California City Addresses Homeless Issue by Passing Sweeping Ban on Camping on Public Property
February 15, 2025

Homeless camps have been an ongoing problem for cities across the country for several years now, particularly in California.

In Fremont, the city council has addressed the problem by passing a sweeping bill which bans camping on all public property. It’s the sort of measure you could never imagine passing in Los Angeles, which has a massive problem with homelessness.

The Fremont ban acknowledges the fact that when you have homeless people camping out on sidewalks, it interferes with the lives of everyone else who lives in the city.

FOX News reported:

California city passes sweeping homeless encampment ban on all public property

A California city passed one of the nation’s strictest anti-homeless encampment ordinances to combat the ongoing crisis.

The Fremont City Council voted 6-1 Tuesday night in favor of the law which bans camping on any public property “including any street, sidewalk, park, open space, waterway, or banks of a waterway or any private property not designated and equipped for such camping” as well as “any land designated as a high fire risk area.”

“The purpose of this chapter is to maintain streets, parks and other public and private areas within the city in a clean, sanitary and accessible condition and to adequately protect the health, safety and public welfare of the community, while recognizing that, subject to reasonable conditions, camping and camp facilities associated with special events can be beneficial to the cultural and educational climate in the city,” the ordinance read.

It continued, “The use of streets and public areas within the city for camping purposes or for storage of personal property interferes with the rights of the public to use these areas for which they were intended.

The terms of the ban are pretty serious by California standards.

Some people in Fremont contended that the ban was too severe, but it’s simply a reaction to a problem that has gotten out of control in too many communities.

The post California City Addresses Homeless Issue by Passing Sweeping Ban on Camping on Public Property appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Mike LaChance