WATCH: Shirtless Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses After She Suggests He’s Too Rich to Have Concerns About the Economy

WATCH: Shirtless Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses After She Suggests He’s Too Rich to Have Concerns About the Economy

WATCH: Shirtless Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses After She Suggests He’s Too Rich to Have Concerns About the Economy
September 19, 2024

Trump supporter embarrasses CNN reporter after she accuses him of faking his concern about the economy (Credit: CNN Screenshot)

The wisdom of the MAGA crowd continues to be grossly underestimated by liberal media propagandists across America, causing them to get humiliated time and again.

In a segment aired on Anderson Cooper 360° Wednesday evening, CNN reporter Elle Reeve went to Florida to interview Trump supporters attending a MAGA flotilla/boat parade organized by the Bay County Republican Party in Panama City Beach’s Shell Island. The purpose of her trip was supposedly to gauge opinions on the issues important to Trump supporters.

Things then went south for Reeve, who eventually encountered a shirtless, beer-drinking man named Joe Harner. She started by asking him what his most important issue was, to which Harner said the economy. He explained that things were too expensive thanks to high interest rates and other factors.

Reeve then tried to entrap him with an “impolite” question that essentially accused him of being too rich to understand the economy. She claimed that he could not be suffering under the Biden-Harris economy because he owns a boat.

Harner responded to her rudeness with an awesome response, colorfully pointing out he earned every dime of his money, which allowed him to retire comfortably. Moreover, other people have the same opportunities he took advantage of.

Reeve then tried a different approach, attempting to claim that since groceries only make up a fraction of his spending, she finds it interesting that people like him are still concerned about the economy.

Harner again put Reeve in her place. He stated the economy covers ALL AMERICANS, not just a select few, and that he wants to have more purchasing power like any wise person.

It’s safe to say the elitist CNN propagandist was not prepared for the humiliation.

WATCH (exchange occurs roughly between 1:05 and 2:35 marks)


REEVE: What’s your most important issue?

HARNER: The economy, getting the interest rates down, getting it where we can afford to live in America. Right now, it’s too expensive.

REEVE: OK, now, let me maybe ask him, like, a slightly impolite question. But, you know, if you can afford a boat, you’re not hurting so bad, right? Because a boat costs a lot of money and it is a lot of upkeep.

HARNER: Listen, nobody gave me sh*t. I earned everything that I’ve got. I’m retired military, retired power plant (ph), and I am successful and retired and with boats, jet skis because I did it right. And everybody has that chance. Whether they choose or not, that’s up to them.

REEVE: I would never try to take anything away from you in that way. But what I’m asking is, groceries are probably a smaller part of your budget than say, you know, someone who is like a little worse off. I think it’s interesting that people who are a little bit more comfortable are still so concerned about the economy. Do you see what I’m saying?

HARNER: Because I want my money to go further. I want inflation to go down. I want interest rates go back down. I want all that. But that covers everybody in the economy, not just me, not just the poor, not just the rich. It covers everybody.

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Author: Cullen Linebarger

Jeremiah 18:8, “If that Nation Against Which I Have Spoken Turns from Its Evil, I will Relent of the Disaster that I Planned to Bring on It”

Jeremiah 18:8, “If that Nation Against Which I Have Spoken Turns from Its Evil, I will Relent of the Disaster that I Planned to Bring on It”

Jeremiah 18:8, “If that Nation Against Which I Have Spoken Turns from Its Evil, I will Relent of the Disaster that I Planned to Bring on It”
September 19, 2024

Guest post by John Kachelman, Jr.

America Sins – image by Grok

As the US Congress is debating the Continuing Resolution (CR) that authorizes the national budget, most are concerned about the government shut-down that will occur if the CR is not passed. “Woe!” is being sounded by various Congressional members announcing the calamitous ruin that will fall upon our nation if the CR is not passed by 01 October 2024. The calamity is NOT coming because the CR is not passed. The calamity is coming because of our nation’s evil. Evil has resulted because our national leaders have rejected God and trusted on self-serving agendas.

Benjamin Franklin’s words are as true today as when first sounded: “I’ve lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth — That God governs in the affairs of Men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without his Aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that except the Lord build the House they labor in vain who build it. I firmly believe this, — and I also believe that without his concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future Ages.”

In the context of the above consider the situation in which the United States of America exists today. Consider the current standing of our national character with a realistic understanding of the way our current government is functioning. You will see the consequences that Jeremiah 18:8 portends. Here is a shocking validation of our national actions…

State Department Paying to Put on Play Where God Is Bisexual and Communists Are Good—in Bid to Push LGBTQ Agenda Abroad

Through tax-payer Federal Grants…The Biden-Harris administration is paying to

  • Put on a play that portrays God as bisexual
  • Angels have “eight vaginas” and are “equipped as well with a bouquet of phalli” and that the universe was created by God “copulat[ing] ceaselessly” with these hermaphroditic beings
  • Sharply criticizes former President Ronald Reagan
  • Paints communists in a positive light
  • Pushing gay rights on Southeastern Europeans
  • The State Department greenlit funding for a showing of Tony Kushner’s 1991 play “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” in North Macedonia
  • Raise awareness about “LGBTQ+ issues”
  • A main named Belize is a former drag queen

“In the Manichaean world of Angels in America, everything Reagan stood for (capitalism, etc.) is evil,” a National Review critic wrote of the play’s HBO adaptation in 2003.

The State Department’s production of an anti-Reagan, pro-LGBTQ play is not its first exercise in using theatrics for the purposes of social engineering as it spent $120,000 in 2023 to “improve communication at the level of the local community on the social issue of LGBTQ rights and domestic violence via participatory theater” in the African nation of Chad.

“Culture—from music to sports to theater—is a vital component of the United States’ people-to-people diplomacy efforts in Chad and around the world and supports broader U.S. foreign policy goals” (a spokesperson for the DOS department).

The post Jeremiah 18:8, “If that Nation Against Which I Have Spoken Turns from Its Evil, I will Relent of the Disaster that I Planned to Bring on It” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft

Dr. McCullough – “I’m Not Going to Listen, or Wait, For the Government to Tell Me What to Do”

Dr. McCullough – “I’m Not Going to Listen, or Wait, For the Government to Tell Me What to Do”

Dr. McCullough – “I’m Not Going to Listen, or Wait, For the Government to Tell Me What to Do”
September 19, 2024

(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message below and working with them through the links below which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)

Like clockwork, the mainstream media and our broken medical establishment is once again breaking out their tried and true scare tactics regarding COVID and the upcoming seasonal flu season. According to USA Today,

As flu season nears, so do new COVID-19 variants.

A newly discovered COVID strain known as XEC continues to spread rapidly across multiple countries, including the U.S.

Scripps Research’s page, last updated on Sept. 5, reported 95 XEC cases across 12 U.S. states and 15 different countries.

However, Australia based data integration specialist Mike Honey wrote on X Saturday that the new strain, which emerged in Berlin last June, has shown up in hundreds more patients across 27 countries in Europe, North America and Asia.

Fear Mongering

In response to this latest round of COVID fear mongering, Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Scientific Officer for The Wellness Company, is calling out this obvious election year pandemic playbook:

“A presidential election is looming and – surprise, surprise – COVID-19 is back in the news!

The media is eating up the news that COVID rates are on the rise, happily playing the role of propagandists for the biopharmaceutical complex. According to a recent PBS report,

As summer winds down, much of the U.S. is experiencing another COVID surge. It’s the biggest wave we have seen in at least two years, and hundreds of people are still being killed every single week by this virus.

Not surprisingly these predictions of doom come with repeated recommendations to get up-to-date on the dangerous mRNA COVID-19 vaccines:

The Food and Drug Administration approved new mRNA coronavirus vaccines Thursday, clearing the way for shots manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna to start hitting pharmacy shelves and doctor’s offices within a week.

Health officials encourage annual vaccination against the coronavirus, similar to yearly flu shots. Everyone 6 months and older should receive a new vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends.

The CDC warnings aren’t just about the virus, they’re also about setting the stage for potential government actions. We could be looking at new rounds of restrictions, mask mandates and even lockdowns, all in the name of public health.

Be Prepared – Not Scared

We have seen this movie before, this time things can and should be different. We no longer have to trust the corrupt biopharmaceutical complex and their partners in crime – big government and the legacy media.

They want us afraid. But there is no reason to live in fear.

As Dr. McCullough has so eloquently said, “I’m not going to listen, or wait, for the government to tell me what to do.”

That’s where the Wellness Company comes in.

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  • Oseltamivir 75 mg (generic Tamiflu™) – 10 tablets

  • Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg -20 tablets

  • Ivermectin 12mg – 25 tablets

  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets

  • Budesonide 0.5 mg/2 mL – 5 vials (plus nebulizer included)

  • 1 Medication Guidebook written by the Chief Medical Board for safe use.

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Note: The information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or used as a substitute for professional healthcare guidance. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding the purchase, possession, and use of prescription medications.

The post Dr. McCullough – “I’m Not Going to Listen, or Wait, For the Government to Tell Me What to Do” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Promoted Post

Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸…


Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸

Vigilant News Network
Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life

Alexis was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for you to share her story.