Watch a Former Hillary Clinton Supporter Explain Why He is Voting for Donald Trump in 2024 (VIDEO)

Watch a Former Hillary Clinton Supporter Explain Why He is Voting for Donald Trump in 2024 (VIDEO)

Watch a Former Hillary Clinton Supporter Explain Why He is Voting for Donald Trump in 2024 (VIDEO)
October 15, 2024

A former Hillary Clinton voter and donor named Shaun Maguire recently explained in a video why he is voting for Trump in November of 2024.

Maguire says that he believed the Steele Dossier was real, but eventually learned the truth that it was all lies and was actually commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

He believed the Russia collusion lie pushed by Democrats and the media but eventually realized that was false too.

The biggest thing for him however, was the Biden/Harris administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Now he has donated to Trump and plans to vote for him. It just goes to show that anyone can change their mind when they have the facts.

From the Free Press:

Shaun Maguire is a partner at the VC fund Sequoia Capital and has previously started five companies himself. In 2016, he said he was terrified of Trump winning and actively supported Hillary Clinton. But this year, Shaun gave Trump $300,000, saying he believes that “the Biden administration has had some of the worst foreign policy in decades.”

Watch the video below:

There are plenty of Democrats and former Democrats who will be supporting Trump in this election. Just look at some of the big names like RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk.

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Author: Mike LaChance

Rapper/Podcaster Who Sent Black Associate to Cover Trump Rally on Long Island Says He Felt ‘No Racism Whatsoever’ (VIDEO)

Rapper/Podcaster Who Sent Black Associate to Cover Trump Rally on Long Island Says He Felt ‘No Racism Whatsoever’ (VIDEO)

Rapper/Podcaster Who Sent Black Associate to Cover Trump Rally on Long Island Says He Felt ‘No Racism Whatsoever’ (VIDEO)
October 15, 2024

A rapper and podcaster named Lord Jamar recently appeared on the ‘Art of Dialogue’ podcast and described how he sent one of his associates, who is black, to cover the recent Donald Trump rally on Long Island and that the man experienced ‘no racism whatsoever’ from Trump supporters.

He said that the only negativity the man did experience was from the leftists who were there to protest the event.

This all fuels the trend we are seeing that black men are moving to Trump. Everything this man says here makes sense.

FOX News has details:

“Let’s keep it real a n—- like Trump. First of all, there was no wars when Trump was in – was the president, how about that? There was no wars going on while Trump was president. This mother—— was doing gangster s— to n—– like in the Taliban showing them pictures of their house from a satellite,” he said.

Jamar summarized the Trump presidency’s message to them as “Touch a hair on an American’s head we going to bomb the s— out of your crib. For 18 months after that no American was touched.”

He also mentioned a time he sent someone to go interview people at a packed Trump rally in Long Island, and the stark contrast between the Trump supporters versus the anti-Trump protesters outside.

“He said as a Black man he felt no racism whatsoever out there, he was – they actually like… brought him in type of s—, you know what I mean? Like, he felt welcomed to be there by the people that was there,” he said. “Who he didn’t feel welcomed by were the demonstrators that were against Trump, they were the ones looking at him like ‘Oh! What are you doing over there!?’”

Watch the clip:

In another clip from the same appearance, he describes why Kamala Harris is falling apart:

None of this is news to Trump supporters, especially if they have ever attended a Trump rally. There is no racism and never was. It’s still gratifying to hear it from someone who may be new to supporting Trump.

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Author: Mike LaChance

Mark Halperin Predicts ‘Greatest Mental Health Crisis in the History of the Country’ if Trump Wins 2024 Election (VIDEO)

Mark Halperin Predicts ‘Greatest Mental Health Crisis in the History of the Country’ if Trump Wins 2024 Election (VIDEO)

Mark Halperin Predicts ‘Greatest Mental Health Crisis in the History of the Country’ if Trump Wins 2024 Election (VIDEO)
October 15, 2024

Political journalist Mark Halperin has been in the news quite a bit lately. Last week, he said that he had seen private (campaign) polling, indicating that Kamala Harris is ‘in trouble’ in all of the swing states. Then he followed that up with another report saying she has problems all over the map.

Today, he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson and said that based on what he knows, the election is looking very good for Trump. But that wasn’t even the most interesting thing he said.

He suggested that if Trump wins, that tens of millions of Americans are going to have a full-on mental health crisis and that it will be the biggest mental health crisis in the history of the country. He was not joking.

It’s easy to agree with him if you’ve been paying attention. Just turn on MSNBC if you want to get a sense of what he is talking about here.

Collin Rugg has details on Twitter/X:

Mark Halperin predicts there will be the biggest mental health crisis in American history if Trump wins, predicts Democrats will resort to violence.

Halperin predicts there will be workplace fights and violent protests launched by the left.

“I think it will cause the biggest mental health crisis in the history of America. And I don’t think it will be a passing thing that by the inauguration will be fine.”

“I think it will be sustained and unprecedented and hideous…”

“I think there’ll be some violence. I think there’ll be, there’ll be workplace fights. There’ll be fights at birthday parties.”

Watch the whole thing below:

We all saw what happened on election night in 2016. What happens if Trump’s 2024 election win is even bigger? People who only pay attention to outlets like CNN and MSNBC will think it’s the end of the world. Halperin is right.

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Author: Mike LaChance

WOW! Kamala Harris Says She’s Considering Taxpayer Funded Reparations for Black People (VIDEO)

WOW! Kamala Harris Says She’s Considering Taxpayer Funded Reparations for Black People (VIDEO)

WOW! Kamala Harris Says She’s Considering Taxpayer Funded Reparations for Black People (VIDEO)
October 15, 2024

Kamala Harris on the Stephen Colbert show

Kamala Harris joined black radio host Charlamagne Tha God for a live audio town hall where she indicated that she’s considering reparations for black people if elected president. 

It can be recalled that Charlamagne Tha God is the same radio host who Joe Biden told, “You ain’t black” if you don’t vote for him in 2020.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Kamala’s scripted town hall, which was still a disaster despite not even being on camera.

The town hall abruptly ended as Kamala Harris rambled on about nonsense.

BRUTAL: Kamala Harris’s Scripted Audio-Only ‘Town Hall’ with Charlamagne Tha God Abruptly Ends While She’s Still Rambling (VIDEO)

During the show, Harris was asked about her stance on reparations, and she said that the idea "needs to be studied."

She then continued with her typical talking point that she "grew up in the middle class."

After the last four years, we all deserve reparations for suffering under the Harris-Biden Regime while illegal aliens receive handouts paid for by our hard-earned money.


Charlamagne: My question to you is, What's your stance on reparations? We all know that America became great, you know, off the backs of free black labor. Um, how progressive are you on making it a priority in rightin’ America's wrongs? It's understood that you are running for president for all people of America. Asking for specifics for black communities doesn't mean don't do for others, but black Americans are heavily asked to vote Democrat in every election for over half a century, with very little in return. What are your plans to address these very important issues and change that narrative?

Harris: Thank you, and thank you for your work. So, to your point, yes, I am running to be a president for all Americans. That being said, I do have clear eyes about the disparities that exist and the context in which they exist, meaning history, to your point. So my agenda; well, first of all, on the point of reparations, it has to be studied. There's no question about that, and I've been very clear about that position. In terms of my immediate plan, I will tell you a few of the following: one, as it relates to the economy, which is a lot of what you have addressed, look, I grew up in the middle class, my mother worked hard, raised me and my sister, and by the time I was in high school, she was able to afford our first...

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Author: Jordan Conradson

Due To Inflation, Americans Spending More Under Biden-Harris Than They Have In Decades

Due To Inflation, Americans Spending More Under Biden-Harris Than They Have In Decades

Due To Inflation, Americans Spending More Under Biden-Harris Than They Have In Decades
October 15, 2024

The following content is sponsored by Birch Gold.

Inflation has been a constant headache all throughout the Biden-Harris years, which have observed everything — from the price of groceries to gasoline to electricity —skyrocket to decades (and by some estimates, even century) highs.  While record-setting inflation has been perhaps the most defining hallmark of this miserable era in our politics, Americans are only now beginning to fully grapple with the scope of the harm wrought by “Biden/Kamala-nomics,” which is sure to have a lasting toll on our economy.  For example, over the past four years a $100,000 income is now only worth $83,000 per year – a whopping 17% decrease in value!  In just the four-year period in which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have occupied the Oval Office, the dollar has lost 4.3% of its total value per year — and that’s the government’s own, trumped-up numbers. The real costs have been even worse.

Although Biden-Harris administration officials try to patch over these damning figures by claiming that inflation has cooled in recent months, that only tells part of the story.  As the old saying goes, a half truth is often a whole lie.  What they fail to remind everyone is that inflation is cumulative – even though the rate might have slowed down ever slightly, its cumulative effect cannot be wished away.  And since there hasn’t been deflation, prices remain higher now than they were a year ago — and much higher compared to when President Trump departed office.

As inflation has skyrocketed at home, this reckless administration’s response has been to send the money printers on overdrive. The current administration has used these funds not to invest in domestic businesses, but to fuel the war machine — as Biden’s latest blank check to Zelensky goes to show.  While the Ukrainians, Chinese, and Mexicans receive hundreds of millions from American taxpayers, millions of our own citizens still languish in Hurricane-ravaged states like North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia – our government hardly able to scrap together a measly $750 to help them out.  The effects of inflation in America have touched every aspect of day-to-day life: energy prices have quadrupled, car insurance has quintupled, while foodstuffs like coffee and eggs have risen by a staggering seventy percent.

The toll on the American consumer has been the most devastating.  Americans now increasingly fear a Weimar Germany or Venezuelan type situation where inflation, the result of too many dollars chasing too few goods, continues to spiral out of control, forcing either the Federal Reserve to implement dramatic rate hikes, and potentially kick-off a recession.  Or be pressured to do nothing (or lower rates further still), which comes with an outsized risk of triggering an inflationary firestorm, when inflation slips beyond the control of policymakers.

The correction to this disaster scenario naturally involves a prudent monetary policy coupled with an administration devoted to fiscal responsibility.  However, that will not happen unless Donald Trump, who pledges to reduce taxes dramatically and downsize the scale of government – including putting a full stop to the winless overseas conflicts that have drained the American taxpayer of vital resources at home – gets re-elected on November 5th.  Indeed, the 45th President has even proposed teaming up with Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, to establish some sort of “government efficiency” commission (better late than never!).  This commission would be dedicated to cutting wasteful regulations based on frivolous environmental and equity-based policies, which do nothing but stifle growth and dampen American prosperity.

However, even with President Trump’s return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Americans will still be contending with the financial fallout emanating from the most economically reckless administration in our history for a period of time.  Under the Biden-Harris regime (a more appropriate word for an administration of doubtful legitimacy), $8 trillion has been added to America’s national debt.  $4.3 trillion of that total has come over the last year alone, ballooning the total debt in size to nearly $36 trillion, or 124% of total GDP.

Indeed, the United States is on a precarious economic course, one whose future is more uncertain than at any time in modern history.  Simultaneously, rather than implement fiscally responsible measures, the Democrats have taken a far leap leftward, proposing dyed-in-the-wool communist policies like taxes on unrealized capital gains, a surefire economy wrecker, which would send America onto the road to serfdom.  If, for instance, Americans were all forced by their government to pay taxes on unrealized capital gains from investments in stocks, bonds, and other asset classes, it would trigger a panic selling of untold proportions – ending in an apocalyptic market crash.

Donald Trump, to the contrary, has pledged not to tax social security, hospitality tips, overtime payments, and even deductions on automobile loans.  All these things are oriented with a singular objective: to empower the American consumer, who will in turn have more cash on hand to help fuel our embattled economy.  He has also pledged to rein in The Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and myriad other three-letter agencies that have fought tooth and nail over the past four years to make life harder for Americans – whether by deploying armed agents on political dissidents, as the IRS actively seems to be preparing to do, or by clamping down on crypto, Bitcoin, and other emerging alternative asset classes, which the SEC has done, squelching growth and innovation in the process. The result of this keeps more Americans poorer and dependent on Big Brother.

With all this political uncertainty – and the potential for a recession at any moment – more Americans are turning to investing in stable asset classes, like gold, which have withstood the test of time.  One way Americans have done this is by diversifying either their 401(k) or IRA into physical gold.  This is possible through something called a “Self-Directed” Gold IRA.

These special accounts allow you to transfer your retirement funds into PHYSICAL gold without fees, penalties, and taxes. And it’s all explained in this FREE Info Kit On Gold.

This no-cost guide, which comes from Birch Gold Group, reveals why Gold IRAs are exploding in popularity right now. And this information is FREE, with no strings or obligations attached.

So, click here to request your FREE Info Kit On Gold before Kamala Harris and the radical Democrats come for your investments with their radical Marxist policies.

The post Due To Inflation, Americans Spending More Under Biden-Harris Than They Have In Decades appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Paul Ingrassia