Congressman Keith Self: Pennsylvania’s Call for Courage: Why Conservatives Like Scott Perry Are Needed to Save America
October 30, 2024
Guest post by Congressman Keith Self (R-TX)

As I sipped my sweet tea, disappointed by the Texas Longhorns’ turnovers to the Georgia Bulldogs, my thoughts quickly shifted when the face of my friend, Congressman Scott Perry, flashed across the large TV screen at the Champions Sports Bar in Highspire, Pennsylvania.
It was another vicious attack against Scott—filled with more lies of the left—dressed up in a slick 30-second ad. I heard about these ads and I can tell you that it’s one thing hearing about them but another thing actually seeing them. In fact, the attack ads were part of the reason I spent a weekend door-knocking for Congressman Perry and President Trump in Pennsylvania with two of my campaign volunteers from Texas.
In Congress, I am blessed to represent what political insiders call an R+10 district in the state of Texas. In layman’s terms, anything above R+6 is considered a “safe seat” (so long as you don’t “pull a Liz Cheney”). However, Scott’s seat is anything but safe. He shared with me that Democrat groups outside of his state are spending millions to take over Pennsylvania District 10, a crown jewel in this battleground state. Every vote, every speech, and every interview Scott has had in Congress is being combed through, manipulated, and ultimately re-manufactured by the Democrat Spin Machine and packed into lying campaign ads—the goal of which is to trouble and confuse the constituents Congressman Perry has faithfully served.
Being in a purple district, many consultants would have advised Scott to blend in as a more moderate Member of Congress. Sure, you can rail against the open border. Of course you can message on government reform. Heck, you can even be pro 2nd Amendment! Just vote with the Establishment, and everything will be OK.
But Scott Perry, a retired Army Brigadier General, did no such thing. Rather than succumb to the siren call of an easy political career, Scott has been front and center with me in every scrap, every scrum, and every battle that conservatives have taken on in the 118th Congress.
Like President Trump, Scott doesn’t back down from something he believes in. He will stand up even when it’s not politically expedient. My question is, why isn’t every “safe” Member in a solid red district standing firm like Scott? Why do some of our Republican House Members who campaign on being strong conservatives seem to lack the courage displayed by Scott Perry? The American people are looking for true patriots—not “conservatives” who go AWOL when the battle is against the Establishment.
In summary, Congressman Perry is respected by his constituents for setting a shining example for the Republican caucus of what real leadership looks like. The fate of America is at risk, and now is the time for every Republican House Member to do what is right—not play it safe—no matter the cost.
The post Congressman Keith Self: Pennsylvania’s Call for Courage: Why Conservatives Like Scott Perry Are Needed to Save America appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Rep. Keith Self