic trust, particularly in law enforcement.  Gangs inflame violence across all of society, resulting in needless and avoidable deaths, both among gang members and civilian casualties, who, like Laken Riley, become collateral damage in these insane policies bringing the nation to ruin.

Not to mention, the 12 or 15 million-plus illegals that Kamala Harris has ushered into our country adds to the 40 odd million (a conservative estimate, by one count) already here, the product of loose border policies of the Obama, Bush, and Clinton administrations.  Over time, Democratic lawmakers have pivoted from tackling the issue of illegal immigration, even though it constantly polls as the most important issue for Americans, where closing our borders has received widespread bipartisan support, to easing the standards for law enforcement.  Accordingly, we have observed a spike in repeat offenders crossing the border illegally.  In many cases, those responsible for the worst violent crimes that take place are repeat offenders that were originally tracked down and detained by law enforcement, only to be let loose by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who only seem to believe in law enforcement when it involves prosecuting political opponents like Donald Trump.

With an increasingly precarious world order, defined by global instability led by terrorist groups like Hamas and the resurgence of ISIS throughout the Middle East, and endemic political polarization at home, it would seem like commonsense, now more than ever, to completely secure our borders borders and impose rigorous vetting processes for those who come into the nation lawfully.  Alas, Democratic lawmakers have tacked far to the left on an issue that overwhelming majorities of Americans – including Hispanics and even many Democrats – who believe a more stringent approach to border security is necessary.  This is particularly true where an increasing share of illegal migrants come from not only places rife with cartel and drug violence in South and Latin America, but also now traditional hotbeds for terrorism, like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen, where DHS has reported a more than 3,000% increase of illegal alien encounters from terror watchlists over the last four years.  These staggering numbers are made all the more puzzling by the fact that we now live in an age of global pandemics, where Democrats and Left-wing parties are among the first to call for lockdowns in the name of public health and safety.

One would think that, applying this same logic, Democrats would be the first to call for the lockdown of the border – as so many illegal aliens have brought not only crime, drugs, and sex trafficking, but also loads of foreign-born illnesses, including covid, monkeypox, and malaria, and myriad other viruses, invasive species, and contagions that have jeopardized our national health, and burdened public systems and officials to meaningfully respond to these newfound challenges.  Evidently, Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to their own made-up rules; it makes absolutely zero sense why a party that purportedly cherishes public health would greenlight tens of millions of newcomers, who bring diseases that nobody’s ever heard of, into the mainland, hurting the American people in the process, and disproportionately the low-income communities where illegals are most frequently settled.

It is no secret that Kamala Harris believes in open borders – hook, line, and sinker.  The globalist agenda, of which Harris is a fierce disciple, sees the need for a constant, steady stream of low-skilled migrants to boost their voter share and provide cheap capital for their donors.  Who these donors are – and to what extent they are involved in human trafficking – is a story unto itself.  However, what is readily evident is that whereas in the past Democrats would at least call for illegals to assimilate, albeit often by way of some unconstitutional voodooism, like Obama’s notorious DACA program, where he fast-tracked the conferral of citizenship to millions of anchor babies.  Nowadays, the Democratic Party is increasingly calling to eradicate the distinction between citizen and foreigner; where differences remain, any rights considerations often falls in favor of the foreigner.  In practice, this means driver’s licenses, social security numbers, and indeed, voting rights for illegal aliens. The experiment started, like in New York, in state elections, but no doubt these were just test cases to inundate ballot boxes with illegal alien votes in the 2024 presidential election.

In short, Kamala Harris believes in open borders because her constituency is illegal aliens.  She is betting the ranch on having the 20 million she and Biden welcomed with open arms, including the brutal human traffickers and drug lords, vote for the Harris-Walz ticket.  No homeborn American would sign up for this – at least 75% Americans rightly do not believe illegal aliens should vote.  Not that it needed to be repeated, but Donald Trump may be the last major presidential candidate ever, if he does not win, to stand for the American people over foreign invaders.  If Kamala is allowed to get her way, it will set a dangerous and irreparable precedent that democratic elections are null and void, for all Democrats in the future will simply be able to import as many foreign votes as necessary to reach victory, backed by our political institutions and mainstream media — who either sit on their hands in the face of madness, or actively enable it, to the shame of their ancestors.

But history offers a portentous guide: Like Rome, a policy that prioritizes foreigners over citizens, relegating native born Americans to second class seconds, will spell doom for the society, and Western civilization overall – and it will be our leaders who bear the burden of the collapse of the American Republic, much as their Roman forebears did for theirs.


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Author: Paul Ingrassia