Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (left), former Governor Doug Duce (right)

RINO former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey endorsed fellow RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer for reelection in an announcement made on Thursday.

It should be remembered that RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who oversaw early voting in Lake’s stolen 2022 election for governor, founded and operated the Pro-Democracy Republicans dark money PAC aimed at eliminating candidates with a MAGA agenda and admits to voting for Democrats last election cycle. Richer also sued Kari Lake, alleging defamation after she spoke out against him for the corrupt election and his serious conflicts of interest. He would seemingly like nothing more than to see Kari Lake lose.

Richer is set to face Justin Heap and Don Hiatt in the the July 30 GOP Primary for Maricopa County Recorder. The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Heap, who is endorsed by Kari Lake, Rep. Andy Biggs, and Rep. Paul Gosar, savaged Richer at a candidate forum hosted by the Palo Verde Republican Women’s Club’s May 15 luncheon with one simple prompt for the audience: Please raise your hand if you personally or someone you know received an extra ballot at your house during the last election cycle.

It was over for Richer, who oversees early voting and mail-in ballots in Maricopa County, when nearly half of the crowd raised their hand and exposed the corruption in Richer’s current system.

This is not the first time Ducey has endorsed the Anti-MAGA candidate in a race. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Ducey previously endorsed open-borders RINO Karrin Taylor Robson in the August 2022 Primary Election for Arizona Governor against Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake.

The Gateway Pundit recently outlined in another report that Kari Lake is leading by a landslide in the polls for Arizona’s Senate seat, but things may turn sour for the Trump-Endorsed candidate, who almost lost the 2022 primary to mass voter disenfranchisement and potential fraud, again.

EXCLUSIVE: Poll Shows Kari Lake DOMINATING in GOP U.S. Senate Primary but Will Arizona’s Rigged Elections Favor Mark Lamb Who Has “Seen Zero Evidence” of Election Fraud? (VIDEO)

It can be recalled The Gateway Pundit and Cygnal Polling conducted a poll of likely Republican voters weeks before Kari Lake’s August 2, 2022 Arizona gubernatorial primary, which found that she led competitors by double digits. Then, shenanigans in the primary election made Lake’s race a nail-biter.

When the polls opened across Maricopa County, the printers were not working, and some voters were reportedly handed slips of paper with a phone number to call. Voters were also told to visit a different polling location if they wanted to have their vote counted. Some voters were reportedly told that they had already voted. 

Other issues were discovered statewide, and Pinal County even ran out of ballots at polling locations and turned voters away from the polls. Prior to this, Pinal County sent 63,000 erroneous ballots to voters leading up to the August 2nd Primary Election.

Many saw these issues as a trial run for the 2022 general election, in which 60% of machines in Maricopa County failed on election day, and other irregularities were detected statewide. Kari Lake reportedly lost the General Election by less than 1% to corrupt Democrat Katie Hobbs, who oversaw the election as Secretary of State.

Yet Kari Lake’s opponent, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, in a February 2023 Congressional Homeland Security Committee Hearing, said Trump lost his election and that he has “seen zero evidence” that election fraud had an impact in the 2020 election — even after the rigged midterms where irregularities occurred in his county during the Primary and General Elections, and 60% of machines in Maricopa County failed in the general election.

Ducey will presumably back Kari Lake’s opponent, Mark Lamb, in the Senate Primary, and it appears the fix is in.

Richer released an extensive statement via email to voters and on X today:

GOVERNOR DUCEY ENDORSEMENT — When I moved to Arizona at the end of 2015, the state had the best brand of Republican politics in the country. Principled conservatives of character and competence.

Our then-governor, Governor Doug Ducey, of course played a large role in setting that standard. And as I settled in and attended more political and professional events (especially a lot with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce), Governor Ducey repeatedly made promises that cemented this positive brand.

Governor Ducey promised to make Arizona one of the best business climates in the country (and he was succeeding).

Governor Ducey promised to keep Arizona out of late-night talk shows (and he was succeeding).

Governor Ducey promised an efficient, effective government that would improve government where it was needed, and remove government it where it wasn’t needed (and he was succeeding).

Governor Ducey promised to avoid the personal controversies that had plagued so many politicians, including some Arizona politicians (and he was succeeding).

Governor Ducey promised a serious, professional approach to the Governor’s Office that would resemble his work as a serious, professional CEO of a successful business (and he was succeeding).

Philosophically, my politics had been set long before moving to Arizona.

Since age 15 (weird?), I’d idolized the likes Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, Bill Buckley, and Richard Epstein (who as my teacher for two different degrees was … a little different than his writings… Hi Professor Epstein if you’re reading!!!). And I’d worked at places like American Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute, and the Washington Legal Foundation.

But in terms of elected officials, I had fewer north stars.

Governor Ducey became one.

And that’s why I’m so proud that today he is endorsing my campaign for reelection.

I’m endorsing Stephen Richer for reelection as Maricopa County Recorder because he is a conservative focused on efficient, lawful, and limited government.

As Recorder, Stephen led a massive voter roll cleanup and added safeguards into our county’s vote-by-mail process. And to protect homeowners from title fraud, he introduced the free Maricopa Title Alert service.

Stephen’s commitment to consistently improving government operations is what Maricopa County deserves; please join me in voting Richer for Recorder.

I’m very grateful to Governor Ducey’s support of my ongoing efforts as Recorder to improve vote-by-mail, voter registration, and public document recording for Maricopa County.

And, as always, I’m grateful to you all for the opportunity to be in this role.


When I moved to Arizona at the end of 2015, the state had the best brand of Republican politics in the country. Principled conservatives of character and competence.

Our then-governor, Governor Doug Ducey, of course played a large role…

— Stephen Richer—MaricopaCountyRecorder (prsnl acct) (@stephen_richer) May 30, 2024

The post JUST IN: Former RINO AZ Governor Doug Ducey Endorses Maricopa County Election Official Stephen Richer for Reelection appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.