WAYNE ROOT: We Can Stop the Democrats From Rigging & Stealing This Election. Now. Today. Here’s How.

WAYNE ROOT: We Can Stop the Democrats From Rigging & Stealing This Election. Now. Today. Here’s How.

WAYNE ROOT: We Can Stop the Democrats From Rigging & Stealing This Election. Now. Today. Here’s How.

September 19, 2024

President Donald Trump and VP Kamala Harris will square off in their first presidential debate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

By Wayne Allyn Root

I have the solution to what’s coming on November 5th. But President Trump needs to act fast. He must make this high-profile, controversial, headline-grabbing, announcement TODAY!

Trump is winning an electoral landslide. We all know that. In every credible and historically accurate poll, Trump is leading in the popular vote nationwide. And winning by an even bigger margin in each battleground state. Which adds up to an electoral landslide.

Trump is winning. But will his lead hold up to the vast array of ways Democrats cheat? They have rigged this election 1000 ways to Sunday.

It’s past time for any semblance of debate about whether the election is rigged. ABC TV moderators actually had the gall to ask President Trump about a rigged election in the middle of a rigged debate. With the whole country watching.

That’s the definition of audacity meets insanity.

The Democrats are so desperate to keep power they don’t care how obvious their cheating is, or who’s watching.

Do you think the party that is so desperate for power and control, who is one election away from total power and control forever, who rigged the debate, would hesitate to rig the election?

Can Trump’s current lead (no matter how large) overcome millions of illegal aliens now registered to vote?

That was the whole point of the open borders- to bring in millions of new Democrat voters. They were given voter registration forms the minute they got into the country. The rest are being registered to vote every hour of every day at DMV offices across the country.

Can Trump’s lead overcome millions of fake mail-in ballots, with no Voter ID, and no attempt to signature match, or scrub dead voters off of voter rolls?

Can Trump’s lead overcome millions of fake ballots collected by ballot harvesting, and at unguarded ballot drop boxes?

Can Trump’s lead overcome the fraud of overseas ballots deposited by the DNC in swing states- without any proof these voters ever lived there?

Can Trump’s lead overcome the fraud of the US Postal Service unions who have openly endorsed Kamala Harris? What dirty tricks do they have planned?

I have the SOLUTION.

President Trump is rich. Filthy rich. We know he’s one of the richest 400 people in the whole world- because he made the list this year. He is a billionaire business mogul.

What’s $100 million to a billionaire like Trump? How about $200 million? It’s like you and me taking $20 out of our wallet.

So, Mr. President, it’s time to offer up just a fraction of your fortune to stop the steal. The country is on the line. Capitalism is on the line. Our children’s future is on the line. And of course, your personal freedom is on the line.

Please announce you are putting up $100 million, or $200 million, or $500 million (by passing the bucket among your wealthy friends at Maralago), for a REWARD FUND.

To pay REWARDS of millions of dollars to anyone willing to come forward and confess, who is an active participant in the rigging of this election.

They must know where the bodies are buried.

They must be key players in the steal. They must be not just witnesses, but guilty of participating themselves. They must be willing to sign sworn affidavits and appear at press conferences. It must lead to convictions.

But they can get filthy rich. Rich enough for the rest of their lives. Rich enough to buy a mansion on the beach and sip Margaritas for life.

Offer $100 million, or $200 million, or $500 million, to richly reward any of these witnesses who can testify to the nation how Democrats are rigging, and fixing, and stealing this election.

Offer eye-popping money and they will come.

So many will come forward, you will need hundreds, perhaps thousands of volunteers, just to listen to all the confessions, and sort out who has the best stories to offer up at press conferences.

First, by exposing the ways Democrats are rigging this election, we will stop much of this fraud dead in its tracks.

Second, by bringing these key players forward at press conferences to explain the ways Democrats are rigging and cheating, the American people will be shocked and appalled. They will say “enough is enough.” Millions of independents (and even some honest Democrats) will vote for Trump when they hear how Democrats steal elections.

Money talks. The rats will desert the sinking Democrat ship.

Who could resist a piece of the $100 million or $200 million, or $500 million reward pot? Think of all the union guys who could suddenly make $1 million, or $2 million, or $5 million, or $10 million, in one shot, and never have to work again.

This reward fund is like hitting the lottery.

But the reward must be big enough to make eyes pop. It must be big enough to get the whole nation’s attention. The bigger the headline number the better!

And it must be announced N-O-W. The election is only 48 days away.

Trust me. Announce it and they will come. The rats will desert the sinking Democrat ship. The problem won’t be finding active participants in the fraud. The only issue will be too many will come forward. We will be overwhelmed with witnesses and participants willing to spill the beans for a piece of the reward.

My gut says we may even get one or two high level participants who want the whole reward pot for themselves.

President Trump, please announce the reward fund today. Then sit back, grab your popcorn, and champagne, and watch the Democrat rats come forward from all 50 states to spill the beans.

This is how we stop the steal.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: We Can Stop the Democrats From Rigging & Stealing This Election. Now. Today. Here’s How. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Assistant Editor

FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana

FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana

FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana
September 19, 2024

Credit: Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing

The FBI conducted a raid on the Rahal Letterman Lanigan (RLL) Racing headquarters in Zionsville, Indiana, early Wednesday morning.

The renowned facility, owned by former Indy 500 champion Bobby Rahal, television icon David Letterman, and entrepreneur Mike Lanigan, became the center of an active federal investigation.

Federal agents, in coordination with Zionsville police, arrived at the state-of-the-art 100,000-square-foot facility located at 10771 Creek Way.

Kurt Darling of 93 WIBC Indianapolis reported that the FBI instructed all employees to cease activity on their electronic devices, gather their belongings, and leave the premises.

The nature of the investigation remains unclear, with no arrests made and authorities assuring the public there is no immediate threat.

Zionsville Mayor John Stehr disclosed that the FBI had requested assistance from local police during the operation but refrained from divulging specific details about the investigation, according to Fox 59.

Police stated that they were not provided with any details regarding the operation and were only tasked with providing external security for the building.

“The FBI asked us to assist this morning as they served a warrant at the (Rahal Letterman Lanigan) headquarters building,” Stehr said.

“Our officers stayed outside as the FBI agents entered the building.”

Kathi Lauterbach, vice president of communications for RLL Racing, issued a statement confirming the team’s full cooperation with investigators but emphasized that due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, they are limited in what they can disclose.

“We are cooperating fully with investigators. Given that this is an ongoing investigation, we are limited in what information we can share right now, but we intend to provide additional information as soon as we can,” Lauterbach said.

At this time, insufficient information has been made available.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

The European Parliament Finally Approves the Recognition of Edmundo González as the “Legitimate” and Elected President of Venezuela

The European Parliament Finally Approves the Recognition of Edmundo González as the “Legitimate” and Elected President of Venezuela

The European Parliament Finally Approves the Recognition of Edmundo González as the “Legitimate” and Elected President of Venezuela
September 19, 2024

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Author: Gateway Hispanic

JUST IN: Judge Agrees to Delay Hunter Biden’s Felony Gun Charges Sentencing

JUST IN: Judge Agrees to Delay Hunter Biden’s Felony Gun Charges Sentencing

JUST IN: Judge Agrees to Delay Hunter Biden’s Felony Gun Charges Sentencing
September 19, 2024

A federal judge agreed to delay Hunter Biden’s sentencing for the three felony gun charges he was convicted on in June.

Hunter Biden is facing 25 years in prison.

Last September Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges. He was indicted in a Delaware court on three counts related to his possession of a firearm while using drugs.

Prosecutors proved that Hunter Biden was smoking crack when he purchased a firearm in 2018.

According to text messages sent to Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden set up a drug deal with “Mookie” one day after he illegally purchased his gun on October 12, 2018.

A couple days later he went on a crack-smoking bender and passed out in his car.

Special Counsel David Weiss opposed the delay, but Judge Maryellen Noreika granted the request.

Hunter’s sentencing is now scheduled for December 4.

The Hill reported:

A federal judge agreed to push back Hunter Biden’s first criminal sentencing three weeks, now scheduling it for Dec. 4.

The president’s son’s sentencing was already slated for after the election, but his attorney asked to delay the Nov. 13 date because of overlap with Biden’s other ongoing legal battles.

Special Counsel David Weiss opposed the delay, court documents show, but U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika in a brief order quickly agreed to the request.

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Author: Cristina Laila

More Left-Wing Terrorism? Deranged Alaska Man Charged by DOJ with Threatening to Torture and Kill Six Supreme Court Justices – Sent More Than 465 Threatening Messages

More Left-Wing Terrorism? Deranged Alaska Man Charged by DOJ with Threatening to Torture and Kill Six Supreme Court Justices – Sent More Than 465 Threatening Messages

More Left-Wing Terrorism? Deranged Alaska Man Charged by DOJ with Threatening to Torture and Kill Six Supreme Court Justices – Sent More Than 465 Threatening Messages
September 19, 2024

The Supreme Court as composed June 30, 2022 to present.
Credit: Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Not satisfied with trying to take out President Trump, it appears elements of the radical left also have their sights on killing Supreme Court justices.

The Justice Department revealed on Wednesday that 76-year-old Panos Anastasiou was arrested Wednesday for threatening to assassinate six members of the Supreme Court and harm two family members. Moreover, Anastasiou also allegedly threatened to kidnap and torture the justices while encouraging other people to join him in committing acts of violence.

According to the indictment, Anastasiou sent more than 465 messages between January and July to the Supreme Court via an online portal. As CBS notes, these messages had violent, racist, and homophobic rhetoric.

The outlet noted that in one message, Anastasiou said he would kill one justice by “providing the rope” to “hang … from an Oak tree.” Another on May 10 stated he would lynch the same justice.

CBS News also revealed that Anastasiou allegedly claimed on May 16 that he would kill another justice by “putting a bullet in his head.” Anastasiou then reportedly sent a message the next day claiming he was sending “fellow veterans” to “spray” the first two justices’ houses with bullets with hopes of killing them and two unnamed family members.

Disgraced Attorney General Merrick Garland released the following statement after apprednding Anastasiou:

We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with. Our justice system depends on the ability of judges to make their decisions based on the law, and not on fear.

Our democracy depends on the ability of public officials to do their jobs without fearing for their lives or the safety of their families.

While the Supreme Court justices targeted are not named in the indictment, one can read between the lines and infer that it’s VERY LIKELY these are the six right-leaning justices on the court. These include John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

Assuming this is the case, this would be far from the first time conservatives on the Court have been targeted. As Jim Hoft previously reported, a transgender California man named Nicholas Roske was arrested in June 2022 near the Maryland home of Justice Kavanaugh.

Not only did the would-be assassin plan to kill Kavanaugh, but he also had his sights on two other conservative justices.

CBS reported that Anastasiou faces nine counts of making threats against a federal judge and 13 counts of making threats in interstate commerce. He has pleaded not guilty.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger