Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Rip Kamala Harris’ DNC Speech to Shreds

Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Rip Kamala Harris’ DNC Speech to Shreds

Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Rip Kamala Harris’ DNC Speech to Shreds
August 25, 2024

For a candidate whose campaign is based entirely on surface impressions, Kamala Harris managed to make a terrible one on Thursday night — even to her biggest cheerleaders.

The Democratic nominee for president, a woman who has never received a single vote outside the state of California in any election, took the stage for the keynote address of the Democratic National Convention at Chicago’s United Center.

And amid faking friendship with her audience of the faithful, she managed to spit out lies so blatant even the “fact-checkers” of the establishment media couldn’t ignore them.

From former President Donald Trump’s stance on abortion to foreign policy to tariffs and taxation, Harris reeled off a series of falsehoods about her Republican opponent, analysis by even reliably liberal news outlets like The Washington Post, The New York Times and USA Today noted.

And while they didn’t speculate on Harris’ potential motivation, even an American with the mental capacity of Joe Biden could figure it out: To give the viewers a deliberately distorted view of Trump’s plans.

As USA Today pointed out, Harris lied about an alleged Trump plan to establish a national “anti-abortion coordinator.”

The outlet noted Harris was distorting an idea put forward by the conservative Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” a Democratic bugaboo Trump hasn’t at all endorsed.

At The Washington Post, “fact checker” Glenn Kessler (who’s too often too willing to go easy when it comes to the Biden-Harris administration) also found Harris had strayed from the truth describing Trump’s vision for NATO, Russian aggression and the impact of the Trump tax cuts of 2017.

The bit about dealing with Russia was particularly egregious, since she claimed Trump “encouraged” Russian President Vladimir Putin to “invade our allies.”

Trump never encouraged Putin to “invade” any country. And there are plenty of Americans old enough to remember that Putin did not, in fact, invade anyone while Trump was president. It was actually Joe Biden who “encouraged” Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Trump wants the country’s quasi-socialist European allies to pay their fair share for a defense now being shouldered largely by the American taxpayer — only Democrats would have a problem with that idea.

Harris, of course, wasn’t the only Democratic liar taking the stage in Chicago.

The New York Times — again, no hot-bed of conservative thinking — managed to put together a list of other Democratic speakers at the convention with their own lies about Trump’s past.

What’s important here isn’t so much that Harris lied about Trump. Democrats and their establishment media allies have been doing that since he announced for the presidency in 2015.

What matters is that, for a change, some outlets have broken from their Praetorian guard posture when it comes to Harris and publicized, if only temporarily, exactly how deceptive her campaign actually is.

Harris is a cut-out candidate — a cardboard concoction whose attraction is based solely on the impression she makes in contrast to the feeble meanderings of the octogenarian Biden. (Even that low bar is apparently too high sometimes.)

After almost four utterly unimpressive years as vice president, Harris had been given a chance to re-introduce herself to the American public by a mainstream media almost entirely devoted to defeating Trump in November.

In other words, she got a chance to make a second first impression on American voters.

But on Thursday night, not even her supporters in the establishment media were entirely buying it.

American voters in November should know better, too.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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Author: Joe Saunders, The Western Journal

WAYNE ROOT: I Just Made a Huge Bet on Trump to Win the Presidency. But the Really Good News is the Biggest Gambler in Vegas Just Bet $1 Million on Trump- and He Doesn’t Lose!

WAYNE ROOT: I Just Made a Huge Bet on Trump to Win the Presidency. But the Really Good News is the Biggest Gambler in Vegas Just Bet $1 Million on Trump- and He Doesn’t Lose!

WAYNE ROOT: I Just Made a Huge Bet on Trump to Win the Presidency. But the Really Good News is the Biggest Gambler in Vegas Just Bet $1 Million on Trump- and He Doesn’t Lose!
August 25, 2024

By Wayne Allyn Root

Long before I was known for hosting my conservative political TV and radio talk shows, I was known as “the King of Vegas Sports Betting” and “America’s Oddsmaker.”

Back in 2006, I was awarded a 180-pound granite star in the “Las Vegas Walk of Stars”- alongside Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Liberace, Wayne Newton, and Siegfried & Roy.

Next time you’re in Vegas check it out. My star is on the sidewalk on Las Vegas Blvd in front of Paris Resort & Casino. What a wonderful honor. “Only in America.”

I’m very good at what I do. When I bet, my track record is one of the best ever- in both sports and politics. And I just made a huge bet on President Trump to win the election- right in the middle of the DNC.

Numbers and odds tell you everything.

And the numbers this past week were moving in the wrong direction for Kamala Harris (aka “Commie Kamala”). During her DNC coronation, the odds of Kamala winning should have gone straight up, not down. I’ve never before seen a candidate’s odds go down in the middle of their own convention.

After a month of nonstop fake news, lies and propaganda, and then several nights of phony promotion, Kamala should have become a big favorite.

Instead, the odds reversed, and Kamala went from favorite to underdog.

That’s a monumental “tell.” This happened during her convention- with all the PR going her way. This means smart bettors (the kind who bet such big money they move the odds) watched the DNC and determined Kamala is a loser. One way of putting it is…

We’ve now seen “Peak Kamala.”

At UK sportsbooks, Trump moved into the pole position. Simply because all the smart money and biggest bets came in on Trump- during Kamala’s week!

At (the biggest offshore sportsbook in the world), where the biggest bettors in the world bet, Trump is the favorite to win it.

At famous US odds site (where so far $170 million has been bet on this election), the odds reversed during DNC and Trump became the favorite.

I had been waiting for the perfect moment to bet on President Trump to win. The big betting on Trump all over the world during Kamala’s coronation, convinced me to make my move. People “in the know,” know Kamala’s a loser.

I also knew the RFK Jr’s endorsement was coming on Friday- which has the potential to dramatically change the race. So, I wanted to get out ahead of that announcement. I made my move and bet Trump.

But the really great news is my buddy Richie, one of the smartest and biggest bettors in Vegas, made his decision at the same time.

Richie bets millions of dollars on sports, poker and even on the golf course. He is best known as the highest stakes golf gambler in America. He’ll bet hundreds of thousands on himself to beat the best golfers in America. Richie sinks holes with hundreds of thousands on the line. Richie has ice in his veins.

I spoke to Richie many times over the past few weeks to get his “read” on the election. He had decided not to bet this presidential race, simply because he has no faith in the integrity of the vote. He believes Democrats would commit massive fraud and fix the outcome- just like in 2020. Richie’s words, “I don’t bet on rigged races.”

Then I had dinner with him Friday night. Richie shocked me when he announced he’d changed his mind after watching the DNC. He’s never seen such phonies, scammers and liars in one place in his life. And that’s saying something special when you’re a high stakes gambler in Vegas for decades!

Richie is one smart cookie. He watched Kamala (and her surrogates) and he realized a radical, extreme, unlikeable, incompetent, communist phony is running against the most brilliant billionaire business mogul and marketing genius in America. Richie said, “If this is the best Democrats have to offer, I’m betting the house on Trump- even if the rig is in.”

On Friday morning, Richie bet $1 million dollars on Trump to win the presidency.

This is the biggest bet he’s ever made on a political election.

Richie rarely ever loses. He is the definition of “smart money.” I’ve already made my huge bet on Trump. But because of my confidence in Richie and his $1 million bet, I’ve decided to add to my position.

The future of America is on the line. I can’t think of a better bet than President Donald J. Trump. I might as well make it the biggest of my life.

As we say in Las Vegas, this is the moment to go “all in.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: I Just Made a Huge Bet on Trump to Win the Presidency. But the Really Good News is the Biggest Gambler in Vegas Just Bet $1 Million on Trump- and He Doesn’t Lose! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Assistant Editor

Rasmussen Reports Finds that 3% of 2020 Voters were Non-Citizens Who Plan to Vote Again in 2024 (Video)

Rasmussen Reports Finds that 3% of 2020 Voters were Non-Citizens Who Plan to Vote Again in 2024 (Video)

Rasmussen Reports Finds that 3% of 2020 Voters were Non-Citizens Who Plan to Vote Again in 2024 (Video)
August 25, 2024

Illegal immigrants registered to vote.  – Screenshot: The Oversight Project/X

In 2017 a study found that 800,000 non-citizens voted in the 2016 election. This came out to 6.4% of the total non-citizen population in America at that time.

In July 62% of likely American voters were concerned that cheating was going to affect the 2024 election.

Rasmussen in July also found that more than 5% of voters say they are non-citizens. Another 4% were not sure if they were citizens or not.

These voters say they voted and plan on voting again in 2024.

Another study from Rasmussen found that 3% of the 2020 voters were non-citizens who plan to vote again this year in the national election.

Why not? Apparently there are no repercussions today for voting illegally?

Video via Midnight Rider.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Rumble CEO Escapes France after Telegram CEO Is Arrested for Not Censoring Free Speech – Vows to Fight French Tyrants in Courts for Right to Freedom of Expression

Rumble CEO Escapes France after Telegram CEO Is Arrested for Not Censoring Free Speech – Vows to Fight French Tyrants in Courts for Right to Freedom of Expression

Rumble CEO Escapes France after Telegram CEO Is Arrested for Not Censoring Free Speech – Vows to Fight French Tyrants in Courts for Right to Freedom of Expression
August 25, 2024

Rumble CEO Chris Pavolvski announced on Sunday that he has escaped France and departed communist Europe.

Pavlovski, who runs one of the largest social media companies in the world in Rumble, has always vowed to make his platform an oasis for free speech unlike the far-left tyrants at Google-YouTube who allow leftists to spew unlimited amount of lies but will not allow conservative voices a voice on the platform without restrictions.

Pavlovski wrote on X:

Chris Pavlovski: I’m a little late to this, but for good reason — I’ve just safely departed from Europe.

France has threatened Rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arresting Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, reportedly for not censoring speech.

Rumble will not stand for this behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of expression, a universal human right. We are currently fighting in the courts of France, and we hope for Pavel Durov’s immediate release.

Pavlovski followed up his escape tweet with this “Where we are” tweet:

TikTok and Telegram are gone – Rumble and X remain.

Elon Musk weighed in with agreement.

In 2023 Rumble left communist Brazil rather than obey the judicial order to censor conservative voices.

Dunkin’ Donuts and Diageo Booze Company Threaten to Remove Ads from Rumble if the Platform Does Not Remove Videos by Conservative Personalities #BoycottDunkinDonuts

Rumble is constantly under attack by the radical globalist left. Companies like Dunkin Donuts and Diageo alcoholic beverages announced they would leave the platform based on its free speech policies.

Dunkin’ Donuts and Diageo Booze Company Threaten to Remove Ads from Rumble if the Platform Does Not Remove Videos by Conservative Personalities #BoycottDunkinDonuts

On Saturday Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested at Le Bourget airport for refusing to comply with censorship laws.

Via Cassandra Fairbanks:

According to a machine translation of a report on TF1, “The Justice considers that the lack of moderation, cooperation with the police and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, cryptocurrencies, etc.) makes it complicit in drug trafficking, paedophile offences and fraud.”

“Investigators from the ONAF (National Anti-Fraud Office attached to the Customs Directorate) notified him and placed him in police custody. He is expected to be presented to an investigating judge this Saturday evening before a possible indictment on Sunday for a multitude of offences: terrorism, drugs, complicity, fraud, money laundering, concealment, paedophile content…” the report continued.

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Author: Jim Hoft

“Mama Bear is Coming” – Colorado State Rep. GOES OFF on Woke Educator for ‘Teaching’ Her Son that “Mona Lisa” Painter Leonardo Da Vinci Was “Gender-Fluid” (AUDIO)

“Mama Bear is Coming” – Colorado State Rep. GOES OFF on Woke Educator for ‘Teaching’ Her Son that “Mona Lisa” Painter Leonardo Da Vinci Was “Gender-Fluid” (AUDIO)

“Mama Bear is Coming” – Colorado State Rep. GOES OFF on Woke Educator for ‘Teaching’ Her Son that “Mona Lisa” Painter Leonardo Da Vinci Was “Gender-Fluid” (AUDIO)
August 25, 2024

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

One of the oldest rules in life is to never get between a mother and her kids.

As The New York Post reported on Saturday, Colorado State Representative Brandi Bradley (R- Littleton) last week went off on her 15-year-old son’s teacher for trying to brainwash him into believing that famous Mona Lisa painter Leonardo Da Vinci was “genderfluid.”

Her righteous tirade began on X upon learning the news on August 21. She vowed to confront the teacher face-to-face that same night and would be an “angry mama bear.”

“My 15-year-old’s HISTORY teacher told her students that Leonardo DaVinci was gender fluid and that the Mona Lisa was a depiction of his feminine side.” Bradley wrote.

“WTAH????? And tonight is back-to-school night, and she has no idea what kind of mama bear is coming for her,” Bradley added.

Bradley kept her promise and recorded the meeting with her child’s teacher. She opened by demanding to know why the class was watching a movie that featured scholars claiming da Vinci was “probably gay or whatever.”

Her son’s teacher replied, “One of the kids in the other class asked me what that meant, and so with bringing it up to the class, the picture (the Mona Lisa) was a self-portrait, according to some scholars.”

The educator claimed she used these propaganda films to illustrate the difference between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The latter period, she argued, was about “self-expression” and freedom from the Church.

“They had the opportunity to create however they wanted and express themselves fully,” she said.


An unidentified man then interrupted the conversation to inform the woke ‘educator’ that the Mona Lisa was an actual person named Lisa del Giocondo. As the Post notes, historians believed she was the subject of da Vinci’s world-famous portrait in the early 16th century.

The ignorant teacher asininely responded by calling this factual statement an “argument.”

“I think the recent works are showing, and it’s supposed to be like the lore, but the recent scholars are saying that it was most likely a self-portrait, and they have actual pictures of him, and they can go behind the things to see the structure of the skin, the eyes, and actual features now,” she claimed.

Bradley jumped back into the conversation and demanded which videos were approved for the class to watch. After all, her son was being forcibly brainwashed.

“I don’t know that I want my 15-year-old knowing what gender fluidity is, she said. “I don’t know that I want my 15-year-old to know what gender fluidity is.”

“We have a very biblical worldview, and I see a lot of LGBTQ flags in the classroom, and I wonder how inclusive my Christian conservative child feels in this room,” she added.

The educator attempted to gaslight Bradley by laughably claiming her comments were wrong and that the videos show how individuals possess a “more masculine and feminine side.”

“This is a self-portrait of him (Da Vinci) and how he perceived himself,” the teacher fibbed.

Bradley was having none of this nonsense.

“I’ve never in my life heard that story, and I’ve spoken to world scholars in history!” Bradley said. “I’m a little concerned that this is the first week of school and this is world history and what’s going to be taught to my child.”

“As a parent I have that ability to question that and can we do it respectfully without sending an email and without any other parents around,” she continued.

In an X Post following the incident, Bradley assured her followers that the tour de force was not a stunt. It was instead motivated out of love for her son while continuing to blast the teacher.

“For the real people who have decided to follow me, let me tell you why I do what I do. I will not tolerate people in authority, who are supposed to be trusted adults LYING TO CHILDREN.”

“Gender fluid does not exist, boys cannot be girls, girls cannot be boys and if you say they can, you are solely responsible for sending CHILDREN down a road of false narratives, fake science, and lies that at best leads THEM to an increased risk of suicide and at worst leads to them to LIFELONG mutilation and sterility.”

“All that said, a line in the sand has been drawn. If YOU want to choose that path for your children, go right ahead, but what YOU will not do is choose that path for MY children or other people’s children.

And teachers and counselors certainly won’t choose that path for our children behind our backs… because people like me will continue to fight back, and we will continue to be bold and brave, and your words will never stop me…These are OUR children and WE are the parents and We have been given the authority to raise them, not you.”

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Author: Cullen Linebarger