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Surprise: Globalist Bigwigs Endorse Harris

Surprise: Globalist Bigwigs Endorse Harris

Surprise: Globalist Bigwigs Endorse Harris September 7, 2024 Mark Cuban The political realignment is now complete. According to a Breitbart report, eighty-eight big business leaders, including Reid Hoffman and Mark Cuban, signed a letter endorsing Kamala Harris....

Another One! Earthquake Rattles Southern California

Another One! Earthquake Rattles Southern California

Another One! Earthquake Rattles Southern California September 7, 2024 Southern California was struck by a magnitude 4.0 earthquake on Saturday morning. Good morning Southern California! Did you feel the magnitude 3.9 quake about 3 miles southeast of Ontario at 10:34...

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American ideals are under attack every day in this country. We exist to help spread awareness of and adherence to the founding ideals of America. Patriots everywhere are under fire. If you choose this path, you will be under fire too. Like our Forefathers before us, we understand the risk and know what’s at stake. Join us. Follow for America First Patriot Content and Commentary.

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(None of our posts should be construed to instigate or condone violence of any kind—all potential instances are mere rhetorical metaphor/hyperbole. We strictly believe education and peaceful noncompliance are the only real grassroots solution to America’s problems.) 



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