Kamala’s Legacy: Three Years After the Botched Biden-Harris Afghanistan Withdrawl, Taliban Announces New ‘Vice and Virtue’ Laws Banning Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public

Kamala’s Legacy: Three Years After the Botched Biden-Harris Afghanistan Withdrawl, Taliban Announces New ‘Vice and Virtue’ Laws Banning Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public

Kamala’s Legacy: Three Years After the Botched Biden-Harris Afghanistan Withdrawl, Taliban Announces New ‘Vice and Virtue’ Laws Banning Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public
August 25, 2024

Democrats and the media don’t like to talk about it, but the botched Biden-Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 has put a brutal regime in the driver’s seat.

AP reports that an emboldened Taliban, who recently embarrassed the US by holding a parade with abandoned military equipment, has issued new ‘Vice and Virtue’ laws that include a ban on women’s voices and bare faces in public.

From AP:

The laws were issued Wednesday after they were approved by supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, a government spokesman said. The Taliban had set up a ministry for the “propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice” after seizing power in 2021.

The ministry published its vice and virtue laws on Wednesday that cover aspects of everyday life like public transportation, music, shaving and celebrations.


Article 13 relates to women. It says it is mandatory for a woman to veil her body at all times in public and that a face covering is essential to avoid temptation and tempting others. Clothing should not be thin, tight or short.

Women should veil themselves in front of all male strangers, including Muslims, and in front of all non-Muslims to avoid being corrupted. A woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public. It is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa.

Harris defended the decision and even tried to take credit for the disastrous withdrawal that left 13 American service members dead and placed Afghani women at the mercy of monsters that have no mercy.

She proudly told CNN’s Dana Bash that she played a key role in Biden’s withdrawal decision, bragging that she was “the last person in the room” before President Joe Biden made the decision to pull all U.S. troops out.

Biden-Harris also gave $1 Billion to Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover and the Treasury Department and USAID won’t say where the money went.

Activist Riley Gaines asks an important question, “Where is the outrage? No protests on college campuses. No statement from the White House.”

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Author: Margaret Flavin

The Regime Strikes Back: Secret Service Rips Away RFK Jr.’s Protection After Endorsing President Trump

The Regime Strikes Back: Secret Service Rips Away RFK Jr.’s Protection After Endorsing President Trump

The Regime Strikes Back: Secret Service Rips Away RFK Jr.’s Protection After Endorsing President Trump
August 25, 2024

Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flicker

The Biden Regime is striking back against RFK Jr. after he endorsed President Trump.

The New York Post reported Sunday that the RFK Jr. will no longer have Secret Service protection because had suspended his candidacy, despite the fact he remains on the ballot in 40 out of 50 states.

Recall that RFK Jr. on Friday said that he was only withdrawing from the race in 10 swing states, which would decide the election between President Trump and Kamala Harris. He still wants his fans residing in safe red and blue states to continue to vote for him.

Moreover, RFK Jr. will soon join Trump on the campaign trail. Given that two high-profile individuals will appear together across the country, more, not less, Secret Service security is imperative.

This is especially true when one considers the fact Trump came within a centimeter of getting assassinated last month, and another maniac wanted to end the 45th president’s life in Arizona this week. The chances of someone wanting to put a bullet in Kennedy just WENT UP because he endorsed the Democrats’ most loathed man.

Polling also shows that RFK Jr. withdrawing from the swing states significantly boosts Trump’s chances of defeating Harris and returning to the White House.

Make no mistake: this move was not about the Secret Service wanting to save a few dollars. This is about petty vengeance due.

As The Gateway Pundit readers previously reported, Kennedy publicly and privately lobbied for Secret Service protection for MONTHS due to several security scares. He correctly noted that political motivations were behind the delay in receiving it.

Trump stepped forward and demanded the regime correct this injustice. The White House finally acceded to the public outcry and gave him the protection he so richly deserves right after the Trump assassination attempt.

While RFK Jr. did not mention this fact as a key reason for his endorsing Trump, he has consistently thanked Trump for looking out for him.

Now, the Regime is perfectly content with leaving RFK Jr. out to dry despite the inevitable dangers he will surely encounter.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger

Senator Tom Cotton on ABC’s This Week: “Trump Derangement Syndrome is a Real Thing” (VIDEO)

Senator Tom Cotton on ABC’s This Week: “Trump Derangement Syndrome is a Real Thing” (VIDEO)

Senator Tom Cotton on ABC’s This Week: “Trump Derangement Syndrome is a Real Thing” (VIDEO)
August 25, 2024

Republican Senator Tom Cotton was on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday with moderator Jon Karl to discuss the 2024 election.

The Senator told Jon Karl that he believes the presidential race will be relatively close in regard to votes.

“We know the race will probably come down to a few hundred thousand votes in a few states. President Trump has been campaigning hard and vigorously now for months,” Senator Cotton said.


Jon Karl had asked Senator Cotton about how some Republicans were supporting Vice President Harris.

“There are a lot of Republicans uneasy with him as the nominee,” Karl had commented.

“In every election Jon, you have some members of one party endorsing the candidate of the other party. That’s a very traditional aspect of American politics,” Cotton said.

“The Democratic party has become so radical under Kamala Harris that a member of the Kennedy family has come out to endorse a Republican,” Senator Cotton said.


Karl had also discussed with Senator Cotton, some Republicans who were at the DNC speaking against President Trump.

“What do you make of all the Republicans speaking at the Democratic convention?” Karl asked.

“Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing, but what most Americans remember is that for 4 years when Donald Trump was President, we had peace and prosperity. Everything has gone to hell under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris over the last 4 years,” Senator Cotton said.


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Author: David Greyson

Pro-Illegal Immigration Kamala Harris Possibly Caught Using Trump’s Border Wall in TV Ad and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)

Pro-Illegal Immigration Kamala Harris Possibly Caught Using Trump’s Border Wall in TV Ad and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)

Pro-Illegal Immigration Kamala Harris Possibly Caught Using Trump’s Border Wall in TV Ad and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)
August 25, 2024

Credit: @MediumBuying

The most radical presidential nominee in American history is getting dragged online for using border walls in one of her TV ads, especially when some of the construction may have taken place during the Trump administration.

Earlier this month, Kamala Harris’ campaign started running a propaganda ad focused on “securing” America’s southern border by hiring more border agents while stopping fentanyl and human trafficking.

The ad also praised Harris for “prosecuting gang members” and pushing the “toughest border bill” in decades.

The adm, of course, makes no mention of the fact Harris allowed about 10 million illegal aliens to invade America in just three years as border czar.

She also does not mention the “tough border bill” would have granted amnesty to illegals. Moreover, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), the co-author of the amnesty bill, admitted the border never closes under the bill.


However, the uproar over the ad is focused on something quite ironic.

An eagle-eyed conservative noticed the open borders. Harris not only featured border walls during the advertisement but may have used segments of Trump’s own border wall.

Mike Howell, the executive director of the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, screenshotted the two wall images in the ad in an X post and made the following remark:

What is that in this ad? Looks like the @realDonaldTrump BORDER WALL to me!

What an embarrassment for the Harris campaign if this turned out to be true.

Conservative X users savagely roasted Harris, who previously plagiarized Trump’s “No Tax on Tips” proposal.”

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Author: Cullen Linebarger

Powerful: Black Chicagoans Evicerate Democrats for Putting Illegals Before Citizens: ‘It’s All by Design. It’s Deliberate.’ (Video)

Powerful: Black Chicagoans Evicerate Democrats for Putting Illegals Before Citizens: ‘It’s All by Design. It’s Deliberate.’ (Video)

Powerful: Black Chicagoans Evicerate Democrats for Putting Illegals Before Citizens: ‘It’s All by Design. It’s Deliberate.’ (Video)
August 25, 2024

Image courtesy of Numbers USA.

During the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, Numbers USA interviewed local residents about how the Democrat party prioritizes illegals over citizens.

Andre Barnes with Numbers USA spoke with people who have been impacted by the immigrants being bused into their neighborhoods, and the results are devasting for Democrats.

Barnes asks one resident, “Can you tell me about your neighborhood and what you’ve seen living here in Chicago?”

She replies, “It’s just been a disaster. They started off putting the immigrants over in the police station. And as they started to move them out of the police station, they stealthily started to put them in our neighborhood.”

“Well, the neighbors, the neighborhood didn’t want them. The residents, the citizens, we pushed back, but the deal was already done.”

“And so they were bringing in a lot of military-age men into the community. I mean, we’re not blind, we’re not stupid, we’re not obtuse. We know what’s going on.”

She continued, “But unfortunately, the people who run this city, they don’t care what the people think. So they started putting them into quiet residential neighborhoods like Washington Park, middle-class, Black neighborhoods. We’re still pushing back. We don’t want them here. The crime rate has gone up since they have been here. That’s a fact. Nobody wants to talk about it, but we live it every day.”

Barnes asked, “Does the Democratic platform seem to satisfy your needs as far as what you’d like to see with our immigration policy?”

She replied, “What platform is that? They don’t seem to have a platform. They seem to have open borders.”

“Everybody can come here. Listen, people live in their homes. You have a home, or you have an apartment. Do you have a front door on your home?” she asks.

Barnes replies, “Yes, I do.”

She continues, “Do you have a back door?”

“Yes, I do,” he replies.

“Are you locked?”

“They’re locked.”

Are you locking because you’re racist?


“You’re locking because…..”

“I’m protecting my four children that I have at home,” he states.

“Exactly. Same thing with our borders, okay? It has nothing to do with racism. We have to protect our sovereignty. We have to protect the citizens here. We have to protect our homeland. And so we have to close those borders. By any means necessary.”

“Building a wall is an excellent idea. Look at the DNC Convention. They built all kinds of walls of security. They have all kinds of police. They wanted to defund the police. They didn’t want police protection. But listen, when it comes to them, it’s always a hypocrisy built into it.”

A different Numbers USA reporter asks another resident, “When you think about what’s going on in the United States of America right now and in Chicago with mass immigration, what are three words that come to mind for you?”

The resident replies, “Very, very angry.”

“I’m going to put this at the feet of the Democratic Party, the Biden administration, because we’ve never seen a surge in immigration like we have seen under this administration.”

“It’s all by design. It’s deliberate. The Democratic Party realizes that the black vote is dwindling because the Democratic Party has not delivered for the Black community in the way that the black community has delivered for the Democratic Party in terms of votes. And they realize that.”

“So what do they do? They go around the world and they open up these borders and they let people come from around the world, poor, vulnerable people from around the world come into this country, and it was very strategic. You let them go into cities like New York. You let them come into cities like Chicago. You let them come into cities where there’s a large black population.”

“Now, they’re all over the city of Chicago, but the majority of them now in Chicago are on the west and the south side of Chicago, poor neighborhoods, neighborhoods that are struggling, that have been struggling for a long, long time. So you bring these people into Hyde Park, you bring these people into South Shore, they put them in a hotel, literally right across the street from me, they’re paying no rent. Their food is being provided for. They don’t even make their beds. They have a maid to go and make their beds every day. How do I know? Because I live on 25th floor, and I can look right down on that hotel every day, every night, and I see what’s going on.”

Watch the entire powerful series pf interviews:

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Author: Margaret Flavin