As the world reels from the years of Biden’s ineptitude and incompetence in handling world events, having inflamed the Russia-Ukraine war, mishandled various other crises causing untold death and devastation in contrast to President Trump’s years of global peace from 2017-2021, critics point out that Biden’s administration has turned a completely blind eye to the ongoing genocide of Christians in Nigeria where a reported 100,000 have been brutally murdered.

Nigeria: Several Christians were recently killed when Fulani Islamists attacked them in Bokkos, Plateau State. Here, the bodies of Celina Daniel (37), who was pregnant, and her 5-year-old daughter Juana are loaded for burial. Their loved ones grieve. They need help and prayers.

— Christian Emergency Alliance (@ChristianEmerg1) April 20, 2024

Muslims hacked at least 8,000 Nigerian Christians to death last year. Reports say the past year have been one of the deadliest in recent years. Christians represent 46% of Nigeria’s population. According to the Christian Post, Nigeria is the deadliest place in the world to follow Christ.

Last month, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, along with Senators Braun (R-IN) and Rubio (R-FL) sent a letter to the Biden State Department demanding an explanation for their inaction on this humanitarian crisis, noting that the State Department could better use available diplomatic tools to fight the ongoing genocide.

Said Senator Hawley: “You must not stand idly by while Nigerian Christians continue to be murdered for their faith. We urge you to immediately use the tools at your disposal and re-designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern. We will continue to conduct oversight and hold the Biden Administration accountable until you fulfill your obligation under the law.”

In February, left-wing leaders and the European Union attempted to shift blame for the Christian persecutions from Muslims to ‘climate change’ as having caused ‘tensions.’

The killings over the past year are part of a long-standing war against Christians, dating back to 2009 when Boko Haram started its murderous campaign in Africa’s most populous nation.

Map of Jihadist Massacres in Nigeria(2009 – 2020)

Their main target…Christians

— 𝑽 𝒊 𝒔 𝒊 𝒐 𝒏 (@VisionsVizionz) April 25, 2024

A Catholic non-profit, International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety), has complained that the media silence on this ongoing atrocity has made it a ‘silent genocide against Christians.’

The conflict has been going on for years, the UN condemned the situation last year. Other nonprofits have claimed this persecution against Christians and other minority groups has been going on for decades.

Former Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX), who was considered for an Ambassadorship in the Trump Administration and spent years on the Foreign Affairs Committee in the U.S. House, said this to the Gateway Pundit about the layered dimensions of the crisis in Nigeria and the left-wing response to bizarrely blame it all on global warming:

“One reason for this genocide is that the radical Muslims hate and want to rid Nigeria of Christians, as shown in the 299 murdered over Christmas 2023 in Plateau State. A second reason is that the corruption seeps into the highest ranks of generals, etc., who steal and don’t defend the Christians. A third reason seems to be that different parts of Nigeria, such as Plateau State, are rich in minerals and the Fulani Muslim militants want to take these resources for themselves. Yet the U.S. government and the U.N. excuse a lot of these murders and land grabbing, saying it’s all from ‘climate change.’”

The conflict, experts say, worsened after Muslim leaders took over Nigeria.

Democrat consultants to Barack Obama have been heavily involved in Nigerian elections. Obama consultant David Axlerod helped Muslim Muhammadu Buhari defeat then-President and Christian Goodluck Jonathan in 2015. President Jonathan was advised in that election by a different Democrat consultant, Joe Trippi.

former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan

Goodluck had won the Presidency in 2011 against Buhari by a margin of 59% to 32%. In 2015, Goodluck lost the rematch to Buhari by a vote of 45%-54%. Later studies indicated irregularities in the election where votes in regions supporting Goodluck may have been suppressed by being invalidated at a higher than normal rate.

Last year the UK Guardian claimed that international spies and agents with connections to the State Department and Cambridge Analytica had interfered in the 2015 Nigerian Presidential election, but on behalf of the Christian President Goodluck Jonathan.

Reports also claim that tens of thousands of homes, 18,500+ Christian places of worship, 1000 religious shrines and 2,500 Christian education centers have been destroyed. Over 59,000 square kilometers of land that belonged to native Christians and non-Muslims were taken over and their inhabitants expelled.

Nigeria has 218.5 million inhabitants, the African country is located on the Gulf of Guinea.

Some on Twitter have attempted to politicize the Nigerian Christian genocide by subtly contrasting it with the suffering of Palestinian civilians as part of current Israeli operations against Hamas in the wake of the October 7th terrorism. Israel suffered 1,200 casualties from Hamas on October 7th, and an estimated 34,000 Palestinians have died since Israel responded with military operations against Hamas. One commenter demanded to know why conservative commentator Candace Owens has not said more about the Nigerian genocide, and others used it to shame Christian pastors who speak out for Palestinians while remaining silent on the suffering in Nigeria.

Former Congressman Stockman said, “This genocide was funded with State Department dollars that went into the 2015 election, because Obama’s deep state didn’t want a Christian leader of a major African nation. Obama’s legacy after meddling in Nigerian elections is a mountain of dead black Christians.”

Messages left with the Embassy of Nigeria in Washington, DC went unanswered.

The post Critics Slam Biden Silence Over Christian Genocide in Nigeria, Estimated 100,000+ Dead Since ’09 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.