Machete-Wielding Thug Trying to Break Into Texas House Receives an Unwelcome Surprise When Homeowner Decides to Exercise His 2nd Amendment Rights (VIDEO)

Machete-Wielding Thug Trying to Break Into Texas House Receives an Unwelcome Surprise When Homeowner Decides to Exercise His 2nd Amendment Rights (VIDEO)

Machete-Wielding Thug Trying to Break Into Texas House Receives an Unwelcome Surprise When Homeowner Decides to Exercise His 2nd Amendment Rights (VIDEO)
August 24, 2024

Credit: FOX 7 Austin Youtube Screenshot

The slogan “Don’t Mess with Texas” often refers to the state’s anti-littering program, but it should be more often applied to patriotic residents who spare no expense to defend their homes and families.

Earlier this week in Liberty Hill, a city 35 miles north of Austin, home camera footage captured the moment a thug armed with a machete tried to break into the home of Darryl Stevens but received a rude awakening once he reached the door thanks to the homeowner exercising his 2nd Amendment rights.

The suspect, later identified as 43-year-old Jerry Escamilla of Bertram, climbed a fence and started approaching the home alongside a dog before seemingly passing out. At this moment, Stevens notices the suspect and immediately springs into action.

As he explained in an interview with FOX 7 Austin, he locked up his home, grabbed his 9mm firearm, and raced to the perp.

Once Escamilla rose back up and made his way to the upper deck of Stevens’ home, he found himself staring down the barrel of the man’s gun. He quickly decided to drop the machete, climb down, and walk away before getting his head blown off.

“Told him he’s got to leave, or he’s going to lose his life, you know?” Stevens told FOX 7 Austin. “Luckily, after I did that, he dropped the machete.”


Stevens, a married father of two children, told FOX 7 Austin he prepared to do whatever it took to protect his family. In a sad irony, he recently moved his family from Austin to feel safe.

“I just had to protect my family, and that’s what I did. Luckily, I didn’t have to discharge my firearm,” Stevens said. “It’s just not something you expect to happen in Liberty Hill in the country or way out in the country in the very back of this new, nice neighborhood… we moved out here, we moved further out of the city to feel safe.”

Stevens went on to tell the outlet that he is planning on turning his home into “Fort Knox” following the harrowing experience.

“We feel violated, as a family, we feel like our sense of safety in our safe place, which is our house, has been taken from us. I almost get a little emotional even saying that. It’s not fair,” he said. “We’re definitely upping security. We’re getting a few more firearms to have one upstairs, one downstairs. We are going to be installing more fences and more security features. Floodlights. I’m going to turn this place into Fort Knox at this point in time.”

Stevens’ wife called 911 and Liberty Hill police arrested Escamilla. He has been charged with criminal trespassing and failure to identify.

Escamilla is being held on a $10,000 bond.

Suspect Jerry Escamilla Credit: FOX 7 News

As Fox News notes, Texas’s Stand Your Ground law gives gun owners the right to apply lethal force to defend themselves against threats, regardless of whether it was possible to retreat first. The shooter, however, cannot instigate the incident.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger

Students Left Without Bus Service as Massachusetts Funds Buses for Illegals

Students Left Without Bus Service as Massachusetts Funds Buses for Illegals

Students Left Without Bus Service as Massachusetts Funds Buses for Illegals
August 24, 2024

Image: Stoughton Public Schools

Last week, the parents of 150 students from Stoughton Public Schools, a school district outside of Boston, were informed that a lack of funding and a shortage of buses and drivers have left them without school bus service.

According to the Boston Herald, the news comes at the same time that the state has started paying for the buses of students of more than 200 migrant families.

A letter sent to parents from Superintendent of Schools Joseph Baeta read, “Finalizing the bus routes and the list of students riding the bus is one of the signs the start of the school year is near.”

“Unfortunately, for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, 150 secondary students who signed up to ride a bus were not able to be placed on a bus. Those families not receiving bus transportation were notified this week. Those receiving bus transportation will receive their bus postcards the week of August 19.”

“We understand the feelings of disappointment and frustration this caused for the families who did not receive bus transportation. We feel it is important to explain this situation to all of our families to allow you to better understand how we arrived at this point.”

The letter cited an increase in bus transportation applications, but budget restraints resulted in the district having one fewer bus than the prior year.

Fox News notes that there is no requirement in the state of Massachusetts to provide transportation for students in grades 7-12, but the district is required to provide busing to students living in hotels and shelters.

Baeta says, however, the influx of migrants is not the reason for the shortage.

“We are utilizing funding the state provides to the district to bus the students living in hotels/shelters.”

“The funding for these two buses does not come from our operational budget. It is inaccurate to suggest that these children receiving busing is the reason yours did not. If we were not receiving the funding from the state for the students living in hotels/shelters, we would not be able to have these two additional buses.”

However, it appears that the extra funding does come from the state of Massachusetts, which made the decision on which students to prioritize.

Despite his recent comments, in a March letter to parents, Baeta acknowledged an uptick in migrants as a contributor to “financial pressures.”

Baeta wrote, “The district is seeing an increase in PreK-12 enrollment, including in our migrant student population, and unprecedented pressures in special education, transportation, and services for English Learners.”

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Author: Margaret Flavin

Nancy Pelosi on Winning Back Congress to Stop Trump and Help Kamala Harris Become President Next January 6: “We’re Very Discreet, Reptilian, Cold Blooded”  (Video)

Nancy Pelosi on Winning Back Congress to Stop Trump and Help Kamala Harris Become President Next January 6: “We’re Very Discreet, Reptilian, Cold Blooded” (Video)

Nancy Pelosi on Winning Back Congress to Stop Trump and Help Kamala Harris Become President Next January 6: “We’re Very Discreet, Reptilian, Cold Blooded” (Video)
August 24, 2024

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi spoke with PBS this past week at the Democratic National Convention about her goal to flip the House back to Democrat control in this year’s elections to stop Donald Trump and help Kamala Harris become president next year.

The 84-year-old Pelosi’s choice of words to describe herself in the interview is going viral: “We’re very discreet reptilian, cold blooded.”

In the interview, Pelosi echoed comments by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) earlier this year about the importance of controlling the House on January 6, 2025 to stop Donald Trump from becoming president again when the Electoral College votes are counted by Congress to determine the new president. Raskin spoke about invoking the 14th Amendment to declare Trump an insurrectionist and deny him the presidency even if he won the Electoral College.

Pelosi: “I’m, I’m looking for a trifecta. I’m looking to win the White House, Chuck to be the majority leader. Hakeem Jeffries to be the Speaker of the House. It must happen that way. And this, think of January 6th if I didn’t have the gavel. Hakeem must have the gavel that day. Kamala will be the vice president, but we fully intend to win the White House.”

Context for the ‘reptilian’ comment:

Pelosi: “I made a prediction today to Al Hunt, that would be. He said maybe you can win 5. I said, I want 10. He said, Is that your prediction? I said, I want 10 at least. We want 31 when we won and win. Now remember, in the last election they said we were going to lose 30 or 40 seats. What? I, they didn’t know what they were talking about. We would, we know our, we’re different from the president. We’re very discreet. Reptilian. Cold blooded. These are the races we have to win. Others are winning the whole country. 10.”

On Monday at the start of the convention, Pelosi’s slithery tongue drew attention:

This is not the first time Pelosi has described herself as reptilian. Pelosi spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on September 13, 2023 about the Democrats doing better than expected in the 2022 mid-term elections.

CNN transcript excerpt:

COOPER: There were a lot of people even in the Democratic Party who underestimated the impact, the Roe decision would have, the Dobbs decision would have on voters.

PELOSI: Yes, I made it clear to them how I was about that —

COOPER: You knew —

PELOSI: Because they were saying it’s in the rearview mirror. People don’t care about the Dobbs decision. And I said to them, thanks a lot. Do you know — you don’t really know what you’re talking about. You’re sitting someplace, and we’re in the districts and we know the power of that issue.

It’s a democracy issue. It’s not just a choice issue. It’s a freedom issue. It’s a democracy issue. And it was a winning issue.

COOPER: In fact, I remember interviewing you just before the vote, the election and you were saying to me, I’m talking to people out there, I think it’s going to be much better. And I can’t tell you how many people afterwards said to me like you know, of course she’s going to say that —

PELOSI: Poor baby.

COOPER: Yes, she is really, really committed to that. It is really sad.

PELOSI: No, I’m not a poor baby. I’m more reptilian, cold blooded, to win the election.

Complete PBS interview with Pelosi posted August 20:

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Author: Kristinn Taylor

HORROR: Military Parents Lose Custody of 16-Year-Old Autistic Son After Refusing to Let Him Transition to a Girl – Son is Currently in Foster Care Living with ‘Non-Gendered’ Chaplain Named “Lavender”

HORROR: Military Parents Lose Custody of 16-Year-Old Autistic Son After Refusing to Let Him Transition to a Girl – Son is Currently in Foster Care Living with ‘Non-Gendered’ Chaplain Named “Lavender”

HORROR: Military Parents Lose Custody of 16-Year-Old Autistic Son After Refusing to Let Him Transition to a Girl – Son is Currently in Foster Care Living with ‘Non-Gendered’ Chaplain Named “Lavender”
August 24, 2024

‘Non-gendered’ hospital Chaplain Lavender Kelley

A black military family residing in Maryland is suing a DC hospital after they lost custody of their 16-year-old autistic son for refusing to let him ‘transition’ to a girl.

According to The Daily Mail, the parents hospitalized their teen son for self-harming after he broke up with a girlfriend back in 2021.

While the minor teen was hospitalized, the staff at Children’s National Hospital told the parents their son wanted to become a girl and his preferred pronouns are she/her.

The parents said their son never expressed the desire to become a girl until he spent time in the hospital. They argued in their lawsuit that their son is “impressionable” because he is autistic.

They alleged the hospital staff started a “full-on campaign to transgender this child” and forced him to write letters to friends informing them he is no longer a male.

The teen is now 19-years-old and in foster care living with a ‘non-gendered’ chaplain named Lavender Kelley.

Lavender Kelley

Lavender Kelley regularly posted on social media about transitioning children without their parents’ consent.

It is unclear if the teen has been given cross-sex hormones or undergone a transition surgery.

The military parents, who are in their 40s, said in the lawsuit that their son has been seen posing in a sexually suggestive manner in photos posted to social media since he was put into foster care with Lavender Kelley.

The teen’s father detailed how he had to sell his successful business in order to pay for legal fees after his son was taken away from him.

The Daily Mail reported:

A military family who lost custody of their autistic son after they refused to transition his gender are suing a major DC hospital.

The family said their boy had never shown any desire to become a girl until, at 16, he was hospitalized for self-harming after a bitter breakup with his girlfriend in 2021.

Staff at Children’s National Hospital informed the family that he wanted to be female and should be referred to using she/her pronouns going forward, the suit claims.

His army veteran parents, from Prince George County in Maryland, rejected the suggestion, saying their son was ‘impressionable’ due to being autistic.

They have accused the hospital of starting a ‘full-on campaign to transgender this child’ and accused staff of ‘mental re-programming’, saying their son had been forced to write letters to friends disavowing his previous male identity.

Click here to read more at The Daily Mail.

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Author: Cristina Laila

Anti-Trump Pollster Frank Luntz Says RFK Jr. Endorsement Could ‘Make The Difference’ and Propel Trump to Victory (VIDEO)

Anti-Trump Pollster Frank Luntz Says RFK Jr. Endorsement Could ‘Make The Difference’ and Propel Trump to Victory (VIDEO)

Anti-Trump Pollster Frank Luntz Says RFK Jr. Endorsement Could ‘Make The Difference’ and Propel Trump to Victory (VIDEO)
August 24, 2024

Pollster Frank Luntz has warned that RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump could be what propels the former president to victory in November.

During an epic speech on Friday afternoon, Kennedy ripped the Democratic Party for its anti-democratic practices and declared that it was no longer the party that stood against “authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism, and unjust wars.”

In an interview on News Nation, Luntz reacted to Kennedy’s endorsement and gave his view on what it means for the presidential campaign:

It is probably worth about one percent for Trump, and that one percent could be everything if it is in the states. In the end, the reason why Kennedy was strong at 10, 12 even 14 percent, is because he was taking votes away from Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is gone, Kamala Harris has replaced him and his vote collapsed down to about four or five percent and what is left is a Trump vote. Some of them are simply not going to participate in November. Roughly two to one will vote for Trump and that is worth a single percent and a single percent can make the difference in Pennsylavania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Democrats Freak Over RFK Jr.’s Epic Trump Endorsement as Harris Campaign Call Him ‘Failed Fringe Candidate’

Earlier this month, Luntz stunned a CNN reporter when he warned that Trump was receiving unprecedented levels of support among union workers, a trend that is concerning the Democratic Party, which falsely portrays itself as standing up for working people.

"Donald Trump is doing better among the average union member, not teachers' unions and not the unions for government, but everybody else, the trades, people work with their hands. He's doing better among them than any Republican has done in decades," Luntz said, leaving the panel speechless.

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Author: Ben Kew