Former Democratic Operative Pens Damning Indictment After DNC Experience:  ‘The Democratic Party Has Lost Its Way Entirely’

Former Democratic Operative Pens Damning Indictment After DNC Experience: ‘The Democratic Party Has Lost Its Way Entirely’

Former Democratic Operative Pens Damning Indictment After DNC Experience: ‘The Democratic Party Has Lost Its Way Entirely’
September 19, 2024

Credit: @evanwch/X

The Gateway Pundit reported on Evan Barker, a former Obama intern and lifelong Democrat, who left the party after what she saw as a volunteer at the Democratic National Convention.

On Tuesday, Barker, in an op-ed for Newsweek, expanded on why she became so “disenchanted” with Democrat leadership despite raising “tens of millions of dollars” for them and why she left the party.

Initially, Barker said she was “thrilled” to volunteer at the DNC after dedicating much of her career to working in ‘progressive politics.’

Although she expected to come away from the experience with a renewed faith in the Democrat Party, instead, she found herself disillusioned and feeling that the party is “totally out of touch with everyday Americans and their pressing needs.”

Barker shares that she was raised in a family of blue-collar union Democrats near Kansas City, a “long ways away from the glitz, glamor, and ostentatious wealth I’d become accustomed to seeing in and around Democratic politics.”

From Newsweek:

My family background is messy. But there was one constant: Many of my family members are proud construction workers and lifelong union members. I grew up believing that the Democrats were our party.

Fast forward to today, and many of those same family members are no longer Democrats. They feel the party has changed, left them behind.

At the DNC, I couldn’t help but think about my family. Every time the elites chanted “We’re not going back,” what I heard was, “We’re not going back to the party your union family members used to vote for.”

Her conclusion: “The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely.”

Barker shares, “They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent, in their language. Their tone is condescending and paternalistic.”

She concluded, “They peddle giveaways to the college-educated like student loan forgiveness plans that disproportionately help their base, snubbing the majority of the country without a four-year degree, and then offer no tangible plans for true reform.”

Evan shared on X, “After years working inside Democrat campaigns, I see it now—the system isn’t broken, it’s working as designed.”

“I’m done with the Democrats & I’m #NotGoingBack.”

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Author: Margaret Flavin

Escalation Dominance:  The Israelis Decimate Hezbollah

Escalation Dominance:  The Israelis Decimate Hezbollah

Escalation Dominance:  The Israelis Decimate Hezbollah
September 19, 2024

A multi-phase operation was initiated by the three thousand or so simultaneous pager blasts on Tuesday, September 17 in Lebanon.  The next day other items such as handheld radios and solar arrays also blew up.  The operation was likely related to Israel, but besides the Prime Minister donning sunglasses and rejecting the James Bond moniker for his own name, there’s no official confirmation.  The pager operation was one of the greatest covert operations ever. It was brilliantly planned and executed.

The ability to interdict the supply chain, place the small explosive charges, and have the pagers delivered to Hezbollah operatives was the greatest ever targeted, mass carnage on a terrorist group.  The devastating operation significantly wounded and killed almost 3,000 Hezbollah members, likely heavy in leadership cadre.  The operation appears to be ongoing as a second wave of other personal electronics blew up on Wednesday – often during burials of the dead terrorists.

The targeted eliminations were possibly a preparatory strike for larger Israeli action to destroy Hezbollah once and for all.  On Wednesday, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announced “a new phase in the war” as Israeli forces lifted and shifted from Gaza and other borders toward the north of Israel.

Israel has shown a decisive advantage in what’s called “Escalation Dominance.”  Iran started this war on October 7, 2023, using their proxy of Hamas.  Iran had spent a year funding, equipping, and training the “3H Club” of Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah.  Hamas is now almost eliminated in Gaza, and the Houthis continue to harass Red Sea shipping but have been severely degraded.  The overseer of the Middle East Theater of Conflict is Iran, as the world is set on fire by the Chinese Communist arson campaign.  Israel has roughed up and humiliated Iran.

In another decisive, remote access operation, the remaining Hamas Leader, Ismail Haniyeh was blown up at his guest apartment in Tehran.  The bomb apparently having been placed months in advance.  In April, when Iran attempted the largest barrage of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones ever to strike against Israel, the score was at least 350 to 0, not including missiles blown up on the launch pad by coordinated cyber effects.

Many are wondering what happened, who did it, and how did it happen regarding the epic Pager Operation.  Here are the key takeaways:

Importance of Trusted Supply Chain: The Pager Operation was likely conducted by the operators understanding and penetrating the production and distribution of the pagers.  Supply Chain surveillance is complicated and difficult, but very important. You have to have trust and confidence down to the piece part of all incoming components and major end items.  The American Government has been mostly concerned with software bugs and other capabilities being inserted into national security products that allow intelligence gathering, internet access, or perhaps remote access and “takeover” of the product.  Embedded, small explosive charges are a new angle.

Intersection of Cyber and Kinetics: This operation took exhaustive planning. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Big Data Analytics helped collect and analyze the data to support the storyboarding of the whole concept of operation (CONOP) and the execution of the CONOP.  There were many moving parts and variables, AI enablement was needed to understand all the possible issues when a change was detected in the kill chain.  Cyber was blended with decisive kinetic effects to wreak carnage.

Precise Targeting: These devices, with small charges, for the most part, largely hit only the intended recipient. If someone had one of the pagers, they were very likely terrorists. Hezbollah has been a designated Terrorist Organization since 1997.  Hezbollah has a long history of terrorist killings; no remorse should be shown for them.  In 1983 over 300 U.S. Marines, Sailors, French Paratroopers, U.S. Embassy staff, and innocent civilians were killed in bombings by Hezbollah.

Mass impact and effect: Thousands were wounded or killed, and it is ongoing. This significantly degrades the entire Hezbollah force.  With the announcement of a northward focus and shift in forces, the Pager Operation can be looked at as the opening artillery barrage by Israel, and it was devastating.  It successfully eviscerated, en masse, Hezbollah leadership.

Escalation Dominance: The Israelis have once again shown, though tiny, they have the reach, depth, agility, and pervasive presence to hit back hard against Hezbollah, which works for Iran, which works for China.  Iran started this war but now seems wobbly as its proxies are chewed up and Israel strikes at will inside of Iran.

Psychological Operations: Hezbollah had switched to pagers to reduce their vulnerability to Israeli signals intelligence. Now they can’t trust pagers or any delivered electronic device. This operation could have been pulled off with coffeemakers. Maybe coffee makers are the next round. Hezbollah has now been conditioned to not trust anything, including each other. Keeping Hezbollah hyper-paranoid degrades their capability and leads to massive infighting.

Be careful of playback: The US and Israel have shown great innovation over the years. However, the terrorists and China study the US and Israel in incredible detail and learn from us. The U.S. Government buys small electronics on a massive scale. Supply Chain Surveillance is a high priority but is not perfect.  Has China already played this back against us?  Will F-35 engines disintegrate on command via remote access operations?  Will Government Cell phones do interesting things on command?  Be very careful and start double-checking.

This was a great victory against terrorists, who are working on behalf of Iran, and Iran is owned by China. Celebrate, but be vigilant. This is far from being over.

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Author: John Mills

AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security – Team Issues Statement Calling the Ordeal a ‘Misunderstanding’ of Company Policy

AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security – Team Issues Statement Calling the Ordeal a ‘Misunderstanding’ of Company Policy

AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security – Team Issues Statement Calling the Ordeal a ‘Misunderstanding’ of Company Policy
September 19, 2024

A loyal Arizona Cardinals fan and Trump supporter was hassled by a stadium employee to throw away her MAGA hat before she could enter the stadium and enjoy the football game she purchased tickets for.

The Arizona Cardinals have officially stated that an employee’s actions in ejecting a fan for wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat were due to a ‘misunderstanding’ of the company’s policies, which it has apologized for, according to 12 News.

Susan Rosener, a loyal season ticket holder for 34 years, was at State Farm Stadium for the Cardinals’ first regular season game when she encountered an overzealous security staff member.

As she passed through security with her black MAGA hat, the employee asserted without hesitation that she could not bring “political hats or shirts” into the stadium.

In their statement, the Cardinals acknowledged that political attire is not banned and emphasized that this incident stemmed from a “misinterpretation” by the employee.

“Moving forward we will work to provide clarity to all stadium personnel in these situations,” they said. While I appreciate the team’s commitment to clarifying their policies, the situation should never have occurred in the first place.

Rosener said that she felt like the security officer targeted her specifically because of her political affiliation.

“I am super freedom of speech. I could care less if someone had a Kamala Harris hat or T-shirt on,” Rosener said. “I do feel like part of the problem was this security woman definitely had a bias with my hat,” she exclaimed.

The apology from the Arizona Cardinals seemingly falls short of the necessary accountability that should accompany a blatant act of discrimination and the individual responsible for enforcing this erroneous policy should face appropriate disciplinary measures.

An apology itself does not change the fact that the employee acted out of bias, targeting Rosener specifically for her political beliefs—an unacceptable violation of her rights as an American citizen.

If the Cardinals truly value all their fans, they must take a strong stand against these actions that silence or marginalize conservative viewpoints. Anything less would not only undermine their apology but also suggest that such bias is permissible in their ranks.

Senate nominee Kari Lake, commented on the issue, suggesting that every America loving Cardinals fan should wear a MAGA hat to every game this season.

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Author: Miriam Judith

Inside J6 Podcast – Special Guest John Cameron Goes From ‘Apolitical’ to Full-Blown MAGA in Just Three Months!

Inside J6 Podcast – Special Guest John Cameron Goes From ‘Apolitical’ to Full-Blown MAGA in Just Three Months!

Inside J6 Podcast – Special Guest John Cameron Goes From ‘Apolitical’ to Full-Blown MAGA in Just Three Months!
September 19, 2024

Inside J6 Podcast is brought to you by  Consider donating to help J6ers purchase the everyday items we take for granted from the gulag commissary.

Tonight’s episode will begin at 8pm EST and will feature J6er Brian Korte.  You can watch the episode by downloading the Rumble app or watch online here.

On last week’s Inside J6 Podcast hosted by The Gateway Pundit and Blessed.News, special guest John Cameron talked about his personal experience going from ‘apolitical’ in October 2020 to full-blown MAGA in the aftermath of the 2020 election and lead-up to January 6th.

During the news portion of the show, we covered the Department of Homeland Security naming January 6th, 2025 as a “National Special Security Event” and comparing the level of protection to the Super Bowl.  The Gateway Pundit reported on this designation last week.  This is an interesting development as we previously reported on Rep. Jamie Raskin telling an audience at a DC bookstore that he will move Congress to disqualify President Trump under the 14th Amendment if he wins the 2024 Presidential Election.

We also heard testimony from J6 defendant Treniss Evans in front of a special live hearing last week in front of a panel of congressmen.  Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene hosted the event featuring Evans as well as The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuova, Jessica Rivera, Brandy Bowen, Eden Quainton, and attorney Jonathan Gross.

Evans revealed that the gulags housing J6 political prisoners are indoctrinating them with “reeducation” material that is being provided to J6ers.  Evans stated that previously, prisoners would receive classes on plumbing, or electrical training;  stuff that would translate to civilian life.  However, J6ers are instead being offered classes on “Trump’s Big Lie” and how Trump ‘attacked our democracy.’

After the news portion, John Cameron joined the show to tell his fascinating story about going from a non-political citizen until the Hunter Biden laptop story.  At that point, he began to read into the censorship apparatus and began to see how the media was portraying Donald Trump in the most negative light possible.

He also discussed the fallout from a J6 guilty plea regarding his family and friends.  It’s a bittersweet story of his own personal awakening and the reluctance of those closest to him to accept his political ideologies.

You can watch the entire show below, or download the Rumble app and follow The Gateway Pundit to watch on the app.

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Author: Brian Lupo

A Pastor’s Guidance for Voting

A Pastor’s Guidance for Voting

A Pastor’s Guidance for Voting
September 19, 2024

Guest post by retired US Army officer Paul S. Gardiner

(Author’s Note: After the recent presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the voting guidance offered herein should help to decide which candidate to choose.)

On September 8, 2024, Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel, Leesburg, Virginia, delivered an Election Day Sermon 2024 which is highly recommended to view in full here.

In his message, Pastor Hamrick stressed that Americans need to vote for political candidates who most closely align with biblical values in the policies they espouse and will promote if elected to public office. Policies aligning with biblical values promote righteousness, are good for the nation, and honor God.

Before beginning his main election message, Pastor Hamrick gave a brief history lesson about how until relatively recently, Christians and the Christian church have been intricately involved in the nation’s political process and governance prior to and after the establishment of America’s constitutional republic.

There is no mention of “separation of church and state” in the US Constitution or any other founding documents. Regarding religious liberty, the purpose of the First Amendment is to keep the government out of the business of the church, not the church out of the business of the government. **

Pastor Hamrick stated that Americans, especially Christians, must vote to help protect the freedoms entrusted to the nation by God lest they be lost. If many Christians decide not to vote, then evil will rush into this vacuum.

Pastor Hamrick presented three important factors for voting that Americans need to consider regarding the upcoming election:

1) God uses flawed, sinful people to be public servants to carry out God’s plans for humanity. Quoting the Pastor, “A nation will not thrive because of the righteousness of a leader but will thrive because of the righteousness of the policies promoted by the leader”.

2 People need to vote for policies, not personalities; the likeability of a particular candidate must not overshadow his/her policies that will live long after the candidate’s political service.

3) Voting is not just a right; it is a duty. Of the estimated 90 million Christians living in America, roughly 55 million either do not vote or are not registered to vote! It is urgent that this situation change for the November 2024 election.

Regarding voting for policies over personalities, Pastor Hamrick stated that there is no perfect political candidate. A candidate’s likeability should not be the determining factor in voting for him or her—what matters is that the candidate promotes righteous policies for the good of the nation.

Pastor Hamrick listed seven important policy areas where voters need to determine if a particular candidate best aligns with biblical values in these areas:

1) Judges. Because righteous judges are biblical (Isaiah 1:26), voters should ask which candidate will appoint the best judges who will make rulings based on biblical values such as sanctity of life, parental rights, etc., and also honor freedoms guaranteed in the US Constitution?

2) National borders. Because national borders are biblical (Acts 17:26), voters should ask which candidate will best protect America’s national borders and national security?

3) Support for Israel. Because support of Israel is biblical (Genesis 12:3), voters should ask which candidate will best support the nation of Israel?

4) Biological sex. Because biological sex is designed by God in the womb, voters should ask which candidate will best protect God’s design of biological sex verses a candidate who supports and promotes transgenderism and other alternative lifestyles?

5) Religious liberty. Because religious liberty and freedom of conscience is enshrined in the First Amendment, voters should ask which candidate will best preserve religious liberty and America’s conscience?

6) Family. Because parental rights are being severely challenged in many states and children are being targeted by a progressive evil agenda, voters should ask which candidate best supports the rights of parents to teach, train, and raise their children without interference from government officials?

7) Life. The question to ask is which candidate will best protect the life of the unborn? Current policy of the Democrat Party is to support abortion up until the moment of birth, whereas the emerging policy of the Republican Party is to support abortion up to 15 weeks of a pregnancy under limited conditions such as rape and incest.

Pastor Hamrick challenged Americans “—to stem the tide of evil in our land until the Lord Jesus returns.”  He urged Americans to vote for candidates who most closely represent biblical values in the policies they will support and have supported in the past. Policies and actions are what truly matter, not a candidate’s likeability. In closing, Pastor Hamrick quoted Frederick Douglas: “I would unite with anyone to do right and nobody to do wrong.”

** See article here for additional background on early Christian involvement in America and here for a short 15-minute video by Kirk Cameron and historian Dr. Marshall Foster about the important historical message of America’s National Monument to the Forefathers dedicated in 1889 at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Paul S. Gardiner is a retired US Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolia, University of Alabama, and the US Army War College.

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