COVID TYRANNY GRADUATION: One Student Holds Vaccine and Mask Mandates Protest While Graduating the University of California Hellscape (Video)
March 16, 2025
James Rose tells his story about how he stormed center stage at his University of California graduation and removed his mask with a mandatory vaccine passport affixed.
As we surpass the half-decade mark since stay-at-home lockdown orders were imposed worldwide, we should cherish the sacred liberties stripped from us chiefly by Democrat officials thereafter – all in the name of defeating one virus with a survival rate exceeding 99% among Americans younger than 85.
We, the American people, complied when President Trump advised states to issue lockdown orders under the government campaign, “Fifteen days to slow the spread,” and sealed the U.S. border to China, saving millions of American lives.
When President Trump rightfully empowered the U.S. States and Counties to take control of all lockdowns and mandates, certain Americans became immediately free to enjoy their God-given, constitutional liberties, while millions more Americans suffered years of fascistic medical tyranny.
As a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2020, I personally suffered years of fascistic medical tyranny against my will.
On the very day that stay-at-home lockdown orders were imposed in California, my first countermove was to book a flight home to Missouri, where I would enjoy greater freedoms and live under less sweeping fear.
I spent the spring of 2020 in Missouri, before returning to Santa Barbara, where I was under contract to enter a lease at a spectacular oceanfront property. Everyday, I enjoyed perfect weather and panoramic Pacific Ocean views with my closest friends and ten beautiful women who lived in the adjoining property.
Consequently, I did not really mind that college classes took place on my computer while the student body remained barred from entering campus for fifteen months – shellshocked by a virus that could never defeat me.
As far as I was concerned, I would totally benefit from the ease of online classes; my grades would soar, and I would not be forced to stomach half as many biased remarks from leftist professors tormenting me in-person.
I would simply have to suffer California’s meaningless mask mandates in restaurants for over a year. So, I wore my muzzle when I stepped into public buildings, and I traveled throughout the country at will.
In September, 2020, Gavin Newsom’s government mailed me four excess election ballots, addressed to former tenants at my oceanfront property. If I wanted to cast five votes in the election, I merely needed to place my excess ballots in an unmanned drop box – but of course, I patriotically restrained.
Ultimately, after the Deep State uniparty, per Time Magazine, weaponized the pandemic in order to bypass American’s election provisions granted under Article 1, Section 4 of the United States Constitution and installed Joe Biden to the presidency, I experienced the exact righteous indignation as millions of my fellow Americans.
Tragically, however, we found ourselves powerless to correct the election result.
Then, eventually, the final blow to my freedoms came when California businesses mandated vaccine passports in addition to mask mandates. Finally, I decided: enough was enough.
In June, 2021, the University of California, Santa Barbara invited my entourage onto campus for the first time in fifteen months. The Office of the Chancellor concocted a trifling twenty minute ceremony for university graduates to walk onstage and be greeted by zero faculty or guests.
My basic instinct, of course, would be to boycott this insane event – but God had assigned me one final mission in Santa Barbara: I needed to give the finger to these useless California hacks who swindled me out of my $65,000 tuition, and locked me out of campus for a year.
So, I staged my triumphant return to university life – my grand finale as a student/serf – graduating in style. Wearing no cap or gown, I donned a mask that the University of California Graduation Committee implored me not to wear onstage.
I had affixed to my mask the COVID vaccine passport that the University of California mandated I present in order to convey myself. With complete confidence, I led the entourage of my closest friends.
Meanwhile, the Graduation Committee dullards passed out masks for us serfs to wear at the outdoor graduation ceremony, and the Committee evil-eyed my custom-made vaccine passport mask.
When I started to stride onstage, the University of California Graduation Committee Chair entreated me not to claim my hard-earned moment in the spotlight – even chasing after me – to no avail.
“NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!” the University of California Graduation Committee Chair wailed, as I carried out my peaceful protest.
Dressed like the hotshot film director that I am – and in deep homage to the man-in-black apparel of Steve Bannon, whose War Room podcast served as my Voice in the Dark during the 2020 election coup – I stormed center stage and removed my vaccine passport mask for the entire University of California faculty to see live on stream.
I was now dimly free to operate under the illegitimate Biden regime’s medical tyranny.
Fine, I resolved – I will be the voice of my generation.
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Author: James Rose