The war in Gaza has turned many western societies into powder kegs of social tension. And the United Kingdom is no exception.

A few days after a Tory MP was suspended from his party for saying that London’s mayor Sadiq Khan was controlled by Islamists, the issue has taken a much bigger proportion.

Pro-Palestine protesters are weaponizing the already grave problem of migrant violence, and terrorizing MPs in a way that has mobilized Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s attention.

Shouted accusations of being a ‘genocide enabler’ and having ‘blood on your hands’ are feared to be about to escalate into violence against politicians who support Israel.

Some politicians are considering new security measures, such as sitting near the door on public transport and limits meetings with the public.

Reuters reported:

“After the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that sparked the war in Gaza, more than 10 British politicians spoken to by Reuters said the abuse directed at them had become more intense. At least one cited this as a factor in deciding not to seek a new term in parliament in an election later this year.

All spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were fearful that giving their names would increase the threats and abuse.

The conflict in the Palestinian enclave has inflamed tensions across the globe, bringing protesters onto the streets in support of both sides and dividing opinion among leaders over how to end the bloodshed.”

Even seasoned politicians used to receiving abuse from the public fear the tone has worsened a lot, and could easily slip into violence.

Many are considering wearing ‘stab vests’ in meetings or even building safe rooms.

“Last week, parliamentary speaker Lindsay Hoyle sent parliament into chaos when he broke with precedent to allow the three main parties to set out their positions on a call for a ceasefire in Gaza. That was designed to prevent lawmakers from having to choose between backing a ceasefire, abstaining or voting against one to follow their party orders.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called on all sides to ‘take the heat’ out of the issue but some of his Conservative lawmakers have been accused of Islamophobia in their responses. They deny the charge.”

$39 million will be spent in new security provisions for lawmakers and other officials.

Some lawmakers have decided to quit over intolerable threats.

The Guardian reported:

“In comments that have concerned civil liberties groups, the prime minister also demanded a crackdown on protests outside parliament, political parties’ offices and town halls that may prevent use of a venue or ’cause alarm harassment or distress’.”

Ministers have criticized regular mass protests, which have escalated over the Israel-Gaza conflict, and disruptive tactics used by groups such as Just Stop Oil.

“Downing Street said ministers and senior police agreed to sign up to a new ‘democratic policing protocol’ that would see police treat demonstrations outside MPs homes as ‘intimidatory’, a minimum standard of police response to demonstrations against MPs and guidance for officers policing protests and other “democratic” events.

During the meeting Sunak told police chiefs they had to demonstrate they would use the powers they already have, saying it was ‘vital for maintaining public confidence in the police’.

In a stark assessment of the UK’s political processes, he added: ‘There is a growing consensus that mob rule is replacing democratic rule. And we’ve got to collectively, all of us, change that urgently. But we also need to demonstrate more broadly to the public that you will use the powers you already have, the laws that you have’.”

Read more:

British PM Sunak Again Faces Friendly Fire by Tories, Accused of Betraying Brexit and Bowing To European Woke Legislation

The post British PM Sunak: Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Descending Into ‘Mob Rule’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.