State Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman, a Democrat, sharply criticized her own party during a debate on Senate Bill 1414. (Screenshot: Digital Democracy)

California State Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) publicly criticized her own Democratic party for their stance on legislation designed to combat child sex trafficking.

The controversy centers on Senate Bill 1414 (SB 1414), which was debated in the California Senate last Thursday, May 23rd.

SB 1414, introduced by Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), aims to make soliciting sex from a minor a felony.

This measure aims to address the issue of child sex trafficking by imposing harsher penalties on those who purchase sex from minors.

Currently, solicitation of a minor for sex is classified as a misdemeanor, which can result in a maximum penalty of one year in county jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

SB 1414 proposes upgrading this crime to a felony, with penalties including a prison sentence of 2 to 4 years and a fine of up to $25,000. The bill also mandates registration as a sex offender for those convicted of this offense.

However, the Senate Public Safety Committee’s amendments have diluted the bill’s original intent. The committee proposed reducing the severity of penalties for offenders soliciting older minors (16- and 17-year-olds), an action that has been met with strong disapproval from advocates of the bill who believe it undermines efforts to protect all minors from exploitation.

“Selling sex has been within human cultures for millennia. It is a very difficult area of law to get into,” said Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley).

During the hearing, Democrat State Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman delivered an explosive rebuke of her own party’s stance.

“I’d like to say, as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children,” she said.

“I don’t want more people in prison, but I don’t want people buying girls. I don’t want people buying little girls anymore.”

Eggman, who is also a mental health professional and social worker, spoke about her experiences working with individuals deeply wounded by abuse.

“I can tell you, I’ve spent my entire career working with people who have been wounded… by the abuse that’s been heaped on them, oftentimes by those that they love and look to protect them,” she said. “If their parents won’t do it, then by God, we should.”

Eggman continued her explosive speech by affirming the need for a moral stand against child exploitation.

“Again, I am not arguing that we open the gates to flood our prisons with people, but I am arguing that we have a moral responsibility to say, enough, enough. We have given away enough on this area, and we’ve got to move back into the center, or we all look like fools and laughing stocks, and what do we stand for?”

She concluded her explosive speech by urging her colleagues to prioritize child protection and reject the status quo.

“But the rest of you who are going to be here for a while, let’s get our stuff together and really start focusing on some of the important things. We talk about learning, and we talk about being safe. This is like at the core of it. And a lot of these kids can be throwaway kids,” she said.

“They’re poor kids, they’re kids of color, but they shouldn’t have to live a life determined by what happens to them by others at a very young age and by having the Democratic Party of California say, it’s okay. It’s not okay. And I’m not doing it anymore. And I hope none of you do, too. We have to be able to draw a line. And for me, I’m drawing a line. I urge your aye vote.”

Hat Tip Cramer Sez.



Susan Talamantes walks away from the Democrat party in California after 12 years !!

“I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children.”

“I don’t want people buying little girls anymore. And I’m tired of saying it’s okay…

— TONY (@TONYxTWO) May 30, 2024

Several prominent far-left ‘social justice’ organizations have positioned themselves against the bill designed to escalate penalties for those convicted of purchasing or soliciting sex from minors.

These groups, often advocating for broad criminal justice reform and reduced incarceration, argue that the bill might disproportionately impact marginalized communities and lead to increased prison populations.

The organizations opposing the bill include:

ACLU California Action
California Public Defenders Association
Californians for Safety and Justice
Californians United for a Responsible Budget
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Initiate Justice
Initiate Justice Action
Pacific Juvenile Defender Center
Rubicon Programs
San Francisco Public Defender’s Office
Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos
Young Women’s Freedom Center

We are finding out what evil is really like. It can be recalled that Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law that protects sex offenders who have sex with minors of the same sex.

California Senate Bill 145 was signed into law in 2020 and addresses the state’s sex offender registry laws, specifically regarding young LGBTQ+ individuals.

The bill, authored by State Senator Scott Wiener, aims to eliminate discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth by allowing judges to have the same discretion in cases of oral and anal sex as they do with vaginal intercourse involving minors aged 14 to 17 and adults within a 10-year age range.

In other words, Scott Wiener is arguing that a 14-year-old boy can actually consent to sex with a 24-year-old grown man (predator).

Democrats truly are perverted. They love criminals and crime!

The post California Democrat State Senator Blasts Her Own Party for Protecting Child Predators in Explosive Speech (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.