BREAKING: North Carolina’s state election board has removed 747,000 ineligible voters from its rolls over the past twenty months, representing about 10% of all registrations. Removals were because voters died, failed to vote the last two cycles, moved out of state, committed felonies, or changed addresses without re-registering.

This is a HUGE win in a must-win state.

Keeping elections fair means aggressively updating the voter rolls to remove invalid voters. Unsurprisingly, it’s always Democrats who want to keep these updates from happening.

@GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸

The Hill
North Carolina removes 747,000 from voter rolls, citing ineligibility

North Carolina’s State Board of Elections has removed 747,000 people from its list of registered voters within the last 20 months, officials announced Thursday in a press release. The State Board o…