Tim Walz DEFENDS Joe Biden’s “Garbage” Comment After CBS Reporter Nukes Him on Democrats’ History of Dehumanizing Language Toward Trump Supporters (VIDEO)
October 30, 2024
Kamala’s stolen valor running mate Tim Walz appeared on CBS Mornings after Joe Biden nuked his campaign by calling millions of Trump supporters “garbage.”
Joe Biden said Trump supporters are “garbage” during a campaign Zoom call on Tuesday night as Kamala Harris delivered a speech at the Ellipse in DC.
During the campaign call, Biden once again took a swipe at a comedian who cracked a joke about Puerto Rico being a ‘floating pile of garbage’ during Sunday night’s rally at Madison Square Garden.
“Donald Trump has no character. He doesn’t give a damn about the Latino community… just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage?… The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters,” Biden said.
BREAKING: Biden refers to millions of President Trump’s supporters as “garbage.”
Joe Biden absurdly claimed he was referring to “hateful rhetoric” at Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally Sunday night.
“Earlier today I referred to the hateful rhetoric about Puerto Rico spewed by Trump’s supporter at his Madison Square Garden rally as garbage—which is the only word I can think of to describe it. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable. That’s all I meant to say. The comments at that rally don’t reflect who we are as a nation,” Biden said.
Earlier today I referred to the hateful rhetoric about Puerto Rico spewed by Trump’s supporter at his Madison Square Garden rally as garbage—which is the only word I can think of to describe it. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable. That’s all I meant to say. The…
The fallout continued on Wednesday as Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were grilled about Biden’s “garbage” comment.
CBS Mornings reporter Tony Dokoupil nuked Tim Walz over Biden’s “garbage” comment and called Walz out for comparing Trump supporters to Nazis.
Tony Dokoupil also went off on the Democrats’ history of dehumanizing language toward Trump supporters.
Barack Obama’s “bitter clingers”
Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables”
Kamala Harris’s “Nazi rally”
Joe Biden’s “Trump supporters are garbage”
“I want to get your reaction to the President’s comments, but I want to put it into a larger context of your recent comment comparing the Sunday Trump rally to a Nazi rally and I would also throw in there Obama’s bitter clingers, guns and religion comment from a while back, the deplorable line from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the way that Democrats are seen by some voters as disrespecting them and I have to ask, does that undercut this closing message of unity from your campaign?” CBS Mornings host Tony Dokoupil asked Tim Walz on Wednesday.
Walz defended Joe Biden and repeated the lie that he was referring to the comedian’s rhetoric.
“No, certainly not. And Tony, for me, I’ve represented rural areas, I’ve represented Democrats, Republicans, Independents, the same thing with the Vice President. Look, you saw a presidential speech last night at the Ellipse that is the best of America, one that is talking about unifying us, one that’s talking about bringing folks to the table, one that the American tradition of disagreeing and debating, but still doing it in a respectful manner and I think the frustration we’ve seen since January 6, the frustration with Donald Trump’s rhetoric of division, it does fire passions and I think President Biden was very clear that he’s speaking about the rhetoric we heard at that, so it doesn’t undermine it, people are hungry to come back together. They’re hungry to find a unifying message. They’re hungry for us to find solutions, whether it’s prices or whether it’s reproductive care. They want to see solutions,” Walz said.
WATCH: CBS’s Tony Dokoupil absolutely nukes Tim Walz over Biden’s “garbage” comment, Walz calling the Trump’s MSG rally akin to a Nazi gathering, and the left’s history of demeaning voters….
Dokoupil: “I want to get your reaction to the President’s comments, but I want to put… pic.twitter.com/c2UY0YRrgU
From a Former White House Advisor: Kamala Wants to Start a Civil War
October 30, 2024
(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like those presenting a sponsored message below and ordering through the links below, which benefits Gateway Pundit. We appreciate your support!)
According to the Guardian:
“The United States today is, once again, headed for civil war”
Stephen Marche, author of ‘The Next Civil War’, says that American society has just entered its most dangerous political state yet.
Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, also sees the risk of a second American civil war “growing” and he said:
“We are now on the brink.”
No matter if you’re a democrat, republican or independent…
We can all sense that America is barreling toward catastrophe—of one kind or another.
That’s why a recent poll showed that almost half of Americans think a civil war is likely.
According to former advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House Jim Rickards…
That catastrophe is coming this election season.
After correctly predicting the Great Recession of 2008…
If you think that sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory…
You should know that a popular Congressman is also predicting a possible civil war in January 2025.
Democrat Representative Jamie Raskin publicly admitted Democrats will try to block Trump from taking power…
When he said:
“It’s going to be up to us on January 6th, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified, and then we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions.”
Pay close attention because Jim Rickards is a lawyer and economist who’s worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance across five decades.
In the 1970s, he helped the US government craft the Petrodollar Accord, which solidified the US dollar as the global reserve currency…
In the early 1980s, he helped end the Iran hostage crisis for the Reagan administration…
In the 1990s, he worked with members of the Federal Reserve to solve the Long-Term Capital Management banking crisis.
In the 2000s, he worked with senior military leaders at the Pentagon and the highest ranks of the CIA to help prevent the next 9/11.
According to the Bucks County Election website, Doylestown was scheduled to close at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
Bucks County voting hours
Voter suppression was also reported in Quakertown in Bucks County as a peace officer cut the voting line nearly three hours early.
The Trump Camp filed a lawsuit against Bucks County on Wednesday.
Later Wednesday, a Pennsylvania judge sided with the Trump Camp and extended early voting through Friday at 5:00 pm.
Good News Alert
We just won our lawsuit in Bucks County for extended Early Voting through Friday at 5:00 PM.
Thank you to the court for making the right decision and for finding that Bucks County violated the Pennsylvania election code and providing the requested relief. https://t.co/zQ1xqnKkRz
A Pennsylvania judge on Wednesday sided with Donald Trump’s campaign and agreed to extend an in-person voting option in suburban Philadelphia where long lines on the final day led to complaints voters were being disenfranchised by an unprepared election office.
Judge Jeffrey Trauger said in a one-page order that Bucks County voters who want to apply for an early mail ballot now have until Friday.
The Trump campaign’s lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday morning, comes amid a flurry of litigation and complaints over voting in a battleground state that is expected to play a central role in helping select the next president in 2024’s election.
The lawsuit sought a one-day extension, through Wednesday at 5 p.m., for voters to apply in-person for a mail-in ballot. The judge’s order permits applications through the close of business on Friday.
BRUTAL: Colorado News Anchor Shreds Jena Griswold on Live TV Over Voting Machine Leak Scandal — Presses Her on Potential Prison Time Like Tina Peters and Demands to Know If She’ll Resign
October 30, 2024
Kyle Clark confronted Secretary of State Jena Griswold over her office’s exposure of BIOS passwords for the state’s voting machines. (Screenshot: 9News Denver)
In a recent live television interview, 9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark put Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in the hot seat over a scandalous leak of BIOS passwords linked to voting machines.
The leak reportedly exposed sensitive data for voting system components across nearly all Colorado counties.
The Colorado GOP’s affidavit claims that Griswold’s office inadvertently published a file containing over 600 BIOS passwords on the Secretary of State’s official website, leaving the sensitive information exposed to public access from August to October.
Colorado’s election security protocols mandate strict confidentiality around such data, and the unencrypted public display of BIOS passwords breaches this core requirement.
In an email from the organization, they wrote that an affidavit they’ve received claims that Secretary of State Jena Griswold “shared a file on her website that contained over 600 BIOS passwords for voting system components of 63 out of the state’s 64 counties.”
According to the affidavit, the passwords were not encrypted or protected and were available to the public. Colorado election regulation 8 CCR 1505-1 Rule 20.5.2(c)(11) states, “The civil servants at the Department of State will securely and confidentially maintain all BIOS passwords for voting system components.”
The Colorado GOP said that this does not constitute “evidence of a breach by itself” but demonstrates a “major lapse in basic systems security and password management.” Griswold has in the past referred to Colorado elections as “The Gold Standard.”
“A bad actor would still need access either physically or remotely to the systems. It is unclear whether the passwords were in use at any point while publicly available,” the press release reads.
During the interview, Clark pointed out that the Colorado Republican Party had announced that over 600 BIOS passwords were accidentally published on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website
Griswold repeatedly sidestepped direct answers on the potential ramifications of her office’s leak.
When Clark questioned the security implications of the leak, Griswold countered that the passwords were “partial,” comprising just one of the two required credentials, and stressed that no full voting system access could have occurred.
Kyle Clark: Secretary of State Jennifer Griswold, thank you for your time today. So, your office is acknowledging that you inadvertently leaked voting system passwords by putting them on your website. The Colorado Republican Party says that this was more than 600 BIOS passwords for voting systems in all but one Colorado County. Is that accurate?
Jena Griswold: That is not accurate.
Kyle Clark: How many passwords and for which counties?
Jena Griswold: A spreadsheet located on the Department website improperly had a hidden tab with partial passwords. It’s really important to note that this is not the full password to access voting equipment. At this point, we have started an investigation and actually have people in the field working on this issue.
Kyle Clark: When you say partial passwords, do you mean that it had one of the two passwords required to get into the system, or did it not even have one full password?
Jena Griswold: It had one of the two, and not for all voting components, only some in the state.
Kyle Clark: How many counties?
Jena Griswold: At this point, Kyle, we have staff in the field looking into this situation, but we’ll disclose specifics after they’re out of the field. To be clear, we do not see this as a full security threat. There are two passwords required for any voting component, along with physical access. We have layers of security, and, out of an abundance of caution, have staff in the field changing passwords, reviewing access logs, and continuing our investigation.
Kyle Clark: Is it accurate that the passwords were removed from the public portion of your website last Thursday?
Jena Griswold: Yes.
Kyle Clark: How long were they up?
Jena Griswold: They were up for several months without it being noticed. As soon as my office became aware, we took immediate action. The first step was removing those passwords. I want to clarify, not all of those passwords were active, current passwords. We then began working with CISA, the federal agency overseeing critical infrastructure, including election infrastructure, and started our investigation.
Kyle Clark: Is it accurate that you did not notify the county clerks of this breach and that they found out when the Colorado Republican Party announced it today?
Jena Griswold
What is accurate is that we had begun an investigation and were working with the appropriate federal partners.
Kyle Clark: Have you informed the county clerks?
Jena Griswold: No, we had not. We were conducting an investigation and were in the field today before the announcement by the Republican Party.
When pressed on whether her office’s actions could be categorized as an “insider threat,” as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, Griswold doubled down, denying that her office posed any security risk. She insisted that Colorado’s voting systems remained secure, pointing to the multiple layers of security, two-part passwords, and physical access requirements as sufficient protective measures.
Clark then turned to Griswold’s apparent double standard and reminded her of her previous statement, where she labeled the unauthorized release of any voting system password as a serious breach.
He noted her office’s firm stance in 2021 during a similar incident involving Tina Peters, who faced severe legal consequences for accessing voting systems in her attempt to safeguard election integrity.
Kyle Clark: You frequently warn of insider threats to elections. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security defines an insider threat as someone who uses authorized access, wittingly or unwittingly, to do harm. Did the actions of your office constitute an insider threat?
Jena Griswold: No.
Kyle Clark: Why do you say that?
Jena Griswold: For several reasons. First, this does not pose an immediate security threat to Colorado’s elections. Colorado has multiple layers of security. There are two unique passwords held by different parties to access voting equipment, and physical access is also required. These passwords must be used in person. Under Colorado law, we have secure rooms, restricted access, and 24/7 video recording of all election equipment. Additionally, we use paper ballots and conduct risk-limiting audits. Our elections are some of the most secure in the nation, and many of these security measures have been enhanced since 2021.
Kyle Clark: In 2021, when Mesa County’s voting system passwords leaked, your office stated that the disclosure of BIOS passwords alone constituted a serious breach. By that standard, did your office commit a serious breach of security protocols?
Jena Griswold: No. The situation in Mesa County was distinct. Tina Peters was just convicted, and we were actively investigating a broader breach in Mesa County.
Kyle Clark: But your office said the public disclosure of BIOS passwords alone constituted a serious breach. Now that your office has leaked passwords, does that constitute a serious breach?
Jena Griswold: The statement was part of a broader press release. The situation with Mesa County involved two sets of unauthorized passwords and a larger security breach. Our security measures have improved since then, with 24/7 surveillance and access badges.
Kyle Clark: The wording used by your office was that passwords alone constituted the breach. What have you done to determine whether those passwords were used by an unauthorized person?
Jena Griswold: We began an investigation immediately and have no reason to believe there are any breaches. Federal partners are assisting, and we are examining access logs and chain-of-custody records.
Kyle Clark: In 2021, you ordered Mesa County to stop using machines for which passwords were leaked. Why no similar order now?
Jena Griswold: In Mesa County, both passwords were used, and unauthorized access occurred. With our improved security measures, we have no evidence of a similar situation here.
Kyle Clark: In 2021, the Department of State investigated Mesa County’s password leak. Who will investigate the leak from your office?
Jena Griswold: This is not the same as Mesa County. We reported the incident to CISA and are working with them. This situation does not indicate unauthorized access or a conspiracy.
Kyle Clark: Is your office solely responsible for investigating this, or is there an outside agency involved?
Jena Griswold: This is a straightforward case of a civil servant uploading a spreadsheet with some passwords. Two sets of passwords are required for access, and we notified CISA immediately.
The interview concluded with Clark asking the ultimate accountability question: “Will you resign?” Griswold refused, brushing aside the suggestion as “mischaracterizing the situation.”
Kyle Clark: This isn’t the first error your office has made that has impacted voters’ confidence in elections. Will you resign?
Jena Griswold: Absolutely not. You’re mischaracterizing the situation. We addressed the 2022 postcard issue and tracked it carefully. No ineligible people registered, and Colorado consistently ranks high in election confidence. I’m proud of the work we do, and we’re addressing this issue with an abundance of caution.
Kyle Clark: Given the repeated errors that have undermined voter confidence, why do you think they keep happening?
Jena Griswold: Errors occur in every election. Our civil servants are experienced and dedicated, working under evolving demands. Running elections is complex, especially in today’s environment. We disclose and address issues as they arise, and we’ll continue to ask for legislative resources.
Kyle Clark: Were you going to disclose this password leak to the public if the Colorado Republican Party hadn’t announced it?
Jena Griswold: We were investigating with federal partners and hadn’t made that decision. This does not constitute a security breach or evidence of compromised equipment, and we are taking a measured approach.
War Room Host Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec Discuss Biden’s “Garbage” Comment on Trump Supporters – Posobiec Declares “November 5th is Nationwide Trash Day” (VIDEO)
October 30, 2024
War Room with guest Jack Posobiec on October 30th, 2024
War Room founder and MAGA champion Steve Bannon is back for his second day on the air since he got out of Danbury Prison on Tuesday.
He was joined by Jack Posobiec to discuss topics including Democrats falling short on early voting. They also addressed Crooked Joe Biden’s comments that Trump supporters are “garbage.”
Bannon showed concern that Trump supporters are too comfortable with polls and said that it is not enough.
“There are just too many folks out there that are buying into these polls and think that these polls magically just translate to votes in ballots and ballot boxes,” Bannon warned.
“Where do we stand, you know? We are all garbage. You know, 60 million Americans, 74 million, 75 million Americans that voted for Trump last time are garbage. Where do we stand in all of this?” Bannon asked.
Jack Posobiec declared November 5th “Nationwide trash day.”
“We are garbage piled up to the top of our heads but you know what we are gonna be dumping the garage on November 5th because November 5th is ‘Nationwide trash day.’ And this MAGA trash is gonna be taking out you, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and everyone else,” Posobiec humorously said.
Posobiec also provided information regarding when early voting ends and explained some of the disruptions and illegal tactics that have been reported.
“Now we are also seeing fake election officials, Democrats walking around with badges saying that they are election officials or portraying themselves as election officials when they are clearly not. It’s voter intimidation,” Posobiec said.
“At the end of the day all of the early votes are the shaping operation for what’s to come on 5 November,” Posobiec said.
Posobiec also said that the Democrats are falling short on early votes in Pennsylvania and the other swing states.
“They wanted 400,000 in Pennsylvania. They are under it. They didn’t make their votes. They are only at 385,000. The same deal with the rest of the other six swing states,” Posobiec continued.
Thank you for reading. Please check back for more War Room stories.
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