COVID-19: The Preventable Pandemic

COVID-19: The Preventable Pandemic

COVID-19: The Preventable Pandemic
August 25, 2024

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Jeff M. Smith
Real Clear Wire

When the Heritage Foundation released its comprehensive report on the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, headlines tended to focus on the cost to the U.S. That’s not surprising: At an eye-popping $18 trillion, it’s almost 10 times the projected 2024 budget deficit.
Arguably, however, the Commission’s most infuriating conclusion was this: The global pandemic was “totally preventable,” in the words of Commissioner Dr. Robert Redfield, an experienced virologist who headed the CDC during the outbreak.
Had the Chinese government been more transparent and cooperative at the outset of the pandemic, millions of lives and trillions of dollars could have been spared. The pandemic’s “proximal origin,” the Commission found, was the Chinese government’s “aggressive opposition to honesty, transparency, and accountability” along with its “systemic cover up.”
The Cover-Up
The Commission—a blue-ribbon team of experts led by former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and supported by data scientists, economists, and lawyers—concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus began circulating months before Beijing warned the world, likely in August-September 2019. The Chinese government then not only withheld key details, it engaged in an elaborate and deadly coverup.
Dr. Jamie Metzl—one of the Commission’s Democrats who served at the National Security Council, U.S. Senate, and State Department—condemned Beijing for having “destroyed samples, hidden records, imprisoned Chinese citizen journalists, gagged Chinese scientists, blocked any meaningful international investigations, and cynically sandbagged the World Health Organization.”
Ratcliffe described China’s behavior during this period as “frankly inexcusable.”
Added Metzl: “There can be, in our view, little doubt that China’s government is primarily responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. But for the unique pathologies of the Chinese state, there very likely would have been no pandemic at all.”
The Cost
Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic is considered one of the seven deadliest plagues in human history, with excess deaths topping 28 million, according to some estimates. The World Bank has characterized the economic upheaval caused by the pandemic as “the largest global economic crisis in more than a century,” with low-income countries hit the hardest.
The Commission’s assessment that the pandemic cost the U.S. alone $18 trillion includes $8.6 trillion in “excess deaths,” $1.8 trillion in income lost, $6 trillion in chronic conditions like “long COVID,” $1.1 trillion in mental health costs, and $400 million in education losses.
The Origin
While the origin of the pandemic wasn’t the focus of the Commission, notably all nine Commissioners concluded, without dissent, that the pandemic “very likely stemmed from a research-related incident in Wuhan.”
Indeed, evidence continues to emerge further strengthening the “lab leak” theory and casting greater doubt on the “natural spillover” theory. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was at the time conducting dangerous gain of function experiments to make coronaviruses more transmissible to humans, and it was doing so in alarmingly unsafe conditions.
The WIV experienced an unspecified “incident” in 2019, when several lab workers fell sick, the Chinese military abruptly assumed control of the lab, the lab mysteriously deleted its online database of over 10,000 bat virus samples at 2:00am, and ordered an expensive new air incinerator. A Chinese military scientist then produced a vaccine with logic-defying speed before suddenly going missing and being scrubbed from government records.
In recent months, new details have emerged about a 2018 grant proposal that sought funding to manipulate coronaviruses at the WIV in very specific ways—ways that exactly match the highly unusual features of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that have never been seen in nature.
At the event unveiling the Heritage report, Dr. Redfield contended SARS-CoV-2 shows “clear signs of engineering” and its origin “had nothing to do with” a natural spillover event at a Wuhan animal market. The full Commission report concludes that despite four years of extensive hypothesis testing, today “there is no evidentiary basis” for the theory of natural spillover. The handful of early pandemic academic papers advancing the natural spillover theory have since been hollowed out by fatal challenges to their underlying methods and conclusions.
Rather than a viral leap from animal to humans, Dr. Redfield contended that the pandemic was “a direct consequence of scientific arrogance, with the scientists that were intentionally teaching this virus how to infect humans never recognizing something would ever go wrong. And, in fact, unfortunately this virus did escape.”
Preventing Another Pandemic
To avoid a future pandemic and hold the Chinese government accountable, the Commission report concluded with several practical recommendations for the U.S. government:
  • Establish a bipartisan national COVID commission to conduct “a review of China’s negligence and cover-up as well as an evaluation of domestic policies that were implemented” in response to the pandemic;
  • Create a bipartisan reparations or compensation task force to cover claims against the Chinese government;
  • Facilitate the filing of civil claims against China to allow civilians harmed by COVID to receive compensation by amending the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act;
  • Decouple U.S. government and commercial supply chains from Chinese state-backed companies;
  • Audit all U.S. government funding for biomedical research and related research activities in China;
  • Impose economic sanctions on Chinese officials and entities who were complicit in or supported the “distortion and concealment” of information related to the COVID pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic was almost certainly the deadliest and costliest event of the 21st century. Beijing’s ability to escape virtually any accountability—and the global media’s relative disinterest in the pandemic’s origins, cost, and China’s culpability—are equal parts confounding and infuriating.
“China’s response to SARS1 20 years ago was abysmal,” Dr. Metzl argued at the Heritage event. “China’s response to SARS2, 20 years later despite all these international processes, was even worse. And the reason…is there was no accountability for all the obfuscation in the first case. With 28 million people dead as a result of COVID-19 and tens of trillions of dollars in damages it simply unacceptable, and frankly unimaginable, that every stone should not be overturned examining what went wrong.”
Jeff M. Smith is director of the Asian Studies Center at the Heritage Foundation.
This article was originally published by RealClearWorld and made available via RealClearWire.

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Author: Guest Contributor

RFK Jr. Reveals the True Meaning Behind the Term ‘MAGA’ After Endorsing President Trump

RFK Jr. Reveals the True Meaning Behind the Term ‘MAGA’ After Endorsing President Trump

RFK Jr. Reveals the True Meaning Behind the Term ‘MAGA’ After Endorsing President Trump
August 25, 2024

Credit: Getty Images

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced the suspension of his presidential campaign and endorsed former President Donald Trump on Friday.

In a powerful statement posted on X this Sunday, Kennedy provided a compelling interpretation of the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogan, which has often been a point of contention among radical liberals.

For years, Biden’s Gestapo FBI has been targeting Trump supporters. They even created a new terrorism category, including MAGA.

“By focusing on former president Trump and his MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters, the official said, the Bureau runs the risk of provoking the very anti-government activists that the terrorism agencies hope to counter,” according to Newsweek.

This is taking place at the same time the Biden regime is targeting President Trump with over 91 indictments on bogus criminal acts in several states.

And for the record, MAGA and infiltrators at the J6 event caused only $1.5 million in damages. The BLM summer of love protests-riots caused nearly $2 billion in damages.

In a thought-provoking post on X, RFK Jr. shared his insights on the true meaning behind Donald Trump’s iconic slogan, “Make America Great Again” (MAGA).

Contrary to the widespread interpretation among liberals—that MAGA signals a regression to pre-civil rights, pre-women’s rights, and pre-gay rights eras—Kennedy sees it as a call to return to America’s most dynamic and promising days.

“‘Make America Great Again’ recalls a nation brimming with vitality, a can-do spirit, hope, and a belief in itself,” Kennedy wrote.

Kennedy’s view of MAGA paints a picture of a nation striving for broad prosperity, technological leadership, and a vibrant middle class.

He speaks from personal interactions with Trump and his supporters, stating, “This is the America they want to restore—an America that leads the world not just in wealth, but in ideals and health.”

Read the full statement below:

What “MAGA” really means.

The phrase has troubled liberals who think it is a call for a return to an America before civil rights, gay rights, and women’s rights. But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today.

“Make America Great Again” recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself.

It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes.

It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and a idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy.

It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology.

And it was the healthiest country in the world. I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself.

This is the America they want to restore.



With Kennedy now backing Trump, the 2024 election promises to be one of the most consequential in recent history. This unexpected alliance could very well redefine what it means to strive for greatness in America.

According to Trump’s team:

With the exit of RFK Jr. from the race and his endorsement of President Trump, there will undoubtedly be a great deal of speculation of what it means and who it will help. I’ve seen the Harris folks already trying to spin that it won’t impact the race.

Well, the data speaks for itself. The table below is from our most recent round of battleground state surveys. As you can clearly see, in every single state RFK Jr.’s vote breaks for President Trump.

To put these numbers into perspective, the net vote gained in a state like Arizona based on just a 2020 turnout model would be over 41,000 votes nearly 4 times Biden’s winning margin or in Georgia the net gain would be over 19,000 votes nearly twice Biden’s margin.

So, when you hear or see the Harris team and/or the Democrats try and spin otherwise, now that the data clearly paints a different picture. This is good news for President Trump and his campaign – plain and simple.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

WATCH: J.D. Vance Smacks Down Kristen Welker on Meet The Press as She Tries to Run Cover for Kamala Harris with Biased Questions

WATCH: J.D. Vance Smacks Down Kristen Welker on Meet The Press as She Tries to Run Cover for Kamala Harris with Biased Questions

WATCH: J.D. Vance Smacks Down Kristen Welker on Meet The Press as She Tries to Run Cover for Kamala Harris with Biased Questions
August 25, 2024

Credit: NBC News Screenshot

J.D. Vance turned in yet another masterful media performance, continuing to show why President Trump made a brilliant choice in selecting him as his running mate.

Vance was a guest on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday with left-wing host Kristen Welker. He was asked a series of questions, including on the inflation, economy, abortion, and his years-old comments on “childless cat ladies.”

Each question was slanted to assist Welker’s favored candidate, Kamala Harris. But Vance was completely prepared and turned the interview into a complete rout.

The immigration segment ended particularly poorly for Welker. She first deliberately underestimated the number of illegal aliens in America, putting it at 8-10 million, which Vance pointed out was wrong (the number is at least 20 million, thanks to Biden and Harris).

Welker then attempted to down play Harris’ role in the immigration crisis, and Vance had a savage reply that blew up her propaganda attempt.


VANCE: Whatever the real number is, it’s way too high. It’s millions upon millions of illegal immigrants just since Kamala Harris became the border czar a few years ago.

WELKER: She was put in charge of the root causes of immigration.

VANCE: Well, the root causes of migration is that Kamala Harris refuses to do her job as Border Czar.

Welker continued to try to prop up Harris by claiming border crossings have cratered due to Biden ‘securing the border’ with his executive order.

But Vance smacked her down again by pointing to the real reason for fewer border crossings: The Biden regime just made it easier for illegals to enter America through “legal” means rather than blocking them from entering.

Welker also tried to entrap J.D. Vance on the economy by claiming his proposed tariffs would devastate the American economy. This, too, blew up in her face as Vance came armed with the facts.

WELKER: Let’s talk about Trump’s record during his first term. He did impose rounds of tariffs and it cost Americans nearly $80 billion in new taxes. Would you acknowledge that imposing more tariffs would ultimate cost consumers.

VANCE: China and a number of other countries are using effectively slave labor to undercut the wages of American workers. Donald Trump thinks that has to stop.

What Kamala Harris is saying is that if you do this, you’re somehow going to cause skyrocketing inflation. In reality, Donald Trump already did it — he brought a lot of jobs back — and it didn’t cause inflation.

Undeterred, Welker continued to insist Trump’s tariffs would hurt Americans before Vance finally dropped the mic and revealed what really happened after Trump imposed tariffs.

WELKER: How do you respond to the charge that Trump’s tariffs would hurt the middle class?

VANCE: We had 12,000 factories that were built during Donald Trump’s presidency, inflation never really ticked about 2% his entire administration.”

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Author: Cullen Linebarger

Star Wars Fans Blame “Toxic, Misogynistic, Immature Racists” For Cancellation of Woke Series

Star Wars Fans Blame “Toxic, Misogynistic, Immature Racists” For Cancellation of Woke Series

Star Wars Fans Blame “Toxic, Misogynistic, Immature Racists” For Cancellation of Woke Series
August 25, 2024

The Gateway Pundit reported that after just one season, Disney canceled their “woke” Star Wars series ‘The Acolyte.’

The series got panned far and wide for featuring a segment with lesbian space witches.

Woke fans are in an uproar, and instead of blaming the writers, directors, or actors for the dismal failure, they are blaming ‘toxic, misogynistic racists’ for the cancellation because everyone should want wokeism to infect everything.

Bounding into Comics reports:

Despite absolutely abysmal viewership numbers representing a terrible return on Disney’s $180 million production budget investment, grieving stans have taken to claiming that the decision to cancel the widely-panned series was actually the result of the company choosing to cater to a supposed legion of Star Wars fans who could not ‘handle’ a story not centered on white males.

The insanity woke fans posted on social media is exactly what you would expect.

It wasn’t a ratings failure because it was bad, it was because of racist misogynists!

It’s because of racists, don’t you know!

Byl Holte captured the woke dilemma perfectly on X.

The funny thing about Disney Star Wars is:

They proudly boast that they want an all-female audience…

…but then they bitch when the shows and movies fail because men don’t watch.

I sspecifically didnt watch “The Acolyte” because all the press coverage was “WOMEN YAY,” “LESBIANS YAY,” “MEN ARE WEAK AND BAD.”

This show got the hateful divisive audience it was made for.

If that’s not enough to pay the bills, that’s on them, not us.

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Author: Margaret Flavin

Renowned JFK Expert Reveals Why He Suspects the CIA Was Involved in the JFK Assassination as Trump Vows to Release All the Files on the Incident

Renowned JFK Expert Reveals Why He Suspects the CIA Was Involved in the JFK Assassination as Trump Vows to Release All the Files on the Incident

Renowned JFK Expert Reveals Why He Suspects the CIA Was Involved in the JFK Assassination as Trump Vows to Release All the Files on the Incident
August 25, 2024

As The Gateway Pundit reported, President Trump announced on stage during his rally in Arizona news that should shake the Deep State to its core: he will be creating a Presidential Commission on Assassination attempts. Under this plan, all of the JFK Files will be released, and the complete story behind what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, will be revealed.

As the Daily Mail notes, more than 3,000 documents relating to the assassination contain redactions, and experts believe the concealed information will reveal the whole truth behind the JFK assassination.

Now, a renowned expert on the JFK assassination has weighed in with an interesting albeit unsurprising theory about who helped Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly assassinate the 35th President.

Jefferson Morley, who is the editor of the JFK Facts newsletter and has studied the mystery surrounding his assassination for years, told the Washington Post on Saturday he suspects some of Kennedy’s enemies in the CIA might have been working with Oswald.

Morley explained that the documents released so far show that some CIA employees do not believe Oswald acted alone. Moreover, a counterintelligence official tried to “wait out” the Warren Commission’s investigation by denying it information about Oswald.

The fact that federal law states that all JFK assassination records should have been released only raises Morley’s suspicions further.

“This is about the law that says all of the government’s JFK records should be made public by October 2017,” Morley said. “We’re seven years past that blown deadline.”

“Is there a smoking gun in there? You know, this is not about a smoking gun,” he continued.

If it turns out the CIA played a role in JFK’s death, RFK Jr’s haters will be forced to admit he was right after all. For years, this supposed ‘conspiracy theorist’ has told everyone willing to listen that he has personally seen “overwhelming evidence” that the CIA helped kill his uncle only to be mocked by the corporate media.

Here is RFK Jr. talking to TGP’s Jim Hoft about the death of his uncle and the CIA’s alleged involvement.

We all know that the official story behind JFK’s assassination has so many holes you could drive a Mack truck through it.

Last year, a JFK assassination witness broke his silence and blew up the narrative advanced by the Warren Commission that one of the bullets fired at the president’s limousine struck not only Kennedy in the back but also Texas Governor John B. Connally Jr. in the back, chest, wrist, and thigh. This has been called the “magic bullet” theory.

According to Landis, there was nothing “magical” about the bullet. He says that the bullet struck Kennedy in the back but was “undercharged” and popped back out before the President’s body was removed from the limo. It never touched Connally.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger