Hillary Clinton was spotted trying to dance “La Macarena” in Spain earlier this month and it may be the worst thing you’ve seen all day.

A news outlet in Spain trashed Hillary Clinton after she was spotted looking like an idiot trying to dance following a meeting in Madrid with the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Hillary Clinton brought the cringe with her during a trip to Sevilla on January 19,” The Olive Press, a news outlet in Spain wrote on X.

The news outlet blasted Hillary Clinton for having no clue of the “iconic dance.”

“She was called up to dance La Macarena with the original singers from Los del Río,” The Olive Press wrote. “She tried it gamely despite clearly having no clue of the iconic dance that accompanies the song.”


Hillary Clinton brought the cringe with her during a trip to Sevilla on January 19.
She was called up to dance La Macarena with the original singers from Los del Río.
She tried it gamely despite clearly having no clue of the iconic dance that accompanies the song. pic.twitter.com/N1Z8oCnO2y

— The Olive Press (@olivepress) January 22, 2024

The Olive Press reported:

FORMER US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was dragged up to throw hands to the iconic dance La Macarena during her recent trip to Sevilla.

Her trip coincided with the 30th anniversary of the 90’s classic, which went on to become an unofficial anthem of husband Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign in 1996.

And it just so happened that the tuxedoed duo who sang the original song, Los del Rio, were present at the Palacio de las Dueñas bash, held in Hillary’s honour.

The former first lady was quickly shanghaied into joining in with the sevillano duo as they did an impromptu rendition – complete with arm movements and sashays.

She took the imposition with good grace and tried gamely, despite looking a little alarmed. But it soon became clear that she had no clue about the dance routine.

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