Teamsters Skip Presidential Endorsement: Refuse to Support Kamala Harris as Majority of Rank-and-File Prefer Trump — Majority of Poll Voting Members Twice Selected Trump

Teamsters Skip Presidential Endorsement: Refuse to Support Kamala Harris as Majority of Rank-and-File Prefer Trump — Majority of Poll Voting Members Twice Selected Trump

Teamsters Skip Presidential Endorsement: Refuse to Support Kamala Harris as Majority of Rank-and-File Prefer Trump — Majority of Poll Voting Members Twice Selected Trump
September 18, 2024

For the first time in over thirty years, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has refused to endorse any candidate for U.S. President.

For decades, the Teamsters have consistently endorsed Democrat presidential candidates, backing Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. The union also supported Barack Obama in both of his campaigns, as well as John Kerry in 2004 and Al Gore in 2000, according to NBC.

This decision comes despite internal polling revealing that a clear majority of rank-and-file members favor former President Donald Trump over Kamala Harris.

The official statement from the union claims that after nearly a year of member interviews and polling, no candidate—neither Trump nor Harris—offered sufficient commitments to the issues that matter most to the Teamsters. This is a lie.

According to the union’s own polling, 59% of members preferred Trump to Harris, who only garnered 34% of the vote in an electronic survey, with phone polls showing similar results at 58% to 31%.

Source: Teamsters
Source: Teamsters

Yet, in a surprising twist, the Teamsters’ leadership announced their refusal to endorse any candidate, citing “no majority support.”

“The union’s extensive member polling showed no majority support for Vice President Harris and no universal support among the membership for President Trump,” the press release said.

This decision comes just two days after union leaders and members held a private meeting with Kamala Harris.

General President Sean M. O’Brien emphasized the importance of a transparent and member-driven endorsement process but claimed that neither candidate could guarantee protection for the union’s most pressing concerns.

“The Teamsters thank all candidates for meeting with members face-to-face during our unprecedented roundtables. Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before Big Business. We sought commitments from both Trump and Harris not to interfere in critical union campaigns or core Teamsters industries—and to honor our members’ right to strike—but were unable to secure those pledges,” O’Brien said.

This decision has raised eyebrows, particularly among Trump supporters within the union who feel the leadership is disregarding the clear preference of its membership.

DC Draino, a prominent conservative commentator, voiced his confusion on social media: “I’m confused. For the first time in 30+ years, the Teamsters Union will not be endorsing a Presidential candidate. They said they didn’t have ‘majority support’ among their members for one or the other. I’m sorry, but doesn’t 58% count as a majority? The members want Trump. The corrupt bosses want Kamala. So they split the baby.”

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

THE ENEMY WITHIN: Democrat Calls into CSPAN and Leaves Host Shocked When He Praises Would-Be Trump Assassins (VIDEO)

THE ENEMY WITHIN: Democrat Calls into CSPAN and Leaves Host Shocked When He Praises Would-Be Trump Assassins (VIDEO)

THE ENEMY WITHIN: Democrat Calls into CSPAN and Leaves Host Shocked When He Praises Would-Be Trump Assassins (VIDEO)
September 18, 2024

Stunned CPAN host has to cut off vile Democrat Caller after he praises would-be Trump assassins. (Credit: CSPAN Screenshot)

Many Democrats in America will not be satisfied until an assassin finally succeeds in taking out President Trump, as a shocking episode this morning on CSPAN illustrated.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, a second attempt was made on Trump’s life Sunday, just two months after he came within a centimeter of being killed in Butler, Pennsylvania by a Democrat donor named Thomas Crooks.

Shots were fired at the 45th president’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon at roughly 1:30 pm as he was playing golf with real estate investor Steve Witkoff.

The shooter, later identified as 58-year-old Trump hater Ryan Wesley Routh, shoved the muzzle of his rifle through the fence line at the golf course before Secret Service agents opened fire on him.

A Democrat caller from Louisiana claiming to be a Vietnam veteran called into CSPAN Wednesday morning and told a stunned host that he was grateful the two assassins were willing to step up and try to kill Trump because he was the enemy.

Stunned at what he was hearing, the host inquired whether the caller was advocating violence against Trump. The Democrat denied he was and claimed he was talking about defending America.

The host then finally cut him off and moved on to the next caller.


HOST: Willie, Democrat, good morning.

CALLER: I just wanted to say I’m a very patriotic American. I did 20 years in the military, two tours to Vietnam, one in 1966, went back in 68.

I look at myself and think about what we pulled as a military… destroy the enemy by all means available.

I see we let this man Trump destroy America, and I look at it and say, well, these two people had to step up and take that shot.

HOST (shocked): Wait, Willie. You’re not advocating violence, are you?

CALLER: Not violence. I’m talking about defending my country.

HOST: All right.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger

KARI LAKE: Lessons From the Newsroom: How Media Rhetoric Fuels Division and What We Can Do About It

KARI LAKE: Lessons From the Newsroom: How Media Rhetoric Fuels Division and What We Can Do About It

KARI LAKE: Lessons From the Newsroom: How Media Rhetoric Fuels Division and What We Can Do About It
September 18, 2024

For more than three decades, I had the privilege of working in the news industry, bringing stories into the homes of everyday Americans. Journalism is a profession that I have always respected. At its best, it can unite, inform, and inspire.

But something has changed, and not for the better.

Over the years, I witnessed firsthand how the media shifted from the role of informing the public to one where division, sensationalism, and political activism take center stage.

I watched the media landscape change drastically, pushing fear and division instead of truth and integrity.

This shift didn’t just disturb me — it fueled my decision to run for public office.

I knew that if I wanted to make a real difference, I needed to step out from behind the camera and actively fight for the values of honesty and unity that our country desperately needs.

The Shift in Media Focus

When I started in journalism, the mission was clear: report the facts, hold power accountable, and inform the public. Newsrooms emphasized objectivity and balance, and reporters strived to give their audiences a clear and accurate picture of the world around them.

However, I watched the media landscape change dramatically over the past two decades.

The rise of the 24-hour news cycle, the influence of social media, and the relentless pursuit of ratings began to erode the core values of journalism.

Journalists were replaced with activists. Truth, replaced with propaganda. Towing the government line, refusing to question narratives that didn’t make sense, pushing political agendas became the norm in newsrooms.

Stories that fueled fear, anger, and outrage became more common because they brought higher ratings.

Conflict, it seemed, sold better than clarity. The shift was subtle at first, but it accelerated as news organizations increasingly prioritized clicks and views over responsible reporting.

The media, once a source of trusted information, began to morph into a tool for division.

The Dangerous Consequences of Rhetoric

We now live in an era where the consequences of this divisive rhetoric have become too dangerous to ignore. The relentless drumbeat of fear and outrage has poisoned our public discourse, leaving Americans more polarized than ever.

When every issue is framed as an existential threat and when every political opponent is demonized, we create an environment ripe for conflict.

The dangers of this rhetoric are not hypothetical.

We have seen assassination attempts on public officials, violent confrontations at rallies, and threats against everyday citizens who are choosing to become politically active.

The media’s role in fueling this division cannot be overlooked.

Constantly framing political debates as a battle between democracy and dictatorship pushes people to extremes. It encourages the belief that anyone who disagrees with you is not just wrong, but dangerous.

I am not saying the media is solely to blame for all of society’s ills, but it plays a significant role in shaping how we perceive the world.

When media outlets consistently push inflammatory narratives, they bear some responsibility for the real-world consequences that follow.

The Role of Responsibility in Journalism

Journalists have a responsibility to report the truth, not to incite fear.

Yet, too often, the line between news and opinion has been blurred. Reporters and pundits alike deliver stories with a spin that serves to divide rather than inform.

What happened to the journalistic oath to “seek truth and report it”? What happened to balanced reporting, where both sides of a story were given fair treatment?

As journalists, we must recommit to the values that made this profession honorable in the first place. Accuracy must always come before speed. The goal should be to inform, not inflame.

They should not dehumanize politicians whose ideology the journalist may be opposed to. This responsibility lies not just with the reporters but with editors and news directors as well.

Newsrooms need to foster environments where ethical reporting and accountability are more important than clicks and ratings.

A Path Forward

While the media played a significant role in creating today’s climate of division, it also has the power to reverse it. But it will require a shift in focus. First, we must demand more from our news organizations.

The public should hold journalists to the highest standards of integrity and refuse to engage with media outlets that prioritize sensationalism over truth.

Newsrooms themselves must take steps to restore trust. This includes more transparency about how stories are reported, editorial independence from corporate or political pressures, and a renewed commitment to balanced reporting.

Most importantly, we must return to the idea that journalism is a public service, not a product to be sold to the highest bidder.

Returning to a time when government propaganda was not permitted would be a great start. Let journalists get back to digging for the truth, questioning government narratives and seeking solid information that betters our country instead of tearing at the fabric of it.

I still believe in the power of journalism to unify rather than divide. I’ve seen the good it can do, and I know that it can return to its roots as a force for good in our society.

But it will take a collective effort—from journalists, news organizations, and the public—to move away from the current climate of division. It’s time for all of us to demand better and to start rebuilding trust, one story at a time.

Kari Lake is a former award-winning journalist with over two decades of experience in newsrooms across America and the Republican Nominee for United States Senate in Arizona.

The post KARI LAKE: Lessons From the Newsroom: How Media Rhetoric Fuels Division and What We Can Do About It appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Kari Lake