Six Out Of Seven Executive Assistant Directors and 25 Special Agents in Charge Out at FBI According to FBI Whistleblower

Six Out Of Seven Executive Assistant Directors and 25 Special Agents in Charge Out at FBI According to FBI Whistleblower

Six Out Of Seven Executive Assistant Directors and 25 Special Agents in Charge Out at FBI According to FBI Whistleblower
January 31, 2025

FBI agents training video – fair use FBI

While incoming FBI Director Kash Patel sat in front of a Senate subcommittee for his hours-long confirmation hearing yesterday, the housecleaning at the FBI was well underway.  According to a CNN report, “At least six FBI leaders” have been removed or told to resign by Monday.  This adds to the purge that took place this week at the Department of Justice, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

At least a dozen employees at the DOJ were fired on Monday, mainly those involved in the political prosecutions levied against President Trump during “the Pause” between his administrations.  At the NLRB, President Trump fired both General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo and Gwynne Wilcox, the Democrat board member appointed by Joe Biden.  Commissioners Charlotte Burrows and Jocelyn Samuels at the EEOC were fired as well, the first firing by a President since the board’s creation under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  A missing seat already leaves just two members, falling short of a quorum and rendering the commission ineffective.

FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin revealed last night that the purge went beyond the six Executive Assistant Directors; it also included 25 Special Agents in Charge.  According to Seraphin, there are three individual leadership positions at the top of the FBI:  the Director, the Deputy Director, and the Associate Deputy Director.  Below that, there are seven “branch heads” known as Executive Assistant Directors, while the Special Agents in Charge (SACs) lead each of 56 field offices across the country.

One of those SACs, according to Seraphin, was Special Agent in Charge Spencer Evans, who led the field office in Las Vegas, Nevada, and who recently spearheaded the investigation into the alleged suicide of a Green Beret who blew up a Tesla Cybertruck outside of the Trump Hotel on New Year’s Day.

He was also the SAC that denied Seraphin his religious exemption from the COVID vaccine, which in part led to his indefinite suspension.  Seraphin also mentioned the widespread terminations of a group of former agents known as “The Suspendables,” which include former agents Steve Friend and Garrett O’Boyle.

O’Boyle was suspended in September 2022 after he blew the whistle on the FBI using threat tags to target pro-life individuals after Roe v. Wade was overturned.  Friend blew the whistle over the exaggeration of statistics regarding the threat of domestic terrorism, as well as the overzealous tactics used against Jan 6 protesters by the bureau.

NBC News published a story regarding “The Suspendables” yesterday claiming that “some former officials [are] concerned about the potential injection of partisan politics at the top of an agency that has traditionally had only one political appointee:  the director himself.”

Seraphin told NBC that incoming director Kash Patel keeps up to date with “The Suspendables.”  “There’s a potential that Kash Patel could be the most loved FBI director by the actual people of the FBI;  he could be the real thing that Jim Comey pretended to be,” Seraphin told NBC.

During the podcast, Seraphin alluded to Patel already being in charge of the FBI, but acknowledged Brian Driscoll as the acting Director.  Driscoll was the Special Agent in Charge in the New Jersey Field Office and a former HRT commander during the FBI raids at Mar-a-Lago in 2022.

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Author: Brian Lupo

Jay Valentine: American Oversight — Anti-Trump Leftist NGO Network Uncovered

Jay Valentine: American Oversight — Anti-Trump Leftist NGO Network Uncovered

Jay Valentine: American Oversight — Anti-Trump Leftist NGO Network Uncovered
January 31, 2025

Photo credit:

Guest post by Jay Valentine

This week the American Oversight organization announced it will be gathering data to investigate President Trump and challenge some of his actions.

It also came out against Pam Bondi for Attorney General.

What you are seeing is another Leftist NGO tied to the over 100,000 other Leftist NGOs that funnel money back and forth to interfere in elections and obstruct conservative elected officials.

As usual, the organization has a name that hides its deep Leftist roots.

If you visit the website and affiliated NGO sites, it is described as a non-partisan organization looking to litigate for openness and good government.

The question comes down to who funds this group.

As the video shows, using Fractal quantum-speed technology, American Oversight is tied to the Leftist NGO-sphere of over 100,000 similar organizations – funding each other to hide their ties to Leftist causes.


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This week, the federal government cut all ties to Catholic Charities because they fund illegal migration.

What they missed are the thousands of other groups, who receive the benefits of government loans, grants and contracts – two and three steps removed – who do the same thing – hidden through the complex network.

The federal government must cut all funding to all NGOs, tied to any organizations like the Chinese Progressive Association, the New Venture Fund, the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Tides Foundation, Tides Advocacy.

These organizations hide money by constantly moving it around – thus the only way to identify an NGO who should not be funded is by its ties to a nefarious network.

Follow our videos on under Omega4America

Jay can be reached at

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication.

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Author: Guest Contributor

Trump Signs Historic Executive Order: Ends Radical Indoctrination in U.S. Schools to Protect Our Children!

Trump Signs Historic Executive Order: Ends Radical Indoctrination in U.S. Schools to Protect Our Children!

Trump Signs Historic Executive Order: Ends Radical Indoctrination in U.S. Schools to Protect Our Children!
January 31, 2025



President Donald Trump has delivered another promise by signing yesterday an executive order aimed at

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Author: Gateway Hispanic

Billionaire Nicole Shanahan Puts Far-Left Sen. Warnock on Notice — Vows to ‘Correct Her Massive Mistake’ in Funding His Campaign: “I’ll Be Correcting That Massive Mistake ASAP”

Billionaire Nicole Shanahan Puts Far-Left Sen. Warnock on Notice — Vows to ‘Correct Her Massive Mistake’ in Funding His Campaign: “I’ll Be Correcting That Massive Mistake ASAP”

Billionaire Nicole Shanahan Puts Far-Left Sen. Warnock on Notice — Vows to ‘Correct Her Massive Mistake’ in Funding His Campaign: “I’ll Be Correcting That Massive Mistake ASAP”
January 31, 2025

Nicole Shanahan (Screenshot: Youtube)

Billionaire philanthropist Nicole Shanahan has put far-left Senator Rafael Warnock on notice following his critical stance against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

This showdown occurred shortly after Kennedy’s compelling testimony before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday.

Warnock criticized Kennedy’s reluctance to commit to controlling healthcare premium spikes and his failure to distance himself from his views about the CDC.

“I’m voting NO on Mr. Kennedy’s nomination to lead [Department of Health and Human Services].

“He wouldn’t commit to working to prevent health care premium spikes & didn’t denounce his conspiracy theories about the CDC, which employs thousands of Georgians. I won’t support a nominee whose policies hurt Georgians.”

Shanahan, who has previously bankrolled Democrat campaigns, including Warnock’s own, fired back with a scathing response.

She reminded the senator of her crucial financial contributions during the 2020 Georgia Senate runoffs that arguably secured his seat.

“Man do I regret ever helping you,” said Shanahan.

“The only reason you’re in that seat is because I sent massive financial support to Shirley Sherrod’s c4 to mobilize rural Georgia during the 2020 runoff. I’ll be correcting that massive mistake asap. You’re awful.”

Having been RFK Jr.’s running mate during his brief presidential campaign before he endorsed Donald Trump, Shanahan has become a vocal advocate for his confirmation.

She has threatened to leverage her substantial financial resources against any senator who opposes Kennedy’s nomination, indicating a new, aggressive stance in political advocacy.

She said in a video statement:

“I urge everyone to call their U.S. Senators over the following days and demand they vote yes on Bobby’s nomination. He is more than qualified, he’s proven, principled, and prepared to lead. I’ll list, I’ll share a list below of key Senators. If they represent your state, they need to hear from you.

If they don’t, please call your own Senator and ask them to vote yes. We need as many votes as we can get. So this hasn’t been widely reported, but in 2020, I cut large checks to Chuck Schumer to help Democrats flip two Senate seats in Georgia from red to blue.

The two candidates I helped elect, Senator Raphael Warnock and Senator Jon Ossoff, please know I will be watching your votes very closely. I will make it my personal mission that you lose your seats in the Senate if you vote against the future health of America’s children.

And more than that, I also want to say to Senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy, Tom Tillis, James Lankford, Cory Booker, John Fetterman, Bernie Sanders, and Catherine Cortez Masto, this is a bipartisan message and it comes directly from me.

While Bobby may be willing to play nice, I won’t. If you vote against him, I will personally fund challengers to primary you in your next election and I will enlist hundreds of thousands to join me. Big Pharma and Big Ag have exploited us for far too long.

It ends now. You’re either on the side of transparency and accountability or you are standing in the way. The choice is yours.”

Read more:

Billionaire Philanthropist Nicole Shanahan Puts Senate on Notice — Vote to Confirm RFK Jr. or I Will ‘Personally Fund’ Primary Challenges (VIDEO)

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Author: Jim Hᴏft

RFK Jr. Lands Heavy Blow on ‘Socialist’ Bernie Sanders After Calling Him Out Face-to-Face for Pocketing Millions from Big Pharma

RFK Jr. Lands Heavy Blow on ‘Socialist’ Bernie Sanders After Calling Him Out Face-to-Face for Pocketing Millions from Big Pharma

RFK Jr. Lands Heavy Blow on ‘Socialist’ Bernie Sanders After Calling Him Out Face-to-Face for Pocketing Millions from Big Pharma
January 31, 2025

RFK Jr. delivered a scorching indictment of Bernie Sanders’ financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry (Screenshot: C-SPAN)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. came out swinging at Vermont senator Bernie Sanders for his deep-pocketed ties to Big Pharma during the second day of confirmation hearings for the new head of Health and Human Services (HHS).

RFK Jr. wasted no time in pointing out the blatant corruption in Washington, and he wasn’t about to let Sanders off the hook.

“By the way, Bernie, the problem of corruption is not just in the federal agencies—it’s in Congress too,” Kennedy said.

“Almost all the members of this panel, including yourself, are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry and protecting their interests,” Kennedy challenged the socialist senator, drawing applause from the audience.

Sanders, visibly flustered, tried to wriggle out of the accusation.

“Oh no, no, no… No, no, no,” he blurted out, attempting to cut off Kennedy. “I ran for president like you. I got millions and millions of contributions. They did not come from the executives. Not one nickel of PAC money from the pharmaceutical industry. They came from workers.”

Kennedy wasn’t buying the excuse. “In 2020, you were the single largest recipient of pharmaceutical dollars,” he shot back

The Vermont senator, caught red-handed, tried to downplay the revelation. “Workers from all over this country—workers with a skill—gave to my campaign,” he insisted. “Not a nickel from corporate money.”

But Kennedy refused to let him off the hook. “Bernie, you were the single largest acceptor of pharmaceutical dollars. $1.5 million.”

Sanders, now scrambling, weakly replied, “Yeah, out of $200 million.”

According to OpenSecrets, a nonprofit organization that tracks campaign finance data, Sanders received the most direct funding from Pharma lobbyists in the Senate in 2020.

Source: OpenSecrets

Sanders was also the second-largest recipient of pharmaceutical or health product donations in 2016, receiving over $439,000.

The socialist senator has made a career out of duping his supporters into believing he’s a principled fighter for the people, while behind the scenes, he plays the same old Washington game—raking in cash and protecting the establishment.

RFK Jr. just ripped the mask off, and Bernie’s socialist charade is crumbling faster than his credibility.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft