Dinesh D’Souza: What’s Up with the GOP?

Dinesh D’Souza: What’s Up with the GOP?

Dinesh D’Souza: What’s Up with the GOP?
September 19, 2024

Donald Trump walks off the stage surrounded Secret Service agents after he was shot at a Butler, PA rally in July.

What’s up with the GOP?

Even after two attempted assassinations, the GOP is largely silent.

And in general the leaders of the Republican Party have been silent through all the Trump criminal cases.

They were only minimally helpful during the two Trump impeachments.

They have not merely watched with indifference, they have in some cases actively abetted the political targeting and prosecution of Trump and Trump supporters.

Why else would the House GOP provide funding for a new and improved FBI headquarters?

The problem isn’t confined to the GOP leadership. Even rank-and-file Republicans, many of them, have been shockingly mute and lethargic in responding to the Left’s relentless attacks on Trump, from character assassination to legal assassination to, now, two actual assassination attempts.  

I’m not talking about the MAGA Republicans, but about traditional and establishment GOP types—a significant minority of the party.  

What accounts for this bizarre disengagement, when the GOP itself has a vital interest in Trump’s survival and Trump’s success in the 2024 election?

I’ll answer this question in a roundabout way by posing another: What gives the Left and the Democrats the chutzpah to do what they are doing?

What makes them think they can get away with squelching our free speech, restricting our freedom of assembly, charging us with bogus crimes, mobilizing the weaponry of the Justice Department against us, seeking to lock up our party nominee, and in general running roughshod over our basic constitutional rights and terrorizing us in the manner of a police state?

My answer to this question can be given in a line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar where Cassius says regarding Caesar.

He would not be a wolf

But that he sees the Romans are but sheep.

In other words, Caesar becomes so tyrannical only because he knows that the Romans are willing to be subjected to tyranny.

And here’s how this point applies to our situation.  We’re all familiar with the phrase, “Critical Race Theory.”

Let’s ignore the race part and focus just on the word critical.  It means analytical.  It refers to the first thing you do, which is to carefully observe and study your adversary.

This is what the Left and the Democrats have been doing.  They have been studying us.  And what have they concluded?

That we—the patriots and conservatives and Republicans and Christians—are in general the party of the namby-pambies.

From their point of view—and truth be told, from ours also—we are the party of live and let live, of civility and good manners, of giving our opponents the benefit of the doubt,  of rising above their underhanded tactics and refusing to follow suit, of standing on high principle, of turning the other cheek.

In short, we are precisely the invertebrate wimps that the other side was hoping for.  The party of pusillanimity.

 Our pusillanimity encourages their aggression.  They say to themselves, why don’t we go ahead and try to stack the Supreme Court?

It doesn’t matter if we fail, because we know the other side is too “principled” to do the same.

They are congenitally wedded to having nine justices on the Court.  So even if we fail, we’ll come back and try again.

And in a similar vein, why don’t we censor and stigmatize and ostracize them?  They don’t have the power to do the same to us, and even if they did, they wouldn’t do it.

Come to think of it, let’s also deploy the institutions of the state—the FBI, CIA, the NSA, the IRS, the DOJ, DHS, even the military—against them.

Again, they would never dream of doing the same to us, even if they were in power and in a position to do so.

They wouldn’t lower themselves to our standards—at least that’s how those idiots see it—which means that we can continue to torment them with impunity.  Who wouldn’t want to take on such losers?

** Go See Vindicating Trump by Dinesh D’Souza – opening in theaters across the US on September 27th.

The Left and the Democrats are in the position of the schoolyard bully who has complete sway over his terrified victims.

And the GOP establishment are the terrified ones.  They are terrified of the Democrats.

They are terrified of the media.  They are terrified of being called “election deniers” and “insurrectionists.”

Mitch McConnell and Mike Johnson live in fear that if the media were to target them and mercilessly assail them, they would be so badly wounded that their own side would bury them.

Consequently the GOP establishment operates as if its only viable strategy is to appease the bully, even though they know, deep down, that bullies can never be appeased, and any appeasement is only short lived, and in the end the bully gets so strong that he doesn’t even need their appeasement.

That’s when he throws them all into the ditch, enjoying himself immensely as he does it.  Tyranny, let’s not forget, is immensely enjoyable to tyrants.

But here comes  Trump who is himself—in his own way—a bully.  Trump doesn’t bully people who are below him, but he is quite capable of bullying other bullies.

He even seems to enjoy it, in his own way.  He likes seeing bullies get their comeuppance.  In a certain way, he has qualities that resemble those of his adversaries.

In Shakespeare’s Coriolanus, we see that Coriolanus is a warrior and Aufidius is a warrior and even though they are on opposite sides, there is a kind of kinship between them.

So the Democrats recognize Trump as their foil.  This is easy to understand.

But why don’t the establishment Republicans, and even some rank and file Republicans, who are not capable of taking on the Democrats themselves, see that Trump is both willing and able to do it?

Why don’t they get behind him if he is ready to lead the fight?

I believe the answer is that not only are many of these people cowards, but they have figured out a way to turn cowardliness itself into a virtue.

In other words, to their great sin of cowardice they have added the sin of self-delusion.  They are cowards who think they are models of character and rectitude.

The philosopher  Nietzsche writes in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, “So much kindness, so much weakness do I see.  Round, fair and considerate are they to one another, as grains of sand are round, fair and considerate to grains of sand.

 At bottom, they want a single thing most of all: that no one hurt them. Thus they try to please and gratify everybody. That, however, is cowardice, even if it be called virtue.

But they lack fists: their fingers do not know how to creep behind fists.

Virtue for them is that which makes modest and tame: with that they have turned the wolf a dog, and man himself into man’s best domestic animal.”

What is Nietzsche saying here? He’s saying that cowards don’t like to admit to themselves that they are cowardly.

They don’t want to look in the mirror.  And so they figure out a way to convert their cowardice into virtue, their weakness into an imaginary form of strength.

They say that they refuse to fight because they are too good to fight.

They are too noble to lower themselves to take on the bully.

They are better than the bully, and the bullies tactics are morally objectionable to them.  Even if the bully smashes them in the face, they will not gang up on the bully and kick him in the shins.

They will not teach the bully the only kind of lesson that would convince the bully to stop being a bully.

And since they know that Trump is willing to deal with the bully in the only manner that bullies recognize, they deplore Trump and accuse him of being the worst kind of bully himself.

They ask, “Why can’t you fight those bullies without using bullying tactics yourselves? Why can’t you fight virtuously like we do?”

This of course is not intended as a serious argument; rather, as Nietzsche points out, it is a salve for their sick consciences.

These weak and pathetic creatures can only live with themselves by convincing themselves that their groveling nature is indeed the greatest moral virtue of all.

They are in the mode of the craven deserter who tells himself that true courage is running away from the battlefield.

This article is adapted from Dinesh D’Souza’s new book Vindicating Trump, published by Regnery.  D’Souza’s movie of the same title opens in theaters nationwide on September 27.  Get movie tickets and pre-order the book at vindicatingtrump.com

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Author: Jim Hoft

The Babylon Bee Just Gave The Perfect Response to Gavin Newsom’s Ban on AI Parody Videos

The Babylon Bee Just Gave The Perfect Response to Gavin Newsom’s Ban on AI Parody Videos

The Babylon Bee Just Gave The Perfect Response to Gavin Newsom’s Ban on AI Parody Videos
September 19, 2024

Gavin Newsom / CBS

California Governor Gavin Newsom this week signed legislation into law seeking to outlaw parody videos using artificial intelligence and The Babylon Bee had the perfect response.

According to Newsom himself, the legislation was drawn up in response to Elon Musk sharing a parody videomocking Kamala Harris using an altered version of her voice.

The Babylon Bee, which is headquartered out of Florida, has responded to the new with a hilarious parody video of Newsom himself.

The video uses an AI version of Newsom’s voice describing how he has destroyed the state of California with his far-left policies and is therefore endorsing Kamala Harris to help spread them nationally.

Newsom’s voice states:

The Governor of California. This is a message for the people of America, given in my authentically recorded non-AI voice. Thanks to my leadership over the last several years, California has become a world leader in extremist left-wing governance. My policies were so effective that almost 1 million people are now fleeing the state every year. We even ran out of U-Hauls.

During the COVID pandemic, I locked everyone in their homes and shut down businesses for months. Not the French Laundry, though. That’s my favorite restaurant. Last year, I cleaned up the dangerous, messy streets of San Francisco. You know, because Chinese Communist President Xi was coming. And I really wanted to impress him. He’s my boss, after all.

This year, I signed legislation that allows me to take custody of your kid if you refuse to give him artificial hormones and chop off his genitals. Because if you don’t do that, you’re a bigot. And bigots shouldn’t be allowed to have kids. I’ve also led the way in green energy by banning all cars that don’t run on electricity. Then I banned almost all the electricity. This is smart leadership.

On my watch, the cost of living and homelessness have skyrocketed. Schools are failing. Drug dealers and human traffickers are pouring across the border. And poop has covered the sidewalks of San Francisco. This is the positive, joyful vision we offer as Democrats.

That’s why I’m enthusiastically endorsing Kamala Harris for president in 2024. She’ll do to the country everything I did in California. Anyway, I’m California Governor Gavin Newsom, and I approve this 100% real message, which is a recording of my voice without the assistance of any AI whatsoever.

This isn’t a deepfake. And you can rest assured that it isn’t, because I just signed an unconstitutional law outlawing deepfakes. No one would dare violate it. Thank you, and science bless America.

If you are from the state of California, please make sure not to watch and share the parody video as it is very dangerous for democracy and strictly against the law.

California’s Gavin Newsom Just Signed a Bill That Bans Deep Fake Videos – After This Kamala Harris Parody Video Went Viral

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Author: Ben Kew

MUST SEE: Singer-Songwriter Jon David Kahn Releases “Fighter” — THE MOST AMAZING Trump Ballad You Have Ever Seen — Already #1 on iTunes! Take the Time to Watch, You Won’t Be Disappointed

MUST SEE: Singer-Songwriter Jon David Kahn Releases “Fighter” — THE MOST AMAZING Trump Ballad You Have Ever Seen — Already #1 on iTunes! Take the Time to Watch, You Won’t Be Disappointed

MUST SEE: Singer-Songwriter Jon David Kahn Releases “Fighter” — THE MOST AMAZING Trump Ballad You Have Ever Seen — Already #1 on iTunes! Take the Time to Watch, You Won’t Be Disappointed
September 19, 2024

Singer-songwriter Jon David Kahn is a longtime friend of The Gateway Pundit.

Jon David Kahn is an inspiring performer who first came on the scene during the Tea Party movement.

In 2010, Jon David Kahn produced “American Heart,” a moving, patriotic song that he made famous at numerous Tea Party events where he was asked to perform.

Jon David Kahn was a close friend of grassroots favorite Andrew Breitbart, who was an American original, a grassroots leader, and a close friend to this website and our founder, Jim Hoft.

Jon is also also pictured on The Gateway Pundit banner.

This photo was taken during an event after Andrew Breitbart passed away. Jon David and The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke at a Tea Party event following Andrew’s death.

Jon David Kahn performs “American Made” after Andrew Breitbart’s death.

Here is Jon David’s previous hit, “American Made.”

Today, Jon David Kahn sent me his latest ballad, “Fighter,” which is dedicated to President Trump.

Jon hit a home run with his latest song.

The “Fighter” is an incredible, inspiring tribute to President Trump.

The song is written by Jon Kahn and Chris Wallin.

Enjoy! And please pass on to your friends and family!

I told you it was good!

“Fighter” is currently the #1 download in Pop Tunes on iTunes.

The post MUST SEE: Singer-Songwriter Jon David Kahn Releases “Fighter” — THE MOST AMAZING Trump Ballad You Have Ever Seen — Already #1 on iTunes! Take the Time to Watch, You Won’t Be Disappointed appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’ (VIDEO)

Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’ (VIDEO)

Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’ (VIDEO)
September 19, 2024

Susan Rice / MSNBC

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice has claimed that Donald Trump is planning to order “mass expulsions” of American citizens.

In an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Rice was asked about her views on Trump’s plans to deport millions of illegal aliens and recent reports that Haitian migrants have been eating animals in Springfield, Ohio.

Rice explained:

This is really quite terrifying. We’ve heard for many, many months about his plans for mass deportations of undocumented persons here in the United States. That would be hugely violent and disruptive, separating families, causing millions to be expelled through the use of force, but what he’s saying now is something quite different and even more scary.

We’re talking about a massive increase in the number of people that they try to ship out of the country on false pretenses because perhaps they don’t like the countries from which they came. Can you imagine what that means for this country when American citizens living here lawfully, living their lives with their family, can one day wake up and find themselves denaturalized and deported?

Now that the Supreme Court has said that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, if God forbid it were to be him again, can do whatever he wants in the office of the presidency with immunity, this is a recipe for mass expulsions of American citizens.

Rice’s comments are most likely an effort to deflect her attention from her disastrous role in controlling the Biden administration’s policy regarding the southern border.

Back in February, The Gateway Pundit reported how Rice was the “central figure” in the White House’s approach to the border.

Since they seized power in 2021, over 10 million illegal aliens have entered the country at the invitation of the Biden regime, wreaking havoc across American towns and cities.

REPORT: Former Obama Adviser Susan Rice is the ‘Central’ Figure in the Biden Administration’s Approach to the Border

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Author: Ben Kew

St. Louis Man Arrested After Destroying Angel of Harmony Statue at the St. Louis Basilica with a Boom Lift

St. Louis Man Arrested After Destroying Angel of Harmony Statue at the St. Louis Basilica with a Boom Lift

St. Louis Man Arrested After Destroying Angel of Harmony Statue at the St. Louis Basilica with a Boom Lift
September 19, 2024

A St. Louis man destroyed the Angel of Harmony statue in the St. Louis Basilica Garden on Tuesday night. Christopher Jaros destroyed the statue with a giant boom lift – photo via St. Louis Police Dept..

35-year-old Christopher Jaros was arrested on Tuesday evening after he destroyed the Angel of Harmony statue with a boom lift outside of the St. Louis Basilica in Missouri.

The man then fled on foot and fired a shot into an unoccupied car.

“The Angel of Harmony has graced the grounds of our city’s Cathedral Basilica since 1999, as a joyful reminder that our diversity is something to be celebrated, that truth, beauty and goodness unite us all. We need to be reminded of that daily. We are still learning about the extent of the damage, with great hope that this special sculpture can be restored,” said Archbishop of St. Louis Mitchell Rozanski in a statement.

KSDK reported:

According to a post from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, the Angel of Harmony statue was knocked off its base by a boom lift.

Officers were called to the Cathedral Basilica at about 8 p.m., where they found the statue damaged and an unoccupied vehicle with a bullet hole. After reviewing the security video, they identified a suspect and began searching for him.

Police said officers spotted the man in the Central West End, but he ran off. The post said officers surrounded the area and used a police dog to track the suspect down near the intersection of Euclid and Maryland avenues.

The 35-year-old man was taken into custody. Police said they also believe the man was the one who fired the shot at an unoccupied car.

Security video from the intersection showed a shirtless man evading multiple officers before tripping and falling to the ground. The officers then surrounded him and took him into custody.

FOX 2 took a video from the Basilica Garden.

The post St. Louis Man Arrested After Destroying Angel of Harmony Statue at the St. Louis Basilica with a Boom Lift appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft