Guest post by John Allison, J. D.

In running for President, Kamala Harris claims that being Vice-President for the past three and a half years qualifies her for higher office.
Yet there is no evidence that she actually accomplished anything positive in her Vice-Presidential role.
As President Biden’s “Border Czar,” Harris has been a complete disaster.
During the past three and a half years, millions of immigrants have entered the country illegally without proper screening or background checks.
The Biden-Harris Administration has used tax dollars to send hundreds of thousands of those illegal immigrants to communities throughout the country, where they strain local social services and healthcare resources.
Far too many of the illegal immigrants have criminal backgrounds and have also committed serious crimes after arriving in our country.
As an integral part of the Biden-Harris Administration, Kamala Harris participated in the government’s schemes to censor free speech, depriving American citizens of their First Amendment right to speak freely and to hear what other people have to say.
She has said that social media platforms should not be able to communicate information to the public “without any oversight or regulation.”
She apparently does not care that government “oversight or regulation” of free speech violates the First Amendment and jeopardizes our continuing existence as a free people by interfering with our ability to make informed decisions.
Harris’ acceptance of free speech censorship is demonstrated by her recent appointment of Rob Flaherty as deputy manager of her presidential campaign.
Flaherty was one of the government officials who “encouraged” Facebook’s censorship of credible medical and scientific information about the COVID-19 vaccines in order to “combat vaccine hesitancy” and “crack down on vaccine misinformation.”
The censorship of reputable scientific and medical information about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, as well as suppression of information about alternative treatments, made it impossible for people to give their informed consent to a medical treatment and deprived them of sovereignty over their bodies.
Even today, Kamala Harris requires her campaign staff to be fully vaccinated despite the fact the Biden-Harris CDC has had actual knowledge since the summer of 2021 that the vaccines do not produce immunity to infection and do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
That is the reason the CDC changed its definition of “vaccine” effective September 1, 2021 to remove the phrase “to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
Apparently, Kamala Harris is willing to ignore scientific facts that are inconsistent with her political agenda.
Kamala Harris has also participated in the Biden-Harris Administration’s weaponizing of law enforcement. Tulsi Gabbard, a decorated Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve who formerly served in Congress as a Democrat, provides a current example.
In July of 2024, Ms. Gabbard made a public comment that “Kamala Harris is not knowledgeable or strong enough to stand up to potential adversaries, or just as importantly the unelected warmongers – i.e. the Military Industrial Complex which profits from war.”
The very next day Ms. Gabbard was placed on the TSA’s Quiet Skies program which is a secret surveillance initiative the government uses to monitor potential domestic terrorists. She and her husband noticed they were being patted down extensively whenever they traveled after July 23.
Several federal air marshal whistleblowers reported that she was being trailed by TSA officials and three air marshals on every flight she boards. Kamala Harris is demonstrably willing to use law enforcement power to attempt to crush her political opponents.
Ever since Kamala Harris was appointed – and not elected by the people – to replace Joe Biden as the presidential candidate, she has been trying to explain away her changing positions on several important issues by saying that her “values” have not changed.
So, let’s take a look at her values. Harris’ record as San Francisco’s District Attorney from 2004 to 2011 and as California’s Attorney General from 2011 to 2017 reveals a lot about her values and her character.
As San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris refused to take action against the Catholic Church and individual priests accused of sexually abusing children, and essentially dismantled her predecessor’s active program for holding predatory priests accountable for their sexual abuse.
Also, as District Attorney she repeatedly failed to comply with the constitutional Brady rule established by the U. S. Supreme Court, which requires prosecutors to disclose exculpatory evidence to the lawyers representing defendants in criminal cases.
To secure criminal convictions, Harris was willing to violate the Constitutional due process safeguards that she was sworn to uphold. She also prosecuted drug cases based on evidence from the police crime lab without disclosing that one of the lab technicians had a criminal conviction for domestic violence and had a drinking problem.
Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massulo chastised the District Attorney’s Office for failing to disclose those facts, pointing out in a written order that “[t]he District Attorney’s Office has demonstrated a level of indifference to this Court’s repeated requests for an explanation as to why it failed to disclose [the technician’s] 2007 arrest and 2008 conviction to the defense.”
Harris responded to the order by blaming the police department and accusing the Judge of bias.
Later, during Kamala Harris’ tenure as California’s Attorney General, more than 127,500 Black and Hispanic Californians were sent to prison. They accounted for 68 percent of all newly incarcerated people during that period of time.
Harris repeatedly defied U. S. Supreme Court orders to reduce serious overcrowding in California’s prisons by releasing certain non-violent offenders. When a Superior Court Judge dismissed the indictment in a criminal case based on 3
prosecutorial misconduct after it was learned that the prosecutor had falsified the transcript of the defendant’s confession, Attorney General Harris appealed the dismissal of the indictment. Fortunately, she lost that appeal.
In a different case, Kevin Cooper, a Black man, had been convicted of killing four people in 1985 and was sentenced to death. Believing he had been framed, he requested full DNA testing of evidence in the case when that technology became available.
Throughout her time as California Attorney General, Kamala Harris opposed Kevin Cooper’s requests for that testing.
As Law Professor Lara Bazelon wrote in a January 17, 2019 opinion piece in the New York Times, “Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.”
Kamala Harris’ selection of Tim Walz as her running mate raises serious questions about her judgment and also reveals policies she truly supports. Before becoming Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz was a member of Congress.
In the election campaign for his Congressional seat, Walz falsely claimed that he had received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce. In fact, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce endorsed his Republican opponent.
Walz has also misrepresented his military service by falsely claiming that he retired as a command sergeant major and by making comments suggesting he served in combat.
He either fundamentally misunderstands or disrespects the Constitution he is sworn to uphold, saying that the First Amendment does not protect “misinformation.”
The word “misinformation” does not appear in the First Amendment or anywhere else in the Constitution as an exception to free speech. And who decides what constitutes so-called “misinformation?”
The government? During the COVID-19 pandemic Minnesota Governor Walz adopted extreme lockdown measures and set up a hotline for people to report violations of his stay at home orders by their neighbors, similar to the abhorrent tactics of the McCarthy era.
He also offered financial incentives to encourage teenagers to get COVID-19 vaccines even though the risk of death from COVID-19 among that age group was minimal.
Despite the extreme measures he adopted, Walz defended the practice of sending sick elderly patients back to nursing homes where they often spread COVID-19 to other vulnerable people.
In summary, Kamala Harris has been ineffective as Vice-President. Her official conduct over the past 20 years demonstrates a shocking level of disdain for the Constitutional limits on political power that are designed to preserve our basic freedoms.
Based on her record of performance in elected office, Kamala Harris is unfit to be President of the United States and de facto leader of the free world.
The post Why Kamala Harris Should Not be Elected President? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.