Can Our Elections Be Stolen By Fake Overseas Voters? WATCH The Top US UOCAVA Expert Answer This Question and More [VIDEO]
October 22, 2024

On Monday, Jim Hoft, Editor and Publisher of The Gateway Pundit, and The Gateway Pundit Investigative Journalist Patty McMurray sat down with UOCAVA Expert and Professional Investigator Heather Honey.

During our interview, we discussed the potential risks of allowing non-military, overseas voters to vote in our elections without having to prove their identity or even their citizenship in many cases.

Recently, the potential Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) crisis came to our attention when Democrats began telegraphing that overseas voters could be the key in 2024 to winning and perhaps even overturning the election results one week or more AFTER the election.

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Heather Honey has been working with attorney Erick Kaardal on several lawsuits in swing states, including Pennsylvania, where five US congressmen are suing the top election officials in the must-win swing state for telling clerks to ignore any eligibility requirements for UOCAVA voters as required by state law.

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On Monday, lawsuits filed by the RNC against top election officials in North Carolina and Michigan that demanded UOCAVA voters prove they live in the state where they are registering to vote were dismissed.

Judges Reject RNC Lawsuits in Michigan and North Carolina on UOCAVA Ballots Allowing Overseas Voters to Cast Ballots in Michigan Despite Never Living There

MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, who has, to date, won 10 election-related lawsuits, gloated about the decision by the liberal Court of Claims Judge appointed by Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Democrats cleverly, don’t refer to UOCAVA voters as overseas voters, but instead as “US Military voters“ and their families. The media is helping them to push the false narrative that the GOP is trying to disenfranchise US Military voters by insisting overseas voters provide a valid form of ID and prove previous residency or residency tied to a parent or guardian living in the state where they are registering to vote.

According to Heather Honey’s research, which is available on Verity Vote, the number of US Military voters and their family members living overseas, make up a small percentage of UOCAVA voters.

During our interview, Honey explained, “I want to go back to where we started looking into this, which was in 2020” she said.

“One of—-So there are many surprising things about UOCAVA. First of all, most people, when they hear or talk about UOCAVA, they assume that it's the military vote. And so for me, the first thing that was surprising to me is that the vast majority of the UOCAVA voters are not military.”

She continued, “In fact, in 2020, nationwide, only about 37% of all UOCAVA ballots came from military folks and their family members. And then In 2022, the number was even smaller. Only about 35% were actually members of the military, and again, their dependents and family members.”

Heather continued, “That was surprising to me, and I think probably surprising to a lot of people, because when the media talks about these ballots, they always say ‘the military vote,’ and ‘We're waiting on the military vote.’”

Honey explained, “Sadly, it's just not the case. I mean, it's a very small percentage. And in fact, what we're seeing so far for 2024 is that Pennsylvania, right now, the numbers are only 17% military and military dependents. All the other ballots in Pennsylvania for UOCAVA are non-military.

Heather’s research shows a high percentage of non-military UOCAVA voters tend to vote for Democrats: 

The huge increase in overseas non-military ballots alone is a remarkable anomaly. The impact of this increase appears to have disproportionately benefited Democrat candidates. The only reported full hand recount of electronically returned UOCAVA ballots was conducted in Maricopa County, Arizona. The tally revealed a significant deviation from the razor-thin 50-50 results in the state. The presidential selection on the UOCAVA ballots favored Biden over Trump by approximately 74% to 26%.

Poll workers in other states reported similarly remarkable irregularities (Table 1). In Fulton County, GA, a hand recount of a batch of 950 UOCAVA ballots had zero votes for Trump-a curious 100% tally for Joe Biden. A poll worker in a Louisiana County reported 80% of the UOCAVA ballots were for Biden. In Cobb County, GA, a poll observer challenged the authenticity of the UOCAVA ballots when she realized that 80 to 90% were votes for Biden.

A judge of elections in Colorado, observed the tabulation of UOCAVA ballots and was alarmed that nearly 95% of the ballots were votes for Biden. In the City of Richmond, VA a poll work reports that a hand-tally of approximately one thousand ballots showed 85-90% Biden.

All states are required to submit data on UOCAVA voting after each Federal Election. The US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) distributes the Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) to all counties and individual election jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction reports the number of UOCAVA eligible voters, ballots transmitted, and ballots returned for both military and non-military voters in Section B of the EAVS. The EAC also delivers a report to congress on the data received from individual counties and election jurisdictions.

The 2020 FVAP report on non-military UOCAVA voting reported that, "In total, an estimated 224,139 votes were cast by overseas citizens in the 2020 General Election". The EAC's report to congress on the same group of voters offered an alarming discrepancy. The total number of overseas non-military ballots reported by counties on the EAVS was 573,000.

This result reveals an unexplained discrepancy of 349,000 extra non-military overseas ballots that impacted the 2020 Election but were not disclosed in the DoD's report on overseas.

Watch our interview with the amazing Heather Honey here:

Heather mentions interference in our elections by Iranian hackers during our interview. Stay tuned for our bombshell exclusive report on Wednesday morning at The Gateway Pundit to learn about the Iranian hackers' connection to UOCAVA voters.

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Author: Patty McMurray