BRAZIL MOVES: Bolsonaro Gathers Hundreds of Thousands at Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, To Demand Amnesty and Freedom for the Political Prisoners of January 8 (VIDEOS)
March 16, 2025

Rio de Janeiro: hundreds of thousands gathjer for amnesty and for Jair Bolsonaro.

It’s a lovely Sunday morning in later-Summer Rio de Janeiro, as the oppressive heat is finally giving way to more civilized temperatures.

In the world-famous Copacabana Beach, a never-ending stream of Brazilian patriots is congregating to peacefully protest the fact that there are still scores of political prisoners – many still incarcerated without trial – as a result of the riots of January 8th, 2023.

The socialist government of Lula da Silva took a page from the US J6 ‘insurrection’, and has kept law-abiding citizens that did nothing wrong in prison for years, now.

Bolsonaro is speaking to the crowd: look whose banner he made a point of standing behind!

As the popularity of Lula is falling down faster than a ton of rocks, Brazilians want to make a show of force and pressure the detestable government and powerless congress into giving amnesty to those who can’t speak for themselves.

The peaceful protest was called by former president Jair Bolsonaro and other conservative leadership, and as usual is taking place on a Sunday – because conservative working people can’t protest on weekdays like leftists paid for by USAID and George Soros.

Needless to say, leftist organizations and the decadent MSM try to say that the event has flopped, and they share images from very early morning, before it even started, to suggest very few people are attending. But you can see for yourself just how massive it is.

Read more:

BRAZILIAN POLITICAL STORM: Bolsonaro’s Son Targeted in Federal Police Raid – Two Bolsonaro Deputies Also Targeted — Just Like the Democrat Party Here at Home!




The post BRAZIL MOVES: Bolsonaro Gathers Hundreds of Thousands at Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, To Demand Amnesty and Freedom for the Political Prisoners of January 8 (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Paul Serran