FlASHBACK… Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: US Government Attempted to Secretly Infiltrate Telegram to Give Themselves ‘Backdoor Access” (VIDEO)

FlASHBACK… Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: US Government Attempted to Secretly Infiltrate Telegram to Give Themselves ‘Backdoor Access” (VIDEO)

FlASHBACK… Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: US Government Attempted to Secretly Infiltrate Telegram to Give Themselves ‘Backdoor Access” (VIDEO)
August 25, 2024

Telegram founder Pavel Durov in an interview with Tucker Carlson in April 2024.

On Saturday, the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram was arrested at Le Bourget airport in France for refusing to comply with the country’s censorship laws.

Pavel Durov, 39, was arrested on the tarmac as he got off his private jet from Azerbaijan.

Mike Benz, the founder and Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online released a video explaining who he believes is behind this arrest – The US State Department.

Benz is an authority of the Deep State and the US government operations in Europe and abroad.

This would make sense the globalist left has been working to control speech in the West for several years now. Several governments, including the United States, are involved in this operation.

During a previous interview with Tucker Carlson, Pavel Durov said said the US government secretly attempted to infiltrate Telegram.

Pavel Durov: But there’s this second part, which was probably more alarming there in the US. We got too much attention from the FBI, the security agencies, wherever we came to the US. To give an example, last time I was in the US, I brought an engineer that is working for Telegram, and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers or agents, whatever they are called.

Tucker Carlson: The US government should hire your engineer engineer?

Pavel Durov: That’s my understanding. That’s what he told me.

Tucker Carlson: To write code for them or to break into Telegram?

Pavel Durov: They were curious to learn which open source libraries are integrated to the Telegram’s app on the client side, and they were trying to persuade him to use certain open-source tools that he would then integrate into the Telegram’s code that, in my understanding, would serve as backdoors.

Tucker Carlson: It would allow the US government to spy on people who use Telegram?

Pavel Durov: The US government or maybe any other government, because a backdoor is a backdoor regardless of who is using it. That’s right.

Via MJTruth.

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Author: Jim Hoft

BOOM: Leftist Jon Stewart Calls Out Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Other Democrat Elites for Hypocrisy at the DNC — Labels Bill Clinton a ‘Sexual Predator’

BOOM: Leftist Jon Stewart Calls Out Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Other Democrat Elites for Hypocrisy at the DNC — Labels Bill Clinton a ‘Sexual Predator’

BOOM: Leftist Jon Stewart Calls Out Bill Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Other Democrat Elites for Hypocrisy at the DNC — Labels Bill Clinton a ‘Sexual Predator’
August 25, 2024

Screenshot: The Daily Show/Youtube

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicked off last week in Chicago, Illinois, and it didn’t take long for the hypocrisy of the Democrat elites to be exposed.

Speakers at the event reportedly mentioned former President Donald Trump over 130 times, far more than they addressed three of the most pressing issues facing Americans: crime, inflation, and border security, according to Breitbart.

But it wasn’t just conservatives calling out the DNC for its glaring hypocrisies. Even comedian Jon Stewart, a figure beloved by the left, couldn’t resist taking a jab at the Democrat elite.

“At their convention, they had union leaders and CEOs. They had Democratic Party icons and lifelong Republicans. They had a guy yelling, ‘Screw the billionaires!’ followed immediately by a very happy billionaire,” Stewart said on his show, showing the face of Bernie Sanders, followed by a happy billionaire, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker.

Stewart didn’t stop there. He pointed out the contradictions within the party itself, noting how Democrats love to criticize billionaires—unless they’re the ones bankrolling their campaigns.

“It’s all okay if it’s our billionaire. I don’t like billionaires, but he’s all right,” Stewart ” Steward said as the crowd erupted in laughter.

The comedian also mocked the Democrats for their selective outrage, especially Tim Walz, for attacking figures like JD Vance for being a Yale Law graduate.

Stewart contrasted this with the numerous Yale alumni among the Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

“They had guys making fun of people for going to a bunch of people who went to Yale,” he said.

Jon Stewart did not hold back in his critique. In a particularly humorous moment, Stewart said that Harris “prosecuted sexual predators,” pausing dramatically as Clinton’s face appeared on-screen, eliciting laughter from the audience.


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Author: Jim Hᴏft

Tim Walz’s China Obsession Is Worse Than You Think

Tim Walz’s China Obsession Is Worse Than You Think

Tim Walz’s China Obsession Is Worse Than You Think
August 25, 2024

Vice presidential hopeful Tim Walz has a variety of troubling obsessions, but none so disturbing as his deep and abiding affection for communist China.

Long before the Democratic Minnesota governor was pushing for tampons in boys’ bathrooms or running the gay-straight alliance for teenagers, he was waxing poetic about the People’s Republic of China as a nation where “everybody shares,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Walz allegedly told this and other disturbing lies to students at the Nebraska public school where he taught social studies in November 1991.

The lesson was on the Chinese Communist Party’s system of government that has caused mass starvation, poverty, and death, including forced abortions demanded by its one-child policy — which was the law of the land as recently as 2016.

Still, Walz was in love with the totalitarian government and its ability to level the playing field — disregarding the fact that it did so by making everyone equally miserable, as communism inevitably does wherever it’s tried.

“It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares,” Walz told his Nebraska high school students.

“The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing,” Walz said at the time.

This lesson came just after he had spent a year in China as a teaching fellow beginning in 1989.

Walz was still in the afterglow of “being treated like a king” in the Communist nation, where he arrived just months after the Tiananmen Square Massacre when thousands of Chinese citizens were murdered by their government.

(Notably, Walz and wife Gwen married on June 4, 1994, which marked the fifth anniversary of the event. They did so because Tim Walz “wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.” The couple also honeymooned in China.)

Perhaps he was blind to the regime’s tactics, but it appears Walz, an American National Guardsman at the time, was easily bought off with freebies and special treatment, including receiving double the pay of his Chinese counterparts and a spot in the institution’s only air-conditioned apartment.

“No matter how long I live, I’ll never be treated that well again,” Walz gushed to the Nebraska Alliance Star-Herald in 1993.

“They gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience,” he said.

Journalist Miranda Devine shared an image of the newspaper clipping to social media platform X, complete with a photo of a beaming Walz showing off a huge fan that was one of “many gifts” he received.

“Tim Walz gushing about China: ‘They gave me more gifts than I could bring home.’ I bet. Ask the Bidens about it,” Devine captioned the post.

For decades, Walz would continue his unofficial ambassadorship by arranging trips to China for high school students courtesy of the Chinese Communist Party government, one of several problematic facts that House Republicans are investigating, Fox News noted.

“In 1994, Mr. Walz set up a private company named ‘Educational Travel Adventures, Inc.,’ which coordinated annual student trips to the [People’s Republic of China] until 2003, and was led by Mr. Walz himself,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Comer also noted other troubling facts, including that Walz “served as a fellow at the Macau Polytechnic University, a Chinese institution that characterizes itself as having a ‘long held devotion to and love for the motherland” while he was a member of Congress.

Walz has consistently used his time and positions in American government to advocate for the CCP government and its causes, which points to a danger of the foreign government’s “influence in his decision-making as governor — and, should he be elected, as vice president.”

Of course, Walz’s infatuation with a communist nation is no shock to anyone who was educated at public schools in the 1990s — but Walz’s influence has gone far beyond the classroom.

At a time when communists are intent on infiltrating our government, it’s risky to have Walz perfectly positioned to become a valuable asset should he and Vice President Kamala Harris win in November.

Financial ties arguably have corrupted the current administration, but Walz is far more dangerous because he loves the Chinese Communist Party as well.

There are many reasons to vote against the Harris/Walz ticket in November, but the vice presidential hopeful’s decades-long infatuation with the CCP might very well be number one.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Christine Favocci, The Western Journal

Foreign Media Issue Wild Claim: U.S. and Israel Established Islamist Terrorist Groups

Foreign Media Issue Wild Claim: U.S. and Israel Established Islamist Terrorist Groups

Foreign Media Issue Wild Claim: U.S. and Israel Established Islamist Terrorist Groups
August 25, 2024

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

And that’s why organizations haven’t been flocking to the aid of Hamas.

A new, and wild, claim has been reported coming out of publications run by the Egyptian government:

That Israel and the United States, the two most common targets of Islamist terrorist organizations, set up those Islamist terror organizations.

A report from the Middle East Media Research Institute said that the government-published articles claim, “the U.S. and Israel are the ones who established the Islamist terrorist organizations al-Qaida, ISIS and others like them, and that these countries are responsible for instigating terrorism throughout the world.”

One such claim came in the government daily Al-Ahram from Egyptian journalist Sa’id Shalash, who said the failure of ISIS and other Islamist organizations to assist Gaza by targeting Israel “is not surprising and in fact strengthens the suspicion that these organizations were created by and are operated by the U.S. and Israel.”

Joining the claims, the report said, was journalist Muhammad Hassan al-Banna, a columnist for the government daily Akhbar al-Yawm.

He said the Jews and the Americans are responsible for producing terrorism and terrorists worldwide.

Perhaps reviewing what already has happened, he suggested that the terror groups eventually will turn against Israel and the U.S.

MEMRI explained, “It should be noted that the Egyptian government press is completely subordinate to Egyptian intelligence and that articles of this type are published under the direction of the Egyptian regime and Egyptian intelligence.”

The claim from Shalash suggested that the terrorists are “not assisting Gaza in its war against Israel” because of those heretofore unknown relationships.

“When the barbaric Zionist-American-Western aggression against Gaza started, the scope of the slaughter, the devastation and the destruction, which have been ongoing for nine months, led some people to think that ISIS and other takfiri organizations would carry out operations against the occupying entity [i.e. Israel] on its territory, and against its interests abroad, as an expression of support for Gaza, for Palestine and for Al-Aqsa – but that did not happen.”

He explained he expected them to refrain from acting “because I believe that these organizations are nothing but mechanisms established by the U.S. and the occupying entity. It is [Israel and the U.S.] that dictate their policy and supply them with funds for weapons, media and religious rulings from sheikhs [who promote intra-Islamic] discord. That is why, instead of directing their attacks toward support for Gaza and Palestine, [these organizations] intensified their terrorist attacks against positions of the Syrian Arab Army and against the resistance factions that support it in the Syrian Desert and in the Al-Tanf area in northeastern Syria, where the American occupation forces are deployed – [forces] that train and arm these [terrorist] organizations and use them in their ongoing attacks against the Syrian armed forces in their attempt to divide Syria.”

He claimed the circumstances revealed “proof that [these terrorist organizations] are an American-Zionist product. A statement issued by ISIS in 2016, reflecting its position on Palestine, asserted that the Palestinian cause does not take precedence over the other jihadi causes, saying, ‘If we look at the reality of the world today, we will find that it is completely ruled by polytheism and its laws, except for the regions where Allah made it possible for the Islamic State [i.e., ISIS] to establish the religion [of Islam]… Therefore, jihad in Palestine is equal to jihad elsewhere, without distinction.’”

Copyright 2024 WND News Center

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President Trump Unleashes On Kamala’s Attempts to Tie Failures of Biden-Harris Adminstration to Him: ‘Trying to Make it Sound Like I am the Incumbent President’

President Trump Unleashes On Kamala’s Attempts to Tie Failures of Biden-Harris Adminstration to Him: ‘Trying to Make it Sound Like I am the Incumbent President’

President Trump Unleashes On Kamala’s Attempts to Tie Failures of Biden-Harris Adminstration to Him: ‘Trying to Make it Sound Like I am the Incumbent President’
August 25, 2024

On Sunday, President Trump reminded everyone why he was missed on X.

He unleashed a barrage of tweets slamming Kamala Harris for attempting to link the failures of the Biden-Harris administration to him.

He remarked that Harris and Democrat operatives are trying to convince voters that he is the incumbent, not Joe Biden and, by extension, Harris.

He also stated plainly, and in classic Trump style, just how dangerous she is to America.

“Kamala and her ‘handlers’ are trying to make it sound like I am the Incumbent President, so that they can blame me for the failure of the past four years.”

“No, it was their failure! It is one of the worst Presidencies in History, and she is definitely the Worst Vice President.”

He continued, “If you think things are expensive now, they will get 100 times WORSE if Kamala gets four years as President.”

“Under her plan, Kamala will implement SOVIET Style Price Controls. She will abolish private health care, and make California’s ridiculous tax policies the law of the land, meaning EVERY American will be taxed up to 80% of their income!”

“If you want more CASH and less TAX, VOTE TRUMP!!!”

“Comrade Kamala will obliterate Social Security and Medicare by giving it away to the Millions of Illegal Immigrants who are infiltrating our Country!”

Trump also reminded the American people how dangerous Kamala is.

“There will be no future under Comrade Kamala Harris, because she will take us into a Nuclear World War III! She will never be respected by the Tyrants of the World!”

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Author: Margaret Flavin