Hope vs. Fear: Many Mature Americans Are Banking on President Trump Taking Gold and Silver Higher Again
March 23, 2025
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Americans are divided about whether to be hopeful or fearful about the economic future of America. It’s not a politically driven fear. Some Republicans and Democrats are hopeful. Some Republicans and Democrats are fearful.
At top-of-mind for millions of Americans is their retirement. There are dozens of options available to Americans when it comes to retirement savings. These accounts need the backing of valuable assets that range from stocks or bonds to cryptocurrency or real estate.
Under President Donald Trump, more Americans at or near retirement age are exploring physical precious metals like gold and silver to back their accounts. It makes sense based on both President Trump’s history (gold prices skyrocketed 51% in his first term) as well as his current policies.
Tariffs in particular have prompted a surge in both prices and interest from those wanting to back their retirement accounts with precious metals. Jonathan Rose, CEO of Genesis Gold Group, recently commented on the most common reasons he has been hearing from clients who are making the tax-free move to metals.
“There are two prevailing reasons people contact us about Genesis Gold IRA rollovers and transfers,” he said. “The biggest reason is fear because of the economic turmoil brewing across the globe, but the second reason is actually the opposite: hope.”
Rose said that trust in the Trump Administration’s plans has many Americans growing hopeful that they can ride out the storm, especially by backing their life’s savings with the oldest asset known to man.
He said there’s a reason gold is mentioned in the Bible from beginning to end.
“We named our company after the first book in the Bible where gold is originally mentioned, but just as importantly gold plays an important role in the last book of the Bible and everywhere in between,” he said. “This tells us that gold and silver are going to be of value all the way through to the end.”
President Trump’s America First plans are already generating results in the global economy. Gold and silver prices have responded just as he anticipated.
Adding to Americans’ hope for a stronger financial future under President Trump are two important factors. First, he wants to gain ground in trade by devaluing the U.S. Dollar. Second, he has called on the Federal Reserve to drop interest rates as soon as possible.
Both moves would likely benefit gold and silver prices dramatically.
“When people contact us because they’re hopeful about the future, we help them find the best options to fit their needs,” Rose said. “Those who contact us out of fear go down a similar path with one added step: We strive to give them hope because with precious metals backing their retirements, many of their concerns about the future melt away.”
Rose’s company specializes in helping mature Americans secure their retirement accounts with physical precious metals. Those interested in working with Genesis Gold Group should first request a free, definitive gold guide – click here to get yours today.
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